NOVEMBER 28, 2000

Adam: Arlene on the phone?
Winifred: Yes, Sir.
Adam: What the hell?
Hayley: Put her through. Put her through in here, Winifred. I have to talk to her.
Winifred: She hung up.
Mateo: Did she leave a number or say where she was?
Winifred: No. All she said was that she wanted to meet with Mr. Chandler. I wrote it down, Sir.
Adam: Oh, thank you, Winifred.
Hayley: Oh. Thank God. Oh, thank God she's alive. You were right. Isn't it wonderful?
Adam: Yes, yes, wonderful. Well, I'd better go see what Arlene wants.
Mateo: Well, hey, what's the mystery? Why doesn't she just come here?
Adam: Well, everything's a game to Arlene. You know that.
Hayley: Well, wait, wait, wait, Dad. I want to go with you. I have to see her for myself.
Adam: No, you can't go.
Hayley: Why not?
Adam: Well -- well, you know Arlene. The message said specifically she wanted to see me, just me.
Hayley: Yes, I know that, Dad, but please.
Adam: You're not going, Hayley, and that's final.

Bianca: Let's get over to the community center before my mom gets back from Myrtle's. She'll probably make a big deal out of it.
Leo: Oh, I'm sure that Myrtle mellowed her a bit.
Bianca: Are you kidding? My mom hasn't been mellow a day in her life. Let's go.
Greenlee: Are you going to leave without me?
Leo: Hello.
Bianca: What are you doing here, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Leo called me.
Leo: Oh, I hope you don't mind. I invited my cute little friend Greenlee.
Bianca: Great.
Greenlee: I had to come. Look. I even got Laura a get-well perky.
Leo: You know, Greenlee, most people like to call them presents.
Bianca: Why would you buy her a gift?
Greenlee: Laura nearly drowned. I wanted to do something to show I care.
Leo: Uh -- I think it's cold out. I'm going to go get my jacket.

Bianca: Laura nearly drowned because of you, Greenlee.
Greenlee: It's not my fault she can't swim.
Bianca: You pushed her overboard and then left her there! She could have died.
Greenlee: Instead she's going to get a very expensive present.
Bianca: Do you have any feelings? Don't you care that you almost killed somebody?
Greenlee: Oh, please. She's getting a lot more attention than she deserves.
Bianca: You know, Greenlee, if Leo ever found out about this, he'd hate you.
Greenlee: Almost as much as Erica would hate you if she found out you never met a girl you didn't like.

[Bianca slaps Greenlee as Erica walks in the room]

Erica: Bianca!

Dixie: Look, we both know Leslie didn't drive all the way across town to drop off your wallet. I know Leslie's reputation just as well as you do. This wasn't just her good deed for the day. You want to talk about it?
Tad: I just don't know where to begin.
Dixie: Well, why don't you just start with last night. That's what this is all about, isn't it?
Tad: Yeah, it is. You're right, honey. Something happened at the party -- with Leslie.
Dixie: That woman is such a barracuda!
Tad: Barracuda?
Dixie: She's a man-eater, What happened is completely understandable.
Tad: It is?
Dixie: Yes. You were angry after the fight with David, and it's just no wonder that you ran over to Leslie.
Tad: Well, I certainly never intended for --
Dixie: Intended for m to find out. What did you think? How did you think you were going to keep it from me? It's so obvious. That woman wants -- she wants to get her hooks into you.
Tad: Well, I never expected her to show up today. If I had --
Dixie: What about the boys? Can you just think for a minute about the kids? I mean, we try to work so hard to build a loving and stable home for them. How is this going to affect their lives?
Tad: Baby, I'm so, so sorry.
Dixie: Oh, no, no, no. You don't need to apologize for something that is my fault.
Tad: It's not your fault.
Dixie: Yes, of course it's my fault. At the yacht I told you that I had feelings for David. I hurt you, and this is the result. You haven't dropped the sexual harassment suit, have you? And now you're more determined than ever to go through with it.
Tad: Oh, Dixie, that's -- no, that's --
Dixie: It's not the answer, Honey. Please? Please, don't do it. I'm begging you. Don't be jealous of David.
Tad: Dixie, that's not it.
Dixie: Please just forgive me, ok? And let's focus on loving each other and our family. Just drop the suit, ok, for us?
Tad: I -- I can't talk about this right now.
Dixie: Why? Where are --
Tad: I'm sorry. I got to -- no, I just got to -- I just realized I've got to go to the office. There's something I really have to take care of.
Dixie: Tad, don't just go. Tad -- Tad, don't just leave.

Eliot: All right. That should put some bounce in your dribbles.
Girl: Thanks a lot, Rev. Freeman.
Eliot: Sure. See you guys.
Girl: Bye.

Eliot: Good to see you dry and on your feet.
Laura: Yeah. You, too.
Eliot: You had quite a scare. You ok?
Laura: Yeah. I mean, last night is so fuzzy, I don't remember half of what happened.
Eliot: Well, believe me, you're not alone. There were a lot of people on that ship that had a bad reaction to being a mile out at sea.
Laura: Yeah, bad reaction. That would be me going off on you. I really -- I really let you have it.
Eliot: Hey, you said what was on your mind, you know? I understand. You love Brooke. You're protective of her.
Laura: Yeah, but I totally shredded you in front of all those people.
Eliot: Well, nobody ever died from embarrassment.
Laura: Well, I wouldn't have blamed you if you decided to let me sink like a stone.
Eliot: I was right where I was supposed to be, courtesy of a higher power who has a highly developed sense of irony, it seems.
Laura: I don't know how I ended up in the water, but thanks for pulling me out.
Eliot: You're welcome.

Greenlee: Hi, Erica. You look wonderful.
Erica: Of course I do, Greenlee. Bianca, did I interrupt something?
Greenlee: Oh, Bianca was just telling me about how worried she is about Laura.
Bianca: We have to go. Leo!
Erica: Where are you off to?
Bianca: Nowhere.
Greenlee: The community center to see Laura, hear about her near-death experience.
Erica: I think it's too late to go to that neighborhood.
Leo: You ready, ladies? Hi, Erica. I'll take good care of her, I promise.
Erica: All right. Be back by 10:00.

Jack: Erica?
Erica: Oh, hi.
Jack: You've got that look on your face. Whose mind are you trying to read now?
Erica: Take your pick. Something's going on. I mean, Greenlee was even more toady than usual this evening, and Bianca -- she's very quiet -- I mean, even for her.
Jack: Well, she fainted dead away last night. And I think we're all recovering from that little yacht party. Why don't you take a break from worrying? I'm sure Bianca will be fine.
Erica: Well, you look very serious. What's wrong?
Jack: I was out of line last night -- what I told you on Ryan's yacht.
Erica: That you never stopped loving me?
Jack: Yeah. I am going to have to plead temporary insanity.
Erica: So -- I still drive you mad?

Hayley: I can't go? What makes you think you can stop me?
Mateo: Adam, where have you been? She's been freaking out since last night because she thought she killed her mom. She's got to see her.
Adam: I know. I know. Just think, think. This is Arlene. Arlene, who loves a crowd. She loves to be the center of attention. The star or the victim, whichever works. If we all go, we'll just be playing right into her hands.
Hayley: I don't care. I thought I killed my mother. For God's sakes. I've been out of my head with worry.
Adam: And she'll use that against you. If we all go, she sees how concerned we are, that'll give her the power to make our lives miserable. She'll delay the divorce. She'll -- she may even bring charges against you.
Mateo: Adam, as long as Hayley has peace of mind, I'll take that chance.
Adam: Well, what about Hayley? How long since you've eaten or slept? Take a little time to regroup, Hayley. Isn't the fact that she's alive -- isn't that enough for right now?
Hayley: No.
Adam: I know you want to see her. I know how badly you want to see her. But just take a little time to prepare yourself for whatever charges she may sling at you. Just let me go, Sweetheart. L let me find out how she feels, what she wants, how she feels about what happened. You'll let me do that, won't you?
Hayley: I don't know. I don't know. Wait a minute!

[Door closes]

Jack: You know, I got to tell you, you are the most confounding woman I have ever known.
Erica: Hmm. I'll take that as a compliment.
Jack: Good.
Erica: Coffee?
Jack: All right. Why not? Frankly, to blurt out what I said to you last night on Ryan's yacht -- well, frankly, it was -- it was totally inappropriate is what it was.
Erica: Was it a lie?
Jack: No. Not exactly, no.
Erica: Well, then, why are you trying to apologize?
Jack: Well, I'm not. I mean, I just -- I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea.
Erica: And what would that be?
Jack: You're not going to make this easy for me, are you? Erica, when I said those words, they just came out of my mouth before I could stop them.
Erica: Well, are you trying to take them back?
Jack: No, I'm just trying to put them in their proper context.
Erica: Well, go ahead.
Jack: I'm trying.
Erica: You're hedging. Jack, a heart doesn't need a context to love. You either love or you don't.
Jack: Simple as that, huh?
Erica: Of course. So, which is it?

Laura: Hey, Mom.
Brooke: Hi.
Boy: Oh, hi, Ms. English. Good to see you.
Brooke: Oh, Daniel, hi. Same here. Honey, I didn't know that you would still be here. The doctor said that you should sort of take it slow.
Laura: I know, but I feel better taking pictures of the kids. I mean, if I were just sitting around at home, I'd be back in the water choking again. So I'm going to go take pictures of the basketball game before they flatten that ball again.
Brooke: Ok. All right. Go easy.
Laura: I will.
Brooke: Ok?

Eliot: I have good news. Remember the grant application you filled out for the Lewis Foundation? Well, it's been approved. Now we have the funding to start the preschool breakfast program.
Brooke: Oh, that's fantastic.
Eliot: Hey, it was your pitch. Thanks.
Brooke: Well, I'd better get started if we want hot breakfasts by Christmas.
Eliot: Don't trip over the trunk on your way out. The elephant in the room? We can't ignore what's happened, Brooke.
Brooke: What's on your mind?
Eliot: You think I'm hoping that you'll forgive me for killing one daughter because I saved the other.
Brooke: Aren't you?

Tad: Leslie? Listen, this is Tad Martin, and I think it's really important that I see you right away. The boathouse? Fine -- no, that -- no problem. I'll see you there.

Hayley: Let's go crash my dad's party.
Mateo: Wait, wait -- hey -- hey. You know, maybe taking it slow is not such a bad idea. We know she's alive, right? That's the important thing. We should be thankful for that.
Hayley: Mateo, this isn't some nice, neat, happy ending. This is the beginning of another ugly chapter. Arlene may be alive and nipping, but everything is not ok. I mean, she tried to seduce you. I tried to kill her. Everything is not going to be fine from this.
Mateo: All I'm saying is that if you go to her like this, she's going to sniff out your guilt. She's going to see how worried you are and she's going to play you like she always does, Hayley.
Hayley: Oh, I see. So I'm too weak and gullible to deal with her?
Mateo: All I'm saying is that she's on a different level, ok? No matter what you think you did, this is your chance for a clean break. I mean, how long have we wanted Arlene out of our lives?
Hayley: Not like this, Mateo. Not like this. Not with my last memory of Arlene being my hands wrapped around her neck, choking her to death.
Mateo: What -- what -- what memories? There are no good memories of Arlene. Just please let it go. Ok? Just let her go wherever the hell she wants to go. Forget about Arlene. All right, listen, let's just -- let's concentrate on us for once. Please.

Adam: Arlene?
Adam: Marian.
Marian: Hello, Adam.
Adam: What's going on? I got a message from Arlene.
Marian: That was me.
Adam: Where's Arlene?
Marian: Exactly where you put her.
Adam: What's that supposed to mean?
Marian: She's sleeping with the fishes, Adam, just where you put her.
Adam: You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Marian: Oh, but I do. I saw you. I saw you bending over Arlene. You picked her up in your arms, you felt her pulse, and then you tossed her over the side just like the piece of trash that she was.
Adam: I guess you haven't heard -- the food and drink at that party was tainted. So I can imagine that, along with your usual gallon of martinis, are you sure you didn't witness Arlene walking on the water?
Marian: I know exactly what I saw, Adam.
Adam: Well, congratulations. You finally got your revenge. That's what this is all about, isn't it? You're finally getting back at me for interfering in your life with Stuart?
Marian: Oh, there is nothing I would like more than for you to suffer as much as Stuart and I have.
Adam: Oh, fine. Good, quick. Go on. Pick up the phone, call the police. You got yourself a murderer. What are you waiting for?
Marian: I almost lost Stuart forever because of Arlene, so I'm glad she's dead.
Adam: So you pretend to be Arlene and lured me here to do what? To thank me? What's going on? Why the charade?
Marian: Adam, listen to me. It'll be to our advantage if everyone thinks Arlene is still alive.
Adam: "Our advantage"?
Marian: Yes, exactly. Because if Arlene is still alive, then Liza can marry the man that she loves.
Adam: Did you just say what I thought you said?
Marian: Yes, I did exactly say that. You see, I'm going to forge Arlene's signature, and then you and Liza can get married.
Adam: That's -- that's a brilliant scheme. Everybody gets what they want. Nobody gets hurt -- except Arlene, of course. There's only one problem.
Marian: What's that?
Adam: It won't work.

Eliot: I tried to save Laura because she was drowning, not to impress you, not to try to redeem myself for killing another child. The only thing that I expect to get from this is to be able to have the joy of knowing that Laura can grow up and find her way.
Brooke: A chance my other daughter will never have. But I won't forget that you risked your life to save Laura's.

Leo: Hey, Laura!
Laura: Well, hey! What're you guys doing here?
Bianca: We came to see you.
Laura: Oh.
Leo: You're really ok?
Laura: Yeah, sure. I mean, total humiliation isn't fatal.
Greenlee: I thought you might enjoy this.
Laura: Oh -- unbelievable. What -- titanium body with a zoom lens? Greenlee, this is awesome, but I can't accept it. It's too expensive.
Greenlee: Please, I can't return it. I don't know how to use it. It'll just end up in my closet.
Laura: Well, thank you.
Greenlee: I thought you'd like it, especially since your camera's not exactly top-of-the-line.
Laura: Well, I'm lucky this one didn't go overboard with me. You know, it's so strange. I can't figure out how I took a header off the boat.
Greenlee: It must have been the food poisoning. A lot of people had it. Maybe you just got dizzy and slipped.
Bianca: Yeah. Something was definitely tainted.
Leo: Hey. What's important is how you're feeling now.
Laura: No, I feel good. Really good.
Leo: Are you sure? Because you seem a little bit shaky.
Greenlee: This is so much fun, but I promised Gramps I'd be home early to walk Happy. Leo, will you give me a lift to my car?
Leo: Right now? We just got here, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Oh, come on. I've been hogging Laura. Let's give Bianca and Laura a chance to talk. You know how much Bianca loves girl talk.
Leo: All right. All right. You take care of yourself.
Laura: Mm-hmm.

Greenlee: If you ever slap me again, you'll be all kinds of sorry, girlfriend. And you know me well enough to know I mean it.

Leo: Greenlee, you ready?
Greenlee: Yeah, yeah.
Leo: All right.
Greenlee: I'll see you guys. Bye.
Laura: Bye. Hey, thanks again for the camera.
Leo: Bye-bye.

Bianca: You doing ok?
[Laura sighs]

Laura: Bianca, I'm scared. If I don't talk to somebody about this, I'm totally going to lose it.

Marian: Well, of course it'll work. Only you and I know.
Adam: Until Arlene's body is washed up on the shore somewhere.
Marian: Well, if her body washes up on the shore, you'll be widowed. It'll be perfect, Adam.
Adam: Have you seen what water does to a body? It'll be obvious to everyone that she was dead long before those papers were signed.
Marian: Then we'll simply predate the papers.
Adam: No, no, that's not possible. Because Liza knows that as of this day those papers have not been signed. How long do you think it'll take her to figure that out?
Marian: Oh, you're right. You're right. Liza's too smart for that. Well, maybe Arlene's body won't ever wash up.
Adam: But if it does, I'll go to the police and confess.
Marian: Adam, you can't do that because my daughter loves you and she wants to marry you. And I'm not going to let her wait seven years for Arlene to be declared dead. I'm just not going to do that.
Adam: The fact remains that I killed her! So, if necessary, I will turn myself in.
Marian: You will turn yourself in? Wait one minute. You have never taken the blame for anything in your entire life, Adam. What is going on?
Adam: You caught me red-handed.
Marian: I caught you throwing Arlene over the side. I never actually saw you kill her. Did you?
Adam: Yes, of course I -- I killed her. She's dead. And that monstrous woman is never going to have a chance to hurt anyone in my family again. Not you and Stuart, not me and Liza --
Marian: Why aren't you mentioning Hayley, Adam? Oh, no. Oh, my God. Hayley? You are covering up for Hayley right now, aren't you?
Adam: No, no. Marian: You are sacrificing yourself for your daughter.
Adam: No.
Marian: Oh, good Lord,
Adam, I really underestimated you. Oh, no. Hayley murdered Arlene?
Adam: No. Marian, stop.
Marian: My God, no wonder she's such a nervous wreck. What happened? Don't try to deny it, Adam. I've got too much on you already.
Adam: All right. She thinks someone spiked the punch.
Marian: With alcohol?
Adam: Yeah, she wasn't herself. She -- she never would hurt anyone.
Marian: Well, everybody was acting very bizarre that night.
Adam: Yeah, and she had a rendezvous with Mateo in the stateroom. When she got there, Arlene was all over him.
Marian: What?
Adam: Mateo was barely conscious.
Marian: Oh, good Lord. Poor Hayley.
Adam: And now, because of your call, she thinks Arlene is alive. She's overjoyed.
Marian: Adam, that's good, isn't it, because now Hayley has a clear conscience and you and Liza can get married.
Adam: All right. We'll play this your way. We'll tell Liza and Hayley that Arlene is still alive. On one condition.
Marian: What's that?
Adam: No one else knows.
Marian: Well, of course. No one.
Adam: Not even Stuart.
Marian: Oh, Adam, I -- I can't keep this from Stuart. I can't.
Adam: You can't tell Stuart, the most honest man in the world, the "I cannot tell a lie" Stuart. No.
Marian: Ok, ok, all right. You have my word.
Marian: Ironic, isn't it? You and I, conspirators. Oh, good Lord, I just don't believe what we do for our children.
Adam: Not one word. I have to get back to Hayley. Are you sure you can forge Arlene's signature?
Marian: You just take care of your part, Adam. I'll take care of mine.

Jack: Well, you're a very tough act to follow.
Erica: Well, you know, Jack, that's very sweet, but the fact is you broke up with me.
Jack: The fact is that I broke up with you because I caught you in bed with Mike Roy.
Erica: But I chose you.
Jack: A perfect example of why I find you the most confounding woman I've ever known. Erica, being in love with you is like flying just a little too close to the sun.
Erica: Oh, but it's so worth it.
Jack: Yes, every singed body part. But I got to tell you, it makes day-to-day living very difficult.
Erica: Well, thank you, Jack. Thank you for your honesty. It's one of your most endearing qualities.
Jack: Why thank you.
Erica: Also one of your most irritating. Because one of the reasons I can't be with you day-to-day is because you keep on telling me things that I don't want to hear.
Jack: Yeah, well, it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it. Come here, you.

[Jack laughs]

Leo: Better?
Greenlee: Did you see how relieved Bianca was to see that Laura was all right? Those two are so cute together.
Leo: Yeah, Laura fell in the drink, Bianca fainted -- all kinds of crazy voodoo going on that night. It was bizarre, wasn't it?
Greenlee: When you said you loved me, was that just voodoo?
Leo: No, I meant it, every single word.
Greenlee: Are you sure? You're not nearly as enthusiastic.
Leo: I was in a crazy mood.
Greenlee, I meant every single word that I said. And if we would have had a chance to get into that stateroom, believe me, I would have showed it to you. Believe me, I would have.
Greenlee: So you love me?
Leo: Beyond measure.
Greenlee: And I love you.
Leo: Mm-hmm.
Greenlee: And if we love each other this much, maybe we should be committed.
Leo: To an asylum?
Greenlee: To each other.

Dixie: We're going to get through this, Tad. We have to. Oh --

Tad: Leslie? Leslie?
Leslie: I came as fast as I could. I was surprised you called so soon. Wow, you don't waste any time. Too public? I never really thought of you as the shy type.
Tad: Listen, I -- I appreciate you bringing the wallet over, but under the circumstances, I'm a little surprised that you would be willing to show up at my parents' house.
Leslie: Well, I couldn't stay away.
Tad: Well, I don't think it was a very good idea.
Leslie: Well, know that it was a little risky, but that's half the fun until we can be together.
Tad: Until we can be -- no. Leslie, you got to listen to me, ok? What happened on that boat at the party, that was --
Leslie: It was inevitable. I know. I felt it, too.
Tad: No, that isn't at all what I was going to say. Ok? The fact is, until you showed up this afternoon, I didn't remember what happened at the party between you and me last night. And obviously I was -- I was not thinking very clearly.
Leslie: Oh. Well, it's called chemistry.
Tad: Well, whatever it's called, it's not going to happen again because I'm married.
Leslie: Well, that didn't seem to matter at the party.
Tad: Leslie, I love my wife. What happened at the party, that was -- that was --
Leslie: A one-night stand? Is that why you called me here? To dump me?
Tad: I'm committed to my marriage, and nothing is going to change that.

Bianca: Hey, it's all over now. You don't have to be afraid of anything.
Laura: But how did I end up in the water? Or why? I mean, maybe -- maybe I didn't fall. Maybe I --
Bianca: The whole thing must have been really terrifying. Maybe the best thing to do is just forget it ever happened.
Laura: I can't. I can't. It's too weird. I mean, am I sick or delusional, or am I so used to being a victim I can't stop?
Bianca: Laura, don't say that.
Laura: Bianca, my life's been like something out of a gothic novel. I mean, I practically grew up homeless. My mom died in a fire. And let's not forget, I mean, I was the star of these kiddy porn pictures on the internet.
Bianca: Yeah, but that's all in the past now.
Laura: I thought so. I mean, I really thought I'd worked through these feelings of worthlessness, that I was going to be this new and improved Laura. But last night at the party, it was like -- I don't know -- I was totally on the edge. I lashed out at Eliot. I totally flirted with Leo. It was like my emotions were all over the place. I don't know. It was like my past ambushed me.
Bianca: What do you mean?
Laura: I mean, maybe deep down I want to take my life. What if I was so out of it -- what if I jumped?

Leo: Committed, like finishing each other's sentences and, what, picking out furniture together?
Greenlee: Yeah, like that.
Leo: Are you ready?
Greenlee: How can you ask?
Leo: Greenlee, come on. Remember the shoes you wanted, the ones you had to have no matter what? You got them. Now you never wear them. What about your red convertible? You got it. Now what? You want a silver one.
Greenlee: What's your point?
Leo: You want me, I move in, then you get sick of me after a month.
Greenlee: I still love Happy, don't I? And he needs both of us. As much as I need you.
Leo: Linen sheets or flannel?

[Greenlee giggles]

Hayley: Dad, what happened?
Mateo: What did Arlene say?
Adam: Well, you want details. Just keep in mind that Arlene is on a liquid diet. She -- but she did say that she was very sorry about what she pulled with Mateo.
Mateo: When did Arlene become such a good sport?
Adam: Well, she realizes she went way over the line on this one. And she said that she realizes that she provoked you, that it was all her fault. She just wants you to just forgive her and forget it ever happened.
Hayley: Well, when can I see her? We need to straighten this all out.
Adam: Well, Sweetheart, she left town.
Hayley: What?
Adam: She was too embarrassed to see you or Mateo. She does send her love, though.
Hayley: She does?
Adam: Mm-hmm. And leaving town is her way of showing that.
Hayley: Well, that's not enough. We've got to get this straightened out.
Adam: Where are you going?
Hayley: I've got to go find her.
Adam: Mateo, talk her out of trying to see Arlene. Go on.
Mateo: I can't.

Tad: Leslie, don't do that. Please don't do that. Don't start crying. Don't get emotional. Please --
Leslie: Why does this always happen to me? Do you know how long I've had a crush on you, how much I wanted this? I thought that this time it would be different. But you're like all the others -- unavailable. I mean, is it me? What's wrong with me?
Tad: Nothing's wrong with you. Wait a minute. Wait. Don't get the wrong idea. Listen, you're beautiful, you're talented, you're successful. You're one of a kind --
Leslie: Look, just go away, Tad, ok? I don't want you to see me like this. You must think that I'm pathetic.
Tad: No. No, I don't. I don't think you're pathetic at all. I'm just -- I'm just shocked, you know, surprised. I had no idea. I mean, who knows? If things were, you know, different, if -- if maybe we had gone out years ago or, you know, I were free, then maybe we would get together.

[Dixie feels faint]

Dixie: Maybe I got a touch of that food poisoning after all.


Erica: Sarah called.
Bianca: What did she tell you, Mom?

Leo: There's one major problem that we have to deal with.

Jake: Your services are not needed here. Please leave me with my patient.

Leslie: My whole life is falling apart, and it's all your fault.

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