NOVEMBER 16, 1999

Edmund: Jack, this is very impressive. You've put together one great investment strategy.
Alex: Yeah, I agree.
Jack: Well, thank you very much. I intend to see that the Andrassy foundation thrives financially. Now all you need to do is to sign the board resolution, I can transfer these funds.
Edmund: Consider it done.
Jack: Good. Now, on to the next order of business. If you want this foundation to have the kind of international profile we were talking about, then you're going to need to change your bylaws so that you can expand your board. And then, upon that board, you want to seat the most prominent, talented individuals you can get your hands on.
Edmund: That shouldn't be very hard, finding people like that.
Alex: I wonder if we could just hold off on that for while.
Edmund: Why?
Jack: Oh, I think I know the reason. You'd like to see the directorship in place before you expand the board, so that the choice of director will be yours and yours alone. Is about that right?
Alex: Yeah.
Jack: Yeah. So how goes the search?
Alex: Oh, I don't know. It's disappointing, really. I've met with a few candidates.
Jack: Nobody up to your standards?
Alex: No, no, no. They are very accomplished, but they do seem to be more interested in their own self-promotion.
Jack: I see. Well, at gives us a bit of a dilemma, doesn't it? I mean, we need find a talented physician with impeccable credentials who shares Dimitri's vision. Can such a creature exist?
Edmund: I don't know. Jack, there has to be at least one.
Alex: All right, fine.
Jack: Listen -- Alexandra, do you think there's any possibility that one day you'll wake up and realize that Dimitri tailor-made this job for you, and you'll take this job? Any possibility at all?
Edmund: I'd like the answer to that question myself.

Vanessa: Guess who?
Palmer: My darling wife. I recognized the diamonds.
Vanessa: Oh, only that? Not that sweet, loving, tender touch of my hands?
Palmer: Well, that, too, of course.
Vanessa: Sorry I kept you waiting, darling.
Palmer: Oh, well, I'm sure you had plenty to do upstairs by yourself. Vanessa: Yes, well, I did need a few moments to gather my strength after that very pleasurable workout you put me through. Luckily, it burns calories and is very healthy. Shall we?
Palmer: Oh -- oh, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the dining room's closed tonight.
Vanessa: Well, surely not to you.
Palmer: Well, I'm afraid so, yes. The maitre d' was appropriately contrite and he promised to accommodate us in the bar.
Vanessa: At the bar? Really? You know, we should really just buy this place and fire the entire staff.
Palmer: No, no, no. Now, surely you can think of more pleasant ways to spend my money.
Vanessa: Well, you know something? It just infuriates me that you do not get the respect that's due you.
Palmer: Well, I'm sure it does. But the fact remains the dining room has been booked for, I don't know, some kind of board meeting.
Vanessa: Oh.

Tad: Turns out Adam's got himself a board meeting tonight at the Valley Inn. It's perfect.
Rae: Perfect for what?
Tad: An ambush.
Rae: Kind of a public ambush, isn't it?
Tad: Mm-hmm. Let's just say I speak for a group of people who would love to see Adam humiliated -- the same way he humiliated his brother and his wife and me and anybody else who had anything to do with "The Cutting Edge."
Rae: So, this is payback time.
Tad: Mm-hmm. If you want in, I guarantee you'll get your pound of flesh out of him.
Rae: Why do I get the feeling that I have to work for this one?
Tad: Oh, Rae, nothing worthwhile comes easy. I need your help. Seriously. I want to knock his legs out from under him. And make sure he's good and humble when he gets back up.
Rae: I see. So that's all?
Tad: It's a start.

Marian: Adam? Oh, for gosh sake, Adam, get up. I mean, how dumb do you think I am? I know you're faking. Come on, Adam, get up. Look, I know there's nothing wrong with you, so just get up, ok?

Alex: Now, you both know why I do not want to head up this foundation.
Jack: Yes, we've had this conversation. No reason to have it again, I guess. But we do need to get a director in place.
Edmund: Well, in Alex's defense, Jack, she has been pretty occupied with Gillian's recovery.
Jack: I'm sorry. I didn't think. How is Gillian?
Alex: Yeah, well, she's progressing as well as can be expected.

[Telephone rings]

Jack: Excuse me. Jack Montgomery?
Liza: Hi, Jack, it's Liza. I was calling to see if we could push our meeting.
Jack: What, tomorrow morning's not soon enough?
Liza: Well, I want to get the divorce going as soon as possible. That's why I was hoping we could meet tonight.
Jack: Tonight? Well, I'm at the "Tempo" offices right now, and then I'm on my way home.
Liza: Well, you're still living at the hotel, right?
Jack: Yes, yes, I still live at the hotel.
Liza: Well, if it was ok with you, we could meet for a brief meeting at the Valley Inn.
Jack: Well, I guess you're in a real hurry, huh?
Liza: Well, the sooner I get going with the divorce, the sooner I can move on another front.
Jack: Ok, well, I'm going to need to wrap up here. I tell you what, I'll see you in about an hour. That be all right?
Liza: That's great. Thanks.

Tad: Here's the best part. See, when it's all done, we just turn off the lights, pick up our props, and go home, leaving Adam to have to explain himself to his entire board of directors. So what do you say?
Rae: I say as revenge plots go, it's -- it's good.
Tad: So you're in?
Rae: No.
Tad: What do you mean, no? You love this stuff.
Rae: I know, I know. It's just -- this is the kind of thing that really gets me going first thing in the morning, but I came to town to get answers from Adam chandler about where my husband is. I can't afford to alienate him, Tad.
Tad: Ok. Business is business. You tell him Liza pressured you. She's in on this, too. Besides, he's sleazy, he's not stupid. He's going to know who's behind it. I'm his enemy. And his target.
Rae: So he stole his wife's television station just to fire you?
Tad: Yeah. That's exactly what he did. Are you telling me you want to let him get away with something like that?
Rae: You know, I know Duffy Duffield. I've been out at his operation in California. He is one of the heavy hitters of the software business. He -- he is the front man for Adam Chandler?
Tad: Yeah.
Rae: Well, that certainly makes you stop and think, doesn't it? It also makes me know that Adam and Daniel have cut some kind of a deal. And he knows exactly where Daniel is right now.
Tad: Yeah, well, you know me. For a lot of years. Surely you realize I'm not going to take no for an answer.
Rae: I'm not telling you no. I just need to think about it.
Tad: I can't take that for an answer, either. I don't have the time. If this thing's going to happen, it's going to happen tonight. So if you want in, you're just going to have to trust me and jump.

Marian: What in the world would -- smoke? I smell smoke. Adam, what have you done in there?
Marian: Adam, listen to me, if you're faking, I've got a lethal weapon. I'm prepared to use it. Do you hear me? So, get up, ok? Come on, get up. Get up, Adam. Did you hear me? I said Adam get up!
Something is very wrong here. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, what am I going to do? Ah -- ah --
Marian: Oh, my God. Oh, my God, he's not breathing. Oh, my God. How am I going to explain this to Stuart?
Maybe he's not dead yet. Maybe if I do mouth to mouth. Right, mouth to mouth. I'll -- oh, no, I can't do this. Come on, Marian, you got to do this. You've got to do it for Stuart, do you hear me? Do it for Stuart.
Ok. Ok. I'll try. Come on, Adam, come on. Come on, Adam, come on. Oh, please, God, please. Come on, Adam, please.

[Adam coughs]

[Adam and Marian scream]

Vanessa: Palmer, you have hardly touched your dinner.
Palmer: No, I'm just fine. I really am just -- no, I've been eating much too much lately. I really must listen to my doctor and just resume a more reasonable diet. I --
Vanessa: Well, fine, but you don't have to resume it tonight. Anyway, actually, the only decent thing they serve around this place is the dessert tray anyway. Well, darling, if you can't eat this faulted dinner, the least you can do is have something that's really fun and gooey to top it off.
Waitress: I'm sorry, is there something wrong with your meal?
Vanessa: Yes, there most certainly is. But never mind. Go away. I will serve my husband. Oh, yum, doesn't that look wonderful? You know, if I had my druthers, I would take one of each upstairs and stuff my face.
Palmer: Why don't you?
Vanessa: Because, darling, I happen to have a very strong and handsome lover I have to satisfy. And don't think I don't notice those young, beautiful women eyeing you as you pass by, which makes me think that I have to count every single calorie I have --

Palmer's voice: Who the hell is he?
Man: Couldn't get a positive I.D. But as you can see, he's a looker. And young. He and Mrs. Cortlandt seem very close.
Palmer: You state the obvious. Looks like they made the grand tour.
Man: The biggest hotels, biggest restaurants, biggest stores -- you'll note his wardrobe improved with each city.
Palmer's voice: On my money.

Vanessa: Ooh! Darling, mmm, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. You know, if I could eat everything you do -- but you seem to have that kind of metabolism. You just wear it off anyway. This one has your name on it, Palmer. Yum, yum, yum. Come on, open wide, darling.
Palmer: Would you put that down, put that down. Don't you think I know what you're doing?
Vanessa: Palmer, what are you talking about?
Palmer: You know very well. You're trying to kill me with fat and cholesterol.
Vanessa: It's only an eclair, Palmer, really. I'm just trying to live a little vicariously through you.
Palmer: You were trying to shove a chocolate-covered heart attack down my throat. I've told you repeatedly that the doctor is very concerned about my health, and you insist that I eat rare meat, all these rich sauces, and every kind of sugar you can lay your hands on!
Vanessa: Darling, darling, darling, if you don't like it, simply just say so. I thought you liked living a little dangerously. Well, should we just have coffee? Palmer, how could you possibly think that I would wish you any harm?

[Palmer imagines Vanessa talking to her "young man" after Palmer's death]

Vanessa: Poor Palmer. How will I ever live without him?
Man: Mrs. Cortlandt?
Vanessa: You, here.
Man: I'd like to offer you my sincere condolences.
Vanessa: Thank you.
Man: Did he suffer?
Vanessa: Ooh, not much. It was the last eclair that killed him. If I had only known -- I would've -- fed it to him so much sooner.
Man: And now you're rich. Vanessa: We're rich. Everything he had is mine.
And everything I have is yours.

[Man laughs]

Vanessa: Oh, darling. Palmer? The young lady's asking you a question.
Waitress: Cream for your coffee?
Palmer: No. No, no, no, no. Just take it away. Take it away now.

Adam: No -- no -- no! Oh! I thought I had died and gone to hell. I pray that I never, ever again wake up with your lips on mine.
Marian: Really? Well, that goes double for me, Adam! And for the record, I was trying to revive you. I don't care whether you die or go straight to hell, but Stuart does. I smelled smoke. What on earth were you trying to do in there, anyway?
Adam: I was -- I put something in the microwave.
Marian: You're worth over $2 billion and you don't know how to use a microwave?
Adam: I have had a heart episode. I need to see -- I need medical attention.
Marian: You've got all the medication you need right back in that little cupboard in there.
Adam: I passed out, Marian! I need to see a doctor!
Marian: No! I think we should just wait till you pass out again, because you look perfectly healthy right now.
Adam: Fine. That's fine. It's academic anyway, because I'll be out of here by morning.
Marian: Oh, yes? Well, hope springs eternal, doesn't it? Adam: I have a board meeting at the Valley Inn tonight. I have to be there to diffuse a very serious crisis. If I'm not there, they'll know something is terribly wrong.
Marian: I don't believe a word you're saying, Adam.
Adam: Well, fine. You just wait until tomorrow, until the police come and search every inch of this place. They'll find I'm here and you'll find yourself in jail, behind bars for kidnapping.
Marian: Ok. All right. Then you're just going to have to make an appearance at that board meeting aren't you? Bye-bye, Adam.
Adam: Marian -- Marian? Liza! Ah, Marian -- Liza! Come back!

Marian: Come on, Stuart, answer, answer. Oh, Stuart. Darling, are you busy doing anything right now? Oh, great. Please, could you please meet me at the Valley Inn as soon as possible? Oh, thank you, darling, thanks. See you soon.

Rae: I really do sympathize with you.
Tad: So?
Rae: The last time I was in this town, Adam Chandler played me like I was a violin. And this time, I'm going to be a lot smarter about it. Now, if I get involved with your revenge plot -- I just don't think it's smarter for me.
Tad: No, that's where you're wrong. This is exactly what you should be doing. Ask Liza.
Rae: Liza, come here. Are you really going to go along with this plot? I mean, you're married to the man. You're sure you want to go through with this?
Liza: Yes, I am.
Tad: Look, you say you want Adam to take you seriously, right?
Rae: Right.
Tad: Ok. I say you don't give him a choice. He played you for a fool, so you spit in his eye. Liza's living proof that the man cannot be trusted. For the last year, she has given him the benefit of the doubt, saying he was a kinder, gentler Adam. Only to find out in the end he's the same amoral creep he always was. You want answers from Adam? Make sure --
Rae: Ok, all right, enough. Enough, Tad, all right. You convinced me.
Tad: I have?
Rae: Yes. I've known types like him before. And you're both right. You know what? The only way you get their attention is with a two-by-four between the eyes. So -- I'm in. Ha.
Tad: I can't believe all I had to do was tell the truth.
Rae: Listen, I survived a flood. You think I'm going to let an Adam Chandler intimidate me? I don't think so.
Tad: Great. Thank you.
Liza: Well, not that you need it, but I should take you to makeup and wardrobe.
Rae: Oh, please.
Tad: Oh, one last thing.
Rae: Yes?
Tad: Why don't you show her the script I wrote.
Rae: Oh.
Tad: And a little favor? Don't change a word.
Rae: Oh. Right.

Scott: Ok, so what'll be our cue to go live?
Tad: I told you. It's a piece of cake. All you do is listen for Liza's voiceover. She's going to break into the feed and announce we're going live to the Valley Inn. Ironically enough, we're going to be carried by all the affiliates who used to carry us. But I do mean live, ok? So we can't afford any errors on our end.
Scott: There won't be.
Tad: Ok, good.
Scott: Ok. Tad?
Tad: Yeah?
Scott: I'm glad you're doing this. Adam's got to learn he can't just steam-roll over people because they're inconvenient to him.
Tad: You still sore about what he did to your old man? Good. Stay that way.

Scott: Hi. I'm glad you came to --
Becca: I got a message from Tad to meet him here.
Scott: Right. Yeah, there's a lot going on here today.
Greenlee: Like what?
Tad: Ladies, thank you for coming. We haven't got a lot of time, so I'll make this brief. How would you like to help us stick it to Adam for trashing WRCW?
Greenlee: I'm in.
Becca: What do we have to do?
Tad: Well, see, that's the thing. In the first place, you'll find these black garment bags in the Greenroom. Those would be your costumes.
Becca and Greenlee: Costumes?
Tad: Yeah, yeah, a little S&M. Corsets, knee-high boots. We can discuss the d collars.
Greenlee: Ooh, I'm definitely in.
Becca: I'm sorry, Tad, but that's not really me.

Eli: Hey, Scott, we're getting ready to load up the van, ok?
Scott: Yeah. Coming.

Tad: Becca, I'm begging you, ok? I really need two girls and I don't have time to replace you with anybody else.
Becca: Well, Tad, I really appreciate everything you've done for me, putting me up in your house, but I work at the Glamorama, not WRCW.
Tad: Ok, well, then you better start talking to Mama about a raise because if I don't get my job back, your paycheck's going to be supporting a family of four.

Alex: Oh. Edmund: All these signatures just for a few measly million dollars.
Alex: Oh, I wonder what would happen if I didn't sign some of these.
Edmund: You'd go to jail. Of course, if you went to jail, you wouldn't be able to go back to England.
Alex: I want you to know that whatever happens, I'm not going to leave Pine Valley until Gillian gets better.
Edmund: That'll make Eugenia very happy.
Alex: Me, too, actually. I must say, I've enjoyed feeling as if I were part of a family again.
Edmund: There's no "as if" about it. You are part of the family. Gillian -- she's getting better, isn't she?
Alex: Some improvement. I wish the aphasia would have passed by now, though.
Edmund: This aphasia is very strange.
Alex: Hmm. Human brain, endlessly fascinating.
Edmund: You know, in spite of yourself, you're getting caught up in medicine again. Dimitri would like that. Listen, I'm going to stop by the hospital, check on Gillian.
Alex: Yeah, I promised Eugenia I was going to go and listen to some Schubert with her.
Edmund: Oh, well, better you than me.

[Alex laughs]

Edmund: I'll see you later.
Alex: Um -- do you have a minute?

Jack: Opal. Hi, I didn't expect to see you here.
Opal: Palmer's here. Pretend you're my boyfriend again.
Jack: Opal --
Opal: Rutabaga, rutabaga, rutabaga.
Jack: Six weeks from the millennium and I'm sitting here saying rutabaga, rutabaga. I can't believe this.
Opal: Oh, rutabaga, rutabaga.
Jack: Yes.
Opal: Oh. Thank you, Jack. You are a real pal.
Jack: Opal, it's been years since a woman's ex-husband gave me that look.
Opal: Oh, yeah? Make you feel young again?
Jack: No. No, it makes me feel stupid. Look, I do business with Cortlandt Electronics. That's just one of many reasons this is just not such a good idea.
Opal: Oh, I know, I know. It is stupid. It's true. And I won't impose on you like that again. I promise.
Jack: It's ok. Glad to help. Can I get you a drink?
Opal: Yeah, I could use a double scotch on the rocks.
Jack: Well, here. You can have some of mine until yours comes.
Vanessa: My, my, if isn't Harold and Maude. Oh, please, no, no.
Opal: Is there something wrong with the ventilation in here? I smell formaldehyde.
Vanessa: Jackson.
Jack: Yes. Vanessa: I've be
en meaning to ask you. Have you happened to have met Mayor Tuttwiller's niece? She just moved here from Altoona.
Jack: No, I haven't had the pleasure.
Vanessa: Oh, well, she's an attorney as well. She's attractive, unattached, and young. I'd love to make an introduction to you.
Jack: Well, thank you, but I'm afraid I'm not available. I've got my hands full right here with my little sweetcakes.

Tad: Ma?
Opal: Oh, hello, son.
Vanessa: Excuse me, please, but I think I need to get a reality check.
Opal: Oh.
Tad: Something I should know?
Opal: Well, if you don't know already, Jackson Montgomery is the best friend a person could ever have.

Rae: Tad. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Excuse me. What is the camera for? I thought this was a little pitch and then punch?
Tad: Oh, no, no, relax, it's just for posterity. Someday we're going to get a huge laugh out of this.

Tiffany: Scott.
Scott: Tiffany.
Tiffany: Not that I get off on gossiping about other people -- you know. But just so you know, today at the Glamorama, old Mrs. Greenlee was dissing your dad.
Scott: Yeah, I don't find that surprising.
Tiffany: But that's not it. While she was being all snotty, all her granddaughter did was laugh. But Becca -- she stood up for your dad in a really awesome way. She told both Greennlees what she thought about your dad and then what she thought about them.
Scott: Thanks.
Tiffany: Well, I just thought you should know, because some people have a hard time realizing what other people are really like. Especially when the other people are of the opposite sex. Well, that's it.

Becca: Um, it's just that now that I've seen the costume, I'm sure I don't want to wear it.
Tad: Becca, what are you telling me? That Greenlee's got more guts than you do? Please. Pigeon Hollow girls got it all over some socialite snob. I know. I'm married to one. Please?
Becca: Ok. Ok. I'll do it, but let's just get it over with?
Tad: My sentiments exactly.

Scott: Becca. Tiffany told me what happened at the Glamorama today. How you stuck up for my father.
Becca: Yeah. Why shouldn't I? He's been nothing but kind to me. He's an honest, decent man.

Alfred: Tad? Tad? You weren't totally honest with me. You didn't tell me that the target of your revenge was Adam Chandler.
Tad: So what?
Alfred: Adam Chandler's the main depositor of my bank. He could get me fired with just a nod of his head, a simple arch of an eyebrow.
Tad: Alfred, relax. You've just got to decide what's more important -- a paycheck or true love?
Alfred: Um -- Tad: Alfred. Alfred? Look at me. There are lots of banks. Right? There's only one Beverly Moonbottom. Come on.

Liza: I just want to get this settled really quickly.
Jack: Well, Liza, nobody likes a long, slow, divorce. That's for sure.
Liza: Well, I've had practice. This isn't the first time I divorce Adam.
Jack: Yes, I know. So, you know the drill. You sign the complaint, I'll file it. That is if you're really sure.
Liza: I'm sure. There's no hope for this marriage.

Man: Where is Adam, Barry?
Second man: He's going to have to explain his actions on that Latin America deal tonight, Barry.
Barry: Well, of course he will, Simmons. When you leave here, all your questions will be answered.

Marian: Tad?
Tad: Marian, have you seen Adam?
Marian: What are you doing here?
Tad: What do you mean, what am I doing here? Didn't Liza tell you?
Marian: Tell me what?
Tad: Stick around. There's going to be some fireworks.
Marian: Fireworks? What do you mean fireworks? Tad?
Tad: Fireworks.
Marian: What do you mean fireworks?
Stuart: Fireworks? Is that why you told me to drop everything and meet you here?
Marian: Oh, no. No, Stuart, at least, I -- I hope not. Darling, come on over here, would you, right away? We got to do this very quickly. Take off your sweater, ok?
Stuart: Ok. Marian: Thank you. And put this tie on for me, all right? Thank you.
Stuart: I'll dress up. Ok, this better be important. You know I'm only 10 pieces away from finishing my 3d puzzle of the Taj Mahal?
Marian: Well, honey, we can finish it when we get home afterwards, ok?
Stuart: Afterwards of what?
Marian: Oh, boy. You know what?
Stuart: What?
Marian: I think this is going to work, Stuart. I really do.
Stuart: What's going to work?
Marian: Here, put your arms through this right now.
Stuart: Ok.
Marian: Thank you. Perfect. Turn around, turn around. Ok, now, listen to me, darling.
Stuart: Ok.
Marian: Nobody can imitate Adam the way you can.
Stuart: Yeah. Marian: And right now there's a board meeting of Chandler Enterprises that's going to start in that room in a couple seconds. I want you to go in there and pretend to be Adam, ok?
Stuart: What? Marian, I can't do that!
Marian: Please, Stuart, please. You have to. If not for my sake, then for Liza and Colby's. Please.
Stuart: Why? Does this have something to do with the horrible thing he did to them?
Marian: Yes! It does.

Barry: Ladies and gentlemen, all is well now. Our leader has arrived. Adam, come on in. They're ready for you.

Barry: We have a possible mutiny on our hands. Simmons and Warren already smell blood. Now, we've got to keep Talbot and Costello on our side.
Stuart: Simmons and Warren. Talbot and Costello.

[Telephone rings]

Vanessa: Hello?
Man: Hey, it's me. I'm in New York. I could see you soon,
Vanessa: No, darling, please, not quite yet. You mustn't come here. I need a little more time to work on Palmer.
Man: Oh, but I'm bored. I want to see you. Besides, I'm broke again. I've spent all of Palmer's money. Uh-oh. Now you're mad at me.
Vanessa: No, no, no, darling, I am not mad at you. It's just that you have to be patient, sweetheart. We will be together very soon. I promise you. Ciao.

Edmund: What is it?
Alex: Well, Dimitri wanted us to take care of each other. And -- and I think we both realize that that's not feasible.
Edmund: I don't even know if it's possible.
Alex: Right. Yeah, exactly. But now we've accepted that we're family. So I -- I just wanted you to feel that should you ever need -- you know, something that no one else in the world but me could do -- that you'd ask me to do it.
Edmund: You've already helped me a great deal, Alex.
Alex: Oh, good. Good.
Edmund: You -- you helped me because you made Dimitri happy. And it makes me feel good knowing that you just wanted what was best for him.
Alex: Yeah, I did. I'm pleased you feel that way.
Edmund: So am I.

Barry: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Our first order of business is the reading of the quarterly report. Will the secretary --
Simmons: Before we proceed with that, Barry, we'd like Adam to address the concerns some of us have here over our current Latin American venture.
Man: Absolutely.
Stuart: Oh, what do you want to know?
Simmons: Well, we want to know what you intend to do about the dismal situation down there.
Man: You pushed through this deal against our best advice.
Woman: We closed three factories in Pennsylvania and moved them to Costa Rica. What do you have to say about that?
Stuart: Hmm. Um, um -- Costa Rica. Did you know that the main crop in Costa Rica is coffee?
Simmons: What?
Woman: Well --
Stuart: Hmm? Hmm? But the interesting thing is -- they have to plant the entire crop on the south side of the mountain. Because, you see, the -- violent winds from the north would come down and destroy their entire economy.
Man: Violent winds from the north -- will destroy their entire economy.
Barry: That's quite a threat, Adam.
Stuart: Yeah. Sure is. They'll do anything they can to avoid it.
Woman: They will?
Simmons: Right, right.
Man: Oh, bravo, bravo.

Rae: Good evening, ladies a gentlemen. I'm so terribly sorry to interrupt your board meeting, but I have urgent business with Mr. Chandler. Adam, I bet you didn't expect to be on camera, did you? Right there.

[Adam changes channels in the safe room]

Liza: We interrupt this encore presentation of "The Cutting Edge" to take you live to Pine Valley for the latest breaking story from the Valley Inn --

Adam: Liza?

Rae: I'm sure your board meeting is terribly important. But what my friends and I have in store could be just as interesting.

Adam: What the -- Stuart?

Rae: Now that Adam Chandler is the majority stockholder of WRCW --
Man: What?
Rae: Oh, I see. You didn't know that. Oh, yes, it's absolutely true. This is the individual who is behind the buyout of WRCW. In fact, take a look. This is his FCC. License to prove it.

Adam: Where did you get that thing? Barry!

Barry: May I see that?
Rae: Oh, yes, of course, you can have it. Now, of course, Adam Chandler has not let that news get out. Have you, Adam? But how could we let an opportunity like this pass? No, no, we couldn't. Because you know what? We're all probably making television history here tonight. But you see, my colleagues and I are here to pitch a new idea for a show to Adam Chandler. A game show.

Adam: What the hell is going on here?

Rae: And the motto for our new show is, "Don't Get Mad, Get Even."
Man: Good heavens. Woman oh, my --
Man: Whoa.

Adam: What?

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