MAY 17, 2001

Jake: All you got?

Greenlee: Don't you believe in knocking?
Leo: This couldn't wait.
Jake: Maybe it should.
Greenlee: Let's ignore him and maybe he'll go away.
Jake: No, Greenlee --
Greenlee: I want more champagne. Lots and lots of bubbles.
Leo: Are you doing this for my benefit?
Greenlee: Did you hear something?
Leo: Greenlee, don't. No matter what you think, you're everything to me. Greenlee: There it is again. Sounded like words. Empty, meaningless words.
Leo: I want to show you something.
Greenlee: Tell Mr. du Pres that I'm not interested. Tell him that it's much too little and much too late, that a crummy piece of paper won't change anything. Tell him that his golden goose has flown the coop.
Leo: Why don't you tell me? Tell me what's on your mind, Greenlee, what's in your heart. If you want me to leave, I will. If you want Jake, if he makes you happy, just tell me. But you have to say it to my face.
Greenlee: Who the hell are you to barge in here and give me orders? You are nothing to me. I don't want anything from you.
Leo: I want something from you. I want you to listen to me.
Greenlee: Listen to what? More lies? I love it. I was the girl who invited the wolf inside my door. I didn't see through the disguise. I didn't even have time to cry wolf before you ripped my world apart, so you can huff and you can puff, but I am not letting you into my life again. And I won't listen to any more of your lies.

Laura: So I think I've changed my mind about backpacking with Bianca through Europe this summer.
Brooke: Oh?
Laura: Yeah. I think -- I think I want to stay closer to home.
Brooke: Because of Leo?
Laura: Well, that's one reason. Now that he's done with Greenlee --
Brooke: Honey, I don't want you to get your hopes up.
Laura: Mom, why not? I love the view from up here. It's like I'm floating on a cloud, miles above the planet.
Brooke: Laura --
Laura: Did you see Leo's face when he found out I have to have this heart catheterization test thin? He was worried -- about me. I mean, not that there's anything to worry about, but it was just cool knowing he cares.

Nurse: Dinner time. Hey, Laura, Ms. English. You're the veggie plate, right?
Brooke: Oh -- my daughter's not supposed to eat before this procedure.
Nurse: I'm sorry?
Brooke: She's having a cardiac catheterization tonight.
Nurse: No kidding? At this hour? They usually schedule those in the early morning. Guess I should have double-checked the schedule. I'm sorry.
Brooke: Mm-hmm, that's ok. No problem. We'll just call you if we need you. Thanks.

Laura: Mom?
Brooke: Hmm?
Laura: Why am I having this test tonight and not in the morning?
David: Cause the sooner you get this over with, the sooner you get to go home. Plus, my schedule's not exactly my own these days.
Laura: Mom, I don't mean to be rude, but isn't Dr. Hayward supposed to be in jail? And since when did doctors have armed escorts? Mother, what are you not telling me?

[Music plays]

Ken: Have you ever been swimming on X?
Heather: Not yet.
Ken: Oh, it's incredible. It's like -- I've only done it in a pool, though.
Heather: Wow. I want to try it. Floating, looking at the stars and the rainbows around them. Let's do it.
Ken: Now?
Heather: Why not? We have the whole lake.
Ken: Yeah. Cool.

[Car approaches]

Marcus: Somebody's coming.
Ken: Look, hide the stash. Put your shirt back on.

Tad: Excuse us. We've been looking for you. I know you. You were here the other night when Junior was arrested, right?
Marcus: Yeah. It was a bogus bust, man.
Dixie: Have you seen my son in the last couple of hours?
Heather: Uh-uh.
Ken: We haven't seen him since Officer Pig Perry hauled him in.
Tad: Well, he was supposed to appear before a judge to answer the charges against him.
Dixie: Yeah, but he took off. We were hoping that you might've seen him?
Sweeney: Hey, we're not his keepers.
Shannon: We were sort of hoping his dad would buy him a get-out-of-jail card.
Tad: Yeah, well, would you do us a favor? If you see him, would you tell him to call home?
Marcus: Which home is that, dude?


Dixie: Just tell him to call.

Marcus: Dude, Chandler's pulling some righteous moves, man. He steals his dad's car, he skips out on his court date. This guy's crazy.
Sweeney: Dude knows how to party, man.
Mindy: Wait -- how many hits did J.R. have?
Ken: Like, two. So, wherever he is, he is, like, beyond the pain.

Adam: J.R. J.R., You all right?
J.R.: What happened?
Adam: God -- Hayley -- yes. This is Adam Chandler. I'm on route 3, about a mile above Miller's Pond. And I -- there's been a serious one-car accident. I need an ambulance here right away. Yes, right away.

J.R.: Dad -- Dad, I'm fine.

Adam: About a mile north on route 3, miller's pond. Yes. Hurry up.

J.R.: Oh, my God. The baby. What did I do?
Adam: God. Hayley. Hayley, are you all right?
Hayley: Ooh, baby --
Adam: Sweetheart, there's an ambulance on the way, but do you hurt any place?
Hayley: No, actually, I think I'm ok.
Adam: Ok. Ok, good. Good. I don't smell gasoline, so -- and I think we should get you out of that car, just to be safe.
J.R., Loosen her seat belt. J.R.? Her seat belt. Ok, ok. Easy. Let me take your arm.
Adam: Easy, easy, easy. All right. Hayley: Yeah, mm-hmm.
J.R., Honey, are you ok?
Adam: How the hell did this happen?
Hayley: Dad, please. It was an accident.
Adam: You're 14 years old. Whatever possessed you to get behind the wheel of a car?
J.R.: Dad, I'm -- I'm sorry.
Adam: No, "sorry" doesn't cut it! How could you do something this irresponsible?
J.R.: I don't know. I saw mom in the courtroom, and she was standing up for David Hayward. It was like somebody punched me in the stomach. I -- I couldn't even breathe.
Adam: You could have killed yourself. Or Hayley, your sister, or her unborn baby.
J.R.: I said I was sorry.


Adam: Here comes the ambulance.
J.R.: That's more than one siren.
Adam: Well, then I --
J.R.: Somebody called the cops.
Adam: The 911 dispatcher probably called the cops, yes.
J.R.: What happened if they find out that I stole your car?
Adam: I'll handle the police. Don't worry about it.
J.R.: Dad, I'm in enough trouble already.
Adam: Thank you for the news flash. Get in the back seat.
J.R.: Why?
Adam: Do what I tell you, damn it. When the police make the report, I was behind the wheel. You got that? I was driving.

Brooke: Honey, I explained the procedure to you.
David: If you have any questions, Laura, I'm happy to answer them.
Laura: Ok. So riddle me this, doctor -- how come you're doing this gig?
Brooke: Because he is the best cardiologist around, and I would only want the best for you.
Laura: But you said it's a simple test.
Brooke: Yes, that's right.
Laura: It's just routine. I mean, no biggie, right?
David: Laura, with any medical procedure, there's always an element of risk.
Laura: So what's wrong with Dr. Bryant? I mean, is he not up for the job?
Brooke: No, Honey, he's perfectly capable.
Laura: So you had to bust Hayward out of jail?
David: It was nothing that dramatic, I promise you. I have a temporary work release, that's all.
Laura: Ok, ok. This is just the picture I'm getting. I'm supposed to have a routine procedure that's usually done in the morning, but is being performed in the middle of the night by a doctor who's been busted out of jail just for the occasion.
Brooke: Honey, I think the only thing that you need to know is that you are in extremely capable hands.
Laura: Ok, is that all I need to know, Doc?
David: I have performed this procedure at least a thousand times.
Laura: So I'm lucky number 1,001.
Brooke: Dr. Hayward, could I just have a minute with my daughter?
David: Sure.

Laura: Mom, is there something you need to tell me? Is there something I should know because this is me. This is my body that's being invaded.
Brooke: Laura, the only thing that you need to know is that I love you.
Laura: I love you, too. But I'm not a China doll, ok? Kids from the mean streets don't crack. We're geared to survive.
Brooke: I know you're tough. I know you are. You're as tough as I was when I was your age.
Laura: So if I have a fight ahead of me, Mother, it would help if I knew the enemy.
Brooke: There isn't any enemy. We're all on your side. Believe me.
Brooke: Listen, I'm going to give Jamie a real quick call -- you know how he is -- and I'll be right back. Ok?

David: Brooke, I assumed you told your daughter how badly compromised her heart is.
Brooke: She doesn't know and she doesn't need to know.
David: I disagree. Your daughter is old enough to handle the truth.
Brooke: She's old enough to learn that she might not live to see her next birthday.
David: You don't accept that, and neither do I.
Brooke: So then why do we have to scare her about it?
David: There is a chance that I can save Laura.
Brooke: Then just do it.
David: She already feels like you're holding back. Now, if she asks me to tell her the truth, I'm going to have to do that.
Brooke: Even if I forbid it?
David: It is always my recommendation with my patients that they face the reality, no matter how grim, so that we can fight it together. Now, if you disagree with this philosophy and you'd rather take me off the case, I understand.
Brooke: No. You're my only prayer. You're Laura's only hope. Laura has not had an easy life. She lost her innocence way too young. She needs something to believe in. She needs a future, a dream. And if you tell her how sick she really is, I'm afraid that she's going to give up on herself, and I cannot risk that happening. Can you?

Leo: I stopped at my lawyer's. Add your signature next to mine, and your future's secured, Greenlee. Once we're married, I can't touch your money. What's yours is yours, now and forever.
Greenlee: There is no forever, Leo. Our forever ended with your lies.
Leo: I know I disappointed you, Greenlee. Come on.
Greenlee: Disappointed? Try "devastated." You were going to marry me, hang out for a while, then wipe out my trust fund and hit the road.
Leo: That was before I met you. Then I fell in love with you, and the rules of the game changed after that.
Greenlee: Yeah, but the prize was still the same -- my money.
Leo: No, I don't give a damn about your money. Remember when we first got engaged, I insisted that we get this prenup?
Greenlee: For my own protection.
Leo: Yes! For your own protection -- to prove that I would gladly live the next 30, 40, 50 years on your love and my miserable paycheck.
Greenlee: Yeah, the prenup was a hard sell, but you knew I would never sign it. You counted on it.
Leo: Sign it, Greenlee. Sign the prenup. Cut me out of your trust fund, cut me out of your will, but, please -- please, I'm begging you. Please don't cut me out of your life.
Greenlee: It's too late.
Leo: Come on, marry me. Be my wife. Let me love you.
Greenlee: You don't know what love is. And you know what? Neither do I. Bottom line, Leo, with or without my money, there is no happily ever after for us.

Jake: You ok?
Greenlee: Yeah, I'm fine. Jake: Well, listen, I got to go to the hospital and check on a patient, but I'll be back. You want Leo to stay?
Greenlee: I can handle this.
Jake: Well, better than you handle that champagne, I hope. Stay strong.

Leo: Greenlee, what you said before about not knowing how to love, that isn't true.
Greenlee: Careful, Leo, you'll start believing your own con.
Leo: Katerina was a con. I admitted that.
Greenlee: I don't give a damn about Katerina. I don't care that you looted her bank account or that I was the next name on your hit list. It doesn't matter that you changed your mind. You could swear on a stack of Bibles, and I could sign a prenup in blood -- it doesn't change what I feel.
Leo: You love me.
Greenlee: I don't trust you, Leo. I never have. And this true love that we supposedly have stumbled upon, that's the biggest lie of all.
Leo: How can you say that?
Greenlee: Because all we know about love is what we've read in books and seen in movies. We're play-acting, Leo. We're going through the motions. First comes love, then comes marriage. Who are we kidding? Just ourselves.
Leo: No, I love you, Greenlee! I know what I feel!
Greenlee: You feel afraid because you're not used to losing. I am. I've been used, cheated, lied to all in the name of love. Brilliant Greenlee falls for a guy just like dear old Dad. Leo: Oh, I am not like Roger.
Greenlee: How do I know that? How do you know that I'm not a vampire bat like Vanessa? Maybe I'm just using you until the next person comes around. Maybe you're just a warm body to fill up my loneliness. One day you'll wake up in an empty bed or I'll wake up and you'll be gone -- along with my savings and my stock portfolio. Can you promise me that won't happen, Leo?
Leo: Yes.
Greenlee: No. You used me, and I used you. We're users and losers, Leo. We don't stand a chance in heaven or in hell.

David: Laura, how are you? I wanted to go over the procedure for the cardiac catheterization with you, ok? Now, in a little while, you're going to be brought down to the cath lab. We're going to give you a sedative and a local anesthetic. After that, we're going to insert a little tube into an artery in your leg, and through that tube we're going to inject a dye. Now, you're going to feel a little pressure, but, I promise you, it's going to be painless. Ok?
Laura: Can I ask you something, Doctor, and will you be completely honest when you answer? Can you do that?
David: Laura, I'm your doctor. I'll answer any questions you have as honestly as I can.


Hayley: You're going to lie to the police again? Add another cover-up to your resume? Are you nuts?
Adam: J.R.'S in enough trouble already.
Hayley: You're just going to dig him in deeper.
Adam: I don't have time to debate this with you right now.
Hayley: Well, you better make time or your son's going to be doing time for giving false information to the police.
Adam: I'll do all the talking.
Hayley: Oh, well, that's just great. You mean like you did all the talking when we thought Arlene was dead? Look, he screwed up, and he's going to have to take responsibility for his actions.
Adam: When your child is born, you can treat him the way you want, raise him anyway you want. J.R. is my son and I know what's best for him.

[Hayley sighs]

Hayley: Are you all right with this? Because I know how easy it is to let dad jump in and wave his wallet around and make all your problems disappear, but it's not right.
Adam: Look, leave him alone. He's got enough problems already.
Hayley: What if you had killed somebody? What then? I mean, because I have no doubt dad would absolutely be able to buy your way out of prison. But do you think you'd be able to live with yourself after something like that? Or what if you had killed yourself? Then Dad and all his money and power wouldn't be able to get you out of that mess.
Adam: J.R., get in the car.
Hayley: Come on, J.R., do the right thing. Tell the cops what really happened.
Adam: Shut up!

[Sirens stop]

Officer: You called in the 911?
Adam: Yes -- Officer Perry.
Officer Perry: Any injuries?
Adam: No, I don't think so. My daughter is pregnant, though. She needs to be checked.
Officer Perry: The EMT's are on the way. Who's -- who's that in the back seat?
Officer Perry: Well, well, well. If it isn't kid fugitive.
Adam: Look, my car's been trashed. Doesn't anyone want to know what happened?
Officer Perry: Shoot.
Adam: All right, a deer ran out of the woods on to the road. I swerved to avoid it. I lost control.
Officer Perry: You were driving?
Adam: Correct.
Hayley: I'm sorry, Dad. I can't let you do this.
Adam: My daughter needs medical attention. Where the hell are those paramedics?

[Car approaches]

Hayley: My father wasn't the one driving the car.

Tad: Oh, my God, Adam. What happened here?
Hayley: I was just explaining to the officers here how J.R. took my father's car for a joyride.
Dixie: What? Oh, my God. Honey, are you ok?
J.R.: Mom, I'm fine.
Hayley: I was in the car, too.
Dixie: Are you ok? My God, the baby --
Hayley: Oh, we're fine. We're -- we'll be fine, I think.
Dixie: J.R., what are you doing taking your father's car?
Tad: Your mother asked you a question. What were you doing driving the car?

Officer Perry: Your kid's going to have to be tested.
Adam: For what?
Officer Perry: Well, alcohol, for one thing.
Adam: Don't be absurd. You saw him. He was distraught before he took the car, but he wasn't drunk.
Hayley: I -- I can vouch for that. He wasn't drinking.
Officer Perry: Oh, yeah? Well, what are the odds he was abusing some other kind of drug?
Adam: Are you suggesting my son was high when he was driving that car? My God, he's 14 years old.
Officer Perry: Come on, I've busted kids younger than that for drug use.
Adam: My son does not use drugs. He was upset because he saw his mother in court openly defending the man who'd torn his family apart.
Dixie: Adam, that is not fair.
Tad: If anyone is to blame for this, it's you.
Adam: Me?
Tad: Yeah, you. You went to look for J.R. back at the court house, so you must have known he'd taken the car.
Dixie: That's why you didn't want us to involve the cops.
Officer: Yeah, well, we're involved now. We want to take your son down to the station.
Adam: I forbid it.
Barry: Excuse me, gentlemen.

Adam: Barry.
Barry: Yeah.
Adam: Would you explain to these officers that their Gestapo tactics don't intimidate me.
Barry: Adam, let me handle this. Officers, could we --
Officer: Who are you?
Barry: I'm sorry. I'm Barry Shire, Mr. Chandler's attorney.
Officer Perry: The high-priced suit. Yeah, we've met.
Barry: That's right. Listen, what's the problem?
Adam: There was an accident. And these goons want to take J.R. down to the police headquarters and give him a drug test. Tell them they have no right.
Officer Perry: We've got a kid with no driver's license who drove into a guard rail.
Officer: It's standard procedure to check for drugs or alcohol.
Barry: Well, not exactly. Not when it involves a minor child. Come this way, Gentlemen. Ah, let me explain to you. In the case of the state vs. Mckenzie --

Dixie: I don't know what to say. I'm glad you're all right.
J.R.: It's not a big deal, Mom.
Dixie: Not a big deal? You skipped your court date, you took your dad's car --
J.R.: I was stressed, ok?
Dixie: What were you thinking?
J.R.: I don't know. I'm sorry, ok?
Dixie: Listen, I understand you were upset because I was defending David, but --
J.R.: Look, I don't want to talk about it.
Dixie: Ok. Ok. But we're going to have to eventually, all right?

J.R.: What? What are you looking at?
Hayley: You. You remind me of me when I was your age. I hated the world.
J.R.: I don't hate anybody.
Hayley: Really? You've got something high octane running through your veins. And if it's not anger, what is it?
J.R.: Nothing. Hayley, look. I really hope that you are going to be ok, all right? And I realize that I -- you could have died in the accident, and -- did you really have to tell the cops?
Hayley: Yeah, I did because you own what you do in this world. And if you try to run away from things you've done, you're going to wind up at the bottom of a bottle or with a needle sticking out of your arm.
J.R.: I'm not that stupid, Hayley.
Hayley: I know you're not, but you've got something under your skin.
J.R.: I can maintain.
Hayley: Sure, you can. Look, you're a kid with life-sized problems, all right? You've got your friends and school and your parents and other kids that you don't like and who knows what else? You know, I used to tell you bedtime stories when you were a baby. But there's one Grimm fairy tale I left out about the time when I was about your age, and I got so high that I thought I could fly off a six-story building.
J.R.: What's this got to do with me?
Hayley: I don't know. Why don't u look me in the eyes and tell me?

Laura: It's about Leo.
David: Leo? You're lying in a hospital bed and your mind is on my brother?
Laura: Well, he's in my system. And as hard as I try, I can't get him out.
David: Really? Hmm. How hard have you tried?
Laura: Not very.
David: Resistance is futile, huh?
Laura: Something like that.
David: Well, one thing I can tell you about my brother is that you never know what you're going to get. I mean, one minute, it's all fun and games, the next, he's a royal pain in the posterior.
Laura: You guys didn't grow up together?
David: No. Same mother, different fathers, separate lives. I didn't even know that I had a brother until a couple years ago.
Laura: So you're probably as clueless as I am about how Leo ticks.
David: Well, I have my theories.
Laura: Want to share?
David: What do you want to know?
Laura: If Leo has what it takes to love someone.
David: Honestly? I don't know. Why?
Laura: Did you hear what happened at Leo and Greenlee's engagement party?
David: No.
Laura: His first wife dropped in.
David: What, Leo was married?
Laura: To a Euro heiress. He married her for her money and then broke her heart. And Greenlee's, too.
David: Boy, that sounds like Vanessa's handiwork.
Laura: But Leo was beyond regret.
David: Hmm. Yeah, after he was found out, right?
Laura: No, I really think he was sorry. And if I were Greenlee, I would have given him a second chance, no questions asked, hands down.
David: Why?
Laura: Because I've seen Leo's true colors in a photograph I took when he wasn't looking. I saw something that Leo keeps hidden.
David: And what did you see?
Laura: His soul. I think Leo really wants to be loved. He's just afraid to put himself out there.
David: You're not afraid?
Laura: Everyone's afraid, doc. But this photograph was like an X-ray of Leo's heart. He's a good person.
David: Well, so are you.

Nurse: Dr. Hayward, they're ready for you in the cath lab.
Laura: Ok, Doc, let's get this over with. I got a life out there waiting for me.

Leo: Greenlee, look at me. See me. You can trust me with your life.
Greenlee: You can trust me with yours?
Leo: Absolutely.
Greenlee: I'm not like you, Leo. I'm not a heartbreaker. No one's ever let me that close.
Leo: I did.
Greenlee: You knew who I was. I didn't try to hide from you. If you told me the truth from the start --
Leo: I -- Greenlee, I tried to. I tried to tell you the truth right from the start, like a hundred times, but you kept saying that what I did in the past didn't matter.
Greenlee: I was wrong. I don't want to wake up 20 years from now and find out Mrs. Leo du Pres was just a free ride you hitched on the way to someplace else.
Leo: That's not going to happen! What do I have to do to convince you that I'm not your father? Do you want honest, Greenlee? Ok, be honest. If I would have told you about Katerina when we first got serious, you would have dumped me, right?
Greenlee: I would have thought what a great story to dine out on.
Leo: No. Right. Come on -- right, somewhere in the middle of the small talk, you sandwich in the fact that I came to Pine Valley to weasel you out of all your money, right? And then everybody has a good laugh, right?
Greenlee: Yes! Because telling me would mean that you loved me enough, trusted me enough, with your most shameful secret. But you didn't trust me, Leo. And now I don't trust you.
Leo: Greenlee, you're right. You're absolutely right. We can't repeat the past. The only thing that we can do is start over.
Greenlee: It's too late.
Leo: Stop saying that. How many second chances have you given your father?
Greenlee: He's my father.
Leo: Yeah, he's your father, but he keeps messing up, and you keep taking him back over and over again.
Greenlee: And every time I do, I give up a little piece of my soul. If I keep doing that, between the two of you, there'll be nothing of me left.
Leo: Ok, here's what it is. Something incredibly unexpected happened. And it scares the bejesus out of me. For the first time in my life, I'm finding out what it feels like to be human, to care for somebody, to really -- it's ok -- to really truly love someone. To love you beyond reason, Greenlee. It's like free-falling without a net, without a safety, falling into your arms. And yet you're right. You're absolutely right. When we first started out, we probably were imitating what we read in books and what we saw in movies because we wanted to be those people that we read about in the pages and on the screen. But this is our story, nobody else's. We can make it up as we go along. I don't -- Greenlee, I don't want to leap ahead to the end because I don't ever want us to end. I want you to take a leap of faith. I want you to forget about everything you ever knew about me, except for one thing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please, Greenlee, let me love you.

Jake: Brooke, hi. Where's Laura?
Brooke: She's downstairs having a cardiac catheterization.
Jake: With Dr. Bryant?
Brooke: David Hayward is doing the procedure.
Jake: Hayward is supposed to be in jail.
Brooke: Yes, well, I made a special appeal to the judge.
Jake: You got him out?
Brooke: Jake, I don't give a damn what David has done. It does not matter to me. I don't care. I don't care if he's drugged innocent people. I don't care if he broke up Tad and Dixie's marriage. It doesn't matter to me. The only thing that matters to me is my daughter's life.
Jake: I understand that, all right? And I know how sick Laura is, but Hayward is incapable --
Brooke: For Laura's sake, just let it go!

J.R.: Look, Hayley, leave it alone, ok? Nothing's going on.
Hayley: You know, believe it or not, I was 14 once, too.
J.R.: I know. I've seen many pictures. You with black hair, looking like Morticia Addams.
Hayley: Yeah, and I used to sneak booze off of dad's bar cart in the living room just to try to cope with life.
J.R.: Do I look drunk to you? Hayley: No, but you're definitely not yourself.

Mateo: Hey. Are you ok?
Hayley: Hi. Yeah, I'm ok.
Mateo: How's the baby?
Hayley: Everything feels the same.
Mateo: All right, let's get you to the doctor. Come on.
Hayley: Well, there's an ambulance coming. I think we should wait here.
Mateo: What happened? What were you doing in Adam's car?
Tad: J.R. borrowed it.
Mateo: What?
Dixie: He took Adam's car from the courthouse, and this is what happened.
Mateo: What -- are you crazy? Your sister's pregnant.
Adam: Leave him alone, Mateo. He knows what he's done.
Hayley: Yeah, Adam tried to convince the cops that he was the one driving the car.
Mateo: Oh, that's -- that's great. You're such a wonderful influence on your child.

Officer Perry: Excuse me, folks. I just got a call from Judge Stanton. He's ordered your boy remanded to juvenile court tonight.

Brooke: How is she?
David: Laura came through the procedure just fine.
Jake: So what did you find out?
David: We detected a sinus venosus defect.
Dr. Bryant: Laura's heart has been irreparably compromised.
Brooke: So what you're saying that she does need a transplant.
Dr. Bryant: I'm afraid it's not really an option in her case.
Brooke: Well, why not?
Dr. Bryant: Given her condition, it's unlikely she'd survive the procedure. I'm sorry.

Brooke: Is that what you think?
David: I respectfully disagree with Dr. Bryant's prognosis. He's an excellent cardiologist, but he lacks expertise in this area.
Brooke: So you think that she would be able to survive a transplant?
David: If I perform it, I believe she'll have an excellent chance. Look, why don't you go see Laura, ok? And tomorrow morning, first thing, we'll go over her options.
Brooke: Thank you.

Jake: You just exaggerated Laura's chances. Odds of her even getting a transplant are slim to none.
David: I don't deal in odds, Doctor. I deal in outcomes.
Jake: Oh, is that a fact? But the tragic outcome is that Brooke is probably going to lose her daughter. And you gave her false hope, made promises you know you can't keep, all just to keep yourself out of jail.
David: This is about saving a young girl's life
. Jake: It's about saving your life, Hayward. Just admit it -- Laura's your ticket to freedom.

Greenlee: I want you to go now.
Leo: Yeah, you -- you need some time to think.
Greenlee: I've made up my mind, Leo. I don't want to see you. Ever.
Leo: Didn't you hear anything I just said? Greenlee: I heard every beautiful word. But I can't love you anymore. You've made that impossible.
Leo: Greenlee -- you make me feel like 10 times the person that I used to be.
Greenlee: You've made me feel the same.
Leo: I'm sorry.
Greenlee: I know. So am I.

Paramedic: Any cramping? Dizziness? Nausea?
Hayley: Do you think the baby's ok?
Paramedic: We'll look at a heartbeat and then get a better picture with the ultrasound.

Adam: An hour ago the judge remanded J.R. to my custody.
Officer Perry: That was before the kid went off on a joyride in the car.
Officer: We have to take him in.
Adam: And if I refuse?
Officer Perry: We haul you in for interfering with an arrest. Man, like father, like son.
Barry: Adam, let me see if I can work something out.
Adam: Yeah. Do.

Adam: Sweetheart, how are you feeling?
Hayley: I'll be ok once I know the baby's all right.
Adam: I'll catch up with you at the hospital.
J.R.: Hayley, I'm really sorry. If anything bad happens --
Hayley: Don't worry. J.R., everything's going to be fine.
Mateo: Come on, we got to go. Let's go, guys.
Hayley: Don't worry.

Barry: Adam, the judge has ordered J.R. to submit to a drug test.
J.R.: What? Now?
Officer Perry: Yeah.
J.R.: You're coming with me, aren't you?
Adam: Yes, of course, I am. Don't worry, it's a formality. I'll be with you all through the whole thing.
Officer Perry: Come on, kid. You know the drill. We're going for a ride.


Greenlee: I'm going to raise trouble for all those people who deserve it.

David: What are you going to do with your life? Where do you go from here?

Erica: There is nothing between Laura and Bianca, Jack.

Brooke: There's a problem with your heart.

Nurse: Hayley, your tests are back.

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