MAY 12, 1999

[Music Plays]

Ryan: So, you want me to sign something?
Gillian: Excuse me?
Ryan: I mean, you want to getthe paperwork started—for the divorce.
Gillian: Oh.No, no.That’s not what I came here.I --
Ryan: Gillian?You ok?
Gillian: Yeah.No, no.Whoa! Those margaritas were so good last night.
Ryan: Yeah, you—you seemed to enjoy them.
Gillian: How do people do it?
Ryan: How do people do what—drink margaritas or drink too many of them?
Gillian: Either. No, both. Both.
Ryan: Who wants to stop having fun?
Gillian: Did you have fun?
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, everybody did, right? It was a hit. It was a hit. You seemed to dance up a storm with Jake.
Gillian: Um— I meant after that.
Ryan: Oh. Yeah, Jake got beeped to the hospital, and I— I took you home.
Gillian: And then?
Ryan: And then I— I helped you with your clothes.
Gillian: No big deal, right?
Ryan: Right.
Gillian: Well, thank you for helping me.
Ryan: It’s ok. I wanted to. I mean, I was glad to. Uh—what I mean is that you didn’t have to come all the way down here just to hand them to me.
Gillian: Oh, no. I didn’t. I came about our future.
Ryan: Ah, the papers. Gillian: No, no. No, not the papers— the paper. Ryan, we are so lucky. This is like winning the lottery.

Brooke: Jamie, have a good day. And listen—do not give your lunch away.
Tad: Yeah, unless you trade it for something really primo.
Brooke: He’s kidding.
Tad: No, I’m not.
Brooke: He’s kidding.
Tad: I’m just kidding, Jamie. Go on. Have a good day. Drive carefully.
Brooke: Bye, sweetie. Did you get it?
Tad: Right there.
Brooke: Oh, look!
Tad: It’s beautiful.
Brooke: Oh!
Tad: “To Colby and her mom, you are officially welcomed to the Martin clan. Best wishes, welcome aboard.” It’s signed by all the Martins, including Jamie as of 10 minutes ago.
Brooke: Oh. Jamie is so excited to have another cousin. You have no idea.
Tad: Tell me about it. You know, he actually wanted a rundown on her stats and everything.
Brooke: How is Liza? I heard it was sort of a complicated delivery.
Tad: No, she’s ok. They both are. Unless, of course, they’ve been buried by now under an avalanche of cards, balloons, toys, dolls, stuffed animals. I swear, they got everything in that hospital room except elephants and trapeze artists.
v Brooke: If you can’t have elephants in your room when you have a baby, what is the point?
Tad: Well, I certainly hope the baby survives being “oohed” and “aahed” over by the entire Martin clan.
Brooke: It’s pretty intense?
Tad: Oh, you should see Jake.
Brooke: Well, he has to be bursting with pride.
Tad: Along with Mom and Dad.
Brooke: I’m telling you, your parents are the best grandparents I could imagine for a child. Colby is very lucky.
Tad: Yeah, well, like I said, she’s still got to get through all of her new relatives spoiling and looking out for her.
Brooke: She’ll make it through, I’m sure.
Listen, I—I have to get going, so do me a favor. Give Liza my very, very best wishes, ok?
Tad: Will do.
Brooke: I do have to go.
Tad: Before you do, could you give me a minute?
Brooke: Sure. What do you need?
Tad: Help with a kidnapping.

Adam: What the hell are you doing here?
Vanessa: Good morning to you, too, Adam.
Adam: Why are you in Erica’s house?
Vanessa: I’m staying here, remember? Our little chat at the Valley Inn, when you tried to extract compromising information about my son, David. Now you’re here pounding at Erica’s door. What’s going on, Adam? Anything a mother should know?
Adam: Oh, no, no. It’s nothing, nothing. Nothing at all. Erica? It’s Adam. Would you mind bringing her down? I need to talk to her—alone.
Vanessa: You really should calm down, Adam.
Adam: Will you tell Erica I’m here, please?
Vanessa: You know, people who’ve had vascular problems really shouldn’t get so worked up.
Adam: There’s nothing wrong with my health.
Vanessa: All right. Good thing, good thing, because I’m sure your newborn baby and your wife-to-be are looking forward to a nice, long run with you. So how about a nice cup of soothing herbal tea?
Adam: Are you going to get Erica for me or not?
Vanessa: Well, I would like nothing better than to help you out, my dear, but Erica isn’t here.
Adam: Where is she?
Vanessa: Well, I don’t really know. She left early this morning.
Adam: She left for where? Where did she go?
Vanessa: Honestly, do I look like a personal, private sec— never mind. In your mood, I don’t want you answering it. I told you, she left early this morning. I can tell you, however, she was in a very serious mood. Adam, what is it? You all right? Oh, dear. Water. I’ll get you some water. Sit down.
Adam: What is this in the newspaper? At Hayley and Mateo’s club? Vanessa:The S..O.S. Club? You know, they were attacking her with cameras and lights. Those people are seriously out of control, you know. It’s like watching a pack of barracudas surround a mound of steak tartare or something. And then those obnoxious people with all those questions and pawing. I mean, had I been Erica, I would have fallen apart right then and there on the spot. It was horrible, Adam. It was just horrible. What is wrong, Adam?
Adam: Well, what could be wrong?
Vanessa: Well, I don’t know. You come yelling in here for Erica. When I tell you she’s not here, you practically faint. I— I know she’s very fond of you, I mean, even though the two of you’ve had your difficulties. You were married once—well, actually, you two were married twice, weren’t you?
Adam: Please be quiet. I’m trying to think
. Vanessa: Ok. It’s just that I thought perhaps I could help, put in a good word for you, you know. Erica and I have become close.
Adam: Tell her to call me.
Erica: Hello, Adam.
Adam: Where were you?
Erica: Well, not that it’s any of your business, but I went to visit my mother’s grave. I bring her flowers. I bring fresh flowers and I take away the old ones.
Adam: You always were the devoted daughter.
Erica: Oh, I’d hold the sarcasm if I were you, Adam. Vanessa, will you do me a favor?
Vanessa: Of course I will, dear. You just name it.
Erica: Will you excuse us, please? Well, actually, would you just drop this off at enchantment? Just drop it off.
Vanessa: Really? But, Erica, you remember the last time in your office what you said --
Erica: Yes, and you were so eager to help me.
Vanessa: Yes, and I’d be very happy to, right.
Erica: Oh, good, I’d appreciate it.
Vanessa: My pleasure.
Erica: Uh-huh. Well, I will be right along, right after I settle things with Adam.
Vanessa: Well, listen, I hope you do survive your little tete-a-tete with this madman because I thought he was really going to catapult himself out into space when he came looking for you, dear.
Erica: Nothing for you to worry about. I’ll handle him. I’ll keep him earthbound.
Vanessa: Oh. Good luck, dear.
Adam: You were at Mona’s grave? Why?
Erica: Why? Because I miss my mother and I go there quite often. Toda I went there because I was actually seeking some advice.
Adam: You never took her advice when she was alive.
Erica: Maybe I’m wiser now.
Adam: Well, maybe because you know it’s safer now. She can’t talk back. Sorry.
Erica: You better be.
Adam: Erica, I can’t stand this anymore. Come on. Is my life over?
Erica: How dramatic.
Adam: If I lose Liza, I might as well be dead. So please, tell me, are Liza and I ruined?

David: Breaking in a new intern?
Jake: Hmm, hmm. No, this exalted creature is the first in a long line of gifts for Colby. That, you can count on.
David: Oh, I’m sure there are no doubts in that department.
Jake: Well, I was going to get her a big panda, but I just thought the doll might be a little bit more fun. What do you think?
David: Oh, that’s a toughie. If you ask me about angiocardiography or myocardial shunts, I might hazard an opinion. But gifts for little girls? Not exactly my field.
Jake: Yeah, well, neither is obstetrics, but you did a hell of a job delivering Colby. Again, I’m—I’m thankful you were there.
David: I’m glad I was there, too.
Jake: There’s a few other people that are glad, including Colby.
David: Adam helped. Liza was superb.
Jake: Yeah, I know, but you held everything together. Look, I know we’ve had our differences, to say the least, in the past, and I don’t expect them to just disappear. But considering the circumstances, I do owe you a lot.
David: I suspect little Colby was going to have her way no matter what, Jake. She’s a very determined little girl.
Jake: Hmm.
Well, thank you again.
David: It was an honor. She’s a beautiful baby.
Jake: That she is.
David: And I guess she’s doing well this morning?
Jake: She’s doing perfect.
David: And the mother? No complications?
Jake: Everybody’s doing great.
David: Good.
Jake: Except for this— I don’t know about this. Maybe it’s too big or too scary. I mean, should I get something smaller?
David: You know, Jake, I think the doll is perfect.
Jake: Well, the doll it is.
David: Good.
Jake: All right.
David: Enjoy the ride while you can, daddy.

Brooke: You want me to help you kidnap someone?
Tad: Si.
Brooke: And who is the lucky victim?
Tad: Victims, plural. It’s an entire family.
Brooke: Ohhh!
Tad: Oh! Piece of cake. No, seriously—look, I know that up to this point, Dixie’s been a really good sport about our New York honeymoon, you know, with me going on about heart-shaped tubs and romantic walks through Central Park. But I know in her heart of hearts what she really wants is a family vacation— you know, with, like, ghosts stories around a campfire, stuff like that.
Brooke: You’re going to take the whole family on your honeymoon?
Tad: No. I’m going to take them on a trip after the honeymoon. Unless, of course, you got plans for Jamie, you know, at the start of summer vacation.
Brooke: Oh, no, I haven’t. Oh. He’s going to be beside himself thinking about a vacation with Junior and you and Dixie.
Tad: [German accent] precisely! This is where the kidnapping comes in. [Normal voice] see, I don’t want Jamie to know bubkes about this thing, nothing. Nothing. And not Dixie or Jamie, either.
Brooke: Oh. You want to keep this a surprise.
Tad: Yes.
Brooke: Uh-huh.
Tad: Yes, I do.
Brooke: Yes. Yes. Well, you can just dream on, because keeping a surprise from those two little boys, not to mention your very smart Dixie Cooney, ha-ha.
Tad: We’re talking about theTadmeister here.
Brooke: Well, don’t forget your highly trained operative, volunteering for duty.
Tad: So you’ll do it.
Brooke: Will I do it? Of course I will do it. Dixie Martin is a very lucky woman.
Tad: The way I see it, we only got a few years on this rock. We might as well make the most of them. You’re not going to cry on me, are you?
Brooke: Oh, no. I forgot about that allergy I have to salt water.
Tad: Well, you should have been at the hospital. Between Liza, my mother, Dixie, my father, Jake, I’m lucky I’m still standing.
Brooke: Were you able to get through the crowd?
Tad: I made a formal appearance, kissed the royal toes, and made the appropriate sounds.
Brooke: How is the little she?
Tad: She’s just— she’s beautiful. You know, she’s smart, she’s sassy. She’s perfect.
Brooke: You mean she’s a Martin?
Tad: She’s got good bloodlines. What do you want?
Brooke: Oh, little girls. They’re so adorable.
Tad: Hmm.
Brooke: Well, how is Liza with all this fuss?
Tad: I’ve never seen her happier.
Brooke: Yeah? I think it’s what she needed.
Tad: Well, coming from you, that’s high praise, indeed. I’m shocked.
Brooke: No, someone to love.
Tad: Right back at you.
Brooke: Listen, you know, when I want help with my love life, I’m not going to ask you, ok? Let’s get cracking, you know? You want this kidnapping scheme to get started. Come on. Walk me out, all right?
Tad: Ok, ok, ok. [German accent] I love it when you give me orders.
Brooke: I know you do.
Tad: Do that thing with the leash. Make me bark like a dog. Brooke: [German accent] come along, all right? Now.
Tad: [Normal voice] Quick, into the car.
Brooke: [Normal voice] get the paper.

Gillian: See? Yeah, right here—“one yellow-green waterproof pouch found in pine valley lake. Owner must identify contents to claim it.”
Ryan: What does a waterlogged pouch have to do with us?
Gillian: Ryan, this is not just any pouch. It’s the one David Hayward gave to us. Remember? With $100,000 in it? You got mad, you threw it down the hall in the ice. Spring came, the ice melted, somebody found it, and now we have to claim it.
Ryan: You’re kidding.
Gillian: Uh—I need something to write so that we can answer this.
Ryan: No. No, we are not going to answer this.
Gillian: Yeah, Ryan, we have to. We’re going to be rich!
Ryan: We are not going to answer this, Gillian. No way.
Gillian: Ryan, this is our money.
Ryan: No, it’s not. It’s David Hayward’s money.
Gillian: He gave it to us. Don’t you remember?
Ryan: How could I forget?
Gillian: And you know, besides, David got more money than he can ever use.
Ryan: That’s not the point, Gillian.
Gillian: Then what is the point?
Ryan: The point is I don’t want David Hayward’s money.
Gillian: Why not?
Ryan: Don’t you get it?
Gillian: Yeah, I get that we’re broke and we desperately need money.
Ryan: Well, then we’ll work for it.
Gillian: Ryan, we both deserve this money, and we can split it -- 50,000 to you, 50,000 to me.
Ryan: No.
Gillian: Come on,
Ryan, David would never read the personal ads. He would never know that claimed it.
Ryan: Will you forget it?
Gillian: We—we can open a business. We can -we can move to another country.
Ryan: Gillian, I do not want to take Hayward’s money.
Gillian: Why?
Ryan: Because— because Hayward tried to hurt us with that money, Gillian. We wouldn’t have been caught if he hadn’t ratted on us.
Gillian: But that’s exactly why we should take this money, because we deserved it. He humiliated me. He betrayed you. And if I could take every penny David Hayward has, I would.
Ryan: Fine, take it. Just leave me out of it.
Gillian: But we both deserve it. We should both have it.
Ryan: Gillian, don’t you get it? That money is poison like everything else he touches.
Gillian: Including me.

Vanessa: David, darling, I am so proud of you.
David: I’ll try to contain my joy.
Vanessa: Oh. Surely it’s too early in the morning to be so snide, isn’t it? David, I really am proud of you, dear. I mean, delivering a baby in primitive circumstances like that and with the complications— you are simply brilliant.
David: What do you want, Vanessa?
Vanessa: Only to congratulate you.
David: You really do suck up every scrap of news and gossip you can find, don’t you?
Vanessa: My, my, aren’t we in a foul mood this morning? Whatever could’ve caused that?
David: Perhaps it was the picture I saw on the front page of “The Sun” this morning.
Vanessa: Well, I’m surprised you even managed to pick up that newspaper.
David: When I see one of my patients’ faces plastered on the front page, I look.
Vanessa: And which exact patient was that of yours, dear?
David: As if you didn’t know. Erica Kane was attending the opening of that new salsa club last night now, who could’ve encouraged her to do that?
Vanessa: Hmm. Are you accusing me of something?
David: The camera doesn’t lie, Vanessa. The frightened and distraught Erica was standing right next to her very new best friend.
Vanessa: Well, darling, then, was it a flattering picture?
David: You’re disgusting.
Vanessa: You know, I really get tired of you talking to me that way, David.
David: You know, when I saw Erica last night, she was sitting on a park bench, disoriented and disturbed.
Vanessa: I am sorry to hear that.
David: Are you really? I would have expected that’s exactly what you were hoping for when you arranged for her media ambush.
Vanessa: I had nothing to do with what happened to Erica.
David: Oh, come on, I’m not stupid.
Vanessa: Well, neither am I! Now, why would I go out of my way to embarrass and humiliate a friend of mine, especially—I’m her houseguest for heaven’s sakes, David. Why would I bite the hand that feeds me?
David: Well, that’s a very good question. I’ll be sure to ask my father when I see him in the afterlife.
Vanessa: You never have had your own friends, have you, David? So I suppose it’s impossible for you to understood what Erica and I share.
David: I have to see some patients.
Vanessa: Oh, you don’t want to hear the juicy little gossip swirling around about you this morning, huh?
David: What are you talking about?
Vanessa: And who would guess? Juicy little stuff is all coming from who else, Adam Chandler.

Erica: If Liza leaves you, Adam, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Adam: You told her.
Erica: No, I didn’t.
Adam: Oh, thank God.
Erica: But I still might.
Adam: No, Erica, please don’t.
Erica: Adam, the woman carried your baby for nine months. I mean, she has a right to know the truth.
Adam: What part of the truth are you referring to?
Erica: About the monster who impregnated her without her knowledge, and I don’t understand this, Adam. You say you love her.
Adam: I do, more than my life.
Erica: Then how could you do this to her?
Adam: I know what I did was wrong, and I know there’s nothing I can say to justify it. But would you just let me try to explain it?
Erica: Adam, there is no way that you can justify it.
Adam: I didn’t sleep at all last night, either, Erica. I’m human. I made an all-too-human error, and now I am aced with spending the rest of my life without the things I value most in this world. Can you imagine what Liza will say when I tell her?
Erica: Yes, I think I can.
Adam: You think I want that? But I don’t want Jake Martin barging into my home and claiming my daughter. Of course I’m going to tell her, when the time is right. And I’m praying to every God in heaven that she will understand.
Erica: Well, good luck.
Adam: I was a desperate man that night in the fertility clinic.
Erica: You mean when you switched Jake’s donor sperm for yours. Yeah, I’d say that’s a desperate act.
Adam: I thought I had no choice. I—I love her.
Erica: It always comes down to that with you, doesn’t it—love? You say you love. You say you love Junior, so you gaslight Dixie. You say you love Hayley.
Adam: All right, all right. I overstep. But things are different now. Ask Marian, she’ll tell you. I’ve changed.
Erica: Marian? No, I would like to ask Liza— let’s ask Liza if she thinks that love gave you the right to invade her body without her knowledge, without her consent.
Adam: All right, I’ve admitted I was wrong. I was wrong. But could you just please try to see it from my point of view for a moment. Liza and I had been through a painful divorce, which never taken place. She couldn’t look at me without wanting to kill me, and yet, she still loved me And I knew if she had Jake’ child that I would lose her forever, and I couldn’t let that happen. So I bought the clinic and exchanged the samples. I know it was wrong, I know it was desperate but I couldn’t let Liza slip out of my life forever.
Erica: So you’re telling me that you invaded her body because you know best?
Adam: Yes. And it worked. She loves me now. She’s happy now. She says she wishes the baby were mine now. We can go ahead and get remarried. We can have a fantastic life if David Hayward can be stopped from destroying everything.
Erica: Oh, Adam, David Hayward came to the ball very late. You’re the one who got it all in motion.
Adam: I don’t deserve all the blame here. If in time I can have a chance to tell Liza lovingly and gently the truth, then I think she will understand.
Erica: You really think that? You really think that she’s just going to understand and forgive you and you two can go on to live happily ever after?
Adam: Yes, I do. If Hayward can be stopped, yes, because I did what I did out of love. Hayward’s doing what he’s doing out of pure malevolence, Erica.
Erica: And does that really matter?
Adam: Yes, of course it matters. Hayward isn’t burning to tell the truth. He’s consumed with a need to hurt, and he’s going to tell Liza in the most painful, humiliating way he possibly can think of doing it. And I will not allow that to happen. And I need your help to stop him.
Erica: No. Adam, I told you that I do not want to join forces with you.
Adam: Erica— after what we’ve been to each other?
Erica: “After what we’ve been to each other”? Oh, Adam, just for that, I ought to kill u on the spot.
Erica: You’re unbelievable. You create an ethical nightmare and then all you can think about is you? What about Liza? What about your innocent baby girl? And for that matter, what about even Jake and his side of the family?
Adam: They’ll understand. I’ll explain it to them.

[Doorbell rings]

Adam: I—who’s that?
Erica: Well, I guess someone who wants to see me, Adam. This is my house, remember? You just invaded it for a moment.
Erica: Brooke! Well, yet another surprise visit.
Brooke: Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t call. I just—I just dropped by. I wanted to make sure you were ok after what happened at the club last night. I never would have recommended that you go, really, if I knew it was going to be such an ordeal and— obviously, I’m interrupting, so --
Adam: Well, as a matter of fact, you are.
Erica: No, you’re not. I think you should join the discussion. Come in.
Adam: Erica, I don’t think that’s a very good idea.
Erica: Oh, I think it’s a great idea. I mean, Brooke’s a member of the club, after all—former wives of Adam Chandler.
Brooke: Oh, I really think I should go.
Erica: No, I think you should stay. You know Adam. You know all about his power games. You know about his need to control, his need to manipulate.
Brooke: Um, let me count the ways.
Erica: Ah. I think we should write a book about that phenomenon.
Brooke: Oh, I think it’s been written. So, Adam, why aren’t you at the hospital with Liza and the new baby instead of tripping down memory lane with Erica?
Erica: Well, see, what a good question. Adam, don’t you think we should answer that for Brooke? I think we should. I think we definitely should. I think you’ll feel better. You’ll get it off your chest. Should we tell her why you’re here and not there? I mean, Brooke knows you so well. She’d understand all the nuances. She’d understand all the ironies.
Adam: Hmm.

Vanessa: Why is it I always have to shock you into listening to me, David? Never mind. It always works, doesn’t it?
David: Well, it’s not going to work for long, so get to the point.
Vanessa you know, I don’t really think you appreciate the effort I put in to looking out for you, dear.
David: What did you hear about me, Vanessa?
Vanessa: I only stopped by on my way to enchantment to let you know that something strange happened this morning.
David: Hmm. A skull popped out of your cereal?
Vanessa: Adam Chandler came barking at Erica’s door like some madman, demanding to see her, but shouting your name, dear.
David: My name?
Vanessa: Yeah.
David: Hmm. Was he having a heart attack?
Vanessa: Don’t you wish. No, he seemed very fit, but very agitated.
David: Really?
Vanessa: Hmm.
David: Agitated about what?
Vanessa: I asked him, but he clammed up.
David: So he said nothing?
Vanessa: Nothing. But then I got to thinking. Remember when I told you he had invited me to the valley inn for drinks, but ended up pumping me for information about you?
David: Yes, of course I remember. It was just a few days ago. Go ahead.
Vanessa: Mommy was loyal and true and said nothing, and I said nothing again this morning.
David: What’s your point?
Vanessa: You have obviously agitated the man, and he’s obviously homicidal—has homicidal impulses towards you, my dear. And why, dear?
David: I told you this when I was 18, and I obviously have to say this to you again—stay out of my life. Stay out of my business.
Vanessa: David! All right. What’s going on between you and Adam may be none of my business, but apparently it is Erica’s, because she made up some flimsy excuse to get rid of me. But it’s obvious and it’s clear that they were going to discuss you, dear. Now, what was that all about?
David: Erica’s with Adam right now?
Vanessa: As far as I know, yes.

Ryan: I didn’t mean you, Gillian. You’re not poison, the money is.
Gillian: But it reminds you of me, of what I did.
Ryan: No, Gillian, no. This is about David Hayward. And this is about my brother and the smell of that jail cell and the years of my life that I almost lost. That’s what this money reminds me of, and I don’t want to go there, Gillian, not for all the money in the world.
Gillian: I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.
Ryan: It’s ok.
Gillian: I never should have come here.You must hate me.
Ryan: I don’t hate you, Gillian. I don’t. Just the opposite. Nothing you could do could make me hate you.
Gillian: But that’s not enough for us, is it? We still have to live our own separate lives. Well, at least we figured that out, didn’t we?
Ryan: Yeah. I guess that’s—that’s something.
Gillian: And now we won’t have to keep hurting each other.
Ryan: Yeah.

Tad: Hey.
Jake: Hey.
Tad: Where’s Mom and the baby?
Jake: Strolling the halls with proud grandma Ruth.
Tad: Oh. Whoo. Man.
Jake: What?
Tad: Oh, you think it’s big enough?
Jake: That’s what I—I— is it too big?
Tad: Nah. What the hell. God forbid we should lose any ground to the Chandler frog.
Jake: You’re right. This is going to be interesting.
Tad: What? The wrestling match for your daughter’s affection?
Jake: Well, it’s not like I don’t want him to love her. I want her to have all the affection and love and devotion that she can get.
Tad: Yeah, well, that’s very generous of you. But don’t kid yourself. It wouldn’t hurt to exercise a little caution with a guy like Adam Chandler waiting around in the wings.
Jake: I know. I won’t let him buy her a country or a continent or anything.
Tad: Well, that’s a beginning.
Jake: No weird head trips.
Tad: That’s the tricky part.
Jake: I just kind of resigned myself to the fact that I’m going to be in battle mode until she’s in college. I can do it.
Tad: That’s the Martin way.
Jake: What?
Tad: So tell me—what’s it like having a daughter?
Jake: I’ve been in love before, but this is something else.
Tad: She’s going to be a heartbreaker, huh?
Jake: Probably. But, uh, never felt like this. I didn’t think I was going to feel like this.
Tad: Hey, you know something?
Jake: What?
Tad: You’re going to be a good dad.
Jake: I think so, too. And if I can teach her half the things that Mom and Dad taught us, she’ll be in pretty good shape.
Tad: Oh, don’t kid yourself. With your heart, Liza’s looks— watch out, world.
Jake: Watch out, Adam Chandler. It’s going to be a huge security job protecting her from the love he’s got to throw around.

Brooke: Please spare me any more Adam exploits. Do me a favor, Adam— if you see Liza and Jake this morning, would you give them my best wishes and tell them I hope to see their little bundle of joy before the day is out?
Adam: Yes, I will.
Brooke: And I really am sorry about the commotion last night.
Erica: Well, that was the least of my problems.
Brooke: Well, you’re a trouper, you know?
Erica: Yes, I am, and I’ll go back. And thank you for stopping by, Brooke.
Brooke: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Well, Erica, you’ve held my feet to the fire. Now what?
Erica: Make the fire a little hotter?
Adam: No. Help me get Hayward. What he did to you was a crime.
Erica: And look what you’ve done to Liza.
Adam: I didn’t make her life a living hell like Hayward did to you. Erica Kane has always been the star of every public function. Last night, the—the press harassed you.
Erica: Well, I don’t think that’s going to last forever.
Adam: Well, I hope not. And I hope, honestly hope and pray, that you find a doctor that’ll make you look as beautiful as you always have looked. But that doesn’t deter from the fact that Hayward tried to ruin your life. Don’t you want to get even with him?
Erica: Get even with him? I want to kill him.

Myrtle: Oh. Writing home
Gillian: No, I don’t have a home anymore, Mrs. Fargate.
Myrtle: Oh, darling, you have got family in Hungary, don’t you?
Gillian: Not anybody who’d want to hear from me. I don’t have a home anywhere, not without Ryan.
Myrtle: Oh, now, I am not going to let you say a thing like that. You have a home here anytime you want.
Gillian: Oh, thank you, Mrs. Fargate.
Myrtle: I know what you mean by Ryan. It’s not the same without him around, is it?
Gillian: No. It just feels like my life is over
Myrtle: Oh, darling, your life is not over, not by a long, long shot.
Gillian: I know. That’s how I feel.
Myrtle: Darling, you’re going through a bleak time.
Gillian: Is that the same as black?
Myrtle: No, it means you’re going through a rough time. And it’s not easy. I mean, do you feel as if somebody just kicked your heart out?
Gillian: Yeah, that’s how I feel.
Myrtle: But you know what? Life’s got a funny way of making things easy in other ways. And life is full of wonderful things, you know.
Gillian: No, not for me.
Myrtle: Hey, darling, look— I know, all you can think about is that you have lost something that is precious to you. Well, who knows, maybe something or some man may turn up and fill in the empty space.
Gillian: Nobody can ever take Ryan’s place, Mrs. Fargate.
Myrtle: You never know what’s around the corner. Just take care of your mascara.
Gillian: What do you mean?
Myrtle: Keep your mascara until something happens. That’s what it means, darling. And if you’re hurry, you know where everything is, ok?
Gillian: Thank you.
Myrtle: All right.
Gillian: Thank you.
Myrtle: Bye-bye.
Gillian: I’m the owner of the yellow-green waterproof pouch. And inside, there was $100,000 in cash. Is that the one you found?
Gillian’s voice: I had no choice! You were in jail on assault and I had to get you out, and I had no one to turn to! Hayley wouldn’t talk to me, Dimitri was nowhere, and Edmund was against us, so I had no one! Do you understand? I had no one, so I went to David and I asked him—no, I begged him—to help us. It wasn’t my idea. It was his. I didn’t want to, Ryan, but he wouldn’t give me the money unless—unless I— unless I agreed.
Ryan: So you slept with him?
Gillian: Yes.
Gillian: Here. Just take the money, because you’re going to need it.
Ryan: What would that make me, your pimp?
Gillian: I’ve made a mistake! But I was only trying to help you because I love you! I would never hurt somebody deliberately!

Adam: I’d like to get Hayward out of our hair permanently as much as you, but homicide is not an option at this moment.
Erica: You’re afraid to get your hands dirty? Not me.
Adam: No, no, no. No, Erica, he’s booby-trapped. If he dies, thanks to his lawyers and who knows who else, Liza will learn the truth and I will be destroyed.
Erica: Yes, I know. You told me that. But that sounds perfect to me. David Hayward’s dead and you’re destroyed. What’s wrong with that?
Adam: You’d spend the rest of your life in jail.
Erica: That is a small price to pay.
Adam: I don’t think you mean that. Erica: You just don’t want Liza to know the truth.
Adam: Oh, you’re right, absolutely right. I don’t want her to know the truth under these circumstances. Erica, you and I have always teamed up well. Together, we can stop Hayward.
Erica: You and I have never teamed up well. And I told you, I don’t want to hurt David Hayward on your account. I want to get my revenge and pay him back because of what he did to me.
Adam: Well, fine. You can get both. You get your revenge, I get him stopped.
Erica: And how would we do that?
Adam: By using the brains god gave us. Hayward will never see us coming.
Erica: Oh, he’s no fool.
Adam: Neither am i. And neither are you. Are you with me?

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