MAY 26, 1999

[Salsa music plays]

Ryan: Hey.
Gillian: Well, here we are. What do you think?
Eugenia: Oh -- oh, it's quite marvelous, isn't it? It reminds me of the birthday galas that the Countess Del Corso used to give in Rio. She gave one every year until --
Gillian: The count died?
Eugenia: No. Her plastic surgeon.
Gillian: Oh. Oh, Grandmama, this is just like old times. Thank you so much for coming with. me.
Eugenia: No, thank you for asking me. Oh. Oh, look who's here -- Ryan.
Ryan: Good evening, ladies.
Eugenia: Oh, it's lovely to see you, Ryan -- really.
Gillian: Hey, Ryan. I see you're working tonight.
Ryan: I work every night, Princess.
Eugenia: Gillian is giving me a treat, taking me on the town.
Ryan: Oh.
Gillian: I hope us showing up here is not a problem.
Ryan: Why would it be a problem? It's great for business. The more, the merrier. Duchess.
Eugenia: Thank you, Ryan.
Ryan: Our finest table, of course.
Eugenia: Thank you.
Ryan: And you have excellent taste. I must say this is the hottest spot in town.
Eugenia: Oh, well, it was completely Gillian's idea.
Gillian: Grandmama. Ryan, could you please send the waiter over right away?
Ryan: I'll take your order. Margarita tonight, princess?
Gillian: No, no. I'm just going to have a club soda with lime, and Grandmama is -- she's going to have a martini dry, straight up, with fruit.
Ryan: With fruit?
Gillian: Yes.
Ryan: Coming right up.
Gillian: Oh, and can I also have an imported ale? I'm expecting a date and he likes imported ale.
Ryan: Really? Well, why don't you wait for him to arrive?
Gillian: Yeah. You know, that's a great idea because he likes his ale cold.
Ryan: Hmm. Most men do. Excuse me.
Eugenia: Well, you are getting to him.
Gillian: Oh, Grandmama, I couldn't care less how my soon-to-be ex-husband feels.

Raquel: Hey!
Mateo: Why is -- why is the door open? Where's -- why are you alone?
Raquel: I'm fine. Nurse Eileen just stepped out for a minute. She left something in the car. She'll be back. What's going on? Why are you here?
Max: We came to see you, Mommy.
Raquel: Oh. Well, I'm happy to see you, sweetheart, but isn't it past your bedtime?
Max: I'll go now. I'll say my prayers and fall right asleep. I promise.
Raquel: All right, Pinky. What happened?
Mateo: We -- we had kind of a rough evening. Raquel: What do you mean "a rough evening," Mateo?
Mateo: After my Mom came to check on you, she gave me a call.
Raquel: Yeah, it was right before nurse Eileen was here.
Mateo: She went to my place afterwards, and it was like a tornado ran through it.
Raquel: It doesn't take a long time for a little boy to make a mess.
Mateo: No. No, no. Max had a little bit of -- what would you say, a fit?
Hayley: Ahem. He had more of a -- a serious tantrum.
Mateo: He smashed Hayley's lamp, pictures of us that were broken.
Raquel: What?
Mateo: Paper was everywhere, chairs tipped over.
Raquel: Max was destructive?
Hayley: Yeah, and we tried to talk to him. We were very calm. We weren't mean in any way. We just wanted to understand what was going on.
Mateo: He said it was an accident.
Raquel: Oh, he lied.
Mateo: Yeah, he lied, but afterwards he said that he did this because he was angry.
Hayley: And when I spoke to him, it was like I wasn't there to him. He wouldn't look at me. He covered his ears and started humming when I spoke.
Mateo: And he refused to sleep anywhere but here.
Raquel: Oh, Max. God, Mateo, what are we going to do?

Liza: Hi.
Jake: Hey.
Liza: Oh, keep your voice down. I just got her to sleep.
Jake: Oh, ok.
Liza: Ok.
Jake: I'm sorry I didn't call before I came over. I was just kind of anxious to get here, and I just spaced. Oh.
Liza: Yeah. Well, you know what? Actually, maybe you should call first because then you wouldn't be spending all your time watching her sleep.
Jake: Oh, no, I don't mind. I don't mind. She's so beautiful. You look exhausted.
Liza: Oh, well, God knows when I'm actually going to find time to brush my teeth again.
Jake: Well, it's probably overwhelming, I know.
Liza: Yeah, absolutely, but, you know, I wouldn't trade it. I mean, every time I look at her, I think -- I just want to pinch myself and make sure I'm not in dreamland -- I mean, that is when I actually get time to sleep.
Jake: Well, she's quite a miracle.
Liza: Yes, she is. You know, I was thinking -- maybe I should send David Hayward a gift -- you know, like a fruit basket, or maybe that's corny. Maybe I should just invite him over to see her, you know? What do you think?
Jake: No. No, I don't want that guy anywhere near Colby.

Erica: Now's your chance to get away. You've bathed and dressed my wound, and I'm not holding a blunt object. There's really nothing stopping you from turning and walking out of here.
David: Except my word. I gave you my promise as a physician to treat you.
Erica: And you did.
David: I also promised that I wouldn't try to escape. So, here I am, your prisoner once again.
Erica: This is a trick, right? Any minute you're going to grab me and you're going to put my hand in the vise instead.
David: Go ahead. I won't fight back. You win.
David: What is it? What are you waiting for?
David: Wasn't that the point? You wanted me to feel your pain, to watch my life crumble. Well, here I am. You got your wish, Erica. Do it.
Erica: I can't. I can't hurt you anymore. I thought if you suffered that somehow I would get a sense of justice. We, I don't. I haven't gotten that. I -- nothing will change what's happened to me. Nothing will change what's happened to my face. It won't take the pain away that I feel. Even your pain won't do that. It just makes it worse.
David: You did this to me because you wanted me to know how you felt.
Erica: Yes, I did.
David: You were justified in seeking revenge, for wanting me to suffer.
Erica: No, I wasn't.
David: You said you hated me.
Erica: I do hate you.
David: Then act on it. Fight back. I'm right here. You can destroy me.
Erica: No.
David: Do it.
Erica: No.
David: Do it, damn it!
Erica: No.
David: Why not? I deserve it. That I understand.
Erica: Is that all you understand, David, really? Just revenge and destruction? Because someone has hurt you, you want to ruin them? Is that really why you want to destroy Adam and Liza and that newborn baby?

Liza: I thought you'd made peace with Hayward. I mean, when he brought Colby into the world, you shook his hand. You forgave him. You thanked him.
Jake: I was grateful that he helped the two of you, yes.
Liza: No, no. He didn't just help us. I owe my life -- our lives to him.
Jake: Well, then, I'll send him a case of Orsini's finest champagne, but I don't want him within 10 feet of you or Colby if I have anything to say about it.
Liza: Well, you don't. I mean, this is my home now. I can have anybody over that I want to have over. And, you know, David Hayward isn't my favorite person in the entire world, but I do respect him. He brought Colby into the world and he was wonderful about it. I'll never forget that.
Jake: Well, one good deed does not a saint make, Liza.
Liza: Yeah.
Jake: Look, David Hayward preys on people's weaknesses. He's especially fond of targeting women.
Liza: Ok. What's going on? I mean, I'm tired, but I'm not that tired. I mean, something's made you push your "I hate David" button. Do you know something and you're not telling me?
Jake: Let's just say that I came into a little bit of new information. I don't want David Hayward anywhere near you or Colby.
Adam: I couldn't agree more.

Mateo: Now, whatever we decide, it's important that you and I are on the same page. Ok? And we have to be in total agreement. Now, after talking about it with Hayley, we think it's time that maybe we get professional help.
Raquel: "Professional help"? You mean like a shrink?
Mateo: "Shrink." A family therapist -- someone who helps kids, who specializes in helping kids get through difficult times.
Raquel: So you think there's something wrong with max? Mateo: He trashed our condo.
That's not normal. I think he would benefit from talking to someone.
Raquel: I was afraid that it was too soon to tell him about the divorce, Mateo. He's just a little boy. He doesn't understand.
Hayley: Raquel, Max is a wonderful little boy, and I think the world of him. You know that. And despite all of our troubles, Mateo and I both agree that you've done a phenomenal job raising him. But sometimes children need help understanding things. We all need help. It doesn't mean that he's bad or he's sick. It -- it doesn't mean that we're right or wrong. It just means that right now we all need help.
Mateo: I don't think we have many options. I really don't. And I say we do it is nip it in the bud before it goes any further. So I guess what I'm asking is if you're going to agree to see a therapist with us -- you know, get Max the help he needs.
Raquel: He has been through so much since we moved to Pine Valley. Maybe I should ask Isabella to take him to church, or maybe we could talk to his teacher. I could call Angela and see if she could come down for --
Mateo: He needs to see a professional.
Raquel: But he's so young, Mateo. What can somebody -- a stranger do for him that we can't?
Mateo: It could help all of us. This is a family thing. We have to be with him every step of the way. I mean, the real work is ours -- yours and Hayley's and mine. You know, maybe a therapist could teach us how to communicate with Max -- you know, maybe a different perspective on how to deal with this. You know, I really don't care who helps us, just as long as Max gets better and -- that's it. That's all that matters to me.
Raquel: You're right. We have to do what's best for Max. It's all I ever wanted to do. Maybe this is all my fault. Maybe -- maybe I'm to blame for this. All I ever wanted --
Max: I can't sleep, mommy.
Raquel: Oh. Really? Well, you should be exhausted. It's awful late.
Max: Are you going away, Daddy?
Mateo: No, not right now.
Max: Can you read me a story?
Mateo: Well, buddy, right now I'm speaking to your mom and Hayley, and afterwards, I have to go to the club to close up.
Max: I want you to stay here. I don't want you to go.
Please, Daddy, don't go. Raquel: Mateo, we don't have to finish our conversation. I understand what you're saying and -- and I'm ok with your suggestion. Baby, why don't you ask Nurse Eileen to make you a cup of warm milk to help you sleep.
Max: I don't need milk. I'll fall asleep if Daddy stays. Please, Daddy?
Mateo: Buddy, listen, I --
Hayley: Mateo, you stay here and get Max settled. I can --
Mateo: Come here.
Hayley: I can go to the club.
Mateo: Are you sure?
Hayley: Yeah, yeah. Your son needs you. He needs to know that you'll always be there for him, and it's the club and Ryan's there and he can help me close up.
Mateo: Yeah, but I want to go with you.
Hayley: It's ok. Your little boy needs you. I'll be fine. I'm going to head out now, guys. Good night, Raquel. Good night, Max.
Raquel: Good night, Hayley. Thank you.
Max: Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for staying with me.

Ryan: There you go.
Gillian: So where's Hayley and Mateo tonight?
Ryan: Oh, they should be here soon. Can I get you anything else?
Eugenia: Oh, no, this is just wonderful, exactly as I like it. Oh, Ryan, look at the brooch that Gillian just bought for me today. I scolded her for being so extravagant, but she said nothing is too expensive for her Grandmama.
Ryan: Well, her Grandmama is a class act, and it is a beautiful broach.
Eugenia: She is a dear, isn't she?
Gillian: Grandmama, please.
Ryan: She's terrific and she's broke. At least, she used to be.
Eugenia: Oh, didn't you hear? Gillian answered an ad in the newspaper and suddenly she had a bag full of money.
Ryan: Ah.
Eugenia: You know, America is so unpredictable.
Ryan: Hmm.
Eugenia: Will you excuse me? Where is the powder room?
Ryan: There's one back there that you can use.
Eugenia: Thank you.
Gillian: Ryan, you said that -- that I could claim that money and you said you didn't want any part in it.
Ryan: I don't want any part of it. You can have all of it. Next time, I'll send the waiter over.
Gillian: No, wait. Just tell me -- do you think less of me because I took it?

[Liza laughs]

Jake: What? What?
Liza: Oh, well, the two of you actually agree on something.
Adam: Well, about David Hayward -- yes. And about you being a wonderful mother and Colby.
Liza: Don't go anywhere. Stay here until I take Colby to the nursery.
Jake: Ok.
Liza: Oh. Come up here, sweetie. Careful.
Jake: Good night. Good night.
Adam: Actually, we do agree on quite a few things, Jake. Um -- the fact that Colby is the most precious child on the face of the earth, and that she needs to be protected from harm at all costs. Agreed?
Jake: I intend to protect her when the need arises.
Adam: Well, you're on the right track by keeping her away from David Hayward. And we've got to make Liza realize it would be a big mistake to let that man back in our lives. I couldn't help but -- but overhear you earlier. Have you learned something about Hayward recently?
Jake: Mm-hmm.
Adam: What was it exactly? Has he done something to you?
Jake: What's it to you?
Adam: Come on, Jake. It's not as if I'm asking you to betray a friend here. What did he do to you?

David: Adam Chandler and Liza Colby tried to ruin me. They tried to take away the one thing that ever meant anything to me -- my ability to practice medicine.
Erica: After you nearly murdered Adam. I mean, it's funny how you forget that little detail.
David: No, I had the whole thing under control. Adam was never in any real danger -- then. Now is another story. But this time his undoing is all of his own making.
Erica: So you still want to tell Liza that Adam is the father of her baby? You still want to blow this thing wide open. You live for it, don't you?
David, you're consumed with thoughts of destruction. And why? I mean, you want to ruin them just to make them pay?
David: Yes!
Erica: For what, David? Just because they one-upped you? Just because they beat you? Just because they had a little power over you like I did? David, take it from one who knows, it is very unsatisfying, that kind of revenge. And if it's victory you're after, believe me, it's hollow. You're free to go.
David: No, I'm not. I'm not free at all.
David: You say I'm free. I don't even know what that is anymore. You say all I care about is getting revenge on Adam. You're wrong about that, too. Because unless I'm performing surgery, all I can think about is the night of that storm.
Erica: Well, that makes two of us.
David: I never meant to hurt you, Erica. I never intended that you would get caught in the middle. You have to believe that. You have to believe how sorry I am.
Erica: I'm just not sure.
David: Erica --
Erica: Please go.
David: I don't think
I should leave you alone. Erica: I can certainly take care of myself.
David: No, I don't feel comfortable leaving you with Vanessa still in the picture.
Erica: Oh, I can handle Vanessa.
David: If she could put a gun in her own husband's hands and goad him into committing suicide, imagine what she can do to you.

Donald: So this woman, who has stared some of life's greatest challenges right in the face -- her daughter's recent bout with anorexia, her bout with chemical dependency, her countless failed marriages -- must now confront her own face, all right? It's scarred. It's possibly disfigured for life. What's so funny? I mean, this is the stuff the Greek tragedies are made of.
Vanessa: Yes, I know. Well -- and the mighty must fall like a giant god. Come on, Donald. I mean, don't be so glum. I mean, really, don't be diverted by the pathos. There's great irony here, don't you think?
Donald: Irony but humor?
Vanessa: Well, that's to come. I have plenty of stories -- amusing stories, all stashed away.
Donald: Oh, well, don't hold out on me because, right at the moment, you're the only one that's laughing.
Vanessa: It's just that I just can't help seeing the look on Erica's smug little face. I mean, we'll just see our little heroine takes to this latest chapter in her life, won't we? As we zoom out with a bestseller telling the entire world how desperate and, well, just sort of pathetic she's become.

Ryan: You know what? You claimed it. You can do whatever you like with it.
Gillian: And you won't hold it against me?
Ryan: No, Gillian, I won't. It's your life, ok? It's like you coming here tonight. It's no big deal. I'm cool with it. Pine valley's not exactly like New York City. We're going to cross paths every once in a while. We'd better learn how to deal with it. It's cool with me.
Gillian: Yeah, it's cool with me.
Eugenia: Oh, well. Did I miss anything?
Ryan: Excuse me, ladies. I have work to do.

Hayley: Hey, there, big fellow. Save a few glasses for
the customers, would you? Ryan: Sorry. Sorry. How are you doing? Where's Mateo?
Hayley: He had to stay a while longer.
Ryan: Cool.
Hayley: I guess I'll go check in on the crowd and everything. Everything ok with you?
Ryan: Nothing that I can't handle.
Hayley: Oh. Ok. Ok. I'll be back.

Adam: Something happened between you and Hayward. Why won't you tell me?
Jake: Why do you care? What's behind the sudden interest?
Adam: There's nothing sudden about my interest in David Hayward. The man tried to kill me. I want him out of our lives forever. Don't you?
Jake: You know I do.
Adam: Well, then we're on the same side, aren't we? Just tell me what you know.
Jake: Why should I? Do you tell me everything? No. No, and there's obviously something more going on here. You have been on a rampage to get the goods on Hayward. You went so far as to hire Adrian sword to break into his attorney's office, even torch the place. So what are you so desperate about?
Adam: I'm desperately trying to protect Liza and our newborn child from that viper. I thought that's what you wanted.
Jake: No, there's something else. And I'm not about to betray a confidence.
Adam: Whose confidence?
Jake: Nice try. Unlike you, Adam, I keep my word. Thanks for the brandy. It's very good. Tell Liza that I'm sorry I couldn't wait, but I've got to go. I'll see my way out.

Adam: Barry. I want you to hire somebody to tail young dr. Jake martin -- ASAP. Put someone on it you know you can trust. He knows something about Hayward. With a little luck, young Dr. Martin may pave my way out of this hell I'm in.

Jake: Hi. Looking good.
Gillian: Hey.
Jake: Hey.
Gillian: How's Colby?
Jake: Oh, she's great. She's a sleeping beauty.
Gillian: Grandma, you remember my friend, Dr. Jake martin? He was Ryan's doctor.
Jake: Very nice to see you again.
Eugenia: Oh, it's nice to see you.
Gillian tells me you were a wonderful friend to her.
Jake: Wow. What service. I didn't even know what I wanted yet.
Ryan: Oh, well, Gillian decided for you. How you doing?
Jake: I'm good. How you doing?
Ryan: I'm cool. Can I get you guys anything else?
Jake: I think we're fine. How'd you know I wanted a beer?
Ryan: Well, there you go. Excuse me.

Hayley: Well, at least you're not, you know, jeopardizing any breakable objects. What's wrong, Ryan?
Ryan: I am. I'm wrong, Hayley -- from my lousy childhood to my pointless existence.
Hayley: Oh, pointless existence.
Ryan: I don't know what I'm doing, Hayley. From one minute to the next, I don't know what I'm doing.
Hayley: Well, you might try calming down this minute.
Ryan: Ok. I told Jake -- I told him that it was cool to go out with Gillian. He asked me upfront. He asked me. I said, "sure, go ahead." I told Gillian that I thought it was the right thing to do to sign the divorce papers. I said it. I signed them, as much I didn't want to, but tonight I looked right into her eyes, and I told her, I said, "we got to start dealing with running into each other all the time," but I --
Hayley: But what?
Ryan: You know what? I know she's better off with a guy like Jake. I know that. He's a good guy. He's a solid guy. He's not going to mess with her life the way I have.
Hayley: So trashing the back room is your way of dealing?
Ryan: I never said I was going to be good at it. Hurts like hell to let Gillian go, you know? I know I got to do it, but it hurts like hell.
Hayley: Well, you know what? I promised you that I wouldn't go there on the subject, so I'm not going to comment on that. But who knew the two most noble people in Pine Valley would wind up commiserating in the back room of S.O.S.
Ryan: Sounds like things aren't going so great in Hayleyland right now.
Hayley: It's Max. He is really in trouble. He's in bad shape. I mean, you think you're having trouble dealing? Try being an angry little boy lost in a world of confusion.
Mateo: Poor little guy must be exhausted, huh?

Mateo: You know I'm always going to be here for him and that I love him, right? You know that?
Raquel: I know.
Mateo: I'll do everything I can to help him. And we're going to get through this.
Ok? Raquel: Ok.

Erica: I honestly don't know if I should believe you. The things you've accused your mother of, they're very horrible.
David: Yes, they are.
Erica: And she's accused you of equally horrible things, David. And I have experienced your dark side.
David: And I've experienced yours.
Erica: Yes, you have.
David: I never meant you any harm, Erica. And I feel terrible that you got caught in the crossfire. I don't want that to happen again. And I will do everything within my power to make sure that it doesn't.
Erica: Even after what I've done to you?
David: I deserved it. No one will ever know what happened down here. It's between you and me. You have my word. By now, you know that you can trust me, don't you?

Vanessa: Look, Erica Kane has my son, dr. David Hayward, a renowned cardiologist, imprisoned in her basement, with his hand in this carpenter's vice. Come on. Is this poetic justice? I mean, here he is, her destroyer, at the mercy of this insane desperation.
Donald: And you say Erica is torturing your son?
Vanessa: Torturing, yes. His hand is in the vice. It's positively medieval.
Donald: All right. Vanessa, then I have to ask you -- how can you leave your son like that if it is as serious as you say that it is?
Vanessa: Well, you have to understand that my son and I do have a very complicated relationship. Possibly the next book.
Donald: Well, sounds like you've got it all worked out.
Vanessa: Darling, you have no idea.
Donald: All right. Don't leave me hanging. What's the final chapter?
Vanessa: Ah -- that. Yes, well, actually it's to be played out yet. But I suppose at the very least, the demise of David's brilliant career. The destruction of an icon. And you know what? We could call it "the fall of the woman who had everything." Or better yet, "all gone." Beauty, fame, fortune, adoration -- well-meaning friends -- "all gone." Bye-bye.
Donald: That is a terrifying and powerful ending.
Vanessa: Yes. I really do wonder how she's going to take it. You know, I mean -- I mean, what do people do when they're at the end of their rope?

Jake: Yeah, your grandmother looks like she's really having a great time.
Gillian: Are you having a great time?
Jake: I'm having a wonderful time, but I can't help but wonder if it's a bit of coincidence that you asked me here the same night Ryan's working here.
Gillian: No, Jake.
Jake: No?
Gillian: I mean, this is the newest, you know, hot place in town, and I -- and since you missed the opening, this is perfect for tonight.
Jake: I was at the opening, remember? We danced the better portion of the evening together.
Gillian: Yeah, right. Oh, I'm sorry. Listen, if you want to go, I understand. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
Jake: No, I'm not uncomfortable. I'm enjoying myself with you.
Gillian: You are?
Jake: Yeah. But I have to be honest with you. I'm not going to let you use me to make Ryan jealous.
Gillian: You're not mad at me?
Jake: No. No harm, no foul. That's, like, sports talk for "no problem, don't worry about it."
Gillian: You and Grandmama saw right through me. I wanted to make Ryan jealous, and it was the wrong thing to do. Coming to think of it, it was really foolish, and I suddenly feel like dancing.
Jake: Oh, really?
Gillian: Yeah. Yeah.
Jake: Are you sure you don't want to wait around till Ryan comes back so he can see us?
Gillian: No. No, I want to dance right now with you.
Jake: Really? With me?
Gillian: With you.
Jake: You better watch out for yourself.

Hayley: You know, being noble is one thing. Being a martyr is something else altogether. It can be a dangerous thing.
Ryan: What do you mean?
Hayley: Well, I don't mean to preach, but, you know, stuffing down your real feelings can really be self-destructive. And I know all about that, you know? Something didn't go my way, I'd be there reaching for the bottle. If life got a little full of anxiety or a little full of confusion, I'd be reaching, reaching.
Ryan: I got a little experience in that department, too. Secondhand, but --
Hayley: Yeah, well, it's no badge of honor either way. You know, it's a sad existence. You run from pain or fear or try to drown it in drink. I never even let myself feel anything, much less try to figure out what it was that was clawing at me.
Ryan: But you know that's not the way to go.
Hayley: Yeah, I know that now. You know, I'm never going to let that happen to me again. You know, after I left Raquel's, I just felt so crummy, and I tracked down an AA Meeting in Center City at midnight, which I'm hoping to get to. That is, if you'll close up for me.
Ryan: Are you kidding me? Of course I'll close up for you. I love the way you're taking care of yourself like this. It's so important.
Hayley: Yeah, well, the way I see it, we noble ones have to look out for each other. Deal?
Ryan: Deal.

Raquel: What kind of a mother am I?
Mateo: You're a wonderful mother.
Raquel: But I can't even hold him and hug him and rock him like I used to when he was scared or upset. Now we have to bring in a professional. I'm useless when my child needs me the most.
Mateo: You are not useless. Who does he ask for whenever he's troubled or excited? You. You're the first one he calls for. Oh, Raquel, he needs you. You know what? It's one of the main reasons I'm not fighting the custody thing because it was clear to me how important you are to him.
Raquel: But I'm so afraid. How can I help him when I'm so scared?
Mateo: Listen to me. Don't be afraid. And don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. All right? I've got enough hugs in me for both of us -- until you're better, that is. We're going to handle this. We're in this together. We'll always be in this together for Max.

Adam: What took you so long?
Liza: Oh, she woke up just as I was putting her in the crib. Where's Jake?
Adam: Oh, he had to go.
Liza: Oh. He rattled me a little bit, going on and on about David.
Adam: What did he say exactly?
Liza: Oh -- I mean, nothing new that I haven't said already. It's just that it was fresh and kind of personal, talking about David preyed on women.
Adam: That's interesting. Well, you know how I feel about Hayward. The man's a menace.
Liza: Yeah. It's just that he brought Colby into the world, and I was hoping that he'd changed. But since you and Jake are so adamant about it, I'll listen to you. Giving Colby the security and love she deserves is all I really care about. So if it makes you feel better, I'll stay as far away from David as I can. David Hayward is out of our lives -- for good.
Adam: Yes.

Erica: I'll be all right. You really can go.
Erica: What are you going to do? Are you going to tell Liza? Are you going to ruin their lives? Say something, David.

[David walks slowly up the stairs}

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