MAY 21, 1999

David: My father took his own life, and my mother was responsible. You don't need to know anything more than that.
Erica: I most certainly do. It's your word against hers, and you're a proven liar. .
David: I loved my father very much. .
Erica: And so did your mother.
David: No. Never. At best, she allowed him to love her. And even that was a concession she wanted him dead, Erica. That's what she wanted, and that's all that ever mattered.
Erica: Oh, no, that sounds just like you. That sounds a lot more like you than the loyal, love-starved little boy. So stop trying to soften me up because you're not getting any sympathy from me and I'm not setting you free.
David: Erica, I'm losing the circulation in my fingers. Just undo the vise..
Erica: No, not yet.
David: Well, how long do you plan on torturing me like this? .
Erica: How long? I want you to know what it's like to have your time and your talent wasted day to day. I want you to hope to be set free. I want you to be here from moment to moment and hope that the pain will stop, knowing that you have no power, no power to stop it. And maybe, maybe then you'll understand what you did to me.
David: But you still have everything to live for, Erica. What happened to you isn't going to last forever.
Erica: You don't know that.
David: I know as long as you're alive, you have hope. My mother took that away from my father.
Erica: You said she killed him.
David: Yes, she did, deliberately and cruelly. .
Erica: Well, you tell me how, David. You tell me everything and you tell me now, or we have nothing more to say to each other.

Vanessa: Erica? It's me, Vanessa. I'm back from enchantment. Where are you? The car's in the garage. Must be here someplace. Erica?

["Wedding march" plays]

Minister: We ask family and friends to witness the joining of this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Dixie and Tad are about to make promises that will create and sustain their marriage and deepen the love they've found. As they move through life together, they'll test the strength of that love many times. In those moments, may they remember the joy and certainty that's in their hearts today. May the love and faith you feel at this moment continue to grow for as long as you both may live.
Opal: That blasted Palmer didn't show.
Ruth: Come on, it's OK. Minister: Dixie and Tad have written their own vows. And they will exchange them now.

Minister: Tad? Vows?
Tad: Oh, is it time? I'm sorry. You're up.
Dixie: Oh, I go first. Ok. Well -- I thank you all so much for coming. You-all look so wonderful, you really do, and we're just hat of us so very happy that you could all be here today because, you know, without all of you, none of us would know anything about love at all.
Tad: The vows.
Dixie: The vows.
Tad: The vows.
Dixie: Ok. Calm down.
Tad: Vows, vows --
Dixie: Ahem. All right, OK. A friend of mine once read to me a lovely poem by John Donne, and it began, "no man is an island." Now, I think that -- I choose to think that he meant no man, no woman, or child, either. Help me.

Tad: What she's trying to say is that we're all connected, all of us. Really. And that what we're doing here today doesn't just affect me and Dixie. It affects all of the people that we love -- our friends and family alike, namely, you-all.
Dixie: Right, right. We're like so many families, you know, these days -- you know, relationships that overlap. Our children inherit new siblings and we get new in-laws, cousins, ex-husbands, ex-wives. Tad: And we all have to live together.
Dixie: For better or for worse. So that's why we have decided to include all of you in our vows.
[Congregation buzzes]
Tad: Speaking for myself, I can honestly say that I've made every mistake that a man can make.


Dixie: You? No.
Tad: By the way, I will fix the lawn, dad. I promise.

Dixie: Nice.
Tad: You always wanted lakefront. We all know that I have a tendency to do what I think and feel is right, even when wiser men and women tell me I'm off base.
Liza: I can't believe he admitted it. David Hayward must have put truth serum in his coffee.
Tad: I think it's a good idea to promise that I'll be sensible if we ever have a problem.
Dixie: If we have a problem?
Tad: When we have a problem --


Tad: I will be sensible. I won't try to solve it all by myself. I will ask you, many of you -- except for you, Jackson -- for advice.
Dixie: Right. And that goes for me, too. I've had a lot of big ideas in my day. Many of them have been real doozies. So, will you help us and stand by us?
Congregation: We will. We will.
Tad: Even when we're totally wrong about almost everything?
Congregation: We will!
Dixie: Thank you.
Tad: Ok, good.
Dixie: Thank you so much. All right, you.
Dixie: Well, it's -- it's easy for me to promise to always love and cherish you. I have always loved you and I always will. But we have to remember to agree that in good times and bad, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, that we will always remember to make our decisions with the best interests of our kids in mind.
Tad: We will.
Dixie: We will.
Tad: I promise.
Dixie: Good.
Tad: Give me a hug. Dixie: She's falling apart. Thank you. Ok.
Tad: We've been here before.
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: Knowing we were as right for each other as two people possibly can be. You're already a part of me, and you always will be. All this does is make it official. But there is a difference because this time, I promise you -- I won't be perfect.

[Dixie laughs]

Tad: But I will be honest. I promise you that I'm in it for the long haul, no matter what. And I promise you that nothing will ever separate us again.
Dixie: That's good, because I couldn't bear to lose you again.
Tad: You won't.
Dixie: Oh, good, because I love you, Tad. I always have, even when I hated you. Even when I wanted to kill you because I couldn't understand your stupid reasons for trying to do the right thing. I just -- I always knew that you were the man for me. So, I mean, I remember that time that you put on that chicken suit, and I knew it then and I know it now. I know even better now. So I promise you that I will always stand by you, that I will be your best friend. And I will promise you that no matter what, I will never do anything to hurt you or that beautiful art of yours and all the love that it holds.
Minister: Well, who gives this couple in marriage?

Congregation: We do!


Minister: May we have the rings, please?
Tad: Let me have it, sport. There we go.
Minister: Tad, take the ring, place it on Dixie's finger, and repeat after --
Tad: I -- I think I can take it from here. I, Thaddeus Martin, take you, Dixie Cooney, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to be my lawful wedded wife until death do us part. Your turn.
Dixie: Oh. Ok. Give me that. What are you doing? Snap out of it. Ok. I, Dixie Cooney, take thee, Thaddeus Martin, to be my -- for better or for worse -- I should know this -- for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to be my lawful wedded husband, so long as we both shall live.
Minister: Let these rings be a symbol of your unending faithfulness and love.
Tad: Amen.
Dixie: Amen.

Congregation: Amen!

[Cheers and whistles]

Minister: And now, by the authority vested in me by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I pronounce you husband and wife. And you may seal it with a kiss.

Congregation: Whoooo!

Erica: You've made some very serious accusations, David. I want to know what happened.
David: Why? So you can have something else to hold over me? This isn't enough, crippling me, imprisoning me? You want to humiliate me further?
Erica: Oh, isn't this just like you? This is not about you. You will just do anything to twist things around to suit your purposes. Your father committed suicide and it's your mother's fault. Did you think that because you had a troubled childhood that that would excuse the pain I feel and that you're the reason for it?
David: I was hoping that you would stop listening to my mother and trusting her.
Erica: Like I trusted you? I trusted you when I sat in the passenger's seat next to you and you risked my life by driving like a maniac through that blizzard!
David: Oh, you want to blame me for the blizzard, too?
Erica: No, of course not. But you set things in motion, and then you decide that whatever happens is not your fault. You don't even know what the truth is, and that's why you need to -- ah!
David: Ow! You can't do this to me, Erica!
Erica: That's all you wanted, isn't it? You just wanted to get away. Well, you can forget about it because there is no escape for you.
David: What happens when I get out of here? I could go to the police!
Erica: Oh, you think I care about that? No, all I want is justice. So you take responsibility for what you've done, and then we'll talk.

Gillian: The cake? The cake's ready? Do you guys want to go get started on the cake? Huh?
Ryan: Hey, Scott! Man, how you doing? I thought you were in California.
Scott: I got back last night. Ryan: Good. Good. You going to stick around?
Scott: If I can pull a project together. How you doing, man?
My dad told me you've been having a tough couple of months.
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, but everything's good. Everything's really good now. I got a good gig with Hayley and Mateo. Everything's cool. It's all working out.
Scott: Yeah, you said it. I talked to Gillian last night.

Liza: Sorry. Excuse me. Congratulations!
Tad: Hey, baby.
Liza: Oh, I'm so happy for you. So, you're happy.
Tad: Yes.
Liza: And I'm happy.
Tad: Yes.
Liza: What's wrong with this picture?
Tad: Us. We're not used to happy endings. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Liza: Well, it did. It's on your mother's front lawn.

Dixie: Well, I guess that your wedding will be coming up soon.
Adam: Hope so. And I hope I can make Junior as proud of me as you did today. One thing I should say -- that with the possible exception of baby Colby and Liza, you are the most beautiful woman in the world today.
Dixie: Oh, well, thank you, Adam. I'm most certainly the happiest.
Adam: Well, I hope you stay that way.
Dixie: Thank you.
Adam: And I hope we can leave all of the hurt and the anger in the past.
Dixie: I would like that very much. But if you ever do anything to hurt Liza or Colby, our deal is off. Ok?
Adam: All right.
Liza: Hey. I'm sorry. We have to go. Colby and the nurse are in the limo and --
Dixie: Oh. You just can't be away from her for a second, can you?
Adam: Not for
a second.
Liza: No. Dixie: Well, that's good.
Liza: Yeah.
Dixie: Well, thank you for coming.
Liza: Oh, thanks for having us. Congratulations.
Adam: Would you mind taking Colby and going on home? I'd like to stay a little while. For Junior's sake.
Liza: Oh. Well, yes, sure. Adam: Just a short time longer.
Liza: Yes. Tell Stuart that mother's coming with me and I'll be waiting.
Adam: I will.
Liza: Ok.

Adam: Dr. Joe, I see David Hayward didn't crash the party did you post guards or what?
Joe: I believe he's away for a few days.
Adam: Oh. The great healer took a vacation?
Joe: Well, his surgery schedule is clear. Anyway, what do you care? You detest the fellow.
Adam: Yes, I do. But Liza thinks we owe him a present for delivering Colby, but Lord knows I can wait. Thanks, Joe.

Jake: Everyone? Quiet up. I'd like to introduce the best hombre of the day for the affair. He's going to do the toast for the lovely bride and groom, so --

All: Aw.

Jake: Go for it.
Jamie: Would you all raise your glasses? To my Dad and Dixie -- may their love grow.
Jake: Like Grandpa Joe and Grandma Ruth.
Jamie: Like Grandpa Joe's and Grandma Ruth's.

All: Hear, hear!

Dixie: Smooch.

Janet: You know, Vanessa Bennett's 48 hours are just about up.
Myrtle: You think she's gone?
Trevor: Why don't you call that secretary they have, Val, and find out what's up?
Janet: Now?
Trevor: Sure. If she's gone, you got something to celebrate, right?
Janet: Ok I will. Val? Yes, it's Janet. Has Vanessa Bennett left the office? She what? What?

Jake: Ok, everybody clear the dance floor. It's time for the lovely rendering of some kind of dance between the two young people.

["Our love is here to stay" plays]

All: Whoo!

Vanessa: Erica? What is going on around here? Well -- oh, dear! Oh, you startled me.
Erica: Well, why that?
Vanessa: Well, I've been calling for you. I've been through the entire house. Didn't you hear me?
Erica: No. No, I didn't.
Vanessa: Are you all right, Erica? I mean, are you in pain? Is your face --
Erica: I'm fine. Why? Do you expect me to have a relapse?
Vanessa: Oh, good heavens, no, no. It's just when you didn't answer, I was naturally concerned.
Erica: Well, don't be. You don't have to be. I mean, you're -- you're my guest. You're not my personal nurse.
Vanessa: Erica, please, I can't help but worry about your progress with all you've suffered and everything. You know, and I do care about you, even if -- even if it's not my job.
Erica: I appreciate that.
Vanessa: Honestly, I don't mean to be a pest.
Erica: No, no. No, it's not that. It's just -- well, I live alone because I'm happiest that way, and I don't want to answer to anyone, you know, no matter how much they care.
Vanessa: Yes, dear, yes, dear. You make that very clear, and I will not bother you -- unless, of course, there is something that I can do, but --
Erica: You know something? As a matter of fact, maybe there is something that you can help me with.
Vanessa: Well, I'd be happy, of course.
Erica: I understand that your late husband committed suicide?
Vanessa: Yes. Yes, it was quite tragic.
Erica: And unexpected.
Vanessa: Excuse me?
Erica: Well, I just wondered what would lead a man to such a desperate act and why he didn't get any help.
Vanessa: I'm sorry. Where is this coming from? Did David say something to you about his father? Because we do know that David likes to create his own version of the truth. But then, you know that firsthand, don't you?
Erica: I was just curious. I mean, there was a man in the prime of his life with a beautiful wife and a child.
Vanessa: Yes, well, I wish I could explain that, but those are the same questions I have asked myself all these years. Oh, my goodness. Erica, look. You've got dirt all over your pant leg.
Erica: I do?
Vanessa: Good heavens, where have you been? My dear, what have you been up to?
Erica: Well, my goodness. This is just a little smudge. This is nothing. I was out in the garage looking for a picnic basket. But you were going to tell me about your husband's death.
Vanessa: Yes, well -- of course there's not a day that doesn't go by that I don't wonder what I could have done to prevent it.
Erica: I'm sorry. I certainly didn't mean to pressure you, Vanessa.
Vanessa: No, no. It's that I've always thought I should have handled it better. You know, David's never been able to accept it, even after all these years, which does make it even more difficult to discuss.
Erica: Well, all right, then. Let's not discuss that. Let's discuss Enchantment. Have you begun the audit yet?
Vanessa: Oh, yes. My CPA, June Reiner, she's going over the books right now, and once she uncovers exactly how Janet Dillon has mismanaged funds, we can notify the proper authorities.
Erica: Well, my goodness. Let's wait for the results before we put the handcuffs on Janet. But you could go down and check on ms. Reiner's progress right now.
Vanessa: Now?
Erica: Yes. Didn't you say she's at Enchantment right now?
Vanessa: Yes, Erica. I am sorry, dear, but you seem so unsettled. Look, if something's bothering you, you don't have to keep it to yourself, dear.
Erica: I am perfectly fine. I simply would like a progress report.
Vanessa: Yes, fine. Fine. Fine. Then you -- you take care, dear.
Erica: All right. Thank you.

[Knock on door]

Erica: Go away, Adam!
Adam: Uh --
Erica: I told you I have said everything to you I have to say.
Adam: Erica, open the door. This is a matter of life and death. I'm not leaving.
Erica: Good grief. I mean, I don't understand you. I have already told you I don't know where David Hayward is.
Adam: Well, that is precisely the problem. Nobody knows where David Hayward is. If he's had an accident, if he's disappeared, then those letters naming me as Colby's father will be in the mail by morning. There goes my future, Liza's happiness -- all of it, gone. I have to find Hayward before those letters land in Liza's hands.

[Music plays]

Scott: So what happened to you and Gillian?
Ryan: Oh -- we just didn't know how to -- we just didn't know how to be married. I mean, it got started all wrong. You know that. You were there. We tried, we really did. We gave it a shot. We even had dreams, you know? The easy kind, the kind that are just right there in front of you. All you got to do is reach out and grab them.
Scott: Why didn't you?
Ryan: I couldn't. I just -- I just --

Opal: All right, come on, everybody. Come on. It's time to cut the cake.
Tad: Ok.
Opal: This is what you've been waiting for.
Tad: [Imitates German accent] and there will be no cake smooshing. Ja, boys?
Dixie: Oh. Tad: I know that Dixie and I intend to take civilized bites.
Dixie: Ah, thank goodness.
Jake: Cut it, cut it.
Dixie: I'm so glad. I thought you would cave in on that.
Tad: [Normal voice] what?
Dixie: You, yes.
Tad: Moi?
Dixie: You.
Tad: Do something cheap and vulgar for a laugh?


Brooke: Never.
Dixie: Yes, you. Ready?
All: Oh!
Jake: Good cut, good cut.
Tad: It's the second one that's the deepest.
All: Yay!
Trevor: Good job. Good job.

[Pager beeps]

Mateo: My mom's paging me. Oh -- come on, answer. Hello? Hey, yeah, it's Mateo. Is everything ok? Yeah, I'm on my way. Ok. Bye-bye.
Hayley: Is it Raquel?
Mateo: I got to go. No, no, it's Max. I got to go.
Hayley: I'm with you. I'm right behind you.

Dixie: Here we go.
Opal: Aw.
Jack: Watch your fingers, watch your fingers.
Jake: Hey, hey. Hey.
Jack: Now, that's dessert.
Brooke: More cake, less kissing. It'll buy me some time.

Erica: Well, why don't you just tell Liza the truth and just throw yourself on her mercy, then?
Adam: Erica, I can't do that, not yet.
Erica: Adam, look, you took a chance, the odds looked like they were in your favor, and then you know what? You lost. So it's time to pay. But stop looking for somebody else to bail you out.
Adam: Oh, come on. Is this Erica Kane I'm talking to here now? Who are you? You want to just -- you want me to just let Hayward win? Erica Kane, you've done more scams than most con men, Erica.
Erica: But I have paid for it.
Adam: That's hogwash. You're up to something.
Erica: You know something, Adam? I think you're projecting.
Adam: No, no, no, no, no, no. I know that look. The last time you had that look was just before you bulldozed the walls of my house.
Erica: And I should have taken the furniture, too. So you be careful before I give Liza the address and the name of the contractor. Now, please, please, will you excuse me? It's time, I have to go change this dressing on my face.
Adam: No, no, no. What did you -- you're just going to let Hayward win? Is that it?
Erica: You know something, Adam if you would tell Liza the truth, that you're Colby's real father, then David Hayward would have no power over you whatsoever.
Adam: I told you, I told you, I told you -- I can't, I can't -- the truth is not an option!
Erica: Ok.
Adam: Why -- aah! Why am I even talking to you? Just let him win! Just let him walk all over you. That's not the Erica I know. Fine. I'm crazy! That's why I'm -- Erica!

Janet: How dare she.
Woman: I'm not finished with those.
Janet: I think you are. These belong to me.
Woman: You must be Janet Dillon.
Janet: And you're -- woman: June Reiner. I've been hired to audit Enchantment's accounts, so I'm going to need these.
Janet: Wait a minute. Who authorized this? Surely not Ms. Kane?
June: Actually, it was her personal assistant, Ms. Bennett.
Janet: Well, obviously, there's a misunderstanding because ms. Bennett no longer works here.
June: Well, that's odd. She sent me up here this morning.
Janet: She didn't give you any indication that she was resigning?
June: Just the opposite. I got the impression she was running things around here.
Janet: Damn it. She's dug her heels in even deeper!
June: I'll be finished in a few --

[door slams]

June: Hours.

Belinda: Ok. There you are.
Edmund: Thank you
Gillian: Here, I'll pass it on.
Belinda: Great. Thank you.
Gillian: Hope it's not too much.
Ryan: Oh, I th
ink I can handle it. Gillian: Oh. Hi. I got icing on my finger.
Ryan: Yes. Now -- oh, now you got it on your face. Got it right here.
Gillian: Oh.
Ryan: There. Now you are perfect again, Princess.
Gillian: Isn't this a wonderful wedding? Tad and Dixie, they're so -- they're so happy together and affectionate.
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, the vows seemed to make sense for them.
Gillian: Yeah. Well, I better get back to Jake.
Ryan: Yeah.
Gillian: He's my date.
Ryan: About that.
Gillian: What?
Ryan: I'm -- I'm glad to see that you're enjoying yourself.
Gillian: Well, you know, Jake makes it easy.

[Helicopter approaches]

Dixie: Oh, my God.
Myrtle: Oh, good heavens.
The sky is coming down! Dimitri: You are all perfectly safe. The helicopter is here to take Mr. And Mrs. Martin to New York on their honeymoon.
Tad: It is?
All: Ah!
Edmund: We wanted to make sure you got there without any detours.
Dixie: Oh. Considering us, that is so --
Tad: Practical.
Dixie: Yes.
Dimitri: Yes.
Dixie: And romantic. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Edmund: You're welcome.
Dimitri: You're welcome.
Dixie: Thank you.
Edmund: You're all set. Pilot has the flight plan.

Ruth: Excuse me. Oh, darling, I'm so happy that you're finally settled.
Tad: Settled?
Ruth: Yes.
Tad: Was that in the vows?
Ruth: Listen, just so long as you remember what Kate said the last time -- "there is no such thing as a 50/50 marriage. It's 90/10." Yours is a 90/10 marriage. So you just remember that. Sometimes you give 90 and you get 10.
Tad: And sometimes you get 10 and you give 90.
Ruth: You will get everything you want if you just remember to behave yourself and trust her.
Tad: I do, Mom. Dixie and I will get it right.
Ruth: Ok.
Joe: Well, time to leave already.
Tad: I guess so. We're going to blow the roof off.
Joe: Oh, Lordy. I wish you two every happiness.

Dixie: All right, you two. Have a good time in Washington. Make sure to behave yourself, stay with your class, take lots of pictures, and don't do anything I wouldn't do, ok?
Junior: Well, can we do stuff Tad would do?
Dixie and Brooke: No!
Tad: I heard that.
Dimitri: All right, all right. Big bird waits for no one. We have to leave. We have to leave.
Brooke: Ok, ok, ok.
Dixie: All right. Thank you, everybody.
Tad: Well, this looks like it's it. Say good-bye, Dixie.
Dixie: Good-bye, Dixie.


Dixie: We love you. Thank you. All: We love you! Bye!

Mateo: Mama what's going on?
Isabella: Max, Max, he kept knocking the games over that we tried to play and he kept changing channels on the TV, and then he tried to climb on his mother's bed. I don't know.
Mateo: Mama, he's -- he's just acting out, ok? He's going through a lot right now.
Isabella: Oh, I'm sure. hat's why I brought him to your place. I thought that would give Raquel a chance to get some peace and quiet, and then max would have a chance to calm down.
Hayley: Did it help?
Isabella: It seemed to. He started watching cartoons and almost ignoring me. I thought I would leave for a little while and check on Raquel.
Hayley: Sure.
Isabella: I was only gone for a few minutes, but when I got back -- Mateo -
- Mateo: What?
Isabella: Your lamp was smashed, and so was the picture of you and Hayley.
Mateo: He smashed the --
Isabella: There's food all over the kitchen. He knocked down chairs, and everything else is knocked all over the place. And he's in his room with the door closed. I thought it was best to let you handle this. I told him to wait there until you came home.
Mateo: I'm sorry, Mama. Did you punish him?
Isabella: No, I thought it was best that you handle this. I don't want to make it any worse than it already is. He must have been very upset to have done something like this.
Hayley: Yeah.
Mateo: Well, you didn't clean up the mess, though, right?
Isabella: No, no. You need to see it. And so does Max, when he's calmer. But be gentle with him. I'm sure he's a good boy at heart.
Mateo: I know, I know.
Hayley: Yeah.
Isabella: Ok.
Mateo: Thanks, Mama.
Isabella: Listen, I'd better go. Max won't want anyone else around.
Hayley: No, no. Thank you, Mama. Thank you.
Isabella: All right. Ok.
Hayley: We got to go in.

Erica: David? Do you want some more water?
David: No.
Erica: I just asked your mother to tell me the details about your father's suicide.
David: She either told you nothing or more lies.
Erica: What's Vanessa hiding? Tell me. Tell me, David. Tell me why your father took his own life.
David: Why? What does it matter now?
Erica: Believe me, David, it matters. It matters a great deal.

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