MAY 14, 2001

David: You're going to break me out of here?
Erica: Yes.
David: Where's your curtain rod and hooped skirt, Scarlet?
Erica: You think this is a joke?
David: Oh, that's right. You're Erica Kane. You just snap your fingers and the walls come tumbling down, right?
Erica: You know, maybe I was wrong. Maybe you're happy here. Maybe you want to spend the rest of your life in this squalid prison, pining away for Dixie Martin.
David: You know that I'll die here if I'm buried behind bars.
Erica: Well, why don't you wait for Dixie Martin to visit you? I'm sure she'll bring you a nice home-baked little pie. Maybe if you're lucky she'll put a file in it.
David: Wait. Are you serious? Can you get me out of here?
Erica: With your cooperation, it is possible.
David: What do I have to do?
Erica: What you do best.
David: Why are you helping ?

Brooke: You believe Leo?
Laura: I believe in him.
Brooke: Honey -- an ex-wife that Leo never mentioned announced that he married her for her money. And he admitted it.
Laura: And it took a lot of courage to admit to that kind of mistake.
Brooke: That mistake crashed his engagement party. I mean, what choice did he have?
Laura: I know what he did to Katerina was awful.
Brooke: Well, thank goodness you can see that.
Laura: But Leo's different now.
Brooke: Honey, I don't think men like that change. Thank God Greenlee's father loves her enough to try and protect her from fortune hunters like Leo.
Laura: Poor Leo. Did you see his eyes when she trashed him?
Brooke: I just think it's a good thing that people caught on to him before he went on to hurt somebody else.
Laura: Mom, you're wrong. Leo doesn't want to hurt anybody.
Brooke: Honey --
Laura: You don't know Leo like I do.

Roger: You heard me. Leave.
Leo: I'm not going anywhere --
Roger: Haven't you hurt my daughter enough?
Leo: No, Greenlee, let's talk this out, just me and you, away from your father, away from everybody.
Greenlee: Your ex-wife?
Roger: Baby, I'm here. Why don't you just walk before I call the police?
Leo: Just hear me out. Just -- please, give me a chance to explain. Don't give up on us -- not after we're so close to living the life that we dreamed of.
Roger: On my daughter's money.
Leo: Shut up! I messed up. It's true, but Katerina's not telling you everything. There's a lot more going on than you know.
Roger: Oh, yes. Isn't that convenient?
Leo: Don't listen to half-truths, Greenlee. Don't let your father's power play destroy what we have. I love you. And I won't lose you. No matter what it takes, just -- ask me anything, I'll tell you. Please.
Greenlee: Give me one reason why I should marry you, why I should ever trust you again.

Edmund: Ok. Take it easy. Everybody, calm down. All right? Calm down. It's going to be ok, all right? It's going to be --
Edmund: Talk to me who are you? Who the hell are you?
Ryan: Put him in the chair.
Edmund: Now start talking. Who sent you here, huh? What are you doing here? What are you doing here, huh?
Anna: No! No! No!
Dimitri: Edmund, wait! Wait!
Edmund: He tried to kill Anna.
Ryan: Yeah, he did, with this.
Dimitri: What? Are you ok?
Anna: Yeah. I'm fine.
Gillian: Hey, what is all this shouting about?
Ryan: It's all right. It's all right, Gillian. There was a little misunderstanding, that's all.
Gillian: I hope you weren't going to settle it with a spear gun. Is this our stowaway?
Ryan: Yeah. Let's give him some room, all right?
Gillian: Edmund, what is he -- what is he doing here?
Ryan: He wasn't talking. So why don't we let Edmund and Dimitri handle this. They can clear it up.
Gillian: But why is he here? How did he come back?
Ryan: Because he's a menace, and I don't want you anywhere near him. So let me take you back to the stateroom, please.
Gillian: Alex, are you ok?
Anna: Yeah. Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry.
Ryan: Come on. Let's go.
Gillian: I just wish somebody would tell me what's going on here.
Ryan: Come on.

Dimitri: Start talking. Go ahead.
Anna: Were you sent to kill me? Oh!
Edmund: Give me something to tie him up!
Dimitri: You're not getting out of here until you give us some answers. And we will get them! You understand me? You're going to tell us everything that we want to know.

David: Why are you here, Erica?
Erica: No matter what has happened between us, David, I'll always care for you.
David: I don't want pity.
Erica: Well, I am concerned, David. You've changed, and I feel responsible for that.
David: Hmm. You're not.
Erica: Yes, I am. From the minute I broke up with you, you just spun out of control. And now, David, to see you here like this -- this frankly breaks my heart.
David: Oh, maybe it's what I deserve.
Erica: How could a simple woman like Dixie do this to you? Of course you don't deserve this.
David: Have you forgiven me for drugging you? Is that why you're here?
Erica: I'm not sure I will ever forget that you drugged me. But I don't think you were in your right mind at the time, and I am trying to help you to get back to being the man I know you are.
David: Why do you care what happens to me?
Erica: Why are you being so difficult? I'm offering you freedom. How is your hand?
David: The surgery went well.
Erica: Then you can operate again?
David: If I get the chance.
Erica: Well, that's what I'm trying to arrange. Laura English needs you.
David: You're here on Brooke's behalf?
Erica: Yes.
David: You hate Brooke.
Erica: Laura needs you. Brooke's daughter needs you. Laura's life can be counted in weeks.
David: Yeah, but why me? I mean, you could call any cardiologist throughout the planet.
Erica: Because I know you. Because I've seen you give people hope where there is none, David. And Brooke needs that as much as Laura.
David: So you'll help a person who drugged you and do a favor for somebody that you don't even like? I mean, so what are you getting out of this, Erica?
Erica: You know, I realize this is a very strange concept to you. It's an act of kindness. That's it. No more, no less.
David: But I'll owe you.
Erica: You owe it to yourself, David. I'm offering you an opportunity to do what you were born to do. You got lost in some squalid affair, and now I'm offering you an opportunity to find your way back, David.
David: So you're trying to save my soul. Is that it, Erica, or just rent it? You know, the offer is tempting, but I don't know if I can afford it.
Erica: What is wrong with you? If you're going to hide from your life -- you're going to hide from your talent? Fine. That's fine. I will tell Brooke to just find another doctor.
David: Erica -- wait.

Laura: You never lied to Leo. That's why it's easy for you to believe all these horrible things.
Brooke: Honey, you can't deny what Leo is, no matter what you feel about him because his past speaks for itself.
Laura: But, Mom, you're judging Leo on his past, and you told me that my past doesn't matter. So which is it? If you're going to write Leo off as a con man, then I'm a porn queen for life.
Brooke: You were a victim.
Laura: So was Leo. I mean, who can be normal with a wacko mother like Vanessa? See, who's going to give him a break? No one gives him a chance. You gave me that chance. When you found me, I had nowhere to go but down. But, for some reason, you believed in me. Even now with this X -- I've made so many mistakes, but you're still here and that's what Leo needs -- someone to believe in him no matter what.
Brooke: And that's you?
Laura: Well, it's not Greenlee, that's for sure.
Brooke: Honey, I think it's been a long night and you need your rest.
Laura: I can't sleep, Mom. That's all I've ever done. My life is passing me by and I'm just sleeping it away.
Brooke: Listen, I know there's going to be no stopping you when you get out of here. But until that point --
Laura: I know. I just wish I could strangle Greenlee. I mean, do you know how dense she is?
Brooke: I have an idea.
Laura: She's like a gazillion trust fund babies. She doesn't expect anything more from him than a good time. And Leo won't have to risk anything. He won't put his feelings on the line. How sad is that?
Brooke: It's Leo's choice.
Laura: Greenlee -- she doesn't even know how sensitive he is. He was demolished tonight, and she's probably dumping him. She doesn't have the courage to love him like he needs to be loved. If I could just --
Brooke: Save Leo? Laura -- I don't want this to sound unfeeling, but there are some people who can't be helped. So you just have to save yourself. To do that you just have to walk away from them for good.

Leo: Greenlee, you cannot give up on us.
Greenlee: You lied to me.
Leo: I tried to tell you the truth, remember? I tried to come clean with everything, but you said that what we'd done before didn't matter.
Roger: That is so convenient.
Leo: I tried to protect you from what you didn't know about me. I wanted to show you that I wanted your love, nothing more.
Greenlee: But you promised Katerina a prenup, too.
Katerina: And I believed him.
Leo: Katerina -- she's lying, Greenlee. Come on, if we really love each other, this can't touch us.
Greenlee: I don't know what to believe.
Roger: Come on, Baby. Let me take you out of here.
Leo: Believe this.

Dimitri: All right, why were you after Anna? What, are you part of Charlotte's organization?
Edmund: Are you acting alone? Who sent you? Huh? All right, we're not going to get answers this way.
Dimitri: Hey. Don't make the mistake of thinking that we can't figure out ways to convince you to talk.
Ryan; Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Time out! Dimitri, this does not happen here! All right? You guys want answers, fine. We call the cops.
Dimitri: Hey, whoa -- hey!
Edmund: No cops.
Ryan: Edmund, the vigilante angle really isn't working too well. Dimitri: Hey, we cannot turn this kid over to the authorities until we know who he is.
Edmund: And either way, the cops can't know Anna's whereabouts.
Dimitri: That's right, so just bear with us, ok? We have to do this our way.
Ryan: What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? I'm lying to Gillian. I took her away from Wildwind to keep her away from this assassin or terrorist or whoever these people are. And then you bring the danger here? No! It stops now!
Anna: He's right. You're right. We're sorry for all this trouble.
Dimitri: Ryan, you have my word. We will not put you or Gillian in harm's way.
Ryan: What are you talking about? The guy was just waving around a spear gun. He threatened Greenlee with a knife. It's a little late for that promise. So, what, do we say good night now or do I call the cops?
Edmund: We need to plan our next move.
Dimitri: Yeah, just give us a few minutes, ok? Just a few minutes.
Ryan: Fine.
Edmund: Someplace we can put him?
Ryan: Yeah. Put him in the front porch stateroom.
Edmund: Can you secure it?
Ryan: Yeah, you can lock it. I'll get my deck hand to guard the door, all right?
Dimitri: Thanks.
Thanks, Ryan.
Ryan: You came here to get away from this craziness. You going to be all right?
Anna: Yeah -- as long as I stay away from spear guns.
Ryan: You know, it looked like, when I came out there, that he grabbed the gun because he was -- he was frightened. I wonder what Edmund --
Dimitri: What? What? Self-defense? No, he was pointing it at Anna, not at Edmund.
Ryan: All right. I'm just saying I don't want anybody else to get hurt, all right? Get the kid off the boat.
Edmund: Fine. I'll get him. Let's go, Chatterbox.
Ryan: Wait, wait, wait. Whoa, wait. Is that a scar? How'd you get that?
Edmund: Let's go.
Dimitri: Anna, what is it? What --
Anna: I need to speak to him alone.

David: I'm sorry, Erica. I overreacted. I'm just -- I'm just amazed that you're here. I mean, after what I did to you, I -- I really wouldn't expect it.
Erica: Will you help Laura?
David: Do you really think you could get me out of here?
Erica: Will you do the procedure?
David: Well, what can you tell me about her complications? I mean, has she been experiencing any changes or --
Erica: I don't know. You are the doctor.
David: And you win.
Erica: David, there is nothing at stake here, except that Laura English deserves to have as long a life as she possibly can.
David: I'll do everything I can.
Erica: I would expect nothing less. Ok. Now I've got to get out of here because I have a jailbreak to organize.
David: Erica, thank you. No one else would take a chance on me.
Erica: I know.
David: So how exactly are you going to get me out of here?
Erica: You have to trust me on that. When is your preliminary hearing?
David: Tomorrow. I'm pleading n guilty. After that, the justice system calls the shots.
Laura: I can't just do it, Mom. I can't just write Leo off. I know, I'm a lost cause, right?
Brooke: I think you need your sleep.
Laura: I'm sorry I snuck out of here to go to the party.
Brooke: Oh, Honey, when I saw this empty bed -- oh, please, promise me -- no more field trips, ok?
Laura: Ok.
Brooke: And no more Leo. Just not for tonight.
Laura: Mom, he just needs to know that he's --
Brooke: Laura, please?

Katerina: Don't let him do this to you.
Greenlee: I love Leo. I believe him.
Katerina: He uses words like an artist. He paints a future so beautiful, you'll do anything to believe it can be true -- even marry a man who loves only your money.
Greenlee: Leo didn't trick me into this. Getting married was my idea.
Katerina: That's how good he is. Did he tell you he'd never been in love before he met you? Did he say he didn't need a ring to prove the love you shared? And didn't that make you want him even more? You only think you had a choice.
Greenlee: We love each other.
Katerina: I know it's hard to hear the truth. He looks like an angel. How could those lips tell such lies?
Leo: Greenlee, let's go. We're leaving. Don't listen to her.
Katerina: Leo broke my heart. He wiped out my bank account, and, still, when I look at him, I feel something I don't want to feel.
Leo: Katerina, come on. Don't do this.
Katerina: Even then, when I realized Leo loved only my money, I let him use me because I kept hoping one day he'd make love to me and mean it. I was a fool. Learn from me, Greenlee.
Leo: Look, Katerina, what I did to you was unforgivable. Ok? But I'm not the same man anymore.
Katerina: I think you are.
Leo: If there was any way that I could make it up to you, I would.
Roger: You can start by returning her money.
Leo: It's gone.
Roger: Oh. What a surprise.
Katerina: Money can't replace what you took. You stole my heart as if it was less than nothing.
Greenlee: How could you do that, Leo?
Leo: I'm ashamed of what I did. But you changed me when you took a chance and loved me, Greenlee. Come on, we're meant to be together. You know that.
Roger: Leo's right, you know. Greenlee, you were meant to be. But I'm afraid destiny had nothing to do with it.
Greenlee: What's he talking about?
Roger: Shall I tell her, Leo? Shall I tell her how you managed to land in Pine Valley? Had nothing to do with fate. Had everything to do with commerce.
Leo: Look, I -- I can explain --
Roger: Things were just a little bit too hot in Europe, I think, for expatriate grifters, were they not, Leo? So Vanessa chose a smaller pond with less sophisticated fish. Now, first she snagged old man Cortlandt, and then she sent for Leo here. And then she pointed Leo in your direction, Greenlee. And there you are. The catch of the day.
Greenlee: You came to Pine Valley because of me? My money? Leo -- answer me.
Leo: Yes.
Greenlee: I was a dupe?
Greenlee: Why did you have to choose me? Was I so stupid that I was an easy mark?
Leo: No, Greenlee. I didn't know anything about you.
Roger: Except that you had a trust fund.
Leo: He's right. I wanted to charm you out of as many greenbacks as I could. But I didn't expect to fall in love with you. That changed everything. I told Vanessa that I wanted out. You can ask her.
Roger: Vanessa as a character witness? Probably not.
Leo: I tried to stay away from you because I didn't want you to get hurt. I tried but I couldn't. I've never known anyone like you, Greenlee. You -- you really love me. And I know that it sounds corny, but it gave me hope. It was the best gift that anybody's ever given me.
Roger: Desperate words for a desperate man.
Leo: Please. Just tell me you still love me.
Roger: Darling, I'm sorry you had to find out like this.
Greenlee: All this time you only wanted my money?
Leo: No. Greenlee, that was before I knew what it felt like to really love somebody. You have to believe me.
Greenlee: Leave us alone.
Roger: Greenlee, I don't think that's wise.
Greenlee: Just go away.

Brooke: When you get out of here, Honey, we're going to go on a shopping spree. Oh, look at this dress. This is adorable. It would be so cute on you. I'll show you tomorrow.

Erica: Brooke.
Brooke: Shh. Laura just fell asleep. We can talk outside.

Laura: Bianca. Hey, it's me. Listen, I need you to come over here. No, I don't care if your pajamas are on. Please, I -- I just need your help. No, I'll explain when you get here. Just be careful, though. Your mother is right outside my door. I don't know. She's talking to my mom. It seems something's going down. I don't know. Just -- just hurry, ok? Thanks.

Erica: How's Laura holding up?
Brooke: She's a little tired. If you want Bianca, she went home.
Erica: Brooke, I went to see David.
Brooke: You went to see him in jail?
Erica: Yes, I did.
Brooke: What did he say?
Erica: He's agreed to take Laura's case as soon as I get him out of jail.
Brooke: How did you convince him?
Erica: Well, all I had to do was ask. I mean, David and I may have gone our separate ways, but he would still do anything for me.
Brooke: Oh, really? Are you using my daughter's crisis to test your power over David? I mean, what is this for you, Erica, some sort of ego trip?

Dimitri: No. There is no way that I'm going to let you be alone with this punk because he's tried to attack you.
Anna: We don't know anything for certain. Anything. You think that maybe he took that spear
Dimitri: And he pointed it at you.
Anna: No, don't you think he was more frightened?
Ryan: I don't know. I don't know. I'm more involved in this than I want to be already, ok? I'm going to go check on Gillian and make sure she stays where she is until this guy is off the boat. A few minutes.

Anna: If I could just talk to him alone in a quiet, non-threatening situation, I think I can get through to him.
Dimitri: Yeah -- or he might kill you.
Anna: I'm not exactly helpless, am I?
Edmund: No. You're pretty good with a half nelson. But I'm with Dimitri on this one.
Dimitri: Look, we know that there's an assassin on your trail, all right? Now, I don't think it's any coincidence that this kid shows up waving knives and spear guns whenever he's near you.
Edmund: I agree. We're going to keep distance between you and that kid, all right? Right now he's tied up, he's locked up, he's in the stateroom, and Steven's guarding the door.
Anna: Is that necessary?
Edmund and Dimitri: Yes!
Anna: Poor kid. He seems so confused. I think he needs help, not all this.
Dimitri: What the hell is it with you and Alex? This kid could actually be a trained killer.
Anna: Well, he's not a very good one, is he? I'm positive that's not what he is. There's something about him. I can reach him, you know. I'm sure I can, if you would give me the chance.

Ryan: So what's going on? You guys figure a way to get this kid off the boat, or what?
Edmund: We're working on it.
Dimitri: I'm going to call Alex. I'll fill her in. Maybe she has some ideas.
Edmund: How's that background check on the Wildwind staff going?
Dimitri: Alex is finishing that up right now. Listen, can I borrow your cell phone, please?
Ryan: Fine.
Dimitri: Thanks.
Edmund: Listen, Ryan, I'm glad you showed up when you did. I'm trying to convince Anna that everything's fine, she's safe. And then this happens.
Ryan: You know what freaks me out, though, was how this guy got back on the boat for a second time. I don't know. He's freaking me out. He hasn't said a word.
Edmund: Hmm. No matter what Anna says, this guy is no innocent.

Anna: Hello, Steven.
Steven: Good evening, Mrs. Marick.
Anna: Oh, good evening. How's the prisoner?
Steven: Oh, quiet.
Anna: I'd like to see him. Could you unlock the door?
Steven: I don't think so. Mr. Grey told me not to let anyone in.
Anna: Yes, but I'm a doctor, and he needs my attention.
Steven: He looked all right to me.
Anna: Well, he has a serious wound on his leg, and I might need to look at it. Anyway, Edmund knows I'm here.
Steven: Maybe I should check with Mr. Grey.
Anna: What could he possibly do? The boy is tied up.
Steven: Mr. Grey says this kid is bad news.
Anna: Five minutes. I need five minutes, that's all.
Steven: Well, if it's medical, ok.
Anna: Thank you. You can leave us alone.
Steven: No, I don't think that's such a good idea. If anything should happen --
Anna: What is going to happen? He's trussed up like a pheasant.
Steven: All right, then. But I'll be right outside if you need me.
Anna: Great.

Anna: I thought he'd never leave.
Anna: Why are you here?
Anna: Should I be frightened of you? Or are you more scared of me?

Erica: Why are you attacking me? I'm doing this for Laura.
Brooke: Oh, how obtuse do you think I am? It would be just like you to use my daughter's medical crisis to see if you could still manipulate your ex-lover.
Erica: Do you have trouble accepting help? Or is it me? Do you have trouble accepting help from me?
Brooke: I just don't want my daughter in the middle of a scheme to seduce David, ok?
Erica: I am not trying to seduce David. I don't want David back. But if I did, I certainly wouldn't have to trick Him into returning. Get over yourself.
Brooke: You know, I don't even know why you're here. It's fine. You've reassured me. I don't need your help.
Erica: Oh, yes, you do. You are desperately trying to save your daughter. Well, I've been there. I know how that feels, and I know what to do. And I wanted you to know that you're not alone in this. Look, Laura is all that matters here, and I'm in this until she is on her feet and blasting her music and sneaking in after curfew.

[Erica sighs]

Brooke: I'm sorry. I really am. I -- I'm very glad that you went to see David. I really am, and I'm so relieved that he's agreed to do the surgery. It's -- it's the most hope I've had in a long while.
Erica: Well, hope is the first step.
Brooke: And the second step is to get him out of jail. How are you going to do that?
Erica: Well, I think that you'll be very impressed.

Laura: They didn't see you?
Bianca: No. You were right about our moms. They're like Lucy and Ethel. It's very bizarre.
Laura: Well, whatever it takes to keep my mother from hovering. It's weird. I feel her staring at me when she thinks I'm asleep. I feel it through my eyelids. It's freaking me out.
Bianca: Here's the cure.
Laura: Oh! Yes! Electric-blue nail polish. Thank you.
Bianca: So, are you going to tell me why I'm here before or after we paint?
Laura: It's about Leo. Bianca: Oh, man. Poor Leo. He was trying so hard to keep it together. You could tell that he was just dying inside, and he was just worried about Greenlee.
Laura: Did you believe his ex trashed him like that? When I saw his face, I just wanted to punch her lights out.
Bianca: I even felt sorry for Greenlee.
Laura: Stop.
Bianca: Ok, I'm over it.
Laura: Ok, what we have to do is show Leo that we believe in him. I mean, if I could just talk to him, if I could see him somehow or let him know that --
Bianca: Laura, you're not talking about a date thing here, are you? I mean, broken hearts don't heal in a few hours. I don't think that he's ready for any moves --
Laura: No, no, no. I mean, it's like the card he sent with the flowers. Leo's my friend. I'm doing this because he's hurting and because that hag slammed him in front of all those people. Who does Leo have except us?
Bianca: Maybe Greenlee stuck by him.
Laura: Are you kidding? To her, in her book, it's like he's damaged goods. She's bailed on him by now. It's up to us to show Leo that we still care.
Bianca: So what do you want to do?
Laura: I have it all planned out.

Greenlee: All my life I've had everything I've ever wanted. Except love. And then you showed up, and you found a part of me that nobody cared to look for, and you liked it. You understood me better than I understood myself. How could I not love you?
Leo: And I'll spend the rest of my life making this up --
Greenlee: And it was all a trick.
Leo: No, it wasn't. I do love you.
Greenlee: Liar.
Leo: I never meant to --
Greenlee: What? Get caught?
Leo: No.
Greenlee: Everybody tried to warn me. Everybody said that you were just like my father, that you were only after my money. Grandmother, Jake -- everyone saw it but me. Ugh, how gullible am I? I even did the hard part for you -- I proposed. Did you and Vanessa have a good laugh? I let myself trust you. I let myself believe that -- oh, I'm such an idiot! It wasn't love, it was business.
Leo: Greenlee, don't do this.
Greenlee: Don't touch me! Do you get it? I hate you! I never want to see you again.
Greenlee: What are you waiting for? Go!

Roger: Sweetheart, are you all right?
Greenlee: Are you happy, Daddy? Is this what you wanted?
Roger: No, no, I wanted to protect you.
Greenlee: Oh, you don't care about me. You never have. I hate you!
Roger: Let me take care --
Greenlee: I hate you, too. I hate all of you!
Roger: Wait a minute, Greenlee, please.
Greenlee: Leave me alone.
Roger: Wait a minute!

Leo: Why did you do it, Kat?
Katerina: You look well, considering.
Leo: Stop it. Why did you lie about the prenup? I never wanted one.
Katerina: You love her, don't you?
Leo: Answer me.
Katerina: But now your heart is breaking into a thousand tiny, little pieces, isn't it? All your hopes for the future, shattered. There's nothing but emptiness. That's why I lied, Leo -- to see that look in your e. I wanted you to feel what it's like to be one of your victims.

Roger: Honey, I know it hurts now, but someday you'll thank me.
Greenlee: Don't push this any further, Daddy. Get away from me.
Roger: You need your family now, dear.
Greenlee: The family I never had? I don't need anyone -- not Leo and certainly not you!

Laura: So what do you think?
Bianca: I think it's just what Leo needs.
Laura: So you'll take care of him for me?
Bianca: Yeah. What are we going to do about your mom, though? I mean, she was really freaked out when you sneaked out of the hospital tonight.
Laura: Well, maybe I'll just have to bring her along.
Bianca: Ok. Let's do it.
Laura: Yes!

Brooke: And that's the plan?
Erica: The broad strokes.
Brooke: Well, there -- there are a couple of variables.
Erica: Yeah, granted. Brooke: And a couple
of pitfalls.
Erica: Minor, minor. Anything else?
Brooke: I think if we both do what we do best, it -- it could work.
Erica: Well, Brooke, I know I can do it. The rest is up to you.

Edmund: Any word from Alex about the background checks?
Dimitri: Yeah, she's finishing up soon.
Ryan: Not soon enough for me.
Edmund: Listen, Ryan, thanks for letting me and Anna here. I'm sorry the night turned out like this.
Ryan: Yeah, so am I. So am I. So what's the word? You guys going to get this kid off the boat, or am I going to invite Derek and his friends onboard?
Dimitri: We'll take him to Wildwind.
Edmund: Yeah, just as soon as Anna and I get out of these robes. Anna?
Ryan: Where'd she go?
Dimitri: Damn it!

Anna: Will you trust me? I want to help you. No, wait -- don't -- don't run. Please don't run. You'll make it -- no, wait, wait -- I know you.

Steven: Hey! Ooh!

Edmund: Anna? Where are you?
Dimitri: Anna, answer us!

Anna: I know you!


Dixie: I was wondering if you'd like to move back home.

Brooke: What are you going to say to the judge?
Erica: I'm going to appeal to his human side.

Leo: If you're in the, if you can hear me, I love you!

Greenlee: Why me? Have I been that bad?

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