NOVEMBER 16, 2000

Ryan: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the good yacht Fidelity -- or, as I like to call her, the ship of dreams. I'm Ryan Lavery, your host for what promises to be an incredible evening. And for those of you who still entertain the idea that dreams do not come true, I ask you please to look around you because less than one year ago, I was a man with a dream, a web site, and about 600 bucks to my name. But thanks to your generous and your enthusiastic support, has been able to make people's dreams come true all around the world.
Hayley: I like your style, Lavery.
Ryan: Hayley. I didn't hear you come in.
Hayley: Well, all hands are on deck. All "Wave" crew hands are on deck. We're getting ready to capture everyone's entrance shots. This is really awesome, Ryan.
Ryan: Speaking of awesome, look at you. You look fantastic.
Hayley: It's the latest in nautical chic.
Ryan: Yeah. So --
Hayley: Wow.
Ryan: Where is Mateo?
Hayley: Oh, he's on deck talking to the crew. This -- this is so incredible. You know what you were saying before about where you were a couple of months ago?
Ryan: Yeah. Who'd have thunk it, huh?
Hayley: Hmm. You know, you were waiting tables at SOS., tending bar, and now you could own S.O.S. I mean, you could own your own distillery if you wanted. You're poised to become one of America's superpowers. Did you ever think that your dreams would come true like this?
Ryan: Every day of my life. But I couldn't have done it without my friends. It's true. Now I've got everything I need to -- I don't know -- conquer the world, I guess. Nothing's going to stop me.

Dixie: Well?
Gillian: This dress looks so much better on you than it does on me.
Dixie: Oh, thank you. You saved me a mad dash to Lacy's. Tad and I just decided to go to this thing completely last-minute.
Gillian: It will be really good for you guys to go.
Dixie: I hope so. We're on really shaky ground right now, you know?
Gillian: You'll drink champagne. You'll dance on the deck under the stars. It'll be fabulous.
Dixie: I hope so. I just -- you know, I'm not in the mood. Things are so tense between us right now, and if it wasn't for Jake and this being his fundraiser for the program, I would just skip the whole thing.
Gillian: Dixie, let the shawl fall off your shoulders.
Dixie: You know, it's just a little -- you know, it makes me self-conscious.
Gillian: Oh, no. You have a fantastic figure, and, you know, there's nothing wrong with showing a little cleavage.
Dixie: Really?
Gillian: Yeah.
Dixie: I don't know. It's just not my style, you know?
Gillian: Oh, come on. Since when? Are you afraid that the sight of an exposed you might provoke David Hayward?

[Knock on door]

David: Come in. Gentlemen. What can I do for you?
Tad: I wanted to tell you to your face. We're not going to pursue the sexual harassment suit against you.
David: Should I be relieved?
Tad: I don't think you're smart enough. Nonetheless, I'm going to give your slimy little career a pass.
David: What changed your mind, Tad? Or should I ask, who?
Joe: Tad's reasons are his own. I'm here to warn you that your conduct is unacceptable.
David: Joe, wait a minute. I --
Joe: You're jeopardizing not only your reputation but the reputation of this hospital. I'm not going to allow that, David. Now, if in the future any kind of scandal attaches to your name, your career here is over. And if you don't believe that, you just try me.

[Pager beeps]

Joe: Excuse me. I have a phone call. Tad, you coming?
Tad: I'll catch up to you, Dad.

David: What are you looking at?
Tad: You. The egg on your face is a definite improvement.
David: Ah, there's the famous Tad Martin wit. Bet it's no substitute for the love of a good woman.
Tad: And just what is that supposed to mean?
David: Oh, come on, Tad. We both know you didn't drop the sexual harassment charges on your own. Dixie refused to go along with it because she knew the case had no merit.
Tad: It had merit. You misused your position as her boss to take advantage.
David: Are you telling me that Dixie kissed me because she was afraid of losing her job? If your wife stood up in court and testified to that, she would be perjuring herself, and we both know she wouldn't have done that. The fact is this -- sexual harassment never entered into the picture. I didn't force myself on Dixie. She welcomed me with open arms.
Tad: You stay away from my wife.
David: You having trouble with your marriage, Tad? Tough luck. Don't go blaming it on me.
Tad: My marriage is alive and well and none of your damn business.
David: Ok, whatever, whatever. Look, you want to soothe your bruised ego by blaming me for that kiss -- make that kisses, plural -- that I had with Dixie, be my guest.
Tad: You want to talk about egos? You're the one running around a hospital abusing women to soothe yours.
David: You know, maybe the married Tad Martin can't relate to that, but from what I heard about Tad the Cad, he'd remember that. Hmm? Soft, inviting flesh pressed up against you. Lips hungry and inviting.
Tad: If you go anywhere near Dixie, I'm going to break both your hands.

Erica: Tad.
Tad: Erica, as a friend, let me give you a piece of advice. Steer clear of this one before he trashes your life.

Erica: What did he mean by that?
David: Nothing, nothing. Just forget that, ok? How are you doing today?
Erica: David, what happened last night? I -- I had a blinding headache, and I slept until noon, and I just don't feel like --
Nurse: Dr. Hayward, excuse me. Here are those lab reports that you had on rush.
David: Great. Thank you, thank you.
Nurse: Ms. Kane, loved your performance yesterday at the Valley Inn.
Erica: My performance?
Nurse: Oh, you really did it to Cole Porter. I hope you're scheduled for a return engagement.
David: No. You know, actually, last night was Erica Kane's last impromptu performance, but thank you. Thank you very much. At least in public.
Erica: Oh, God, David. I was really hoping this was all a bad dream. Did I really sing in public?
David: Erica, you were a knockout.
Erica: What happened afterwards? Up in your room?
David: You were insatiable.
Erica: I don't know what got into me. Oh, and don't you dare go there. David, what happened last night was a horrible mistake, and it can never -- I mean it must not ever happen again. Not ever.

Alex: Good, you're still here.
Edmund: Oh, hi. I was just leaving a note for Brooke. I'm running late going to that party. Can I give you a lift?
Alex: Nope. I need to talk to you for a minute.
Edmund: It sounds serious. I can still read you like a book.
Alex: Have you been to see Dr. Stolley again?
Edmund: First of next month, I believe.
Alex: Oh, really? Is that what he recommended? Do you think you could call him and ask him maybe if you could schedule an appointment earlier?
Edmund: I've been really good. I mean, I haven't robbed the mausoleum in weeks.
Alex: No, it's -- it's Dimitri. I need him to know that you're really making progress.
Edmund: Tell my big brother not to worry.
Alex: Well, it's not you that he's worried about, it's me. He wants me to stay away from you.
Edmund: Why?
Alex: He thinks you might hurt me.
Edmund: That arrogant son of a -- I would die before I would hurt you.
Alex: I know that. I know that. He's being very overprotective, and you can't really blame him, given everything that's happen.
Edmund: But to even suggest that I would be a danger -- you're not afraid of me, are you?
Alex: Oh, no. Of course I'm not.
Edmund: Ok.
Alex: I'm very proud of you. But I want him to know that you're working really hard to get your life back in order.
Edmund: Thank you. You have my best interests at heart, ok? But don't be a go-between, all right? My brother's got a problem, he can come to me.
Alex: Yes, I think he's probably going to do that tonight, which is the other reason that I came here, because I don't want you to take anything he says the wrong way. Maybe you could try to remember the bonds you share as brothers.
Edmund: Hmm. The ties that bind cut deep.

Brooke: Yes, I'm happy with the choices you made -- hi. Oh, I'm sorry. Finish your business. It's --
Alex: No, no. I'm leaving. I have to get back to the hospital, so -- you must be Laura.
Laura: Yes.
Alex: Nice to meet you.
Laura: Hello.
Alex: I'll see you all at the party tonight.
Brooke: Ok.

Brooke: Edmund, are you ok?
Edmund: Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, I'm fine. But don't ask my brother. I'm ready to explode at a moment's notice.
Brooke: Well, I think he's too close to be objective. Want me to talk to him?
Edmund: No, no. Thank you, but no. This is between my brother and me.

[Knock on door]

Gillian: I hate what he's doing to you.
Dixie: Oh, it's not just him, you know. I'm doing it, too. It's -- I'm completely to blame here, you know? When he kissed me, I could have said no, I could have stopped him, I could have, you know, slapped him.
Gillian: David doesn't take no for an answer, and he would have taken a slap as you playing hard to get.
Dixie: I just think I should have known better.
Gillian: It's not your fault, Dixie. You were just a player in David's twisted little fantasy. But for tonight, you have to concentrate on your husband.
Dixie: I'm just worried about David being there and him, you know, lurking around.
Gillian: Oh, he's taking a sabbatical. I don't even think he'll be there.
Dixie: Really?
Gillian: Mm-hmm.
Dixie: Oh.
Gillian: And knowing him, he's probably moved on to his next victim.
Dixie: Right.
Gillian: Uh-huh.
Dixie: I hope you're right. Oh. Look at you.
Gillian: Oh, man.
Dixie: You're just as nervous about tonight as I am
Gillian: Yeah, it's just -- it's Ryan's big night, you know.
Dixie: Yeah. You guys keep getting thrown together. That must be awkward.
Gillian: Yeah. I can handle it. It's just I feel so bad for Jake. You know, the press keep asking all these questions about my relationship with Ryan.
Dixie: Yeah. What is your relationship with Ryan these days?

Waiter: A seltzer for the lady?
Hayley: Thank you very much.
Ryan: Thank you. I'm psyched you're covering the event for "Wave."
Hayley: Oh, yeah. Liza loved the concept. We're going to show the footage during the Thanksgiving episodes and, you know, feature some pregnant teens in crisis during the holidays. I think it's a great angle.
Ryan: I hope it's even more than that. I mean, I can't imagine being a parent at 16 or 17. I don't want these young girls to feel like their lives are over just because they have kids. I want to help keep their dreams alive, you know, fired up.
Hayley: What about your dreams, Ryan?
Ryan: My dreams? Hayley, look around. I mean, I'm living large here.
Hayley: I'm not talking about maxing out your plutonium card. What about your heart?
Ryan: It's beating.
Hayley: It's beating? What gets it racing these days -- I mean, when you're not living large and not home alone with your late-night TV and a bowl of ice cream? How's life after Gillian?
Ryan: Life is great. Life is great. No complaints.
Hayley: I spoke to Rosette. She said you two hit it off but it's strictly casual.
Ryan: Yeah. That's the way I like it -- no strings, no hassle. But enough about me. What about you? What about your dreams?
Hayley: My dreams? I feel like I have everything on my wish list. I have a husband that I absolutely adore, a job that I adore, friends that I adore, and my health. I'm flying so high nothing can bring me down.
Hayley: Oh, it's almost showtime. I'd better get my crew together and get them in high gear, and you better upgrade your look before your guests start to arrive. You ok?
Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, it's just this is kind of historic, the kind of night I'll look back on the rest of my life. I just want to -- I don't know -- hold on to every second, I guess.
Hayley: Well, here, put this in your memory banks.
Ryan: Thank you.

Hayley: Oh, they're here. Ok, guys, let's make with the bright lights and sound bites. Whoo-hoo.
Man: You look great. Nice to see you.
Hayley: Thank you. You, too. You look good.

Eliot: Excuse the intrusion, Brooke. Could I have a word in private?
Brooke: Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of Edmund and Laura.
Eliot: I just wanted you to know -- well, be forewarned that I've been invited to attend Ryan Lavery's party tonight.
Brooke: Yes?
Eliot: Well, Rev. Taylor had planned to go as a liaison between Good Shepherd and the teen pregnancy program, and he's come down with the flu, so he asked me to go in his place.
Brooke: What does that have to do with me?
Eliot: If my presence makes you uncomfortable, I'll send my regrets.
Brooke: What you do is no concern of mine. I think it would be selfish if we let our personal differences get in the way of a worthy cause.
Eliot: If it is not a problem, I'll see you tonight.

Laura: Mom, what, are you baked? Why didn't you just tell the Rev to take a flying leap?
Brooke: Honey, believe me, it was my first impulse.
Laura: Well, why didn't you follow through with it? You just gave him permission to wreck your night.
Brooke: What am I supposed to do, Laura? You know, I cannot ban Eliot from every social occasion that I might attend. Our paths are going to cross at some point or the other, and I'm not going to schedule my life around his. I have better things to do.
Laura: He would have stayed away if you asked him.
Brooke: I know that. I mean, basically, he's a decent man.
Laura: Mom, how can you say that?
Brooke: Because, Honey, Eliot and I talked about the day that Laura was killed, and he's had to live with that memory ever since, and he apologized.
Laura: And you accepted?
Brooke: I have to live my life without my little girl, and Eliot has to live his life with his conscience, so I think we have both been punished enough.
Laura: I could never be you. You're too good. All right, I have to go and get changed. I'll catch up with you guys at the party.
Brooke: Ok.

Brooke: Edmund, is Laura right? Did I turn the other cheek too far, too fast?

Gillian: Life keeps throwing us together, and then people read too much into it.
Dixie: Well, I believe you. I have to. It seems like David and I keep getting thrown together, and there's nothing I want from that man.
Tad: So, the evening over yet?
Dixie: Hi. I just said that. We're going to have to work on our enthusiasm.
Tad: You look beautiful.
Dixie: Thank you.
Tad: Want to remind me why we're going to this glorified clam bake?
Dixie: It's for Jake and for his fundraiser, you know, his program.
Jake: Hey, that's right. And if you forgot your checkbook, we take plastic.
Tad: I'm sure.
Jake: My goodness, are you gorgeous or what?
Tad: Well, I can vouch for the girls, but I don't think you and I are taking home any prizes.
Jake: You speak for yourself. I'm going home with this one, and that's plenty of consolation for me.
Gillian: Here, let me fix that.
Jake: Oh. Thank you. Thank you. So --
Gillian: Dixie, we need to go and touch up our makeup. If you guys will excuse us.
Dixie: Excuse us.

Tad: Listen, I owe you one, ok? I'm sorry about what I said last night.
Jake: Forget it.
Tad: No, I can't. You know how much you mean to me, and I was a prize jerk. You were just trying to straighten me out about this thing between Hayward and Dixie, and I was so insecure I just completely overreacted. And the fact is he's not going anywhere, so I'm going to need all the help I can get.

David: You told me last night that you were addicted to me.
Erica: Well, then I'm just going to have to detox. I'm just going to have to quit you cold turkey. Look at me. I am shaking just like I was when I was coming off my addiction to pain meds.
David: That is because I am in your system, Erica. You can't deny me.
Erica: Well, that's certainly how I felt last night. That's exactly how I felt last night, David -- like I had been drugged. And I had no control over myself. I was a slave to my impulses. I just had to have you.

David: Gordon, I'll be right with you, all right? Erica, listen to me. What you need to do is just go home, ok? Soak in a warm bath and get yourself up for the big party tonight, ok?
Erica: I don't want to be up. And I want you to keep your distance, David. I mean that. There will be no repeat performance from last night. Not ever.

Gordon: Good grief. Dr. Hayward, you used Erica Kane as a guinea pig. You gave her the Libidozone.
David: If you value your job, Gordon, you'll keep your suspicions to yourself.
Gordon: Libidozone is an unlabeled compound. We don't know all of the side effects or the optimum safe dosage. I mean, it could be dangerous. It could be lethal.
David: You know, the last thing I need is a lab tech preaching to me on protocol!
Gordon: Look, man, you gave Erica Kane a drug so she would have sex with you.
David: You don't know what you're talking about. Erica's libido doesn't need a turbo charge. She can't keep her hands off me.
Gordon: What? I heard what she said. She wants you to stay away from her. I think that's a good idea. You know, and you can finish your research without my help.
David: Gordon! If you plan on telling anybody about these ridiculous suspicions and these experiments, I am warning you, I will take you down with me.
Gordon: I didn't do anything.
David: Oh, you didn't do anything? Oh, come on. Don't be so modest, Gordo. You did the lab work. You gave the drug the biggest bang for its buck. If you go running to Joe Martin, I will insist on sharing credit, and that includes sharing a cell at Statesville.

Tad: Man, Lord knows how much I love Dixie, but lately I can't help feel like I let her down in some way. Otherwise, she never would have given a guy like David Hayward a second glance, much less a second kiss.
Jake: Well, all marriages weather dry spells.
Tad: It's not just that. We used to have fun all the time, you know? Nothing was ever predictable. No two days or nights were ever the same, and it was nice, you know, not knowing what was going to come next.
Jake: Well, no one does spontaneous like you do.
Tad: Well, I used to. That's the whole problem. Ever since I took this job at Chandler Enterprises, I'm on this insane schedule. When I come home, I'm just too pooped to play.
Jake: Tad --
Tad: I'm scared to death that I've become old and boring and completely predictable.
Jake: I cannot believe what you're saying. You are way too hard on yourself.
Tad: No, no, it's true.
Jake: Yes, you are.
Tad: This is what keeps me up at night. When I should be making love to my wife, I'm in the bathroom with a flashlight counting the gray hair. Sometimes I can't help but wonder what happened to old, you know, Thaddeus the Cad, the guy who could do the wild thing all night long and then wake up with the sun and take on the rest of the world.
Jake: The kid grew up, thank God. And Dixie's love made a real man out of you.
Tad: That is true.
Jake: And, you know, when you look back on the glory days, they're never really that great. You were lonely, you were angry, and if you were tad the cad today out tomcatting around, you sure as heck wouldn't be married to Dixie.
Tad: And I love being married to her. I'm just afraid she's not in love with being married to me anymore.
Jake: How can you even ask that?
Tad: Because she opened the door to Hayward. I mean, not a lot, just enough, you know? Just enough to make me doubt that we have what it takes. This is our third time around, you know? Maybe our marriage isn't strong enough to make it.
Jake: Big brother, I want you to listen to me. You're giving David Hayward way too much power. You give this man half a chance, and he is going to use it and get between you and Dixie, and don't let him. And don't you ever doubt how much your wife loves you.
Dixie: Ok, boys. We're ready.
Jake: Hey, all right. Bring on the boat. Look at you. Photographer: Miss Montgomery, over here. Second photographer: Give us a smile.
Bianca: Stop it, please. I'm really nobody. My mom is the one that you want. She'll be here soon.

Laura: Nothing like a hot flashbulb in the face to put you in the party mode.
Bianca: I do not know how my mother deals with that every day. I mean, I absolutely hate, loathe, despise photographers. Oops. Sorry.
Laura: You're right. Those guys are vultures.
Bianca: I hate how they get right in your face.
Laura: Well, I can't fault them there. It's a great face.
Hayley: Listen, don't worry about any cutaways. We'll fix it in the edit, all right?

Mateo: How is the hostess with the mostest?
Hayley: Starving. I would kill for a canapé.
Mateo: Yeah, me, too. Where are those things?
Hayley: My savior. Oh.
Mateo: Here you go.
Hayley: Thank you. So?
Mateo: So here's the deal. All the guests are being brought by launch from the marina, all right? You have to get on the guest list to get over here. Arlene isn't on the guest list, so I think we're safe.
Hayley: You really are my savior.

Arlene: Look at them. They think they're on the ship of dreams. Well, that's what they called the Titanic.

Arlene: They're ignoring me now, but wait until they catch my last act. I'm going to blow the lid off this place. It's not what you think.
Man: You know the rules. No mingling with the guests.
Arlene: Well, I was just trying to clean up some of the --
Man: Yeah, save it. Look, we have some trays we got to get set up inside.

Bianca: What's that?
Laura: It's my digital. You never know when inspiration will hit.
Bianca: No, Laura. That's no fair.
Laura: No, it's ok. I'm not one of those vultures.
Bianca: I know. I just -- I hate cameras.
Laura: Well, they love you. See?
Bianca: Oh, it's ok.
Laura: Bianca, it's terrific. It's totally candid. You shouldn't hide from cameras.
Bianca: Why would I want to hide?
Laura: I don't know. You tell me.
Bianca: I just -- pictures of me never look like me.
Laura: Well, this one does. I'll call it "Bianca With The Sad Eyes."
Bianca: Are they really? Sad, I mean.
Laura: Sometimes.
Bianca: You see things that other people don't.
Laura: Well, then we make a great team. Years from now when I'm the next Annie Leibowitz and they're showing my pictures at Moma, this will be part of the exhibit called "The Bianca Period."
Bianca: Don't forget the Enchantment Period. You know, Leo and I are still pressing to get you to photograph our ad campaign.
Laura: That would be so cool. Like the first big break for both of us. Not to mention a big ego boost.
Bianca: Like you need one.
Laura: Hey. You don't own the jitters.
Bianca: Well, what have you got to be afraid of?
Laura: Well, take a girl from the city who's never learned how to swim and put her out on the ocean, miles away from land.
Bianca: Just stick with me. I was captain of my swim team.
Laura: You'd save my life?
Bianca: In a heartbeat.

Hayley: Gillian, Jake.
Gillian: Hey.
Jake: Hello.
Hayley: Can I get you guys on tape for "Wave"?
Jake: Oh, you know, Hayley, we'd love to, but how about later? I want to spend as much time with my wife as I possibly can.
Hayley: Oh, for sure.
Gillian: Thank you. Ooh.
Jake: Oh, Honey, your dress.
Hayley: Are you all right?
Gillian: Yeah, but if I don't put club soda on it, it's going to stain my dress.
Jake: Yeah.
Hayley: I'm sorry about that. There's an empty stateroom in the back. You want me to come with you? I can help you.
Gillian: Oh, no, no, it's ok. I'm quickly going to go.
Jake: Ok.
Hayley: I'm sorry.
Gillian: It's fine.

Edmund: I wish I could be more like you, Brooke.
Brooke: Stop.
Edmund: No, I mean it. Eliot took away the most precious thing in the world to you, and somehow you can just release your anger.
Brooke: Let me tell you something, Edmund. I am a far cry from releasing my anger because if I do that, it means that I have to go on to the next step.
Edmund: Acceptance?
Brooke: You know, Laura died 12 years ago. You would think that I -- I would have learned to live with that loss, but I've been so angry. I just couldn't understand how a man could get in a car when he was drunk and run down an innocent child. And then Eliot told me his story. He made a terrible, life-altering mistake, and he has had to live with that ever since.
Edmund: Do you forgive him?
Brooke: You know, I look at Laura's baby things and I look at scrapbooks that don't have pictures in them, you know, like from her -- her graduation from junior high or her first school dance, or I see mothers and daughters together, or it's her birthday and there's nobody to blow out the candles. And I think about all the wishes that went unwished by a little girl who ended her life by the side of the road, and I could never, ever forgive the man who took her away from me.

Gordon: Ok, I'll keep my mouth shut.
David: Good boy. Now get back to work.
Gordon: Give me the vial.
David: Vial?
Gordon: The super concentrated batch of Libidozone. I want it back.
David: Sorry, but I have plans for its use.
Gordon: What plans?
David: You know, Gordon, it's probably better off if you don't ask so many questions.
Gordon: All right, look, if you're going to drug Ms. Kane again --
David: I assure you that wasn't the case and it's not the case now.
Gordon: Because the regular dose turned her into a nympho, ok? The new batch is very highly concentrated. A few drops --
David: None of your concern.
Gordon: Dr. Hayward, whatever you're up to, I don't like it.
David: I'll make note of that. Now leave.

Brooke: Understand something, Edmund, something that's crucial for your own happiness. I mean, just because I -- I haven't forgiven Eliot doesn't mean that I think that he is a devil.
Edmund: No?
Brooke: No. I think that he is human, like the rest of us.
Edmund: I know too much to hold out a lot of hope for humanity.
Brooke: I think maybe a prayer now and then helps.
Edmund: Yeah, if I thought somebody was up there listening. I lost my faith when I lost Maria.
Brooke: You can't blame God.
Edmund: No, I don't. Not her. Or him. We survived that plane crash for some reason, didn't we? God only knows what it was.
Brooke: For our children.
Edmund: Yeah. They're a blessing, no doubt about it.
Brooke: And then there was Alex.
Edmund: And then there was Eliot. Two people who came just in time to remind us that our hearts can still be broken. I got to go.
Brooke: Ok.

Hayley: She's here. She's here now.
Photographer: All right. Let's get her.
Hayley: Now entering the ship of dreams is Erica Kane, escorted by Jackson Montgomery.
Erica: Hello, Hayley. I am just so excited. It's thrilling to be here this evening to help Jake martin support teens who are pregnant.
Hayley: Tonight's theme is about dreams coming true. Do you have one you'd like to share with our viewers?
Erica: I most certainly do, and she's right here. I have my beautiful daughter, Bianca, by my side, and that is truly my fondest dream come true.

Dixie: Hi.
Jake: Hey, where have you two been?
Tad: Exploring. This boat's got everything.
Jake: Absolutely.
Dixie: Where's Gillian?
Jake: She's in a stateroom. She collided with some pate.
Dixie: Oh. Well, maybe I should go help her.
Tad: It's all right, it's all right. Hayward's not here. It's a good thing, too. It's probably the first decent thing that bastard's ever done.

Man: Good evening, Sir. May I see your invitation?
David: You certainly may.
Man: Security reasons. I'm sure you understand.
David: Indeed I do.

Alex: David, you are up to something. I'm going to find out exactly what it is.


Ryan: You are so beautiful.

David: You look beautiful.
Tad: I told you to keep your distance, Hayward.

Edmund: Excuse me, Alex. May I have a word with you in private?
Dimitri: No, Edmund, you may not.

Adam: Will you marry me?

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