May 3, 2000

Ryan: Hello? Anyone?
Tina: Ryan? What are you doing here so early?
Ryan: Hey. Is Adrian around?
Tina: No. Not yet. What's up?
Ryan: Well, we went on-line about an hour ago.
Tina: That's awesome. How many hits have you had?
Ryan: Still waiting for the first one. I've been glued to my computer at home. I just figured that Adrian might want to check it out for himself.
Tina: Huh. You know what? I'll get you some coffee. That is what you techno geeks drink nowadays, right?
Ryan: Coffee would be great, thank you.

Computer voice: Welcome to IncredibleDreams.Com. Tell us your dream. We'll make it come true.

[Ryan daydreams….]

Gillian: I spoke to Jake.
Ryan: And?
Gillian: I told him I loved him. But not the same way I love you.
Ryan: To hear you say that, Gillian --
Gillian: I'm just saying what we both know is true. You've always had my heart.
Ryan: And Jake?
Gillian: I asked him to set me free, to divorce me so I can be with you.

Gillian: Time difference to California is three hours, isn't it?
Eugenia: I believe so. Why? Thank you.
Gillian: Um, Jake. I need to call him.
Eugenia: I didn't know you could contact Jake.
Gillian: Well, Joe gave me a number where he could be reached.
Eugenia: Well, that sounds very -- why didn't you call immediately?
Gillian: Grandmama, he only left that one letter after he left Pine Valley. I have no idea what's on his mind.
Eugenia: And you're afraid of what he might say?
Gillian: I guess I am. Or what I might say.
Eugenia: Say about Ryan?

Guard: Ok, Du Pres. You got a visitor.
Leo: Is it my mother?
Guard: Well, is your mom young and gorgeous?
Leo: Becca?.
Greenlee: Ugh. Is this for real? I know I don't have to tell you how gross this it.
Leo: Uh, no, Greenlee. I figured that out myself.
Greenlee: Is that where you're supposed to sleep?
Leo: Well, I requested linen sheets, but when you're in jail, everything is such a hassle, you know?
Greenlee: Not to worry.
Leo: Emergency rations?
Greenlee: Double caps with extra foam and almond croissants.
Leo: Mmm, thank you for taking time out of your busy life.
Greenlee: Ryan launched his web site about an hour ago. I'm dying to be with him, but I don't want to seem too clingy. So I decided I'd mosey on down to the local dungeon to see how you were doing.
Leo: Well, I'm glad I could be a diversion.
Greenlee: Where's Vanessa? I was convinced she'd be here forcing the chef from the Valley Inn to make you crepes for breakfast.
Leo: Well, she's busy working out the particulars with the lawyers for my release. I'm sure she'll be here soon.

Erica: I'm convinced that the emerald is the clue.
David: I can't help but feel you're right, which is why I put it in my safe.

David: Vanessa -- what are you doing?

Eugenia: My darling, if Jake is expecting your call, you can't keep him waiting.
Gillian: I just need some time to think.
Eugenia: To think. About Jake? Or about your relationship with Ryan, hmm?
Gillian: Both. Grandmama, I can't love Jake the way I love Ryan. Ever.
Eugenia: I see.
Gillian: And -- and he feels the same way about me. I know that. I'm sure of that now.
Eugenia: Well, my darling, didn't he sort of turn to that Greenlee person?
Gillian: Grandmama, after all the mistakes I've made these last few months, I can certainly forgive him for seeing another woman.
Eugenia: Why the sudden change of heart?
Gillian: Well, last night I was at Wildwind, and I was all alone and it was dark. The lights went out and I was stumbling around and -- there he was.
Eugenia: Ryan?
Gillian: And we just came so close to -- but I'm -- I'm married to Jake, and we've made a commitment to each other.
Eugenia: I'm proud of you. You've kept your vows.
Gillian: I just can't help thinking that maybe I made a mistake by marrying Jake.
Eugenia: Maybe you did, since Ryan's still in your heart. You know, I -- I still have a soft spot in my heart for him, too. But loving Ryan, it almost crushed you. Is he really the man you want? Is he?
Gillian: I've never stopped wanting him.
Eugenia: Well, then you must be honest with Jake.
Gillian: And risk the chance of hurting him even more?
Eugenia: My dear little Petite, hasn't it ever occurred to you that he might be asking you for a divorce? Hmm?
Gillian: I'm going to find a phone.
Eugenia: Courage.
Gillian: Thank you.
Eugenia: Princess.

Joe: Oh, good morning.
Eugenia: Good morning.
Joe: Nice to see you.
Eugenia: Lovely to see you.
Joe: Yeah. Is Gillian working today?
Eugenia: Yes, she is. We just had a coffee.
Joe: You did, you did. Where is she now?
Eugenia: Uh, she went to phone Jake. Excuse me, my darlings. Lovely to see you, but I must be running on.

Joe: Right. She had to wait till now to make her phone call to Jake?
Tad: Dad, we better pray she was able to reach him.

Adrian: Listen, all I'm saying is that we need more money to run the type of TV ad campaign you're talking about.
Ryan: I'm telling you, Adrian, Midori is a venture capitalist with very deep pockets.
Adrian: Yeah, well, he must be very impressed with your ad experience.
Tina: Hey, guys?
Adrian: Just a second. What about your servers?
Ryan: I got my techies working on it right now. Upgrading it.
Adrian: Yeah, Ryan, you say -- you know what? You sound like you're going to expect a million hits a day on this thing.
Ryan: Adrian, everybody's got a dream they want to come true.
Adrian: Hey, listen, I got the idea, ok? I just think that we ought to move a little slower.
Ryan: This is the new economy, man. Nobody's moving slowly.
Tina: Guys!
Adrian and Ryan: Just a second!
Adrian: All right? Ok, say for example, we get somebody that wants to date Julia Roberts or meet the pope. Then what?
Ryan: I'm talking about an IPO that could triple the share price here, Adrian.
Tina: Guys! I know that you guys just are dying to be the next biggest thing, but in the meantime, you've got your first hit.
Adrian: What?
Ryan: What are you talking about? Woo-hoo!
Adrian: Get out of here. Yes, yes, yes!
Ryan: One down, one million to go!

Greenlee: You've got some croissant on your chin, stubble face. Don't they let you shave in here?
Leo: Well, I thought my mother was going to bring me a razor. I don't want to go into court looking like a bad mug shot.
Greenlee: Hey, should I try Vanessa on my cell phone?
Leo: No, that's all right.
Greenlee: Come on, Leo. You should've been out of here already.
Leo: Well, she's working on that. I'm sure she's trying to find me a new lawyer.
Greenlee: Well, who've you been using until now?
Leo: Palmer's biggest shark. Some guy named Walter Hines.
Greenlee: This isn't a corporate merger.
Leo: Yeah, which is why I'm not trusting him with a murder trial.
Greenlee: Do you really think it's going to get that far?
Leo: Well, the evidence is circumstantial, but, I mean, if they're looking to hang me, I want somebody who's going to be able to get me off. And this guy is so deep into Palmer's pocket that there's no way.
Greenlee: Well, your family's not the Brady Bunch, but Palmer must want you cleared for Vanessa's sake.
Leo: Not if he is actually the guilty party.
Greenlee: You think Palmer did it?
Leo: Yeah. That's why he wants me to swing. And Hines will let that happen.
Greenlee: How do you know that Palmer killed Paolo?

Guard: All right, Du Pres. Time for your arraignment.
Leo: Did Mrs. Cortlandt arrive?
Guard: I don't know. She might be at the courtroom. So, miss, you going to go with him?
Leo: No, it's ok, Greenlee. You've done your duty.
Greenlee: Sure, why not? Isn't this where you say you're not guilty?
Leo: That's the idea, yeah.
Greenlee: I'm coming. I want to see how innocent you can look.
Leo: Yeah, well, that won't be difficult.

David: What are you doing in my room?
Vanessa: Well -- I was desperate to talk to you about Leo.
David: Suddenly feeling all those protective maternal instincts? You're a couple of decades too late.
Vanessa: David, why must you always smirk at the genuine feelings in another person? Honestly, you're no better than palmer. That man hasn't been any help at all. Which is why I'm here. We are a family, David. It's time to stick together now. As much as it may repulse you, it is really time for us to act like a family.
David: Have you seen Leo?
Vanessa: I'm going to the arraignment this morning. Lord knows what his bail's going to be.
David: All right, I'll go to the jail. See how he's doing.
Vanessa: Good. David, I really do apologize for intruding on you. I just don't have my thinking straight right now.

Erica: David? I thought I was having a nightmare. Did you really catch Vanessa trying to sneak in here?
David: Yes, I did.
Erica: Well, what did she say?
David: It doesn't matter. I know she was lying. She's after something.
Erica: What could she possibly want?

Vanessa: Palmer?
Vanessa: Ay, yi.
Palmer: Vanessa?
Vanessa: Oh. Oh, Palmer. You scared me. Ha-ha. What a time I've had.
Palmer: Really? Why is that? Where have you been all night?
Tad: Well, you think it's possible that she will be able to catch Jake?
Joe: Well, it's at least an hour since your Mom and I spoke to him. He w at the airport then. It seems to me his plane would've taken off by now.
Tad: I don't understand something. Why didn't she just call him last night?
Joe: I certainly hoped that she'd be on the phone to him the minute I left Wildwind.
Tad: Well, didn't you tell her it was urgent?
Joe: No, no, I didn't. It wasn't urgent. I mean I -- I certainly never imagined that he'd go ahead and make a rash decision like this, much less act on it so quickly.
Tad: Dad, if he was even talking --

Gillian: Good morning,
Joe, Tad. Hey.
Joe: Good morning. Morning.
Tad: Have you talked to Jake?
Gillian: I just tried to call him, but there was no answer.
Tad: She was too late.
Gillian: For what? What's going on?
Joe: Jake took an airplane to Chechnya this morning.
Gillian: What? He's going into a war zone? Why?
Joe: He's -- he's joined some medical group.
Gillian: But Chechnya is torn apart. It's under constant bombardment. The city's all rubble.
Joe: Yes, I know, I know.
Gillian: I don't understand why -- why?
Joe: Well, you know, Jake's been hurt very badly. And we both feel that he -- he's trying to pull his life together by concentrating on helping other people.
Tad: Yeah. And he's willing to put his life in harm's way to do it.

Tina: So, who's your first dreamer?
Ryan: Her name is Betsy, and she is a young patient right here, Pine Valley Hospital.
Adrian: Ok, what's her dream?
Ryan: Ok. Well, it says here -- "I know you have a lot more kids with more serious problems. I only broke my leg. It hurts, but I'm ok. But I still have a dream," she says. "I would like to meet Christian Burns and BB Mak. He's so cute and I love, love, love their music. Signed, Betsy."
Adrian: BB Mak, BB Mak. Isn't that the CD. We bought for the club?
Tina: Yeah. And you know what? I've seen their video. They're British and he is so cute. And they're supposed to be the next biggest thing to hit America.
Ryan: Guys, guys, this is totally doable, and this could be huge publicity for the site.
Adrian: All right, cool, we got the financial angle. Now, how would we make this thing actually happen?
Ryan: Ha. Well, uh, let's just find the name of the production company, the people who produced the CD. --
Tina: You know what? I'll go get the CD. And see who's listed.
Adrian: All right, cool. Now let's talk strategy. Let's make sure we got this in place. We don't want to screw this up.
Ryan: All right. Well, I mean, she logged on right here at the, you know, at the children's ward at the Pine Valley hospital. I say we go there, talk to her personally.
Adrian: Yeah. Good touch. Good touch.
Ryan: Yeah.
Adrian: Oh, this is great.
Tina: Here you go.
Adrian: Thank you.
Tina: And I have the phone number for the production company.
Ryan: Very cool.
Adrian: Oh, wait, wait, wait, guys. Can we just talk about this and get some type of game plan before we start dialing people up randomly?
Ryan: Why? What's the matter?
Adrian: I just think that we ought to be a little bit more cautious. Ryan: Adrian, I'm telling you, man, I'm on my game. Ever since I started this thing, I've been in the zone. All my decisions have been good ones. I'll see you guys. I'm going to Pine Valley hospital.

Tina: Didn't they teach you spies how to improvise?
Tina: Yes, I'm calling for Mr. Adrian sword from IncredibleDreams.Com. He is returning Mr. Christian Burns' phone call. Yes. I'll hold.

Erica: So Vanessa said that the reason she wanted to come in here had something to do with Leo?
David: She claims she was so upset that she wanted to talk to me.
Erica: Well, I don't believe that for a minute.
David: Well, what do I have that's so important that she would risk sneaking in?
Erica: David, you did lock up that emerald I found in Paolo's room, didn't you? You put it in the safe?
David: The emerald.
David: It's gone. Vanessa wasn't sneaking in. She was sneaking out!
Erica: Then the emerald is hers. And she was the one in Paolo's room a couple of days before he was killed. I told you that's where I found the emerald -- in Paolo's unmade bed.
David: Paolo and Vanessa. I bet you that wasn't a business arrangement.
Erica: No, it was an arrangement, all right, but I bet the arrangement was that she paid him to be her lover. Oh, I warned Palmer about her. And, David, I know what you're thinking.
David: Do you?
Erica: Vanessa might have been the one who killed Paolo.
David: Now, we have no proof that Vanessa killed Paolo.
Erica: But we know that the emerald is hers, the emerald I found in Paolo's bed.
David: All right, I am certainly willing to believe that she was having an affair with the man.
Erica: And she's a very jealous and very vindictive woman.
David: That may be true, but that does not amount to murder.
Erica: But what if she thought that Paolo's other woman was me, was Erica Kane?
David: So being in competition with you over a man would send her right over the edge?
Erica: Well, doesn't that make sense for Vanessa? I mean, if she couldn't have him, then nobody could. She killed him.
David: Hmm.
Erica: Just because she couldn't compete.
David: Vanessa doesn't care that much for anyone. Next theory.
Erica: Well, it could've been the old real estate scam, just like he was trying to pull on me with that phony property in the Mediterranean.
David: No, no, nobody has set up a con that could outsmart you or my mother.
Erica: Right. Well, I bet he was blackmailing her. I mean, all he had to do was threaten to tell Palmer about them. And he was already blackmailing Leo. So why not just make it a family affair?
David: Vanessa managed to kill my father. How hard would it be for her to murder someone like Paolo?

Vanessa: Where have I been? Oh, what -- darling, you were worried about me.
Palmer: Well, yes, you're my wife. You were gone all night without so much as a word.
Vanessa: That was certainly inconsiderate of me, wasn't it?
Palmer: You know, if I still had my dogs, I would've had them track you down.
Vanessa: What? Rip me to shreds, I suppose?
Palmer: Only if you deserved it.
Vanessa: Oh, I really should've called, I know that. But I -- this thing with Leo has had me just literally pulling out my hair.
Palmer: Where were you, Vanessa?
Vanessa: Palmer, I'm very ashamed at the way I'm handling this thing. I was driving around all night long trying to just figure out what to do.
Palmer: Have you seen Leo?
Vanessa: Well, I did stop at the police station several times. Of course, they wouldn't let me in. But, darling, please forgive me. I -- I really -- I think I just didn't want to cause you any more trouble than I already have.
Palmer: Yes, well, I'm just so happy that you're safe.
Vanessa: You have such a kind heart, dear.
Palmer: Well, you know I was rather worried. I thought perhaps you had skipped town.
Vanessa: Why? Why would I leave Pine Valley?
Palmer: Well, out of guilt or maybe fear.
Vanessa: What are you implying? Look, Leo is locked away in a jail cell. With his arraignment and bail coming up shortly, I would really like to just go freshen up before I have to go there.
Palmer: Yes, of course.

Vanessa: Ay, yi -- boy, Palmer, you don't make things any easier in the end neither do you, Paolo! Oh! My --
Palmer: Vanessa. What -- what is it?
Vanessa: Ah --
Palmer: Where on earth -- where on earth did you find this?

Guard: Now, miss, I can only let you stay a few more minutes.
Greenlee: Thanks.
Greenlee: Leo?
Leo: You know, Greenlee, they say that convicts can smell weakness. Think I can hold my own against the other inmates?
Greenlee: The judge gave you a tough break. That's all.
Leo: Oh, is that what we're calling it? How about a crushing defeat?
Greenlee: The bail did seem a bit much.
Leo: $750,000. It's a little late for a bake sale. How am I going to come up with 10% of that?
Greenlee: You don't have anything saved? Ok, ok, ok. What about your mother?
Leo: Oh, did you see her in court? Because I sure didn't.
Greenlee: Palmer?
Leo: Greenlee, why don't you just run down the list of people who've abandoned me? Please.
Greenlee: You're right. I'm sorry. But in a crisis, they say nothing is as bad as it seems until you exhaust all your options.
Leo: You know, I was just thinking that -- my next options. You know, since I'm going to be here for a while, why not spruce up the decor?
Greenlee: Leo, stop.
Leo: No, really. I mean, this -- this whole Japanese minimalist thing is so played out, you know? I mean, what should I be going for here?
Greenlee: Well, you know, you should repaint with something that'll go with the orange outfit they'll be putting you in.
Leo: Yeah, maybe I should start pumping iron.
Greenlee: Well, if you really want to do the prison thing properly, you have to write a book.
Leo: Poetry.
Greenlee: Oh, too 1970s.
Leo: All right, an autobiography, then. "Leo Du Pres: True Story About A Man Left To Rot."
[Leo sighs]
Greenlee: Are you done?
Leo: Yeah, stick a fork in me. Hey, Greenlee, I will -- I will never survive in prison.
Greenlee: I know.
Leo: I mean, it's not so bad when the guard walks by and, you know, I complain about the hospitality and I get a laugh out of him, but I know what they're thinking. They're thinking, "that guy is dead meat." And this place can get so quiet. You know, one night here and it's like falling into a black hole.
Greenlee: Your own personal cosmic loneliness.
Leo: Yeah, right here in cheery old Pine Valley.
Greenlee: I know what that's like.
Leo: You've never been in prison before, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Oh, you don't have to, Leo. You know I had a birthday a couple months ago?
Leo: Well, why didn't you invite me to the party?
Greenlee: There was none. There was nothing.
Leo: Well, when was it? I'll put it on the cell wall.
Greenlee: Oh. February 22.
Leo: Next year. Maybe.
Greenlee: You know what? I've got some errands to run. Guard? I'll see you later?
Leo: You know where I'll be.
Leo: Thank you.

Gillian: I'm trying to picture Jake in a war-torn country halfway around the world.
Tad: Well, we're going to have to tell Mom we couldn't stop him.
Gillian: Poor Ruth. She must be so terrified for him.
Joe: Sure is. Her son Philip was missing in Vietnam, you know.
Gillian: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Jake never told me.
Tad: It was a long time ago. It was 1973. Philip came home, but Mom never got over it.
Gillian: What happened?
Joe: He was missing in action. And day after day she had this knot in her stomach, you know, hoping he was alive, praying he was dead. And now Jake.
Tad: Gillian, Mom was hoping that you would convince him not to go. We all were.
Gillian: How could've I have possibly done that?
Tad: What do you mean how? He loves you. He was asking for you.
Joe: Ok, all right --
Tad: No, no, no, no. Listen, you're the only person he would listen to.
Joe: Look, Jake made up his own mind.
Tad: Look, you could've changed this whole thing with one word. Just one word. For all we know, you could've been saving his life.
Gillian: God, I'm -- I'm so sorry.
Joe: Ruth and I were talking to him a little earlier, about an hour ago. He was at the airport. He sent his love to you. I guess the thing is we were all hoping you'd manage to get to speak to him before his plane took off.
Gillian: You know what? Maybe I was a coward. He only left that one letter before he left town, and I had no idea what was on his mind. I certainly didn't expect him to go off to a war country.
Joe: Well, we didn't, either.

[Pager beeps]

Joe: Oh, I got an emergency. Excuse me.

Tad: It's all right.
Gillian: I feel so responsible.
Tad: Hmm. Well, the truth is I know how you feel. Sometimes in life you make decisions. You think they're for the right reasons and all you end up doing is hurting the people you were trying to protect in the first place.
Gillian: I really was trying to protect Jake -- and Colby.
Tad: I know. I'm sure you were.
Gillian: Tad, listen, these days they have phones on the planes. Maybe if you can give me the flight number, I can call him --
Tad: Honey, it's impossible. You know, it doesn't mean anything. It's a charter. We can't reach him now.
Gillian: What about an address? Maybe I can write to him.
Tad: Jake told us that he had no idea when or if he would even be able to receive mail.
Gillian: Dixie told me he was going to California, not to some -- some city that's bombarded full of bullets and bombs. God, Tad, he could die, and you know what? It'll be all my fault.
Tad: There's a lot of that going around. And I wish I could help you, I really do, but unfortunately, I'm in exactly the same position. I feel just as bad as you do and just as guilty.

David: I don't know why I'm so stunned. I know what Vanessa's capable of. What's one more life added to the tally?
Erica: David, where are you going? Don't do this to yourself.
David: She presumably cared for my father at first. He was a kind man, Erica.
Erica: And that must be the part of him I see in you. Even though you try to hide it.
David: What she did to him took determination of the worst kind. It couldn't have been easy for Vanessa to kill someone as gentle as my father. To kill Paolo must've been a cakewalk. Putting an overdose in a glass of champagne? She doesn't even have to look back.
Erica: But, David, we still don't have enough evidence to go to the police with.
David: We'll find it. We'll find it. If Vanessa took that emerald to cover her tracks, she must've left some loose ends. I'm not going to let Leo take the heat for her.
Erica: You're going to help him?
David: Of course I am. Who else does he have? Vanessa is not going to sacrifice him.
Erica: David, please, just don't leave like this, ok? You're angry. You're too angry.
David: It's about time.

Guard: Bye, Du Pres. Free to go. Well, as soon as we finish the paperwork.
Leo: Somebody paid my bail?
Guard: Yeah, well, it looks like somebody likes you after all.
Greenlee: Listen, I only have a second. You can stay here and decorate or you can rejoin me in the civilized world.

[Music plays]

Tina: Back it up, back it up.
Adrian: Get out of here. I'm liking this.
Tina: This is becoming a routine with us, huh? Yeah?

Singer: Now back to my baby yeah there's a feeling inside I want you to know

[Telephone rings]

Tina: Business before pleasure. Can you turn that down for me? S.O.S. Yes, Mr. Adrian sword is in. Just a moment, please. It's his production company. Told you I could do it.
Adrian: Yes, this is Adrian sword. Yes, I was calling Christian burns. And you are? Oh, his manager. Great, great. Give me that pen and paper, please? Ok, yeah. That sounds great. We'll write it in our book. Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, yes, yes.
Tina: Yes, yes!
Adrian: Uh-huh.
Tina: So, how many shares of stock do I get?
Adrian: Oh, how many you think you deserve?
Tina: Oh, I don't know. A million? Two million?

Greenlee: You two look like you're in a good mood. Hey, hey!
Adrian: Hey, hey.
Greenlee: Hey.
Tina: Hi.
Greenlee: Is the web site up and running?
Adrian: Yes, as a matter of fact, it is.
Greenlee: Well, where's Ryan? He's not answering his cell phone.
Adrian: Actually, he is on his way to Pine Valley hospital to get our first client.
Greenlee: Awesome.

Ryan: You're still upset about Jake.
Gillian: His whole family blames me for what's happening.
Ryan: Well, he seems to doing just fine.
Gillian: Not anymore. He left the country. He flew to Chechnya to work with a group of doctors to help the war victims.
Ryan: Jake flew into a war zone?
Gillian: And he wouldn't have if I loved him more, but now he could die or he could be seriously injured, and I -- it's my fault, and I have to stop him. I -- I have to stop him.
Ryan: Why?
Gillian: What?
Ryan: Well, Gillian, we have to stop trying to convince people to make decisions that we feel are good.
Gillian: What do you mean?
Ryan: Jake's an adult. He chose to go on his own.
Gillian: No. Ryan, it's not that simple. Everything I've done, all the pain I've caused him, has all contributed to this decision to go.
Ryan: Gillian, you are an exceptional woman, but you don't have that kind of power. Nobody does. Jake wants to do something good, something noble with his life, why don't you just be proud of him?
Gillian: I am! I am proud of him, but I can't help thinking --
Ryan: Just wait. Wait, wait, enough. You know, I don't really want to hear that anymore.
Gillian: What?
Ryan: If only this, if only that. Gillian, you do what you got to do, ok? You deal with this as you have to, but I can't help you deal with the guilt that you feel for Jake.
Gillian: I didn't ask for your help, Ryan.
Ryan: I know you didn't. I know you didn't. But I know you want me to. And I can't.
Gillian: Last night you told me that --
Ryan: That I love you. And I do. But you have to make a clean break, Gillian. Nothing between us can work unless you are completely free.
Gillian: We came this close to --
Ryan: Yeah. We did. But we didn't. And I'm glad we didn't because I can't have a relationship with you and with Jake and with the entire martin family. I can't do it. You're still married, Gillian, and you have to deal with that. Good-bye.

Palmer: Vanessa, why did you scream?
Vanessa: Well, I was just so shocked to find this pair of earrings intact.
Palmer: Oh. Oh, well, I took the liberty of replacing the stone just as a surprise to you.
Vanessa: Well, it certainly was that.
Palmer: Yes, kind of an early birthday present.
Vanessa: Oh, you are so kind. Palmer: I wanted you to wear the earrings at a special occasion that I'm planning.
Vanessa: Special occasion huh? Well, you know, darling, I don't think -- I don't think that many candles on the cake I can handle. Please don't make any fuss.
Palmer: Oh, please, you love parties.
Vanessa: That's true. That's true, darling. But, you know, actually, I don't think these -- I don't think the emeralds are going to go with my new dress at all.
Palmer: Well, get a new dress. Unless, of course, there's some other reason that you don't want to wear those earrings in public.

Leo: I think that's everything. Unless you decided to keep a little tip for yourself.
Guard: Cute.

David: Glad to see you made bail.
Leo: You know, David, contrary to your opinion, I do inspire more than contempt in some people. Excuse me.
David: We need to talk.
Leo: How about a rain check? I got to go find mother.
David: There's something you need to hear before you see Vanessa.
Leo: What is it this time, David? She never made you your lunch before you went to school?
David: No. She killed Paolo.


Man: These documents are frauds, I'm afraid.
Alex: What?

Janet: Trevor didn't kill Sophie. I did.

Erica: I'm here to save you from your wife.

Leo: My mother wouldn't sacrifice me to save her own skin!
David: She already has.

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