MAY 6, 1999

[Latin music plays]

Haley: Congratulations, you incredibly insightful, ingenious entrepeneur.
Mateo: You mean me? You. You're the one who put in all the hours to make this place work.
Haley: It was your brainstorm, and look, I think we have more people here than when we opened holidays.
Mateo: Opening night curiosity.
Haley: Come on, no, look, everybody is having a wonderful time. The music, the atmosphere -- they love it. It wouldn't have been the same if you couldn't have been here, though.
Mateo: Yeah, mama really came Through, huh?
Haley: Yeah, but we're going to have the same problem tomorrow night. You know, Raquel's going to need a nurse. Max is going to need a babysitter.
Mateo: Don't worry about tomorrow night, all right? Tonight, let's just enjoy our success.

Jake: Trevor. Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?
Trevor: Yeah, let me just run Janet her drink.
Jake: All right, all right.
Trevor: Behave yourself there. Here you go.
Janet: Thanks. What is this?
Trevor: What's up?
Jake: Well, I know this is Probably none of my business, but Gillian's been through a really bad time of it lately, and I'd hate to see her make a decision she's going to regret.
Trevor: You mean the divorce.
Jake: Yeah, yeah. She told me that she was going to hire you to handle the whole thing.
Trevor: Yeah, well, she did. I can't talk about it. You know the deal.
Jake: Yeah, I know, I know. But -- but, I -- this is kind of important. I'm one of the few friends she has in town, and this whole divorce idea -- I think it's a big mistake.
Trevor: Yeah, well, why's that?
Jake: Well, she's confused right now. She's not thinking real clearly, and I think the whole decision was just kind of reactive, like an impulse. I don't know. Somebody's got to look out for her.
Trevor: She's a sweet kid.
Jake: Mm-hmm, and I think she's still in love with Ryan.
Trevor: Well, maybe she realizes it's a dead thing, she's going to cut her losses.
Jake: No, no, no, because I talked to him and he feels the same way about her. You saw the way they were dancing tonight.
v Trevor: Yeah, it was intense. Well, maybe she's not going to go for the divorce, right?
Jake: No, no, no. I think Haley just kind of threw them together. Look, she's got this crazy idea that she's doing Ryan a favor by giving him his freedom.
Trevor: What's the point?
Jake: The point is that -- is there any way that we can stop her from going through with this before it's too late?

Ryan: You did what?
Gillian: I filed for divorce. Trevor Dillon's going to handle it.
Ryan: When did you do that?
Gillian: Today. I suddenly realized it was the right thing to do.
Ryan: I see.
Gillian: That's -- that's what you want, too, right?
Ryan: So that kiss -- that kiss -- what was that all about? I thought that --
Gillian: You thought what?
Ryan: Never mind.
Gillian: No, no, I really want to know. Are you trying -- are you trying to tell me that you don't want a divorce?

Janet: You actually went to visit Erica today?
Edmund: Hey, Brooke, "Tempo's" got life insurance on you, but not that much.
Brooke: I just thought somebody should try and talk her out of her self-imposed isolation.
Janet: Somebody has. I tried, Opal tried. The problem is she's barely speaking to us.
Edmund: Why?
Janet: She says we didn't tell her about her face, that she was going to be scarred. Who knew?
Dimitri: No, no, she cut herself off from everyone.
Janet: Yeah, everyone except Vanessa Bennett, apparently -- the moneygrubbing, backstabbing, lowlife that she is.
Dimitri: Oh, gosh, tell us how you really feel.
Janet: Ok, don't get me started. Anyway, the point is, what did she say? She say she was coming?
Brooke: I don't know. I think I might've pushed her too hard and just ended up making her mad.

Brooke's voice: You know, the Erica Kane I know would never miss an opening, certainly not one in her hometown.
Erica: Oh, well, Brooke, I'm a bit beyond that.
Brooke: So you've moved
on to, what, cowardice? Hiding out in your house?

Opal: There. That's better. I like my drink now. Well, they forgot the cherry.
Belinda: Opal, you are a moving feast.
Dixie: Carmen Miranda has nothing on you.
Opal: Oh, well, thanks. You know, I made this myself. I have been dreaming my whole life of wearing one of these sometime, and now I finally got the opportunity.
Tad: Seize the day, Mama.
Opal: Mmm. You betcha. You know, I am sick of all these slow dances, though. I wish they'd get something more like --

[Conga plays]

Opal: Aha! A conga. There we go. Come on. Come on, let's do a conga line.
Tad: No.
Opal: Come on, now, you're loosened up. Come and dance with me.
Tad: No, I'm not that loose.
Opal: Oh -- well, you come on.
Adrian: I think I'm going to sit this one out, too.
Belinda: No, dance with your mother.
Opal: Oh, you guys are just party poopers. Come on, you girls, let's show them how we do it. Come on, all right? Get in line.
Belinda: Ok.
Adrian: She sure is the life of the party, isn't she?
Tad: Yeah, it's good to see her having fun.
Adrian: Yeah. She's something else. I got to ask you something.
Tad: Fire away.
Adrian: Did opal really leave you in that park when you were a little kid?
Tad: Where's this coming from?
Adrian: Come on, just indulge me. Did she?
Tad: Technically, no. It was Ray Gardner's doing. Mama claims she came back for me
Adrian: But you're not so sure.
Tad: Does it matter? Lot of water under that bridge. Why do you ask?
Adrian: I'm just trying to figure her out.
Tad: What's to figure out? She's an open book. What you see is what you get.
Adrian: Yeah, I mean, she seems to be a great mother and all to Petey. You know, she's all warm and affectionate, very responsible. She fought like hell to keep Palmer from getting custody. Yet look what she did to us. I mean, she left me in that cabin, left you in a park. You got to ask yourself, what kind of woman would do something like that to her own children?
Tad: A desperate woman, one married to a monster. And my father was a monster. He even tried to kill me and the rest of my family.
Adrian: How?
Tad: He planted a bomb in the basement of our house. Luckily for us, something went wrong and he blew himself to pieces. Trust me, opal did us both a favor.

Trevor: Gillian told me Ryan had moved out of Myrtle's so that they'd separated already.
Jake: Yeah, well, Ryan's confused, what, with this rape trial and his brother. He's really shook-up by it.
Trevor: You were saying Gillian's the one that was confused.
Jake: Well, they're both confused, which is why somebody should put a stop to it, or at least stall it out, you know, give the dust a chance to settle.
Trevor: You really want them together, don't you?
Jake: I think they should be together. I mean, I live with them. I know. With a little bit of time, they could work through all this stuff.
Trevor: They've been through a lot of tough times together, that's for sure.
Jake: Yeah. So what do you say? You want to help me figure something out?
Trevor: No way. No.
Jake: I thought you said you agreed with me.
Trevor: She pays, I play. She's my client. I got to do what she wants me to do with this divorce thing. I got to file papers first thing in the A.M.
Jake: All right.

Ryan: First you lay this incredible kiss on me, and then you tell me that you want a divorce?
Gillian: You said it first.
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, you're right, I did. I did. You see? I'm doing it again, aren't I?
Gillian: What?
Ryan: I'm sending you mixed signals, Gillian, which is what always has been our problem. I mean, obviously we connected out there on the dance floor, and then I asked you to come out here. This is all my fault.
Gillian: No, no. No, this was all my fault. I'm the one sending out mixed signals. I never should've kissed you. I'm sorry.
Ryan: No, Gillian, I'm sorry.
Gillian: All right. So, well, what now? I mean, you do want this divorce, right? I mean, that's what you've been trying to tell me all these weeks, right?
Ryan: Yes.
Gillian: Are you sure?
Ryan: Well, why else would I move out of Myrtle's? Separation is the first step of divorce isn't it? I mean, you just happened to talk to a lawyer before me. I would've eventually gotten around to it. I've just been really busy at the club.
Gillian: I see. So you do think that I -- I did the right thing, right?
Ryan: Absolutely. Absolutely. The way I've been treating you, the way I've been jerking you around --
Gillian: Ryan, you never jerked me around.
Ryan: I have been jerking you around, Gillian, telling you that I need space when I just -- when I was -- when I was just too chicken to come out and say that I wanted out permanently.
Gillian: But that's what you were thinking?
Ryan: We never had a chance, Gillian. I told you, I'm bad news. At least if we file for a divorce, then we can both move on. We can both just start a new life. It's the way it ought to be. Just make sure that you tell Trevor to send me the bill, ok?
Gillian: The bill?
Ryan: Yeah, I caused this. I should pay for it.
Gillian: Whatever you say.
Ryan: I got to get back to work.

Haley: What's with the look?
Ryan: What look?
Haley: The look like somebody poisoned your dog. What's wrong?
Ryan: Nothing is wrong. Look, Haley, we got a huge hit on our hands. What could be better than this?
Haley: Nice try. Where's Gillian?
Ryan: I don't know. I guess she took off.
Haley: I thought I saw you two go out back not too long ago.
Ryan: Look, look, Haley, enough with this. I want you to get out there, party down with Mateo, go enjoy yourself.
Haley: But I've got a million --
Ryan: No, you've got to have fun. That's all you've got to do. I want you to leave the rest to me, you understand? Go. Celebrate. Dance until dawn. Ryan's on top of the situation.
Haley: Ryan, you are the best. Ryan: That's what I like.

Vanessa: Excuse me. Excuse me.
Vanessa: It's Vanessa. I don't care what you're doing. Drop everything. Run -- do not walk -- to this address.

Opal: Oh!
Tad: What's the holdup?
Janet: Hey!
Opal, why'd you stop?
Opal: Uh, honey.
Honey, you look like the cats pajamas. I mean, well, Janet said you were back from Brazil, and I'm just so glad you came to the party.
Erica: Opal, my goodness, what's that you have on your head?
Opal: Oh. Don't you like it? I made it myself. Come on and sit with us.
Erica: Oh, no. No, thank you. Everybody, please don't stop on my account. I mean, the show must go on, and we don't want anything to ruin this opening. This is Haley and Mateo's opening of the new club. Go ahead.
Erica: Hi.
Mateo: Welcome.
Erica: Oh, thank you.
Teo: Welcome to S.O.S. Play the music.
Haley: Thank you so much for coming.

[Latin music plays]

Erica: Oh, thank you. I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world, really. Congratulations. This place looks incredible. And you obviously have this big success on your hands. And I love the name -- Sounds of Salsa.
Haley: Oh, thank you very much. Ryan thought of that.
Erica: Ryan? Ryan Lavery?
Mateo: Yeah, he works for us now.
Haley: Well, actually, he works with us. He's sort of a silent partner.
Erica: Really? What happened to WRCW?
Haley: He quit. You know, I think he got really tired of it. He needed something different.
Erica: I see. Well, you two obviously have the magic touch when it comes to opening new places.
Haley: Oh, thank you.
Erica: As a matter of fact, this place might actually be perfect for our next shoot.
Mateo: Shoot?
Erica: Yes, for Enchantment. I've been looking for a really hot, trendy new place to act as a backdrop for our new line.
Haley: You're kidding.
Erica: No, I'm serious. Are you interested?
Hayley: Absolutely.
Mateo: Yes.
Hayley: Yes.
Erica: Well.

Opal: When is Erica ever going to forgive me? I mean, the only reason I didn't tell her about her face is because of doctor's orders. You know, he said we had to protect her.
Dixie: She'll get over it.
Opal: Well, I don't know when. 12th Of never, maybe.
Tad: You want to conga?
Opal: No.
Tad: What do you mean, no? You love to dance.
Opal: Well, I'm not in the mood. I mean, we were like two peas in a pod.
Adrian: Well, if she treats you like that, you're better off without her. She's a snob, anyway. She was probably only nice to you because you were married to Cortlandt.
Opal: No, no, it wasn't about that at all. You don't understand. I think I'd better just go home.
Tad: No, you just stay. I'll bring the car around.
Opal: No, no, you stay with Dixie. I'll be fine.
Adrian: Look, I'll take you home, Opal.
Dixie: Well, why don't you both take her?
Belinda: Yeah, we'll find something to entertain ourselves with here.
Dixie: Yeah.
Tad: Come on, mama.
Opal: Well, thanks, girls. At least I got my two boys to lean on.
Dixie: Yeah.

Brooke: So, you rose to the occasion after all.
Erica: Well, I -- I give you credit. You were right.
Brooke: Well, coming from you, that's a first.
Erica: Erica Kane does not hide her light under a bushel. She shines.
Brooke: I don't think that's exactly what I said, but whatever it was, I'm glad you came.

Trevor: That Erica -- guts.
Jack: She's a fighter, I'll give you that.
Edmund: You miss her?
Jack: I do.
Janet: She should stop pushing her real friends away and hanging out with people like Vanessa Bennett.

Dimitri: So, Ryan, how's it going with Gillian? Have you had a chance to talk with her?
Ryan: Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Dimitri: Did you take my advice?
Ryan: I took your advice, but it was -- it was too late.
Dimitri: How so?
Ryan: I blew it, Dimitri. I let her slip right through my fingers.
Dimitri: I can't hear a thing you're saying in here. Come on, let's go in the back and talk.
Ryan: Look, there's nothing left to talk about. She's out of my life for good. It's my fault.
Dimitri: Ryan, Ryan, come on.

Jake: You did it, didn't you? You told Ryan you were giving him a divorce.
Gillian: I gave him what he wanted. I set him free.
Jake: Well, look at it this way -- you set yourself free, too.
Gillian: Then why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like my whole life's over?

Vanessa: Erica, darling, you look absolutely radiant. Oh, thank heavens you took my advice and came to the party.
Erica: Oh, I just came because I really needed to congratulate Haley and Mateo.
Vanessa: No, no. Come, come, come. I am going to buy you a very tall mineral water.
Erica: Vanessa, I've made my appearance. Now I'm just going to slip right out now.
Vanessa: Oh, darling --
Jerry: Ladies and gentlemen, we are live from the Sounds of Salsa, the new club that has just opened tonight, where Erica Kane is making her first public appearance since her tragic disfigurement. Erica, it's great to see you out and about again. How about a few words for your adoring fans?
Jerry: Tell us, Erica, was it a difficult decision coming out again in public for the first time?
Erica: No. No, not at all.
Jerry: People used to stare at you because of your beauty. Now they stare out of a morbid curiosity. How does that make you feel?
Erica: You know, Jerry, I told you when you showed up in my house -- uninvited, I might add -- that your exclusive interview was terminated. So now I was just leaving if you'll excuse me.
Jerry: That's it? That's all you have for your fans?
Erica: My fans know very well exactly how much I appreciate their loyalty and their support, but I have nothing more to say to you. Now, good night.
Jerry: Come on, Erica, you were a world-class beauty. Now, show us what's behind the scarf.
Erica: Just leave me alone.
Jerry: You owe it to your fans to tell them the truth. Show us your scars.
Erica: You get out of my way. Oh!
Reporter: Ms. Kane, tell us about the mask.
Brooke: Erica, come on. Come on, I'm going to drive you home. Ok, the show is over.
Jerry: Ms. Kane -- excuse me, Erica -- just one more question.
Jack: Maybe you didn't hear the lady. The show is over.
Jerry: I'm sorry, but your ex-fiancée is perfectly fair game. Now, if you won't get out of my way --
Trevor: We're taking a walk here, all right?
Jerry: This is a public place. I have a perfect right to be here.
Jack: Let's go.
Jerry: You're not even the D.A. Anymore. You can't do a damn thing.
Jack: Yeah? Watch this.
Trevor: Watch this.
Jack: Come on, get out of here.
Edmund: Come on, let's go.
Erica: Never should've come here.
Brooke: Listen, let me drive you home.
Erica: Oh, no thank you. You have done enough damage for one evening.

Dimitri: That's I she kissed you and then she blurted out --
Ryan: That she wanted to get a divorce.
Dimitri: She doesn't want a divorce.
Ryan: How do you know that?
Dimitri: Because I know my cousin. I mean, it's just one of those typical melodramatic gestures of hers, but the insanity can stop now. She wants you, Ryan, to stop it. Do you want a divorce?
Ryan: Considering the mess that I've made of everything, it's probably the best.
Dimitri: You didn't answer my question. Do you still love her?
Ryan: Yes.

Jake: The way you guys were dancing tonight, I'd swear the sparks could've lit up Manhattan.
Gillian: You know, a tiny part of me was hoping that he would say, "no, I don't want to lose you, Gillian. I don't want a divorce." But it didn't happen.
Jake: Well, what did he say?
Gillian: It was for the best. So, that's it. There's nothing more I can do. Jake: Well, why don't you just sleep on it.
Gillian: Oh, Jake, who sleeps anymore?
Jake: Well, you haven't done anything. You haven't signed any papers or anything. For all you know, Ryan might come out the door and tell you he's changed his mind.
Gillian: No. No. No, I -- I have to start finding a life without Ryan. And I don't want you to keep encouraging me to have false hope.
Jake: All right. So what do you want to do? You want me to drive you home to Myrtle's?
Gillian: I want you to go back in there and dance with me.

Opal: Oh, well, I feel a whole lot better having my two boys taking such good care of me. Thanks, guys.
Tad: You're sure you're not still upset about Erica?
Opal: Well, nothing that a good brandy won't fix. Hey, how about I pour you both a drink to thank you for the escort service?
Tad: No, no, Mom, I can't, I can't. I got to get back to --
Adrian: A brandy wouldn't take too long.
Opal: Oh, goody. Well, luckily, Palmer didn't clean out the liquor cabinet before he left in a --
Woman: Hello. You must be Mrs. Cortlandt. The maid told me to wait in here. I hope that's all right.
Opal: And you are?
Woman: Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm --
Adrian: Mother?
Woman: Adrian?
Adrian: What are you doing here? Is it dad?
Woman: No, no, no. Frank is fine. He would have come with me, but he's got his hands full at the factory. Aren't you going to introduce us?
Adrian: Oh, yeah, sure. Opal Cortlandt, Alice Dawson. This is opal's son, Tad Martin.
Tad: Mrs. Dawson, it's a real pleasure to meet you.
Alice: Thank you. The feeling is mutual. And it's Alice. At last we meet. Frank told me a lot about you.
Opal: Yeah, same here.
Adrian: Mother, you still haven't answered my question. What are you doing here?
Alice: Didn't you get my letter?
Adrian: When did you mail it?
Alice: Over a week ago, to the Valley Inn, which is where I'm staying. They gave me a lovely room right down the hall from you. And I'm really sorry about the intrusion. It had been a while since I had spoken to Adrian, and when he wasn't in his room, I kind of thought he might be here.
Opal: Oh, well, of course. It's no problem. I'm sure you're wondering why I'm wearing this crazy thing on my head. We just came from a party, you know, an opening of a club -- kind of a Latin theme.
v Tad: My mother thought she'd go as Lucy Ricardo.
v Alice: Well, it's -- it's very Lucy.
Opal: Yeah, well, Lucy's always been my all-time favorite. Did you ever see that episode with her and Ethel where --
Tad: Ma, Ma, Ma -- why don't you and I go -- why don't we go make some coffee. Coffee?
Alice: Oh, thank you.
Opal: Oh, yeah, good idea. Make yourselves at home.
Alice: Thank you so much.

Opal: Oh, my lord in heaven. Did you ever?
Tad: What?
Opal: She is so classy, and here I am with this thing on my head, looking like something got off a banana boat. You go make the coffee. I got to change clothes.

Alice: Oh, honey, you must've gotten some of my letters. I mean, none of them came back.
Adrian: I got them.
Alice: Well, then you know how concerned Frank and I have been. It is not like you not to keep in touch. If you were too busy to write, you could have at least picked up the phone to call.
Adrian: Didn't have anything to say.
Alice: Nothing to say? Oh, now I really know something is wrong. My Adrian always has something to say. Unless something -- unless something really is wrong and you just don't know how to tell me.

[Latin music plays]

Dimitri: Look at what happened with Erica and me.
Ryan: How many times were you guys married?
Dimitri: I don't know. I don't want to tell you how many times I was married. What I'm trying to say is Erica reminds me -- no, Gillian reminds me of Erica -- the passion, the strong will --
Ryan: Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous.
Dimitri: Gillian has a hell of a lot to offer. I mean, look how much she's grown up since she's come to this country. And the credit goes to you. I think you're the best thing that's happened in Gillian's life.
Ryan: Dimitri, you got to be kidding.
Dimitri: Because you brought out the best in her. You remember when she first came to this country? She was selfish, spoiled. Now she's determined, committed. Can you imagine the old Gillian doing volunteer work at the hospital?
Ryan: Now that you mention it, uh-uh.
Dimitri: That's because of you. So I don't want you giving up on her, ok?

[Music stops]

Gillian: Thank you.
What are we waiting for? Let's party.
Jake: Ok.

[Slow music plays]

Brooke: Listen, did you get rid of that creep Jerry Reeves?
Jack: Yeah, you can tell Erica to go ahead and come out of the ladies' room. That guy's long gone.
Brooke: Well, Erica took off.
Jack: She did what?
Brooke: I offered to drive her home, but she obviously blames me for inviting her here tonight.
Jack: No, no, Brooke, I think she's just upset.
Brooke: No, you know, she's right, she's right. I thought it would be good if she came, if she were with friends, but --
Jack: And you were right. It would have been. You had no way of knowing that creep was going to show up here -- and with a camera crew.
Brooke: You think somebody tipped him off?
Jack: Oh, come on, Brooke, absolutely.
Brooke: Well, who would be that cruel?
Jack: I don't know. Look, all I'm really concerned about right now is Erica. So if you don't mind, I'd like to take a run over to her house, see if she went straight there.
Brooke: No, no, I want to go with you, all right?
Jack: Let's go.

Janet: Oh, no, you don't. Not so fast.
Vanessa: I beg your pardon.
Janet: You're not going anywhere until you and I've had a chance to chat.
Vanessa: I have to find Erica to make certain she's all right.
Janet: Oh, stop with that. You don't care about Erica, so why don't you just drop the act.
Vanessa: What are you babbling about now? She's become one of my dearest friends.
Janet: Jerry Reeves. I saw you give him the high sign. You told h Erica was going to be here, didn't you?

Alice: What is it, Adrian? Why haven't you written or called?
Opal: Well, we got some -- oh, you didn't bring enough coffee mugs.
Tad: No. 1,000 Forgive-me's. I must get back to the club. Dixie's waiting.
Adrian: Oh, yeah, and I told Belinda I'd be right back.
Alice: Belinda? Is that the young woman Frank mentioned meeting when he was up here?
Adrian: Oh, yeah. And she hates to be kept waiting, so maybe I'll see you two ladies later. Don't bother waiting up.
Tad: Alice, it was nice meeting you.
Alice: Ahem. Well, looks like it's just the two of us.
Opal: Uh, would you like something other than coffee? It's kind of late for coffee, you know. I got tea -- herbal, if you'd like. Or water -- spring, flat, or fizzy. Or a nightcap -- brandy. Would you -- oh, I bet you don't drink, do you?
Alice: Do you have sherry?
Opal: Sherry. Yes, I have a whole bottle. I mean, would you like a glass?
Alice: Only if you'll join me.
Opal: Oh, you bet I will. Here you go. Bottoms up. Or better yet, let's drink to Adrian. Should we?
Alice: To Adrian.

[Slow music plays]

Edmund: Congratulations, you two. Another smash hit on your hands.
Haley: Oh, thanks.
Leslie: Talk about the Midas touch.
Mateo: Now, don't jinx us. Just come back and bring all your friends.
Leslie: You bet. Good night.
Haley: Good night.
Edmund: Good night.
Haley: You know what's amazing about tonight?
Mateo: Well, I could think of about a thousand things, but you go ahead.
Haley: We haven't heard from Raquel or your mom all night.
Mateo: That's true, that's true. Everything must be ok.
Haley: Yeah.
Mateo: You know what else is good about tonight?
Haley: Raquel signed the divorce papers.
Mateo: Mm-hmm.
Man, I could get used to this.
Haley: What, being happy? No way.

Vanessa: Will you kindly stop manhandling me?
Janet: I'll toss you out of here on your well-coifed head if you don't admit to setting Erica up tonight.
Vanessa: What are you talking about? She's a dear friend.
Janet: If that's how you treat your friends, god help your enemies.
Vanessa: You know,
Janet, I really think you should take some time to check into, what, a mental facility? You're obviously delusional.
Janet: Not only did you set Erica up with Jerry Reeves tonight, but you sicced the press on her that day she was at that high school.
Vanessa: I don't know anything about it. That was one of the nurses at the hospital. And please, if you do not get out of my way, I'm going --
Janet: You're going to what?
Don't you mess with me. Now, for one last time, what dirty little game are you playing with Erica?

[Car door closes]
Erica: Whoever you are, you stay away from me.
David: Erica, what is it? What's wrong?
Erica: Nothing, nothing.
Nothing's wrong. (Erica faints in David's arms)

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