NOVEMBER 9, 1999

Adam: Liza? I'm in the safe room. Liza! Help me!
Marian: She can't hear you, Adam. It's soundproof, remember? You built this room to keep your family safe, and that's exactly what it's going to do -- keep them safe from you.
Adam: How long do you intend to keep me here, Marian?
Marian: I don't know, darling. Right now you're my prisoner, and when I decide what to do with you, I'll let you know. In the meantime, darling, why don't you sit back, put up your feet, and look at your nanny-cams and watch the rest of your miserable life going on without you.
Adam: Marian, I -- you're right. I was -- I hurt Liza. Let me go to her, to apologize.
Marian: You're just sorry you got caught, Adam, and Liza wants nothing to do with you. Oh, look.
Adam: Stuart.
Marian: Yes, she's about to tell Stuart how you swindled him out of his WRCW stock. Imagine how sad and disappointed he's going to be in you, Adam. But then, of course, you don't have to imagine. You can just watch it.
Adam: You won't get between Stuart and me.
Marian: He's never given up on you, Adam. He still thinks you're capable of normal human feelings.
Adam: Just let me talk to him.
Marian: You know something, darling? That's when I'm going to let you out of there -- when you're capable of normal human feelings. Which will be never.
Adam: Marian.
Marian? Marian!

Liza: So Barry told you that he was balancing out your stock portfolio. But he didn't tell you what stocks he was selling.
Stuart: Yeah, no. Well, he said something about some cat food. But he said it would not hurt the cats. Have I done something wrong?
Liza: No, Stuart, you didn't.
Stuart: Then why are you so upset?
Marian: Hi. I went down to the kitchen for a glass of water, and I got into a conversation with Lucretia. That's where I've been. Liza, what are you looking for?
Liza: This is it. This is it. This is the paper that approves of the stock transfer from WRCW.
Stuart: Well, I signed that, but I didn't know -- Barry didn't tell us that.
Marian: Oh, Stuart, you mustn't blame yourself. I mean, he tricked both of us, and I urged you to sign it.
Stuart: Well, I should have read it, though. It's my fault.
Marian: No, darling, it's my fault.
Liza: No, it's Adam's fault. It's all his fault. He lied to everybody. He lies again and again and again and again.
Stuart: Why did he do that?
Liza: He did it so he could control the station. He did it so he could cancel Tad's show.
Stuart: If that's true, then that's terrible. He terrible.
Liza: More terrible than you know.
Stuart: He can't get away with that. Can he?
Liza: I'm just so sick of him, I can't even fight him.
Stuart: Well, I can fight him. I'll fight him right now. Where is he?
Marian: Well, maybe he's down at the pool in one of the cabanas.
Stuart: Hey, that's where I'll start.
Liza: I know where he is. Whenever we have a fight, he always goes up to one of the guest bedrooms to lick his wounds.
Marian: Oh, Liza, darling, before you run off looking for Adam, there's something we need to discuss.

Leslie: Adam stood me up, Barry. He hasn't answered my messages. The FCC. Approved the sale of WRCW. I have his copy of the licensing agreement. I thought he wanted to get this deal done. Fine, fine, I'll wait. Listen, I'm on the clock at $250 an hour. I can certainly have another cup of coffee.
Dixie: You. Do you have any idea what you've done to my husband?
Leslie: Do I know you?
Dixie: I'm Mrs. Tad Martin. And thanks to you, my husband is losing his mind.

Ryan: I don't get it. Did Gillian hurt her heart in the accident?
Joe: Gillian probably had a weak mitral valve from birth. She may well have gone right through life without ever finding out about it. But she suffered massive bleeding in the accident, great strain on the heart, and the valve gave way. Dr. Hayward did the surgery.
Ryan: Hayward? Was Gillian ok with that?
Joe: She doesn't know about it. Edmund gave permission.
Ryan: Well, I'd like to see her.
Joe: Ryan, nothing to see. She's back in ICU. She's still unconscious. Now, what I want you to do is worry about yourself for a change.
Ryan: I'm fine, I'm fine.
Joe: You've just had a chest tube removed. You've had a collapsed lung. But still, all in all, you've been very lucky coming through the accident like this. Let's keep it that way, huh? I will keep you posted on Gillian's recovery.
Ryan: Ah.

Jake: And you can -- you can cook me dinner again. Even though every time you cook, all the food seems to turn gray. That takes talent.

Eugenia: I'm awake. I was praying. How much longer, do you think?
Edmund: I don't know.
Eugenia: I guess all we can say is "Thy will be done."
Edmund: Alex.
Alex: Oh, hi.
Edmund: Anything yet?
Alex: No, not yet, no.
Edmund: Was she stable during surgery?
Alex: Yes. Everything went very well. Hi, Eugenia. How are you? All right?
Eugenia: All right, yes.
Alex: Let me sit with you for a minute.
Edmund: So it was a success?
Alex: Mm-hmm.
David: Her heart was repaired. We'll know more about her condition when she wakes from the anesthesia. May I?
Alex: Yeah.
David: Thank you.

Joe: Any change?
Alex: Well, no, not yet. Jake hasn't left her side since after the surgery. I keep trying to persuade him to take a break.
Edmund: Joe.

Joe: Son.
Jake, I want to tell you something.
Jake: Dad, I -- I'm not -- I'm not leaving her.
Joe: All right.
Jake: She's so beautiful, so vulnerable. And I care for her -- a lot.
Joe: Son, you go back on duty in a few hours. You have to be at your best for your patients. You owe it to them to get some rest.

Joe: Ryan. I thought I made it very clear to you you should be in your room, in your bed. Eugenia: Oh, can't he stay just a moment more? It would mean so much to me. Ryan?
Ryan: Eugenia.
Ryan: Jake. Gillian was looking for you. She -- she was really upset. She had something important to tell you.
Jake: What? Do you know what she was going to say?
Ryan: No. At least I don't think I do. I don't remember much.
David: You know, it's not unusual for a person to experience short-term memory loss after they've suffered a trauma like yours. Do you have any idea if this thing that was upsetting Gillian that she wanted to tell Jake -- if that was the cause of the accident?
Ryan: No, there was somebody in the road. That's what caused the crash. Gillian swerved to avoid hitting this person, and then, after that, it's just a big blank. Except -- when --
David: Except what?
Ryan: No, it's -- it's all I remember.
David: Well, don't worry. You may remember soon.
Alex: She's awake.

Liza: What do you want to discuss, mother?
Marian: Liza, this business with WRCW and Stuart's stocks has made you very angry, but don't lose sight of what's most important here, and that's to protect Colby from Adam. So I suggest you start divorce proceedings before you even speak to Adam again. And nobody, darling, must know that Adam is Colby's father -- not even Stuart. And no matter how tempted you are, you can't talk to Jake about this.
Liza: Mother, who's going to protect Jake? I mean, once everybody knows the truth, Adam is going to delight in telling Jake the truth.
Marian: That's true, but we can't let that happen. Colby has to be the top priority here. We don't know how Jake is going to react to this, and Colby needs a father while you're getting your divorce from Adam. It'll make it harder for him to get his hooks into her, Liza.
Liza: What a position to be put in.
Marian: Yes, what a position Adam put you in.
Liza: Oh, I'm just an idiot. I'm a big idiot. It's just I believed all these lies all along, and I'm just so stupid. There's not a bigger idiot in the entire world than me. I just think I should tell everybody the truth and just get it all out in the open.
Marian: Liza, please, please calm down. Please, darling, and think this through.
Liza: I don't want to think about it. I'm just going to go help Stuart find him.

Marian: Do you see what you've done, Adam?
Adam: Oh --
Marian: I hope you're satisfied.
Adam: Shut up, you meddlesome witch! I love Liza with all my heart and all of my soul, and I could convince her of that if I could just talk to her.
Liza, I'm right here! I'm right down the hall from you!
You're not going to win, Marian. The remote controls. There were two remote controls. There are two ways to open this door. Where is it?
Adam: Aha! Oh. You thought you had the upper hand. Aha! And you were in there for a minute.
Adam: Oh, no. Oh. No batteries. There are no batteries. For the love God, there are no batteries!

[Adam screams]

Adam: I'm stuck. I'm just stuck. I'm stuck!

[Adam screams]

Dixie: It's just that ever since Tad's show was canceled this afternoon, he's been acting like a maniac. You know, I don't even know him anymore. He's been yelling and screaming and throwing things. This afternoon, he actually threatened to kill himself.
Leslie: Really?
Dixie: Yes. Yes, he looked up "Hari-Kari" in the dictionary -- you know the -- ah! Do you have a tissue in your bag --
Leslie: No, no, I don't. Mrs. Martin, I wasn't responsible for canceling "The Cutting Edge." I am just the attorney of record. I work for Datcom and Mr. Duffield.
Dixie: I understand, I understand. But Mr. Duffield doesn't know tad. He's a good man. If I could just talk to somebody who's associated with him. Do you know anybody who might be associated with him so I can just help him get his job back, you know? Oh, god, he's here.
Leslie: Who?
Dixie: My husband, Tad. Hide all the sharp objects. Hi, Honey.
Tad: Don't you "Honey" me. What the hell do you think you're doing? I expressly forbid you to talk to her. Don't you think my life is hard enough right now without you humiliating me in pubic?
Dixie: I'm not trying to humiliate you. Now, calm down and sit down, please, ok? I'm just trying to help you get your job back.
Tad: I told you that I don't need any help! I'll get another job. I'm a star, damn it! I don't need any charity from some bottom-dweller or anybody else for that matter.
Dixie: Come on. You were fired, ok? Who's going to hire you now?
Tad: What's that supposed to mean? That you don't believe in me? How can you doubt me? How can you do this to me? I need your support right now more than ever. Don't you know that?
Dixie: Stop. I do believe in you. Stop it. Let go of my --
Leslie: Get your hands off of her. Listen, I've seen men like you before in court. You take your failure out on your wives. Well, it's not going to happen while I'm around.
Tad: You best do yourself a favor and shut up. She's my wife. I'll take it out on her if I want to.
Dixie: Oh, yeah? You go ahead and try.
Tad: Not here and not now. You're coming home with me, and I will teach you how a wife is supposed to behave.
Leslie: She's not going anywhere with you.
Dixie: That's right. You heard her.
Leslie: Is this how he treats you? It's criminal.
Dixie: It is?
Leslie: Yes, and there's something that you can do about that.
Tad: I told you to mind your own business. You think I'm stupid, that I don't know what's going on here? Huh? You think that just because I lost my job, I'm some kind of loser. You're looking for a way out. That's what this is.
Dixie: That's not true, Tad.
Tad: Yes, it is. You think you can do better than me? Is that it? You think you can do better than me? Is that it?
Dixie: Well -- probably. But I love you anyway.
Tad: Well, that tears it. Take that, you silly bitch.
[Tad throws a dinner roll at Dixie]

Leslie: Oh -- my God, he hit you.
Dixie: You hit me. You hit me!
Leslie: How dare you.
Dixie: That's right, how dare you. How dare you. Well, I'm not afraid of you.
Leslie: Oh!
Tad: Ok, fine. Let's -- let's see how you feel about me with a croissant, huh?
Dixie: Oh, don't -- don't --
Tad: Now how do you feel about me, huh?
Dixie: Look. Adrian. Thank God you're here.
Tad: No kidding, thank God.
Adrian: What's going on in here?
Dixie: Tad -- he's being wild Tad but more Tad. You saw it, didn't you? Didn't you see it? He hit me in the head with a croissant. You saw it, right? You'll be my witness?
Leslie: Yes. I -- I will.
Tad: Yeah, that's right. You got what you were asking for, missy, and there's plenty more where that came from!
Dixie: You get out. Go on.
Tad: Yeah. You've been on my nerves for weeks.
Dixie: What did I ever do to deserve this?

Adam: Batteries. Batteries. Oh, you thought you were a match for me, Marian? You have been outclassed. Beautiful. Beautiful AA batteries. Look at you. Gorgeous. Had me worried there for a minute, but -- I threw the remote on -- threw it up against the wall. It's broken. You threw it up against the wall and broke it! You fool! You idiot! You dimwit!
Adam: Damn you, Marian!

Liza: Did you find him?
Stuart: No. You neither? The cars are all in the garage, and the chauffeur hadn't seen him.
Liza: Well, he's here. He's hiding in this house.
Stuart: Ok, well, I'm going to try the wine cellar and then, if he's not there, then I'll just -- I'll just start l over again.
Marian: Well, maybe he's outside. Maybe he went to the boathouse or he's walking on the lake.
Liza: Oh, Adam wouldn't do that at night. He's --
Stuart and Liza: Afraid of snakes.
Liza: Which is ironic.
Marian: I know where he is. At the gatehouse, waiting for you, to win you over, Stuart.
Nanny: I thought you'd like to know she had a wonderful supper.
Marian: Aw.
Liza: Hi, pumpkin.
Nanny: Ate all of her creamed spinach.
Liza: Hello.
Stuart: Hi.
Liza: Hello.
Stuart: Creamed spinach. Ooh, yum, yum, yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum, yum.
Nanny: Would you like me to leave her with you for a while before it's time to put her down?
Liza: Well, actually, I was going to go to the gatehouse now.
Marian: Well, darling, why don't you let me take her? I'm sure you won't be down there very long. Unless, of course, you find Adam, that is. Hello, beautiful.
Liza: Well, then that would be great, Harriet. Thank you.
Marian: Here, give me that.
Stuart: How come you want to go to the gatehouse with me? You think I'm going to be a pushover with Adam, don't you? Well, I'm not. I'm going to be tough.
Liza: Well, I'll be tough with you.

Marian: That's right. And I am going to be the toughest of all, Adam. I'm going to keep this child from ever falling into your hands again. Do you hear me? You hear me, too, don't you? Come on, darling, let's sit down, wait for your mommy to come back. There you go.

[Colby fusses]

Marian: Oh, here, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.
Adam: Colby.
Marian: Isn't that wonderful.

Ryan: If the operation went all right, what are they worried about?
Eugenia: Don't worry. She'll come back to us.
Jake: Gillian? Gillian? It's Jake. Hey, I'm here. We're all here. Your Grandmama, Ryan, Edmund -- we're all waiting for you to come back to us.
Alex: You take all the time in the world, darling. We're just waiting here for you, ok?
Jake: Hey, I hear you have something to tell me. Anytime you're ready, I'm right here. All right, you can tell me whatever it is.

[Monitor beeps]

Jake: Hey. Hey, welcome back.
Alex: Can you just give me a moment? I want to just evaluate her.
Jake: Yeah, sure. Sure.
Alex: Thank you.
Jake: Hey, Alex is going to tickle and pinch you and do all these kind of things and then -- and then it's my turn later. All right? Ok.
Alex: Hey, sweetheart. Hi. Can you look straight ahead for me? Can you look straight ahead? Ok, darling.

Jake: Well. She's awake and a little groggy. But she's doing pretty well. There's a ways to go, though.
Ryan: Well, thank you, Jake. I know you've been with her every second.
Jake: Well, Hayward did the real work. I don't know if it's his pact with the devil that makes him a genius in the OR.
Ryan: That must be it.
Jake: Yeah.
Joe: Here we go, Ryan.
Jake: I got it.
Joe: Your own private limo. Now you've got a choice -- go back to your room or end up in ICU.
Ryan: Ok. Anything you say, Dr. Martin.
Eugenia: Yes.
Ryan: Grandmama, I have to go.
Eugenia: Yes. You take care. And God bless.
Ryan: You, too.
Joe: Ok. That's it. All right. Yeah.
Ryan: Thank you.
Joe: Careful.

Alex: Hey. Here you go, Jake.
Jake: All right. Thanks.
Edmund: Alex, Jake says she's looking good?
Eugenia: Yes. Is she conscious? Does she realize we're all here?
Alex: Yes, she does. She's still very weak and disoriented, but we can be optimistic. And very grateful.
Eugenia: Yes.
Alex: You were right to go ahead with the operation. I never watched David work closely before. He's certainly excellent.
Edmund: Well, Dr. Hayward, Alex says you were just masterful in there.
David: Was there any doubt?
Eugenia: Thank you, Dr. Hayward.
David: It was my pleasure, Duchess.

David: Come on. Pick up, Erica. Damn machine. Ah.

Marian: Did you find him?
Liza: We went by the boathouse, too, just in case.
Marian: Where's Stuart, darling?
Liza: Oh, he -- he stayed outside to look at the stars. He said it was a beautiful night. I -- I couldn't see it.
Marian: You poor baby. Well, here's somebody you find beautiful every time you look at her.
Liza: Yes.
Marian: There you go. I've got her toy.
Liza: Yeah, there's my pumpkin.
Marian: Here you go. Liza: Yes. Yeah.
Marian: Liza, why are you looking at her like that?
Liza: I'm just looking, Mama.
Marian: You're trying to find Adam's face in hers, aren't you? Sweetheart, you mustn't weaken here. You can't ever think of Adam being Colby's father, Liza. Liza: I just know that I can't let him be around here. And it makes me sad.
Marian: Well, don't let it make you sad. Let it make you angry. You have got a very tough opponent to defeat here.
Liza: I know. What's going on with you, mother?
Marian: Oh, I'm just being strong for you. It's the three of us Colby women against the world now, isn't it?
Liza: You don't have to worry about me being angry. I mean, I haven't even thought about where Adam could be at this point. I mean, where is he and why isn't he here, wearing me down?
Marian: Maybe he realizes that he's gone too far this time, Liza. Listen, darling, I want u to promise me something -- that if you need to talk about this to anyone, only talk to me about it, all right? Please promise me that? There you go, little baby. There's your toy. I love you, sweetheart.
Liza: I love you, too, Mom.
Marian: I'll call you in a little while, all right?
Liza: Ok.

Stuart: Oh. The sky is so beautiful. You can see Pegasus and Andromeda so clearly.
Liza: Hmm.
Stuart: Well, I just -- I just stopped for a minute to look at the stars. That doesn't mean that I'm not really mad about what Adam did.
Liza: I know, Stuart. I'm glad you enjoyed the stars.
Stuart: But it was really awful. Well, it's worse than usual.

[Colby fusses]

Liza: Yeah. It's really bad.
Stuart: He took advantage of me and he took control of your station. But it's about something worse than that, isn't it? This isn't just about WRCW. Is it?
Liza: What makes you say that?
Stuart: Because if it was just about that, then you would be louder. This -- this whatever it is has brought you way down. This has something to do with Colby. Right?

Leslie: You don't have to put up with that kind of behavior, Dixie. No woman does.
Dixie: No, you're right. You're right. I guess I should -- I should file for divorce, right?
Leslie: Well, now you're being smart.
Dixie: Yeah. I'll tell you all about what it's like to be married to Mr. Tad Martin. It's no picnic, I assure you. I'll give you all the excruciating details. It's just he has these incredible mood swings.
Leslie: Well, why don't I take some notes?
Dixie: No. No, don't take notes. I need to be able to purge myself of this information and I need your complete and total undivided attention, ok?

Tad: With a little luck, we'll find everything we need in there to prove Adam's behind the takeover.
Adrian: Ah. My compliments.
Tad: Well, what do you know? An FCC. License with Adam Chandler's name on it.
Adrian: I'd say that's all the proof we need.
Tad: All righty, then. Ok, hurry up. We got to get that briefcase back so she won't --
Adrian: No, she won't know anything's wrong until she opens it up to look for the document.
Tad: By then, it'll be a little late for our good friend Adam Chandler.

Leslie: No. You -- you mean to say that he made you wear a chicken suit?
Dixie: Oh, no. He wore the chicken suit.
Leslie: The man is sick. No woman should have to put up with that. That is emotional abuse.
Dixie: Is it? Well, maybe you can tell me what my options are, you know, and go really slow because I'm feeling kind of dizzy, you know?
Tad: I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?
Leslie: Listen, just stay away from her.
Tad: No, I'm fine. I'm fine, really. I promise you, I'm -- I'm sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry. Adrian was a big help to me out there just now. I -- I've learned a valuable lesson, sweetheart. I promise I have, one that'll help us get through all of our problems. Can we -- can we just go home? I can't get through this thing without you. I mean, you're the love of my life. I don't want to fight about some stupid job.
Dixie: Oh, Tad!
Leslie: Dixie, what are you doing?
Dixie: I'm going to go home with him. I -- I know he's an idiot, but he's my idiot.
Leslie: Oh. Ok. You know, the two of you are insane! Excuse me.

Tad: What do you mean "idiot"?
Dixie: What are you beating me in the head with a dinner roll?
Tad: He was late.
Dixie: Did you get the stuff for Adam?
Adrian: Oh, Adam hasn't got a prayer.

Marian: Did you enjoy your private show, Adam? How does it feel to see how much your wife hates you?
Adam: I don't see it that way at all, Marian. I think Liza loves me very much and that's why it hurts her so much and yet, you won't let me go to her. How can you stand to see your daughter suffer like that?
Marian: How can I? You are watching the end of your life with Liza, Adam, and you don't even realize it. Oh, and by the way, any thoughts you ever had of being Colby's father are gone. I guarantee it.
Adam: Don't you dare threaten me with my daughter!
Marian: Only a few people know she's your daughter. Everyone else believes she belongs to Jake. And that's exactly the way I'm going to keep it. Now I know what I'm going to do with you, Adam.

Liza: I really thought it was possible that Colby and Adam and I would be a family. But now I know it's not possible, Stuart.
Stuart: Well, Liza, I -- I don't put anything past Adam. But Adam loves you and Colby so much. Doesn't he? Liza, this -- this is something really terrible, isn't it? This is something that -- that even I might have trouble forgiving my brother for.
Liza: I doubt that, Stuart.

[Colby fusses]

Liza: And I didn't mean to scare you.
Stuart: You are. Ok, you're not willing to tell me what he's done yet. Ok. Well, just -- just remember, though, that the truth will always come out one way or another, no matter how hard you try to hide it.
Liza: You're right. You're right. And that truth will come out and it will come out in the right way, the way that will protect Colby.

[Colby fusses]

Liza: But there is somebody that needs to know first, so -- go see. Go see.
Stuart: Hi ya. Aren't you adorable? Stand up.

Liza: Jake?

Alex: You were right and I was wrong. Thank you for insisting. You did save her life.
David: You're welcome, Alex. So does this mean that you're now ready to put aside personal feelings and admit that I'm the right man to head the Andrassy foundation?
Alex: Oh, no.

[Monitor beeps]

Jake: Hey. Hey. That's ok. Don't speak. Don't speak. All right? You've been out a long time and you're doing really well. We're really happy.
Eugenia: Yes. I told her that you were by her bedside almost all day.
Jake: Yeah, until now. I had to go. Liza called and something's up with Colby, so --
Eugenia: Well, that's all right. She needs her rest anyway, n'est-ce pas?
Jake: It's ok. Just rest. Just rest. I'll be back before you know it, ok? All right? Then you can -- you can tell me whatever it is you wanted to tell me. I'll tell Colby you said hi. All right?
Gillian: Ja-- Ja--

Dixie: An FCC. License with Adam's name on it? We did pretty good.
Tad: Good? We did great, except for the bridge on Canal.
Dixie: Why didn't you take Lerner?
Adrian: Next time, all right? Next time.
Tad: Next time, we're going to do even better. Trust me. By the time we get through with him, Adam Chandler will wish he'd never been born. Let's go.
Dixie: Ok.

Adam: Be careful, Marian. You can't keep me down here forever. I have a board meeting coming up very soon. It's -- my absence is inconceivable. They'll be looking for me.
Marian: You'll come down with a toothache, darling, or -- I don't know. I was clever enough to trap you in there. I'll think of something.
Adam: Just how long do you think you're going to keep me here?
Marian: You weren't listening, Adam. As long as it takes Liza to finalize her divorce papers.
Adam: You're not serious.
Marian: And when Colby is well beyond your grasp.
Adam: I will not let Liza divorce me. This is not going to happen.
Marian: That's why I can't let you out of there.
Adam: The process could take -- take weeks, take months.
Marian: That's right, darling. So I suggest you use your time wisely, Adam.
Adam: Stop it. Let me out.
Marian: I suppose that spiritual growth is quite out of the question, but I know -- why don't you write your memoirs, darling? "My Business Triumphs and Personal Failures."
Adam: Open this wall! You're never going to get away with it!
Marian: I already have, Adam. You should have thought twice before you messed around with me. I know what you can do -- you can watch the Spanish channels on the satellite dish and you'll be bilingual in the millennium. Hasta la vista, darling!

Alex: Look straight ahead for me, would you, Gillian? Yeah. She tried to talk, did she, Eugenia?
Eugenia: Yes, she did, but I couldn't understand what she was trying to say.
Alex: She's been under anesthesia for quite some time. Will you swallow for me, darling?
Gillian: Lany.
Alex: She's still a bit groggy. Could you squeeze my hands?
Gillian: Lany.
Eugenia: Oh, dear. She's not groggy. No, Lany. That's Hungarian. That's Hungarian for "daughter." Why would she say daughter?

Harriet: Should I take her up now? It's her bedtime.
Liza: Yes, Harriet. Thank you.
Jake: All right. There we go.
Harriet: Hey.
Jake: I know that you wanted to talk to me about something?
Liza: Yes, I do.
Jake: Ok. Could I have the short version? I'd like to read to her before she goes to bed. Oh.
Liza sure, if you want.
Jake: Ok. All right, sweet pea. I'll be up in a little bit. All right? All right? Ok. Ah. They get more beautiful every day. So, what is it? What's so important?

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