MAY 29, 2000

Palmer: What am I going to do? What am I going -- what do you suggest I do?
Vanessa: Well -- Palmer, I -- first I think we should talk about this as man and wife, as -- you know, as two people who love each other.
Palmer: Yes, but you see, darling, this tape absolutely proves that you killed Paolo, your lover, and that you were willing to let your son Leo hang for it.
Vanessa: No, no. You know how much I love Leo, darling.
Palmer: Uh-huh.
Vanessa: I would never let my baby be convicted of anything like this.
Palmer: Once I hand this over to the police, then, well, they, of course, are going to drop the charges against Leo and your baby, baby, baby is going to be a free man. Now, I mean, is that what you want? Is that what y really want me to do with the tape?
Vanessa: Well, you --
Palmer: I understand. I do. I understand. Such a dilemma. Such a moral dilemma. For me. For me, it is. You see, in order to free Leo, I would have to implicate my dear wife, my soul mate. And I'd be condemning myself to grow old -- even older -- all one, visiting you in prison once a month until, well, it just got too much for me. Seeing how life behind bars had aged you and coarsened you and made you bitter, ugly, robbed you of every charm, every grace that had once so endeared you to me. I just don't know. I just don't know if I'm' -- I'm strong enough to make that decision. So you're going to have to make it for me. What's it going to be? Who's going to go to prison for murder, Leo or you?

Adrian: Hey, this is the place, guys!
Junior: All right.
Mateo: We're here. All right!
Hayley: Hello.
Junior: Why do we always have our picnics here?
Dixie: We have our picnics here because it's the best place to have our picnics here. What do you think?
Adrian: Have you guys been waiting long?
Hayley: No, just got here.
Tina: Not that you couldn't find something to do while you were waiting.
Hayley: You know us.
Dixie: Yes, like playing volleyball.
Becca: Right.
Jamie: Hey, did you bring the net?
Mateo: We are playing volleyball, and it's guys against girls.
Dixie: No.
Jamie: No, no, no. We get Hayley. Jamie and Junior: We get Hayley, we get Hayley.
Hayley: That's right. Goes to show these gentlemen know real talent!
Dixie: Whoo!
Tina: And can we go boating later? The lake looks great.
Mateo: Plenty of boats in there. Take your pick.
Becca: Well, I'll go pick us out a pretty one.
Mateo: Oh.
Dixie: Great. Excellent.
Becca: Save me a place on the volleyball court.
Dixie: You got it, you got it.

Becca: Hi.
Leo: Hi.
Becca: You know, we're having a picnic over here if you want to join us.
Leo: Yeah? A bologna sandwich with an ant hill chaser. That'll really make my day.
Becca: Leo, are you ok?
Leo: Never been better.

Tina: That's all right, but that net looks kind of big for the two of them.
Dixie: No, they'll be all right.
Mateo: Hey, Jamie, back about two feet on your end, all right?
Adrian: Are you two guys going to be all right?
Junior: No, we're fine.
Dixie: They're fine. They're ok. Don't worry about it.
Tina: Ok.

Hayley: You know, for an annual Martin Memorial Day Jamboree, there are scant Martins about.
Mateo: Yeah, hey, where's Tad? Is he coming with Joe and Ruth?
Dixie: Oh, Joe's beeper went off. He's got to go to the hospital. And Ruth's with him, so they'll be here in a while.
Mateo: Ah. And Tad's coming, right?
Dixie: Um -- no, actually, he's -- he's on a road trip.
Mateo: Work?
Dixie: No, he just decided he needed to get away, you know, for a while.
Hayley: By himself?
Dixie: Yeah, yeah. Actually, he's somewhere between Las Vegas and Reno -- I think.

Marilyn: He should've been here. Well, he's not. I suppose Elvis-impersonating justices of the peace are in really high demand right now. But I have a wedding going on this afternoon, and he's got to perform the honors or else -- no, wait -- I think he's here. He was in the john the whole time.

Tad: Hi.
Marilyn: Yeah. You're here.
Tad: Yeah. Yeah, I am. I'm just passing through.
Marilyn: Yeah, well, you better not rush it. I want a good show.
Tad: A show?
Marilyn: You know, you do kind of look like him.
Tad: That's because I am him.
Marilyn: Sure you are.
Tad: No, no, really. It's true. I'm not putting you on. I got to tell you the truth. I didn't expect to be recognized all the way out here in the middle of nowhere, but I guess that's too much to ask.
Marilyn: Well, sure it is. I mean, you're the king.
Tad: Thank you very much.
Marilyn: This guy is delusional. Oh, I got a package from your wife.
Tad: That's impossible. My wife doesn't know I'm here.
Marilyn: Well, it's from whoever, then. I thought it was your suit.
Tad: My suit? "Elvis P. Resley." Cute. "Justice of the peace"?
Marilyn: Come on. Open it. Let's see what's inside.
Tad: I can't open it. I mean, that wouldn't -- this is --
Marilyn: Never mind. I'll do it.
Tad: Fine. Miss, you do what you think you need to. But I got to tell you, I really don't think that this is any of my business.
Marilyn: Ah, wow!
Tad: Whoa. Hey. Look at that. Well, yeah, that's impressive.
Marilyn: I got to say, maybe this wedding won't be such a total snooze-fest.
Tad: The wedding?
Marilyn: Yeah. Bathroom's in there.
Tad: I know. I was just there.
Marilyn: I mean to put the suit on.
Tad: Whoa. Whoa. You want me to put this on?
Marilyn: There's no ceremony without the suit, Elvis.
Tad: Oh. Oh, miss -- I get it. I get it. N. You think I'm Elvis.
Marilyn: I don't care who you really are.
Tad: I really am Tad Martin.
Marilyn: No, I was promised Elvis. Tad Martin performing a wedding ceremony? I don't think so.
Tad: Look, I have no idea what's going on here, but I got to tell you --
Marilyn: If you're trying to jack up your prices, it's not going to work.
Tad: No, no. No, I'm not.
Marilyn: You know, maybe hiring an impersonating-impersonating justice of the peace wasn't the greatest idea, but a deal's a deal. So you put this suit on, or I'll have my father kick your butt from here to Graceland.

Stuart: Oh, you want -- you want me to do it?
Esther: No, I want to.
Stuart: You seem a little nervous. We're not really getting married, you know. It's just a ceremony so I can feel married and maybe remember who I am. Oh, that looks nice.
Esther: You know, even though I told you that we were married -- I mean, we are married -- but it sort of feels like the first time to me, too.
Stuart: Really?
Esther: Because -- because I don't think it really counts unless you both remember that you're married. I mean, I can't be happy unless I know that you love me as much as I love you.
Stuart: Well, let's go through the ceremony and see how we feel. Shall we go?
Esther: Stuart -- before we go, there's something that I have to tell you, something really important.

Tad: Take a good look at my face. I am Tad Martin.
Marilyn: Jeez. What is it with this Tad Martin obsession? Just go put on the suit.
Tad: No, Marilyn -- Marilyn, look, I don't want to argue with you, ok? And god forbid we should try to reason with one another. I'm trying to tell you I can't. I simply cannot perform a wedding ceremony.
Marilyn: You're not as stupid as you seem. All right, I'll throw in another five bucks.
Tad: Five bucks? No -- no, look -- as tempting as you make it sound, it's ridiculous. I mean, I could put on this suit, you know, and nobody would know, and I could mumble a couple of "dearly beloveds," but I really don't think it's the right thing to do.
Marilyn: Look, five bucks is my limit, all right?
Tad: On the other hand, every time I do something right, it blows up in my face.
Marilyn: You know, the bride and the groom could be halfway on their honeymoon right now if you would just shut up and stop thinking about it.
Tad: You got a point. I could do the wrong thing and hope it turns out right, right?
Marilyn: Yeah, whatever. Just put on the suit.
Tad: Ok. Fine. I'll put on the suit.

Stuart: There's something you want to tell me before the wedding?
Esther: I love you, Stuart. And if I thought that I wasn't the person that could make you happiest in the world, then I wouldn't do this.
Stuart: Wouldn't do what?
Esther: What I'm doing.
Stuart: You mean marry me.
Esther: I mean everything.
Stuart: That's what you wanted to tell me?
Esther: Oh, Stuart, I don't have the courage to tell you.
Stuart: Why? You can tell me anything. I won't be mad.
Esther: Elvis.
Stuart: Excuse me. Did you say Elvis?
Esther: The only person that we could find to perform the wedding ceremony is an Elvis impersonator. Is that ok?
Stuart: Is he a good Elvis impersonator?
Esther: I don't know. Do you remember who Elvis is?
Stuart: Sure, I remember Elvis. He's the King.
Esther: That's right. That's right. And he sang beautiful songs about love. I mean, that's a good thing, Stuart.
Stuart: The king.
Esther: Is that ok, Stuart? Stuart: Oh, yes. I think it's wonderful. It's -- the king needs a queen. And a king gets married to the queen.
Marian: And you will always be my king, Stuart. Always.

Scott: Marian?
Marian: Oh. Scott.
Scott: I come here every Memorial Day to visit my mom. Now I guess I'll --
Marian: Oh, Scott. You're too young to have lost the two most important people in your life. I'm so sorry.
Scott: I don't understand it. I don't -- I just -- I keep thinking, will I ever be happy again? I -- will I ever be able to laugh again?
Marian: Scott, Stuart wouldn't want us to cry. Right now from heaven, he wants us to know that life is a happy thing and there will always be someone in our lives to make us smile. I thank God every day I've still got Liza and little baby Colby. Every time Colby smiles, I forget, even for just a minute. Don't you have somebody in your life that makes you feel like that?
Scott: Becca.

Becca: Look, I know why you're angry.
Leo: Is that so? So you've added clairvoyance to your many fine qualities?
Becca: No, but I have a big mouth and I shouldn't have said what I said about your involvement in Stuart's death. It was so stupid.
Leo: You think that that hurt me? No. After today, nothing hurts me. I'm pain-free, like a stone.
Becca: Then what's going on?
Leo: You want to hear something funny? Want me to brighten up your holiday? My brother was right. My mother did kill Paolo.
Becca: Are you serious?
Leo: Mm-hmm. I watched her confess the whole thing. And she was even willing to let me go to prison for it. Isn't that funny? Isn't that just a great little joke on me? Why aren't you laughing?
Becca: Leo, I'm so sorry. Look, I'll get us some lemonade. I'll be right back.
Leo: That's how you plan to comfort me, Becca? Come on. We both know what happens when you feel sorry for me. You might end up feeling like kissing me again.
Becca: Look, don't say that.
Leo: Never mind. You're off the hook. I've been getting plenty of comfort these days by somebody who really knows her comfort levels.
Becca: Who?
Leo: Oh, never mind. You don't know her. But I'll tell you one thing. This girl really, really knows how to make a guy feel good. Way better than you ever could. So why don't you go make lemonade and leave me the hell alone. Beat it!

Vanessa: So, what do you think? Huh?
Palmer: Interesting idea. Vanessa: Darling, you know, it's more than interesting. It's foolproof. But, of course, only a man as important as you could accomplish it.
Palmer: No, you really think that I can get Leo released -- without implicating you, that is -- just by making a couple of phone calls?
Vanessa: Look, you'd just be calling in a couple of favors from a few influential friends of yours. Come on, darling. You've told me so many times you had half the justice department in your back pocket.
Palmer: Well, it's true. I do own a couple of congressmen, swing districts in the Midwest. I wouldn't hesitate putting in a couple of phone calls on your behalf. Of course, this isn't a matter investigating something like anti-trust violation or something. No, darling. No, darling, you see, this -- it's murder.
Vanessa: No, it is not murder. Look, I didn't know he'd taken all that cocaine when I fed him the drug.
Palmer: Gosh. Just isn't fair, is it?
Vanessa: No, it is not. And I shouldn't have to pay for that worm dying because I didn't intend to kill him.
Palmer: No, of course you didn't. Of course. It wasn't your fault.
Vanessa: No, it wasn't.
Palmer: No, it wasn't your fault, and that's it.
Vanessa: No.
Palmer: Yeah, that's it. Yes. I'm going to call Walter Hines. I'm sure he can get us the same plea bargain deal that he did for Leo -- the one that that foolish boy turned down. What was it again? Involuntary manslaughter, wasn't it?
Vanessa: No --
Palmer: No, no, yes -- yes, it was, darling. Yes, it was. You see, Walter can get the prosecutor. No, it'll mean a reduced sentence for you.
Vanessa: What --
Palmer: 10 Years. 10 -- Maybe even five. Five if you're a good girl. Don't worry, darling. Don't worry, darling. I can wait five years for you.

Becca: No. No, you always do this. Something bad happens, and you act like a brat and take it out on everyone else.
Leo "A brat," Becca? Is that what you think I am? God, you are so innocent, it's unbelievable. I am not a brat, Becca. I am much, much worse.
Becca: No. No. No, you're not. Look, I know what I'm talking about. I always said that you could not have killed Paolo. There is no way I could possibly understand what you're going through. But I understand you got to vent your anger. Come on. It's ok.
Leo: God, you are hopeless! Ok, this is going to be much harder than I thought. All right, I'm going to be real clear, ok, so that there's no misunderstanding, becca. I'm going to tell you what I really think about you.

Junior: Come on, Mom!
Dixie: Ok, ok.

Tina: Really, Hayley? You're not kidding?
Hayley: I'm not kidding. I mean it.
Tina: I would love to be a bridesmaid at your wedding. Hayley: Really?
Oh, thank you!
Tina: Oh, thank you.
Hayley: Well, just make sure you ugly yourself up for the big day. I don't want you showing me up with your beauty.
Mateo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's what she thinks with those green polka dot bridesmaids dresses you have with the puffy --
Hayley: Stop lying.
Tina: No.
Hayley: They're orange polka dots.
Mateo: Well, I guess that's it.
Hayley: That's it.
Mateo: We have our whole wedding party staffed now.
Hayley: Yay!
Mateo: Yay! All right.
Adrian: Ahem. Um -- aren't you forgetting someone?
Mateo: You.
Adrian: Yeah. I thought I was going to be in your wedding.
Mateo: Oh, right. Right. Well, I guess -- you know, Hayley, do you need any more bridesmaids? No? You're all -- do you want to be a groomsman?
Adrian: You know, I don't know about that now.
Mateo: We're just pulling your leg, man. It'd be our honor. It'd be our honor to have you in our wedding.
Adrian: I would love to be in your wedding.
Mateo: All right, man.
Hayley: Oh, you guys! Group hug. Come on. Group hug.
Adrian: You know what? You guys do that by yourself. I'm going to grab another bottle of water.
Hayley: Group hug by myself?

Junior: Come on, Hayley.
Jamie: We're ready for another game of volleyball.
Hayley: Oh, my gosh. All right.
Jamie: You're on our team.
Hayley: It's so nice to be beckoned by such handsome young men.
Mateo: Hayley, be careful. They're not that young. It's -- they're --

Adrian: So -- Hayley and Mateo's wedding is not until next month.
Tina: I know when their wedding is.
Adrian: Are you still going to be in town, or are you going to be floating around with Christian and BB-Mak?
Tina: I don't know. But you know what? The wedding won't be a conflict. I spoke to Christian, and he said I can join them on the road whenever I'm ready.
Adrian: So I guess that means you can get up and leave at any moment.
Tina: If I decide.
Adrian: Working on any particular schedule?
Tina: No. It's all up to me.

Mateo: Hey, Tina! Come on, you're on our team. We're Skins.
Tina: Oh -- coming. Got to go.

Stuart: I want to go through with this, Esther. I don't remember who I am, but I know that I have so much love in my heart for someone. Let's get remarried, and maybe I'll remember loving you.
Esther: You'll love me, Stuart. I'll do everything I can to make sure that you do. Oh, Stuart, this is the happiest day.
Stuart: Shall we go to the diner?
Esther: Oh, let me go first. You know, Marilyn and I have been handling the preparations, so I want to make sure that everything's done.
Stuart: Then I'll just wait here?
Esther: Oh, yeah. Stay here, and I'll be right back. And pretty soon, we'll be husband and wife.
Stuart: Right.

Marilyn: I thought you'd fallen in.
Tad: Don't worry about me, sweet thing. I'm fine. What do you think? Marilyn: It's -- ahem -- not too lame.
Tad: I'd like to dedicate this next song to my mama, who always loved me tender.
Marilyn: Ooh, I'll put one of your songs on the jukebox.
Tad: Don't worry about it, sweet thing. Elvis is the king no matter what music's on.
Marilyn: Oh, it's unplugged.

[Music plays]

Tad: It's not too bad.

Elvis Presley: We're caught in a trap

Esther: Oh, my God. It's Tad Martin.
Marilyn: Hey. Here comes the bride. Do you want to meet the man who's going to marry you?
Marilyn: Are you ok?
Esther: Where did he come from?
Marilyn: Oh, he's not that bad.
Esther: I -- he --
Tad: Hey, there, pretty thing. You the lady getting hitched?

[Esther sneezes]

Elvis Presley: Why can't you see - -

Tad: Think she's allergic to the suit?
Marilyn: Who knows. She's such a weirdo. And after all I put in on this. Wait here. I'll go see she gets her act together.

Elvis Presley: Caught in a trap I can't walk out because I love you too much, baby don't you know

Esther: Oh! Thank God you're still here.
Stuart: What is it?
Esther: It's just -- out there.
Stuart: What? Oh, no. Did -- did Marilyn really mess up the decorations?
Esther: No, it just -- oh, yes. It's awful. Don't go over there.
Stuart: Oh, come on. It's ok. It'll be fine.
Esther: No! Stuart -- stay here with me.

[Knock on door]

Stuart: Shh.


Marilyn: Hey, young lovers. What happened to you?
Esther: Oh, I --
Stuart: She just has prewedding jitters, I think.
Marilyn: I think it was that Elvis impersonator, wasn't it? You freaked when you saw him. Look, I thought we were coming to terms with reality here. You know, I hate to break it to you, but the pope is in Rome this week. It's Mr. Blue Suede Shoes out there, or you take your chances in Vegas.
Esther: Oh, I should have known this wouldn't work! It's just what I deserve.
Stuart: It'll be all right. She'll calm down.
Marilyn: So we're back on?
Stuart: Yeah. Oh, yeah. We'll be right out.
Marilyn: Great. Let's see if we can really do this. You know, this wedding thing was interesting for about a minute. That minute is long gone.

Esther: Stuart?
Stuart: Esther, what is it? You want to call the whole thing off?

Scott: You think that's possible -- to spend a whole lifetime with just one person?
Marian: Oh, I know it's possible. With the right two people.
Scott: I don't know. It's -- love is so fragile. So many things can happen to kill it.
Marian: I don't believe anything could have killed the love that Stuart and I had for one another. You know, Scott, one day you're going to meet your soul mate. And when you do, hold her very tightly to your heart. And then nothing -- not even death -- can take her away from you.
Scott: But you and Stuart -- you're very special people.
Marian: Special, yes, but not unique. And one day you're going to have that kind of love in your life. And when you do, hold on to her and never let her go.
Scott: Do you want me to walk you to your car, Marian?
Marian: Oh, no. No, thank you. I want to stay here with Stuart for a little while longer. Thank you.
Scott: Ok.

Becca: Look, Leo, getting angry with me is not going to help you one bit. Come on, just act like a normal person for once and come join the picnic, ok?
Leo: Oh, you are something else, you know that?
Becca: It'll make you feel better.
Leo: Just a few hours ago, I probably would have taken you up on your offer, Becca, because I still wanted to believe in the flag and apple pie and motherhood. I give up. Because I realize now that I was right the whole time. It's a crock. I don't want anything to do with your boring little world, ok?
Becca: Ok, well, come on, let's just take a walk around the lake, ok?
Leo: You're just not getting it! Listen to me! It's not just your world that I find boring, Becca. It's you, ok? It's you. You're a great, big bore to me, all right? Am I making myself clear? Now, leave me the hell alone. Boring.

Dixie: Hey, Leo.

Adrian: Hey, Dixie. Come on, join the game. We're getting clobbered over here.
Dixie: No, no. No, thanks.
Adrian: Oh, come on. Are you thinking about Tad? Listen, I'm sure he's going to be just fine.
Dixie: You know, I don't care if he's fine. I really don't. He should be here.
Adrian: Yeah. Guess you're right. You know, I -- I don't get that guy sometimes.
Dixie: What are you saying? What's wrong with Tad?
Adrian: Listen -- how can we bring him back?
Dixie: Well, I have an idea. Do you want to hear it?
Adrian: Yeah.

Palmer: Now, would you give me the phone so I can call Walter Hines? Would you, please?
Vanessa: I can't -- can't let you do this.
Palmer: Ok. You give me no choice.
Vanessa: Palmer, please don't call Walter.
Palmer: No, I'm not calling Walter. Lt. Frye, please.
Vanessa: Oh, Palmer, no!
Palmer: Hi, Derek. Hey, how are you? Mm-hmm. Yes, it's Palmer Cortlandt. Listen, Derek, I have some new and rather important evidence pertaining to the murder at the valley inn. Yes, I'll be at my suite. All right, I'll expect you shortly.

Vanessa: Palmer, how could you?
Palmer: How could I what? Blame you for killing your lover? Of course I don't blame you. No. But, you see, you -- well, you destroyed our wedding vows. You slept with him, and -- well, you should have thought twice before betraying me.

Stuart: Esther, what is it? Did that Elvis impersonator guy get you all frazzled up like this?
Esther: No, Stuart. I mean, why should that guy, you know --
Stuart: Well, I don't know much, but I do know that marriage is supposed to be serious and even holy. And being married by a guy who thinks he's a dead rock star might not be the way we should go.
Esther: Maybe it isn't. Would you mind if we postponed?
Stuart: Oh, no, that's fine with me. Whether we get married today or not, I'm sure what you have in mind is the best thing for both of us. Someday my memory will come back and we'll make sense of why we're together. So why don't I go tell this Elvis guy he can go on home now.
Esther: No, Stuart! You got to stay here. Don't go out there.

Tad: Is she going to be ok? What's with all the sneezing?
Marilyn: Who knows. Why this nice guy wants to stick with this Lame-O is one of the greatest mysteries.
Tad: I'm a little confused here. Are you saying that the wedding is, you know, on or off?
Marilyn: Oh, it's probably on. She's the one that really wants it.

Mr. Enoch: Marilyn, I just got a call from the Elvis impersonator. His car broke down. He said to hang on to the suit until --
Marilyn: I thought you were a weirdo. Who are you?
Tad: I told you six times. I'm Tad Martin.
Marilyn: You're a fake. All you've done all day is cause trouble.
Tad: Well, you'll get no argument there.
Mr. Enoch: So this guy impersonated the Elvis impersonator?
Marilyn: That is sick.
Tad: Wait just a second, all right? I'm sorry, really. I apologize. No, just that you -- to be -- you -- I -- I just wasn't thinking.
Marilyn: What am I going to tell them out in the trailer now? They're waiting to get married in, like, a minute, and she's already a basket case.
Mr. Enoch: Oh, honey, now, don't get upset about the whole thing.
Marilyn: But I told him that I would do this for him. Now this loser went and messed it all up.
Tad: Well, hey, you know, take it easy. Maybe I could talk to him.
Mr. Enoch: Well, they're out in the trailer out back.
Tad: All right. I'll -- I'll straighten the whole thing out. Just give me a minute.

Palmer: What could be keeping Lt. Frye? You'd think he'd be interested in the new evidence.
Vanessa: Palmer, I can't believe you're really going to do this.
Palmer: Oh, we'll see.
Vanessa: Well, I can't stand it.
Palmer: Oh, yes, yes. Yes, do go for a walk. Why don't you take your shoes off. May be the last time you feel grass under your feet for a long time.
Vanessa: Palmer Cortlandt, I love you. I never betrayed you in my heart. Never! But, darling, I know I hurt you. But it's really only your pride that's hurting. And I know you're too big a man to punish me for that.
Palmer: Too late, too late. Lt. Frye is on his way.
Vanessa: Well, you don't have to give him the tape.
Palmer: Well, he'd be terribly disappointed if I didn't give him the evidence that I promised him.
Vanessa: Palmer, I'm begging you. Please, please. What do you want me to do? Shall I get down on my hands and knees and beg?
Palmer: Yes. Vanessa: All right. All right, I'm here, hands and knees. Now, tell me. I'll do anything. Anything!

Tina: Serving 18.


Mateo: Nice job, baby.
Hayley: Whoo!
Junior: Come on, let's go! Come on, come on! Up, up!


Mateo: Good block.
Tina: Oh, watch out!
Hayley: My serve.

Scott: I'm late. Sorry.
Becca: It's ok. What's going on?
Scott: Um -- I -- I lost my father. It was the last thing I expected, Becca, but he's really gone. And it's made me realize how -- how important love is and how important it is to treasure every moment of it that we have, not to let stupid, dumb, little things get in the way of being with the people that we love.
Becca: Scott, I know that you've lost your father and that you're -- you're so sad. I just -- I can't even believe it.
Scott: No, Becca -- I came here to ask you something, Becca. Becca, will you marry me?

Dixie: Way to go, Junior. Whoo!
Junior: Come on, let's go! Come on, come on!

Dixie: What's up? You were quick.
Adrian: Yeah, I work pretty fast, huh?
Dixie: Yeah, I guess so.
Adrian: Wait till you hear. Ready for a little trip?
Dixie: Sure.
Adrian: What about the kids?
Dixie: Oh, no, no, no. They're -- they're fine. They're all taken care of. Jamie is going to stay with Brooke. Junior's staying with Hayley and Mateo. So, come on, tell me. Where am I headed?

Marian: I have to go now, my darling. I don't know whether to say "good-bye" or "let's go." I guess they're both right. Because no matter where I go, Stuart, you're always going to be there with me. I love you. Be back tomorrow.

Esther: You're such a caring and honest person, Stuart. That's why I love you. But you'll stay here with me in the trailer, Stuart, won't you? You'll do that for me, won't you? Stuart: Oh, yes. Yes. Ok.

[ Tad knocks on door]

Stuart: Oh. That's probably Marilyn again. Ok? I'll let her in.


Becca: Are good girls attracted to bad boys?

Tad: Listen, it's me.
Stuart: It sounds like somebody I know.

Adrian: What is it going to take to get you to stay at S.O.S.?
Tina: What do you got?

Palmer: The fate I have in store for you is worse than you could ever imagine.

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