MAY 4, 2001

Adam: I'm waiting. What are all these strangers doing aboard my yacht? And why is there a television truck out in front of it? What are you trying to pull, Lavery?
Ryan: I understood that it was up to me to make decisions for incredibledreams.
Adam: It is up to you to keep me informed, damn it.
Ilene: The truck belongs to me, Mr. Chandler.
Adam: Who the devil are you?
Ilene: My name's Ilene Pringles.
Adam: Those your people running miles of cable all over my yacht?
Ilene: I wasn't aware the Fidelity belonged to you.
Adam: Now that I can believe.
Ryan: Look, I -- ahem -- I can explain everything, Ilene. Adam Chandler does own, but I was hired to run it. And just -- we reached our agreement so quickly, I just -- I didn't, you know, have a chance to fill you in on all the details, that's all.
Adam: Well, why don't you fill us all in on the details. Is it possible that once again you're trying to feather your nest at my expense?
Gillian: Oh, don't be ridiculous, Adam. Ryan has plenty of his own feathers.
Ilene: Mr. Chandler, I'd be happy to explain my project to you.
Adam: Very good. I'm listening.
Ilene: Well, but I'd rather do it out on deck where it would be easy for you to visualize what it is I have in mind.
Adam: Fine.
Ilene: Well, actually, I have to collect my thoughts a little bit. I'm a little taken aback, having to sell my ideas to the legendary Adam Chandler.
Adam: You're a charming young lady, and you can use all the flattery you want. It just won't do you any good. No need for you to join us, Lavery.

Maddie: I said, who are you? Are you a friend of Uncle Dimitri? Oh, did you break that? What's the matter? Can't you talk?

Alex: Oh, Maddie, there you are.
Edmund: We've been looking all over for you.
Maddie: I wanted to see Aunt Alex.
Alex: Well, here I am.
Edmund: Hey, you little munchkin, didn't Peggy tell you to stay close to the house?
Alex: What happened here? Hmm?
Edmund: Oh, no. Maddie, did you break that?
Alex: Then who did?
Maddie: The man.
Edmund: What man?
Maddie: The magic man. He disappeared.
Alex: I think she means her little friend Dewey, yeah?
Maddie: No. Dewey lives in my dollhouse. He protects all my dolls from the mean people.
Alex: Is the magic man your new friend?
Maddie: I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.
Edmund: Sweetheart, that's good. Listen, I'm sure whoever broke that recorder is very sorry he did it, don't you think?

Stella: Hi, Maddie.
Edmund: Hi, Stella.
Stella: I'm so glad you found her.
Alex: She came to see me.
Stella: Hey, but you know what? The cookies you helped Peggy make are ready to come out of the oven.
Edmund: Mmm.
Stella: Mmm.
Edmund: You want to get one while they're hot, ok? All right, go ahead.
Stella: Ok, let's go.
Alex: Bye, Sweetheart.
Edmund: Thanks, Stella.

Alex: It's perfectly normal for a child her age to have an imaginary friend.
Edmund: Yeah. Even one that has to protect her dolls against the mean people?
Alex: I guess she overheard us.
Edmund: She's been overhearing a lot -- more than she should have. I mean, she's acting out, she's breaking things, she's creating imaginary friends to protect her.
Alex: I'm responsible for this. I brought all this trouble into your family. I bet you curse the day you ever met me.
Edmund: Alex, don't you know that I look forward to seeing your face every day?

Bianca: Just tell me, Leo. What is it that Greenlee's father has on you? Is it about what you did in Europe with your mother, taking advantage of people?
Leo: Taking advan-- Bianca, we were crooks. We found a mark, and we bled them dry. We tricked people into liking us and trusting us and thinking that -- forget it. I've already said too much. Bianca: Leo, do you think I'm going to stop liking you because of what you used to be?
Leo: Bianca, I'm ashamed of all that stuff. I swear, I wish I would never have been a part of any of it.
Bianca: Ok. Ok, so you have a plan. It won't come out. You'll get this prenup, and it will prove that you don't just want Greenlee's money.
Leo: Yes. If I can do that, I have no problems.
Bianca: But Greenlee's dad --
Leo: I'm scared, Bianca. Roger knows the worst thing that I've ever done, and if he tells Greenlee, it's all over between us.

Greenlee: So. You don't have an answer to that, do you, grandmother? If Leo is willing to sign a prenup, it's because he loves me.
Millicent: Oh, child. How can you be so foolish? People like Leo and your father have schemes on hand for every day of the week.

[Knock on door]

Roger: Hello. I'm sorry, the door was ajar. Well, hello there, Millicent. I heard raised voices. Is there a problem here?
Greenlee: I told grandmother about my engagement to Leo.
Roger: Ah. And she's not happy about it.
Greenlee: No. Grandmother keeps accusing Leo of just wanting me for my money, but I've given her proof -- solid proof -- that it's not true.
Roger: Well, what proof can there be?
Greenlee: He's going to sign a prenup. It's going to be ironclad so there's no way he can get a penny of my money.
Roger: Goodness, that's drastic. And you still doubt the boy, Millicent?
Greenlee: You believe him, don't you, Daddy?
Roger: Well, I have to. I mean, if he's going to make it legally impossible to get his hands on any of your money, then it's obvious that boy's for real.
Greenlee: Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for believing us.
Roger: Oh, you're so lucky, Darling, that you're marrying someone you can trust.
Greenlee: If you see Leo, you won't say anything about the prenup. He wants to keep it a secret.
Roger: Of course I'll keep your secret, Darling. And you can trust me, too.

Brooke: Certainly she can come back from this. I mean, she's always been so healthy. She's young. My God, she's starting college in the fall.
Dr. Bryant: Laura's heart is operating at 30% capacity.
Brooke: You mean now, because of this illness. Isn't that what you mean?
Dr. Bryant: I'm afraid that any damage to the heart muscle is irreversible.
Brooke: She was fine! A week ago -- less than a week ago.
Dr. Bryant: Ms. English, I think that I've explained the contributing factors -- the congenital abnormality, the virus, the harm done by --
Brooke: Yes. Yes, I understand everything that's wrong with her. I just want you to tell me what you're going to do to fix it.
Dr. Bryant: I'm afraid there is nothing that we can do. I'm sorry.
Brooke: So if -- even if her heart is damaged, there have to be options like surgery or --
Dr. Bryant: There is only one -- a transplant.
Brooke: Ok. Dr. Bryant: We can explore that option.
Brooke: Whatever it takes, ok? I have connections in Washington at the NIH. I know there is usually, you know, a waiting list for organ donors, but if there was ever a time to call in a favor, now is the time to do it.
Dr. Bryant: I have to warn you, Ms. English, that due to the congenital abnormalities of her heart, Laura may not be a good candidate.
Brooke: You mean she would be passed over because somebody else would have a better prognosis?
Dr. Bryant: I think that is a very real possibility.
Brooke: You think you could be a little more pessimistic?
Dr. Bryant: In cases like this, it is best to face the truth head-on.
Brooke: Uh-huh. So then what are you saying to me, that I should get -- that I should prepare myself for the worst?
Dr. Bryant: I'm not saying that the worst will happen. But, yes, I do think you should prepare for it.
Dr. Bryant: If this is too difficult for you, I can speak to Laura.
Brooke: No. If anybody talks to Laura, it's going to be me.
Dr. Bryant: Very well. I will look in on her this evening. I'm sorry that the news isn't better.

Erica: Brooke. Brooke?
Brooke: Oh, hi.
Erica: How is Laura feeling?
Brooke: She's better. Really, she's feeling a lot better.
Erica: Well, I just passed Dr. Bryant in the hallway. What did he have to say?
Brooke: He said that her -- her heart is irreversibly damaged, and he said that I should be honest with her and tell her --
Erica: That her heart is damaged?
Brooke: No, tell her that nothing can be done and that she -- she should get ready --

Bianca: Well, I never thought I would say this, but you need to give Greenlee more credit. She knows you, Leo -- I mean, the good and the bad.
Leo: Yeah, she doesn't know what I did in Verona, Bianca.
Bianca: This is what her father has on you.
Leo: If I could do something so despicable, how could anybody ever trust me?
Bianca: Leo, you love her. You could never do anything to somebody that you love.
Leo: What if it was someone that I pretended to love? Look, I got to go. I got to get out of here. Thank you for listening, Bianca.
Bianca: Leo, where are you rushing off to?
Leo: I got to get that prenup signed as soon as possible. It's my only hope with Greenlee.

Roger: Oh, cheer up, Millicent. I mean, maybe Leo will surprise you. After all, your husband was penniless when you married him.
Millicent: Woodruff worked very hard every day of his life. In three years' time, he doubled my father's fortune. He and I have taken the full measure of Leo, and we see him for what he is -- a parasite, like you, spineless and lazy, who will be content to live off his wife until --
Roger: Until she got tired of him and dumped him. You Greenlees. You are all alike. You like to rewrite history. Let me remind you that I had a career when I was young in finance.
Millicent: Oh! Ha-ha!
Roger: I could have been something, but marry wanted the Bohemian life, so I gave her what she wanted. I forgot how to work. I forgot how to be a man. Instead, I loved marry and I gave her what she wanted, which was to get as far away as she could from her cold and loveless parents.
Greenlee: Daddy --
Millicent: Oh, don't believe him, child. That's a fantasy. You know what a darling your grandfather is.
Roger: Millicent, you have had influence over my daughter long enough. You're not going to stop her from marrying the man she loves.
Millicent: Never in your life have you cared about Greenlee. You're just doing this to vex us. Or else you have a stake at this marriage. Yes. Somehow you're going to profit from it.
Roger: That's preposterous.
Millicent: Is it? What sort of game are you playing now?

Edmund: Look, I didn't mean to upset you. I just -- I'm just glad you're still part of my life. Does that surprise you?
Alex: No. I wondered how you felt. And with everything that's happened since Dimitri came back, I thought maybe you'd put those feelings aside.
Edmund: I thought I had, too. Until your sister made me realize that I hadn't.
Alex: Anna? How?
Edmund: Well, she's a -- she's a very frank speaker, and I think when she gets healthy, we're going to wish that she hadn't.
Alex: What did she say?
Edmund: She just said the reason why I can tell the two of you apart so easily is because I'm still in love with you.
Alex: You speak to each other like that?
Edmund: Like what? How? Did I -- did I cross a line or something?
Alex: No, it's just I --
Edmund: What?
Alex: I have no right to feel like this.
Edmund: Like what?
Alex: Jealous.
Edmund: I'm just glad that a part of you ill cares, that's all.
Alex: Yeah, of course I care.
Edmund: You know, when Dimitri came back, I was a little over the edge, in a lot of pain, and I started to doubt my own memories. What we had was good, wasn't it?
Alex: I didn't fall in love with you because I was grieving or because I needed someone. It was because you're you.
Edmund: We were happy, weren't we?
Alex: Yes, we were.
Edmund: For a while.
Alex: Don't ever doubt that, Edmund.
Gillian: What are you so worried about?

Ryan: Gillian, the whole plan was for us to skim most of the profits for us, charge a nominal fee for the boat. Now Adam and Pringles are going to reach a new agreement and Adam's going to get all the money and we're going to do all the work.

Ilene: Well, I bet you thought we ran off together.
Adam: Here, Ryan, have this typed up so Miss Pringles and I can sign it.
Ryan: Sure.
Adam: I don't see why you thought I'd be against this, Ryan. Promotional videos -- that's exactly the kind of publicity we need to start seeing some black ink around here.
Ryan: Free promotional videos. Well, you know, Adam, you're absolutely right. I should have been upfront with you.
Adam: Yeah, besides, you'd never be able to fool me. You know that.
Ryan: As I should know by now.
Adam: Well, I'll leave you to start shooting your promotional videos.
Ilene: I'll walk you out.
Adam: No, no, no. It's not necessary. You have a lot of work to do. Get me that memo as quickly as possible.
Ilene: Thank you, Adam.
Adam: Good luck.

Ryan: Why did you lie to him?
Ilene: Why did you lie to me? I know the answer to that question. You want a cut of the fee for your consulting services, and you'll throw in use of the Fidelity for free.
Ryan: Well, not for free.
Ilene: Right. Mr. Chandler should benefit from that. I'm in complete agreement.
Ryan: I don't get it. Wouldn't you rather be in business with a heavy hitter like Adam Chandler?
Ilene: Isn't it obvious? I like you better.

Roger: Well, I would hardly expect you to understand, Millicent. When Mary and I were married, you were overjoyed that I took her away so you wouldn't have to deal with your own daughter. And I was that way until recently, and I'm ashamed of it.
Millicent: Oh, Greenlee. It's bad enough you're having stars in your eyes over some young, handsome gentleman. But if you let your father roll over you after what he's done to us, well, then you're beyond hope.
Greenlee: Please don't go yet. We're getting somewhere. Let's keep talking.
Millicent: I have nothing more to say that's constructive. The house is open again.
Greenlee: I'll come by tomorrow morning and see grandfather.
Millicent: Don't. When you've come to your senses, you're welcome to move back. Until then, we'd rather not see you.

Roger: This is what I've had to put up with for 30 years. You have a right to defy your grandparents, Greenlee. It shows a courage I never had.
Greenlee: Really, Daddy? You think I'm right in marrying Leo?
Roger: Leo loves you, and you deserve to be loved for once in your life. God knows I failed at that.
Greenlee: Maybe there's still time.
Roger: Time for what?
Greenlee: I'm not a little girl anymore, but you can still love me.

Leo: Hey. Hey. What's happening?
Greenlee: Grandmother was just here. You missed her.
Leo: Yeah. I take it that's a good thing.
Greenlee: Well, she's not going to throw us an engagement party.
Leo: Oh. Well, who needs her, right?
Roger: That's exactly right. I can throw the party.
Greenlee: You? Sorry, but how?

[Telephone rings]

Greenlee: Yes? Of course onto the balcony. Where else would you put French doors? No, I did not say that. Ugh! I'll be right up. Oh! My brain-dead contractor. I'll be right back.

Leo: What, now you're playing father of the bride?
Roger: It's my pleasure.
Leo: How are you going to pay for an engagement that Greenlee expects?
Roger: Well, I'm in for a tidy little windfall. Or have you forgotten our deal? You're going to pay me handsomely for my discretion.
Leo: No, no. No, that happens after the wedding.
Roger: Who do you think you're dealing with, Leo? Didn't you think I'd find out about your little prenuptial agreement?
Leo: Well, you're not getting the whole picture, Roger.
Roger: Save it. Now, you have made it very difficult for me because now I'm going to be forced to break my little daughter's heart just to tell her what kind of a man you really are.

Erica: What else did Dr. Bryant have to say?
Brooke: Does it matter? St made a point that I should get myself a black dress.
Erica: That's ridiculous. If that's his attitude, then he's a fool.
Brooke: He also said I shouldn't get my hopes up about a transplant for Laura because she's not a good candidate.
Erica: Well, just don't listen to him. We have to explore everything, Brooke. Whatever strings need to be pulled --
Brooke: That's what I told him. I said, you know, whatever it takes.
Erica: What I meant is that I would be happy to make any phone calls for you if you need me to. I mean, I know a lot of people, and they can really help expedite things.
Brooke: Thank you, Erica. I really appreciate it.
Erica: I want your daughter to get well. And we have to believe that she will.
Brooke: I do believe that. You know, I think that doctor's a fool --
Erica: Yeah. Brooke: To tell me that I should tell her everything. You know, she needs to be hopeful. She needs to think about the future. That's the best medicine for her.
Erica: Its. And you can do that for her. You can give her that. But I do think that Laura needs to know the facts, too, here.
Brooke: Why should she know the facts? So that it can frighten her?
Erica: Laura's not a child anymore. I think she's going to want to know.
Brooke: She's going to want to know what? That she's dying? That she may not live until her next birthday? I'm not going to tell her that. I can't tell her that. I'm not going to.
Brooke: Laura doesn't have any idea that there's anything seriously wrong with her.
Erica: Well, all the more reason, then. I mean, doesn't Laura deserve that the people who are closest to her will tell her what she's facing?
Brooke: Tell her what she's facing? The only reason that I can think of to tell her what I know is so she can get prepared for the worst.
Erica: No, no, no. It's so she can prepare herself for the fight of her life.

Bianca: Hey, Mom. What's up? Is Laura all right?
Brooke: Yes. She's just going a little stir-crazy. She'd love to see you, I'm sure.
Bianca: Ok.

Laura: Hey.
Bianca: Hey.
Laura: So, you didn't bring any electric blue nail polish, did you?
Bianca: Um -- must have slipped my mind.
Laura: Oh, too bad. I thought we could paint our toenails. And we have to come up with a look for the Smythe-du Pres wedding.
Bianca: Maybe we should hold off on that.
Laura: You think?
Bianca: Well, yeah. What if we're asked to be bridesmaids? Then we'll have to coordinate our toenails with the rest of the wedding party.
Laura: Can't you just see Greenlee's dragon of a grandmother wearing electric blue nail polish?
Bianca: That would be some strange wedding.
Laura: But it is going to happen?
Bianca: Leo wants it to. For some unfathomable reason, he's in love with her. But in case you forgot, you will be attending PVU this fall, and that is a coeducational institution.
Laura: Yes, but the problem is I don't start until the fall and I need help now.
Bianca: Ok, let me think.
Laura: Oh, no, no, no. See, I'm way ahead of you. I've been planning this summer all morning. How about you and I go to Europe as soon as I get out of here, and once I have an ocean between us, I'm going to completely forget that Leo existed. I know, I'm kind of a loser, huh?
Bianca: No. I know just how you feel. I mean, it's like you can't get him out of your mind, every minute of every day. But whenever you think about him, your heart aches.
Laura: You miss Sarah, huh? But see, you have a right to. You guys -- you and Sarah had something. I miss Leo, but he never even gave me a second thought.

Leo: I'm the best thing that's ever happened to your daughter, and you're going to kill it. Come on, Roger. Be a good guy. We can work something out later -- you know, like a reconciliation, and then nobody has to steal from anybody.
Roger: Vanessa trained you very well. Unfortunately for you, the prenup gambit is a tired device. Old Millicent didn't but it, and neither do I.
Leo: I'm on the level, Roger.
Roger: Do you have any idea how much money the Greenlees really have? You could give me every penny I wanted. You could live a life of luxury, and the old folks still wouldn't feel it.
Leo: Yes, I thought of that, and I'm not going to risk it, ok? Greenlee is a very insecure person, and I don't want her to doubt for a minute that I'm marrying her because I love her, ok?
Roger: Well, just imagine the doubts she's going to have when I tell her about the life you led in Verona. She will cut you right out of her life. She will see you like every other person who has used her and never really loved her.
Leo: Greenlee won't do that.
Roger: Oh. Well, she's coming back soon. Let's ask her, shall we?

Ryan: Yeah, you're right. Let's do it.
Ilene: And don't worry. Mr. Chandler will have all the promotional videos that he needs.
Ryan: You going toe ready to shoot the pilot episode tonight?
Ilene: Yeah, we're ready to go. All I have to do is get my couples.
Gillian: I can't believe there are really couples out there who are willing to risk their relationship just to be on television. But anyway, they're going to be hard to find at this short notice.
Ilene: No, no, I have them. I can have them here in a couple of hours.
Ryan: You're pretty confident that we're going to be able to do business.
Ilene: Let's just say I've done my homework.
Ryan: Yes, you have. I have a feeling that you already knew my situation with Adam.
Ilene: Like I said, you're married to a very suspicious man.

Gillian: So, Mr. Producer --
Ryan: Ms. Producer.
Gillian: I like Ilene. Isn't she great?
Ryan: Yeah.

Ilene: Oh, crisis number one. One of our couples has broken up. Looks like the two of you are going to have to be on-air talent after all.
Gillian: On-air talent?
Ryan: Us?
Ilene: A close, loving couple. You'd be perfect.
Ryan: Please. The catch phrase is "Tonight, anything can happen." The whole point of the show is to tempt couples into cheating.
Ilene: To tempt them, not to force them into anything. If you guys are as tight as you say you are, what are you worried about?
Ryan: No. Absolutely not. Not going to happen.
Ilene: All right. Well, I'll try to get a replacement couple, but if I can't get anybody, we're going to have to shut down tonight.
Gillian: Wait, wait. I know the perfect couple.

Leo: What do you think is going to happen when you tell Greenlee what you know, Roger? Yeah, sure, she might hate me, but she's going to hate you, too. And then you can permanently kiss any chance good-bye at her bank account.
Roger: Didn't your mother teach you that when working a scam, you must be prepared to lose it all?
Leo: Yes, that's what I'm talking about. But you don't have to. I am not going to steal from Greenlee. I won't. Even if it means I lose her. Like I told you before, I want you two to reconcile. You're a thieving liar, but I want you two to reconcile. Greenlee wants to love you. And like you said before, there's plenty of money to go around, right?
Roger: You want me to take handouts from my daughter.
Leo: Look, I realize that being supported by your rich daughter isn't as sexy as blackmailing her husband, but either way, they're going to take your money at Maxim's in Paris. All right? Think about it. What if Greenlee's next fiancée is some guy from Woody's office who will tell you to take a flying leap?
Roger: All right, Leo, you win. The evidence. Make Greenlee happy. As a matter of fact, I think there's a chance at happiness for all of us here.

Greenlee: What's going on?
Roger: Well, I was just having a little trouble with Leo here, but I think I finally convinced him that I'm on your side, so I think there's a fresh start in store for all of us.
Greenlee: Oh. Well, that's great.
Roger: And I am very, very excited about your engagement party.
Greenlee: Oh, really, Daddy, you don't have to do that. Maybe you have no idea about how much something like that can cost.
Roger: Hey, I'm not exactly a pauper. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Greenlee: Ok, then. I'm so happy.
Roger: Well, what's what Leo and I want, isn't it, Leo?
Leo: That's right, Rog.
Roger: I'll talk to you two later. I've got lots to do and very little time. Ciao.

Greenlee: I don't get why he's suddenly our biggest fan. Tell me everything he said.
Leo: You heard him. He's happy for you, that's all.
Greenlee: Well, we've changed. Maybe he can, too, huh?
Leo: Sure. In the meantime, let's go get that prenup signed. What do you say?
Greenlee: Now?
Leo: Yeah. I'd just prefer to get it taken care of.

Edmund: Listen, I wouldn't make too much of what I said before. I mean, just -- you know, it would have been dishonest for me to hold that feeling back. You can blame Anna for everything, you know.
Alex: I think she's going to be a bit of a handful.
Edmund: Yeah. And don't worry about it. We won't ever have to talk like this again.

Greenlee: But who cares about a prenup? I don't need proof that you're not after my money. You love me as much as I love you.
Leo: Yeah, I know, but someday you might have reason to doubt me.
Greenlee: I don't see how that can be. Remember, we already forgave each other for everything bad we ever did.
Leo: Yeah.

[Telephone rings]

Greenlee: You better get that. What if it's Ryan?
Leo: Yeah. Ryan.
Ryan: du Pres. We need you, your leather pants, and Greenlee over here ASAP. We're taking off. We're setting sail tonight.
Leo: Setting sail? Where to?
Ryan: We're taping an episode. It just sort of came up. It's called "Dream Boat." We need another couple, so get Greenlee, your bride-to-be, and get her over here.
Leo: "Dream boat"? I'm sorry, man, we're sort of booked up right now.
Greenlee: What does he want?
Leo: I don't know, something about some couples cruise.
Ryan: You wanted me to hire you back, right? Well, get over here.
Leo: Ok, yeah. Well, of course I want my job back, but I just can't start tonight, that's --
Greenlee: Sure you can. Listen, if I'm not -- if you're not going to live off my money, you better have a job, right? Besides, who cares about a couples cruise?
Leo: Ok, ok, we'll be there. Just let us take care of some quick business first. You can count on me, boss. All right, let's go.

Roger: Buona sera. My name is Roger Smythe. No, we've never met, but I'm calling you about a man who goes by the named of Leo du Pres. Yes. I thought you'd recognize the name.

Ilene: Gillian, you are inspired. Our floor couples are all set.
Ryan: I'll see how they're doing outside.
Ilene: Wait, wait. If the show gets picked up, is this how you want your names in the credit?
Ryan: Our names are going to be in the credit?
Ilene: Yeah.
Gillian: This is how I would like mine. Can you just please make sure that they don't show our credits while they're promoting the next show? Because nobody reads those.
Ilene: I'll see what I can do. Oh, Gillian, I have a feeling you and I are going to be great friends.
Gillian: Me, too.

Brooke: Laura's had so little go right in her life. I'm just afraid if I tell her truth that she's just going to give up.
Erica: Well, then you're going to give her hope. But not by keeping things from her, Brooke. I just feel very strongly that Laura would think she deserves to know the truth.
Brooke: Just not right away, all right? After I've done some research as far as transplants are concerned, and then maybe I have some positive information. You know, I know it's a slim chance, but she's just -- she's young, and she's barely begun to live, and I just -- I just want her to have a chance at being happy for once in her life.

Laura: Hey, Mom. Hi, Ms. Kane.
Erica: Hi.
Laura: We have news for you guys.
Brooke: Honey, what are you doing out of bed?
Laura: We want to tell you about our summer plans.
Bianca: Our summer plans, like, Laura's and mine.
Laura: As soon as I conquer this whole virus thing, Bianca and I are going to go to Europe for the whole summer.
Bianca: Pretty cool, huh? What do you think, Mom?
Laura: What is it, Mom? What happened? Is it something Dr. Bryant said about my health? What is it? I want to know.

Alex: Let's not talk like this anymore.
Edmund: Alex? Don't ever doubt that I'm glad that Dimitri came back to us.
Alex: I know, I know.
Edmund: I mean, if the price that I have to pay to have my brother back is losing you, then I -- I paid it. It was just a real high price.

Maddie: Are you still hungry? Come on, I have more cookies.

Alex: Edmund! Edmund.
Edmund: What is it?
Alex: What is that?


Ilene: Anything can happen on the dream boat. Greenlee: Not to us. We don't have a surprise left in us.

Adam: If I'm playing this game, buddy, so are you.

Anna: We both just saw Robin, didn't we?

Brooke: Thank you.

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