MAY 7, 2001

Brooke: Honey, let me help you get back into bed, ok?
Laura: Mom, you're avoiding my question. What did Dr. Bryant say? You guys look like death patrol. If what's going on with me is more serious than a virus, I need to know.
Erica: It is very serious, Laura. You're right. But it has nothing to do with you. It's all about me and your mom and what we go through as parents. Well, I guess you could say we've bonded in a way over you.
Laura: What does that mean? What does it have to do with what Dr. Bryant said?
Erica: Oh, it has nothing to do with Dr. Bryant. But it has everything to do with what it means to be a parent you see, some years ago, I almost lost Bianca. And watching your mom worry about you -- well, it just made me realize that your mom and I are more alike than we have ever wanted to admit. I mean, what I'm saying is that we've put our differences aside because of you. Isn't that right, Brooke?

Brooke: Thank you.

Alex: Is that one of the --
Edmund: It's one of the new guard dogs, yeah. Looks like someone --
Alex: Oh, Edmund. Who would kill a beautiful animal like that?

Maddie: Want one? One! I guess you like those.
Maddie: Why do you have a dog collar?

Leo: What kind of a lawyer can't be reached all morning, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Leo, let go.
Leo: I wanted that prenup drawn up tonight.
Greenlee: And you're adorable for wanting that, but tomorrow morning will be just as good.
Leo: I wanted it done tonight, Greenlee.
Greenlee: It will be, ok?
Gillian: This is going to be great.
Greenlee: What's with the lensman, Ryan?
Ryan: I'm glad you guys are here.
Leo: What's going on?
Gillian: Oh, we are so glad that you guys were able to sign up for this special assignment.
Greenlee: Which is starting to feel just to the right of kinky.
Ilene: With any luck. I'm the producer, Ilene Pringles.
Greenlee: Of?
Ryan: A new TV series called "Dream Boat."
Greenlee: Oh, I get it. Sort of like a "Lifestyles of the Rich and Yachted"?
Ilene: Do you have anything a little more form-fitting?

Ryan: Yeah.
Greenlee: Explain.
Ryan: Ah -- we're shooting a reality series.
Greenlee: Whose reality?
Gillian: It won't be that bad, we promise.
Leo: For who?
Gillian: You and Greenlee. Greenlee: Whoa. Back up. What do we have to do with this?
Ryan: Well, a group of couples will set sail on the yacht together.
Greenlee: And?
Ryan: And they'll be put in certain situations.
Leo: Yeah, what kind of certain situations?
Ryan: Relationship-testing situations.
Greenlee: To see if the relationship can hold up?
Ryan: Yeah, exactly.
Leo: You're serious? Do we get paid?
Greenlee: Oh, I think we are, Honey. And I think they think that we're going to be one of the couples on their little show. Don't you?

Roger: Yes, I do know Leo du Pres. Very well, as a matter of fact. Well, because he intends to marry my daughter. Yes, that is one reason we're having this conversation. I think you have determined my concerns, yes. I'm asking if you would like to help me plan a surprise. Why, for the happy couple. Who else?

Ilene: Ryan and Gillian were telling us that you two would be perfect for "Dream Boat." You certainly have the look.
Leo: And what look is that exactly? Suckers?
Greenlee: Leo, we have nothing to worry about.
Ilene: No, you have nothing to worry about. If your relationship is built on trust -- then again, anything can happen on the "Dream Boat."
Greenlee: Not to us. We don't have a surprise left in us.

Laura: Well, I guess something good came out of this. Mom, I'm not going to do drugs anymore, ever.
Brooke: I'll be right back, ok?
Erica: I'm going to go give your mother a tissue.

Laura: Did you buy any of that?
Bianca: Yeah. I guess so.
Laura: Well, I didn't.

Erica: Here.
Brooke: Thank you. Thank you, Erica, for that.
Erica: Well, I just did what I thought was right.
Brooke: You were pretty against me keeping anything from Laura about what's really going on with her health.
Erica: Well, then, when I saw you with her, I -- I put myself in your shoes. I put Bianca in Laura's. And I realized of course you had to do exactly what you did and I would do the same thing. Of course you have to give your daughter hope before you tell her how serious her condition is.
Brooke: She -- she seems like herself. You know, I mean, it's like she's feisty, impatient, and it's just -- it's just hard to believe that she's so sick. I --
Erica: I know.
Brooke: How am I going to help her when the doctor said that there's nothing they can do for her?

Erica: Bianca, is -- is Laura ok?
Bianca: I was going to ask you the same thing. I mean, you both just lied to Laura about what the doctor said, didn't you?
Erica: No, Bianca, that's not true. Bianca: I mean, I've see you with her doctor, and she's seen it, too. She thinks that you're not telling her something.
Brooke: I just don't want Laura to worry.
Bianca: Is there something to worry about? Look, Brooke, I saw you take Laura's chart from Dr. Bryant and run out of the hospital. I saw you get very angry with him.
Erica: Bianca, please.
Bianca: Ok --
Erica: That's really none of your business.
Bianca: Ok, but I just -- I can't watch all this and not ask. Is the news so bad that you can't even tell Laura? Then tell me.

[Horses whinny]

Maddie: Where'd you get it? Do you have a dog? What? Why don't you talk? Don't you have a tongue?

[Maddie laughs]

[Door closes]

Maddie: That's Mike. He puts the horses out when it's nice out. Aunt Alex thinks that's good for them. Don't you?

Edmund: He's breathing. He's breathing.
Alex: Oh --
Edmund: Hey, Buddy, you ok?
Alex: Sweetheart, you ok?
Edmund: Ok? There you are.
Alex: Is this one of yours?
Guard: Yes, he's one of our group. Rambo, boy, you ok?
Edmund: We found him just laying there.
Alex: Yeah, he was completely unresponsive, and then he came to.
Guard: He ran off in this direction a little while ago, and I lost track of him. How you doing, Buddy?
Edmund: What, is he sick?
Guard: No way.
Alex: Do you think you could get him to a vet, have him checked out?
Guard: Yeah, I definitely will, Mrs. Marick. I'd carry him to my car, but I --
Edmund: I'll help you. I'll help you, ok? Wait for me in t hunting lodge, ok?
Alex: Yeah, sure.

Alex: Anna. I was right outside. I didn't see you come in.
Anna: I came in back. I couldn't stop thinking about this trunk and all the things in it. What happened?
Alex: Oh, Maddie broke it.
Anna: There has to be something.
Alex: I thought you'd given up on this.
Anna: How can I give up? There might be something in here to tell me about myself.
Alex: There is something. I'll find it.
Anna: Alex, it's empty. I pulled everything out.
Alex: She's hidden inside.

Gillian: Thank you so much, everybody. Thank you for coming for the taping. Why don't you all follow me, and I'll show you the rest of the yacht.

[Telephone rings]

[Greenlee gasps]

Leo: Are you ok?
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah, the phone just startled me. Hello?
Roger: I have great news.
Greenlee: Hi, Daddy.
Roger: Your engagement party is all set. Greenlee?
Leo: Greenlee, what does he want? What did he say?
Greenlee: He's giving us the engagement party. He really did it.

Leo: Hey, Rog -- we appreciate the offer and everything, but we're going to have to decline.
Roger: Leo, you're in no position to cross me. You owe me, remember?

Greenlee: What? What'd he say?
Leo: Just some of that new, improved father stuff, that's all. You know, I really wish we could just get out of here and go home. I want to be in my lawyer's office by 9:00 Tomorrow morning, and I know what a battle it is to get you up --

Adam: Lavery.
Ryan: Adam. What's up?
Adam: You lied to me again.
Liza: Oh, ok. You know what? Just calm down. Don't make a scene.
Adam: You're not letting -- you're not shooting promotional videos for You're letting a cut-rate production company shoot a TV pilot on my yacht.
Ilene: Adam, I can answer any of your questions.
Ryan: You know what? I'll handle this. Thank you, Ilene.

Ryan: We did lie to you, Adam.
Adam: Yeah, well, you're busted, Buddy. Everybody out of here.
Ryan: No, no. Hold on a second. We lied to you because you're a control freak and you sit on my creative process every time you're on this boat.
Adam: I sit on your what? This is my yacht, remember? I own your body and everything you put on it. This is -- there's no room for creativity here. This is a business. You run a business, preferably not into the ground.
Ryan: Please, Adam, if we played by your rules, I wouldn't be able to get this company back in the black until I was as old as you are.
Adam: Watch it.
Ryan: Just listen to me, please. Just listen to me. This is not a second-rate TV show, all right? Reality programming is the most sought-after product in Hollywood right now. We have three couples -- listen to me. We have three couples on board who are willing to risk their relationships for one night, and audiences all over this country are going to go nuts for it. And, yes, I thought of it without you because I knew you would flip out, so I kept it from you with the intention of just showing you the final result.
Adam: What result? When?
Ryan: Does the phrase "Syndication Package" mean anything to you, Adam? Do you have any idea how much money you can make from this and how little you trust me? You invest no capital. Zero. You take no risk. And meanwhile you get more money than you know what to do with. So you tell me what the downside is in all of this, and I'll pack up my stuff, my friends, my new collaborators, and we'll go out and we'll find somebody else with a vision of a future who hasn't had his head stuck in the sand since the invention of the fax machine. It's up to you, Adam.

Bianca: Please, Brooke. I care about Laura so much. If something is wrong with her health --
Erica: Bianca, Brooke is scared. Any mother in her position would be terrified for her daughter. But she doesn't want Laura to know.
Brooke: I just don't want Laura to be any more frightened, that's all.
Erica: Of course not. And no matter how well cared for Laura is here, until she's home with you and well, nothing is going to be right. Nothing. And so, Bianca, that's what you see from Brooke. You see fear, and it's justified. And it's not overreacting. Maybe you think it's overreacting, but, believe me, Brooke has been just way too close to this kind of thing before.
Bianca: I know. I'm sorry, Brooke.
Brooke: Oh, Bianca, don't be sorry. You're a great friend to Laura, and she really -- she needs you now.
Bianca: It's just I didn't mean to lean on you like that.
Brooke: I know that you're concerned about Laura, all right? I know that. Oh, are those for my -- my daughter?
Nurse: They are.
Brooke: Oh.
Bianca: Can I take them in?
Brooke: Oh, please.

Brooke: I appreciate what you did, Erica. I didn't -- I just -- I don't want Bianca to know how serious this is, either.
Erica: No. Look, there is something we can do to stop this. We have to find some way to help Laura so she has hope, so you can stop having to cover like this around her.
Brooke: I know. Oh, Dr. Bryant, Joe, I was hoping that you'd be by.
Erica: Yes, hello, Joe. Hello, Dr. Bryant.
Joe: Erica. How's Laura feeling, Brooke?
Brooke: About the same. She's -- you know, she's basically in a holding pattern.
Dr. Bryant: Have you spoken to Laura about her condition?
Brooke: No, I haven't, and I'm not going to speak to her until you tell me what can be done because I want to give her something that she can hope for.
Dr. Bryant: Well, I'm very sorry, Ms. English. But I've told you that the damage to Laura's heart is irreversible.
Brooke: I wish you would stop saying that.
Joe: Brooke, has Dr. Bryant explained --
Brooke: Yes, he's -- he's explained that my daughter is dying, and I don't accept that. All right, I don't. I can't.

Laura: Can you hand me the card? Want to guess?
Bianca: No, just read it to me.
Laura: "Feel better, Camille. Your friend."
Bianca: Leo.
Laura: My "friend."

Adam: So you think you can make TV history?
Ryan: I think I can make a bundle, Adam.
Adam: Oh, is that so? Then do it.
Ryan: Thank you.
Adam: What would you have done if I'd cut you off?
Ryan: Plan B.
Adam: I tremble at the thought. You -- you may not be using my capital to fund this little adventure, but this is my yacht and I'm going to keep a very close eye on what you do with it. Am I clear?
Gillian: Well, you and Liza could be one of the couples on the show. That way you can watch everything that's going on, Adam.
Ilene: Now there's an idea.
Adam: That -- that's ridiculous.
Liza: How cute are the guys in the other couples?
Adam: Excuse me?
Gillian: Ah, very.
Liza: Well, count us in.
Adam: Well, hello! Count us out.
Liza: Why? You're not up for any competition?
Adam: Well, I don't look forward to a prepubescent sexual deviant ogling my wife.
Ilene: Now, that's what we like to hear.
Adam: What is the matter? Are you bored? Must I fly you off to an island to have you entertained?
Liza: No, I'm not bored, but I'm game.
Adam: This is insane.
Liza: Maybe. But it could be hot.
Adam: For whom, pray tell?
Liza: For us.

Adam: Couple number four reporting for duty.
Ilene: Excellent. We've got the consent forms right here. All right, let's get ready to roll. We are going to start filming. We're going to start filming. Just everybody -- just be yourself. Have fun.
Adam: She's going to wing the whole thing?
Liza: Well, yeah. Haven't you ever watched TV when JR was at home?
Adam: No. Is this what they do?

Ryan: My genius wife.
Adam: Where are the other couples?
Gillian: Oh, they're just freshening up. I'll go get them.

Liza: Don't skip out on us.
Ryan: Oh, well, you know, Gillian and I aren't in the show.
Adam: The hell you're not.
Ryan: Adam, we're the hosts. We can't participate.
Adam: Whoa, whoa, wait. If I'm in -- if I'm playing this game, Buddy, so are you, partner.

Greenlee: Excuse us, Ryan.
Ryan: Sorry.

Ilene: You see, on "Dream Boat," there's no way out until we dock and no telling what will happen while we're sailing. Our first couple, Tanya and Bob, are here from Delaware. Bob is a doctor by day, but he's been known to shed more than his inhibitions at the local theater.

[Tanya laughs]

Ilene: He and Tanya, a health club owner, have been together for nine months. Next we have Lars, a consultant, and Phyllis, an entrepreneur. They like to pool hop through Bryn Mawr in the nude. And from Pine Valley, PA, we have Leo and Greenlee, newly engaged and between jobs, and Adam and Liza, two of the most prominent businesspeople in town.
Adam: And Gillian and Ryan, our hosts, who are also entering this -- whatever this is.
Ilene: Our skipper and his first mate were married twice, once for convenience and once for love -- or did they? All in all, you're going to see some fireworks here on this floating love machine. I'm Ilene, your host. Stay tuned. You're not going to want to miss any of this.

Edmund: Alex?
Anna: Alex, what's inside? Alex?
Edmund: Alex, you all right?
Alex: It's a false bottom.
Anna: Oh, my.
Na: Oh, my baby.
Alex: Robin.
Anna: My Robin.

Laura: Nice, huh?
Bianca: Yeah.
Laura: They're from my friend Leo.
Bianca: He cares about you, Laura.
Laura: Yeah, as a friend.
Bianca: You know what? You need an antidote.
Laura: Yeah. You think they have those here for this kind of sicko disease?
Bianca: Well, I sure hope so because if they don't, I'm afraid we're going to have to operate.
Laura: Oh, we will, huh?
Bianca: Mm-hmm. A Leo-ectomy. It's an extremely complicated procedure.
Laura: Yeah? What's the success rate?
Bianca: I just don't know. It could be incurable.
Laura: Oh, it is, trust me.
Bianca: No, Laura, you're going to have trust me and science. Shall we proceed?

[Laura and Bianca giggle]

Joe: I understand your fears, Brooke. I do.
Dr. Bryant: I ran more tests, Ms. English. The left and right ventricles of her heart are enlarged due to the virus.
Brooke: Her name is Laura. It's Laura's heart.
Erica: Let Dr. Bryant finish now.
Brooke: What next? More tests?
Dr. Bryant: Yes, if we move forward.
Brooke: And why wouldn't you? Dr. Bryant: Because this procedure is invasive.
Brooke: Joe, could you -- could you please just tell me --

[Pager beeps]

Dr. Bryant: Oh, I have to take this. Excuse me.
Brooke: I don't have any confidence in him.
Joe: Well, believe me, Brooke, he's one of the best cardio men in the states.
Brooke: He has nothing positive to say. Nothing.
Erica: Joe, could you just tell us about the procedure?
Joe: Yes, yes. Please sit down, ladies. It involves cardiac catheterization, and what that means is we introduce a very fine tube into the heart by means of a blood vessel so we can see the condition of the heart and determine if Laura's a proper candidate for a transplant. But, unfortunately, Laura's heart has been severely damaged by the effects of the virus, so even this procedure of catheterization involves risks because of the pre-existing condition.
Brooke: Joe, I mean, her doctor's already said that there's nothing that can be done for her, and now you're saying that she might not even make it through this procedure?
Joe: It's quite dangerous in Laura's case. I can't lie to you.
Brooke: Well, what would happen if she doesn't have it? Then do it. Now.

Edmund: Alex, what just happened here? Alex?
Anna: We both just saw Robin, didn't we? We both had the same image of my daughter.
Alex: Yes.
Anna: Is this her doll?
Alex: Yes.
Anna: What was it doing in your trunk with all your things?
Alex: I think it has something to do with Charlotte. She was using it as a trigger in my brainwashing. Oh, God.
Edmund: Alex, Alex, look at me. Did you just get lost again? Is it happening again?

Maddie: You break stuff. You broke the recorder, too. You have to tell Daddy. He thinks I did it. Come on. I gave you cookies, didn't I?

Bianca: Now, this Leo who has invaded your bloodstream, he does have a girlfriend, right?
Laura: Oh, a fiancée, actually.
Bianca: Greensleeves?
Laura: Yes. Something like that. Maybe we could give her the antidote and then I could have him all to myself.
Bianca: Has your mother ever told you that there are other fish in the sea?
Laura: Oh, every day. How about your mother?
Bianca: My mother doesn't want to think about the sea that I go fishing in.

[Laura and Bianca giggle]

Joe: We can't just go ahead and do it, Brooke. It's not that simple
. Brooke: Well, I'll sign the consent, you know. I'll do whatever it takes to give Laura this chance. That's --
Joe: But you did hear what I said about the risks?
Brooke: Yes. I also heard what her cardiologist said, and he said there's nothing that they can do for her. So what would you do if you -- if you --
Erica: Joe, if this is Laura's only chance to get well --
Joe: Yes, I know. In any case, we have to wait until she stabilizes. And then Dr. Bryant is not comfortable with doing the procedure.
Brooke: Well, there must be somebody else on staff.
Joe: Well, it's not just a matter of finding someone who has the proper skills. It's finding someone who is even willing to take the chance, given the risks involved.
Brooke: Well, is there somebody on staff who fits that profile?
Joe: Not anymore.
Erica: But David would do it, wouldn't he?

[Music plays]

Adam: Oh. Hello.
Phyllis: Ooh, nice voice. Makes me all mushy inside.
Adam: I am going to kill Ryan.

Ryan: Who -- who's there?
Greenlee: The one who got away.
Ryan: Yeah, right.
Greenlee: You owe me, Lavery.
Ryan: Yeah, well, I owe everybody.

Liza: Who goes there?
Lars: Greenlee?
Liza: Leo?
Lars: Oh, you're not Greenlee.
Liza: Oh, yeah, you're not Leo.

Ilene: And cut! Cut!

[Music stops]

Ilene: Ok, great. We got some great stuff in that sequence. Everybody can take their blindfolds off. Let's move on to the next game. I'm going to tape it later for the audience, so we'll pick that up -- here. I'm going to pass out these cards. On these cards are the name of an area or a place on the yacht. Do not show them to anyone. Keep it to yourselves. Go to the place on the card and wait there. And someone -- who knows who -- will join you. Have fun. And, remember, anything can happen.

Adam: Let's go.
Liza: No, I'm going to -- I'm going to go to my place, and you're going to go to yours.
Adam: No, no, no, no, no. This is getting ridiculous. That woman I just danced with -- she can't even spell.
Liza: How could you possibly know that?
Adam: Intuition. Come on, the game's over. Let's just go.
Liza: No. I'm going to go to my place.
Adam: Where are you supposed to go?
Liza: I'm not showing you.
Adam: Why?
Liza: Because it's a game.
Adam: You said that this was supposed to sort of, you know, turn us on.
Liza: I think I did.
Adam: Not working.
Liza: Oh, give it some time. And I'm going to go my place, and you go to yours. And don't follow me. I'll be very unhappy.

Greenlee: Come here, come here. Listen -- hey, hey, hey. I know we're not supposed to do this, but come with me to --
Ilene: Oh, no, no, no, no. No telling your significant other where you're going.
Leo: No, no, no, no, it's ok.
Greenlee: We're different. Different people, different rules.
Ilene: Not on my show. You, scoot. Come on. Come on.

Ryan: I'm not really sure I like this.
Gillian: Oh, you'll live.

Ilene: So, Ryan, who are you hoping to rendezvous with tonight?
Ryan: Honestly?
Ilene: Of course. Ryan: My wife. Forever my wife.
Ilene: Well, nothing is forever.

[Bianca and Laura giggle]

Bianca: You're so funny.
Laura: I am? You're hysterical.
Bianca: At least I got your mind off of Leo.
Laura: Off of Leo? It's all over Leo.
Bianca: You know, you are going to meet somebody else.
Laura: Please don't. You sound like my mother.
Bianca: Well, you are.
Laura: Well, whatever. It won't really be the same.
Bianca: This is way more than a crush, isn't it?
Laura: Yeah, it's way more. It's terminal.

Erica: Has David had the surgery on his hand yet?
Joe: Yes, he had it at the prison hospital.
Erica: Well, then, how soon before he can operate again?
Joe: Erica, he can't operate. He may -- he may lose his license.
Erica: But he hasn't lost it yet.
Brooke: If David Hayward hadn't gotten into trouble, what doctor would you have recommended, Joe, to help Laura?
Joe: David Hayward. But that's out of the question now, and I'm afraid it's out of my hands.

[Pager beeps]

Joe: I'm sorry. I have something I have to do. I'll be back later on. We'll talk some more.

Erica: There's only one thing left for us to do, Brooke.
Brooke: What's that, Erica? Break David out of jail?
Erica: Why not?

Liza: Oh, you're not playing fair.
Adam: I just wanted to see which of these creeps they were foisting --
Liza: You have to leave. Otherwise he won't come out. You can be very intimidating.
Adam: Liza, I swear --
Liza: Go and play nice with others.
Adam: I'm not going to leave you here alone.
Bob: Liza? Is it just us?
Liza: Well, it's not a threesome. Have fun, Adam.

Adam: We meet again.
Tanya: I am so psyched!

Ryan: Leo, do it for the company.
Leo: I want a raise. Hello.
Phyllis: So, you going to take me inside one of these pretty staterooms, or what, Leo?

Greenlee: You are such a snake, Lars.
Lars: Nice to see you again, too, Greenlee.
Greenlee: You set this whole thing up, didn't you?
Lars: Oh, me? How?
Greenlee: Two good questions. But whatever you were planning, forget it. I'm getting married, Lars. M-a-r-r--e-d. Married.

Roger: Well, I am surprised. I didn't expect to hear back from you so soon. You booked a flight? And a hotel. Well, you're anxious to help, then. Good. I look forward to it. And bon voyage to you. And arrivederci, Leo.

Anna: Oh, Alex-
Alex: I thought this was over. I thought I had integrated my own personality, that these emotional triggers from charlotte's brainwashing, they had lost their hold.
Edmund: Ok.
Anna: I'll give you some time alone.

Alex: I brought her here to protect her. All I keep doing is hurting her over and over again.
Edmund: That is not true, Alex.
Alex: I don't have the strength to do this twice in one lifetime. I don't. At if this is happening again? I'm regressing. I'm so scared.
Edmund: I know.
Alex: Not for me. For Anna.

Woman's voice: Get to Anna Devane.


Edmund: Fire in the tack room. Come on.

Shannon: How are you feeling?

Tanya: I'm willing to open myself up to you totally.
Leo: Did Roger send you here?

Gillian: That is not Leo. Ryan: But that's definitely Greenlee.

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