NOVEMBER 30, 2000

Mindy: Hey, Laura.
Laura: Hey, Heather, Mindy, Shannon.
Heather: Hi.
Shannon: Hi.
Mindy: What are you doing here so early?
Laura: Oh, I need some extra time in the darkroom.
Heather: The photography club. Does the excitement never end?
Shannon: Is it true what they say about darkrooms, Laura?
Heather: You're asking the wrong person, Shannon.
Shannon: That's right. We should really bring this up with Bianca.
Laura: Bring what up?
Heather: She'd have a better idea what happens between two people when the lights go out.

[Girls giggle]

Leo: You haven't talked to her in months. Then Sarah calls, and right away you're willing to risk your mother's wrath by heading to New York?
Bianca: I'd risk anything, and you know why. Man, I wonder if she heard about my father dying. Maybe she just misses me.
Leo: Then she'll call back.
Bianca: Not after my mom put the fear of Kane into her.
Leo: Bianca, you got her number off of caller ID. Find yourself a private place, then call her and find out what she wants.
Bianca: She called me from a hotel. Who knows how long she's going to be there. Whatever we have to say to each other, I want to say it in person. Leo, I want to see her.
Leo: Aside from the obvious risk factors with your mother, what about you? This person broke your heart. Now you're going to go running back to her?
Bianca: Would you ever give up on Greenlee?
Leo: No. But you and Sarah aren't together. She stopped writing you, and then she decided to go coed.
Bianca: And I need to know the reason for all of that. Leo, come on. You are the only person I know who could get me in and out of New York in one piece.
Erica: Well, why would you want Leo to take you to New York in the first place?

Hayley: Ready for your private screening?
Ryan: Yeah. Come on in.
Hayley: Thought you might like to see some advanced footage of the stuff I shot at your party.
Ryan: Wow, it's edited already?
Hayley: Well, not all of it. I used some of it for my Thanksgiving segments, but this stuff is raw.
Ryan: Good. Does that mean I get to pick the best parts?
Hayley: Yeah, and I thought you could use some of it, you know, to amp up the IPO.
Ryan: Cool. Thank you.
Hayley: You're welcome.
Ryan: So wait a minute. You came all the way down here just to give me some raw ad footage?
Hayley: Hey, Ryan, ain't no thing.
Ryan: Any luck finding Arlene lately?
Hayley: No, no, no, no. Let's hope it stays that way.
Ryan: I thought you said once that you always like to know where she is because it cuts back on the surprise attacks.
Hayley: Well, I'm through being paranoid.
Ryan: So why were you, Mateo, and Adam so anxious the other day?
Hayley: Habit?
Ryan: Come on, Hayley.
Hayley: Look, Ryan, let's just drop it, ok? My so-called mother is out of my life for good, and that's really all that matters. Life is good.
Ryan: You're a lousy liar, Hayley, so you might as well just quit trying.

Gillian: Hi. Have you seen Ruth Martin today?
Nurse: She was doing inventory last I saw her.
Gillian: Ok. Thanks. Hi.
Jake: Well, I didn't see your name on the roster today.
Gillian: Yeah, I just came by to clear up a few things.
Jake: Well, I think everyone seems to know that we're splitting up.
Gillian: Jake, I'm sorry. It's not how I wanted things to be.
Jake: Well, how did you think they would be?
Gillian: I don't know. I'm just sorry that --
Jake: You know what? No apologies. Right now I need more than that.

Dixie: Tad?
Dixie: David.
David: Yes. I'm right here.

Shannon: You don't want to face the truth.
Laura: What are you talking about?
Heather: You're here early today for a little extracurricular activity, right?
Laura: Yeah, I already told you what I'm here for. All right, move.
Mindy: Some people prefer their activity late at night.
Shannon: And behind closed doors.
Heather: Or behind the bushes if they're freaky enough.
Shannon: Case in point -- La Kane Junior.
AKA Bodacious Bianca.
AKA Biancalimic.
Heather: She may be starving herself, but she'll let any boy eat at her table.
Laura: You are three disgusting little witches.
Mindy: Hey, don't blame us. It's all over the underground.
Laura: Who started this rumor?
Shannon: It came from a credible source who held up under interrogation.
Laura: Oh, what'd you do? Threaten to do a little cheer?
Heather: Cranky.
Mindy: According to Marcus, Bianca loves all bedroom sports.
Shannon: And is ready to go pro.
Laura: That is ridiculous.
Heather: Hate to break it to you, newbie, but your friend is already starting her own collection of jockstraps.
Mindy: Ms. Young Enchantment has a new name around school -- superslut.

Erica: What is it? What are you plotting?
Bianca: Nothing.
Erica: Well, then, why do you want Leo to take you to New York?
Bianca: Where did you get those pictures?
Erica: Well, you don't have to sound so accusatory, Honey. I went into your room to see if you were awake. They were lying there. They were right on your bed.
Bianca: And so you just took them?
Erica: I didn't take them. I wanted to talk to you about them. I think they're wonderful.
Bianca: You do?
Erica: Mm-hmm. I think that they're very offbeat and they're full of energy, and this is really what I wanted to capture for the young enchantment campaign. Who's the photographer, anyway?
Leo: Do you like them enough to use them for the campaign?
Erica: I'm thinking about it.
Leo: Hold that thought. You spill.
Bianca: Laura English took them.
Erica: Oh. I see. Well, that explains it.
Bianca: That explains what? You just said they were great.
Erica: Well, they are, you know, in a sort of a snapshot, disposable camera sort of a way. But they're rough. They're not professional.
Bianca: Mom, I know that you can't stand Brooke, but Laura is a completely separate person. Please don't punish her for who her mother is.
Leo: Fess up, Erica. Five minutes ago you were loving those pictures. You knew that whoever took them had the talent that you were looking for.
Bianca: Now you can replace that snotty photographer Bruce what's-his-name and replace him with somebody who's got some excitement.
Erica: I don't know. I mean, what are her credentials? What's her experience?
Leo: Come on. You want us to do our best, don't you?
Erica: Of course.
Bianca: Mom, I was comfortable when Laura was shooting those pictures. It was fun. Isn't that what you want?
Erica: Look, I'll consider it. But back to the original question -- New York?
Leo: Oh, that. Well -- we were actually thinking about going to New York to do a photo shoot for Enchantment.
Bianca: Yeah. And we were trying to figure out a way to convince you to let us go. I mean, because I don't have any school tomorrow and it's only a half day today.
Leo: Yeah, we can take off this evening. We can shoot some rolls tonight, have dinner, get a room at the Plaza, and then finish up tomorrow.

[Doorbell rings]

Bianca: We would be back by tomorrow night.
Greenlee: Ready to go?
Leo: Yeah, can we just go back to that kiss part that we just did?
Greenlee: Ok. Are you ready now?
Leo: I will go anywhere with you. Where are we going?
Greenlee: Apartment shopping! All day. Did you forget?

Erica: All right, ok, you've convinced me. New York it is.
Bianca: Oh, Mom, you're the best! I'm so happy.
Erica: Ok, well, let me just call my office and see if I can clear my calendar for the next day and a half. It's short notice, but I think I can do it.
Bianca: Wait a minute. You're coming with us?
Erica: Honey, a trip to New York City with my little girl? I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Hayley: It's that damn party of yours, you know. I mean, ever since then, my life has been spiraling out of control.
Ryan: Well, I mean, things with Mateo are good, you're sober, your dad's being a good boy, so this is about your mother.
Hayley: Somehow she got on the boat the night of the party.
Ryan: What?
Hayley: And I think that she drugged Mateo and me somehow.
Ryan: Oh, my God.
Hayley: I warned her that if I ever caught her making a move on Mateo again that I would come after her, and I did. I walked into the stateroom, and I found her straddled on top of Mateo.
Ryan: What was he doing? What was Mateo doing?
Hayley: Well, he was out of it. He was, like, totally unconscious, out of his mind on something, and -- you know, I just -- I went completely insane. I was filled with rage, and something snapped inside of me, and I said -- I said to myself, "Arlene has to go for good this time."
Ryan: Hayley, what -- what are you saying?
Hayley: I -- I -- I started to choke her, Ryan. I choked her. And then I left her body on the deck because I thought she was dead. But she wasn't dead, she was just unconscious, because when I brought Mateo back to look at what I had done, she was gone.
Ryan: And this is the last time that you saw her?
Hayley: Yeah. And now she's out on the run again -- out of Pine Valley, out of my life.
Ryan: Are you sure about this?
Hayley: The only thing I'm sure about is that she is gone right now but she will be back. And until that ugly day, her spirit is with me.
Ryan: Nothing about Arlene is with you.
Hayley: Yes, oh -- oh, plenty is with me. Her hatred and her rage is with me because of what I did. Because what I felt when I saw her with Mateo was pure rage. And you know what, Ryan? I wanted her dead. Worse than that, I wanted to kill her. So how sick is that?
Ryan: You're asking the wrong guy, Hayley, because I understand exactly how you feel.

David: I'm sorry, Dixie. I didn't mean to scare you. I just came in to see how you were doing.
Dixie: Well, I'm fine. Can I go home now?
David: No, not yet. I want you to look at me, Dixie --
Tad: Boy, you just don't know when to quit, do you?
David: What the hell do you think you're doing?
Tad: Don't start with me. I am sick to death of listening to you. I don't care who you think you are in this hospital. You're off my wife's case, effective immediately.
David: Wait a minute!

Greenlee: Marian Chandler gave me a huge list of apartments. I've got condos, industrial lofts, a couple penthouses --
Leo: Oh, that is so great. That is so great, and I am so totally into getting a new place with you, but it might have to wait till the weekend. I have to go to New York to do a photo shoot with Enchantment.
Greenlee: You're choosing the Binkster over me again.
Leo: No, no, no. Greenlee, Greenlee, I'm totally committed to you. You know that. But this just came up in the last couple minutes.
Greenlee: Leo, you're so on the Bianca bandwagon. Can't you have Enchantment call off the shoot until we find a place to live?
Leo: First of all, Erica hasn't totally signed off on the New York idea. And if she did, I'm not going to be able to throw this right back in her face.
Greenlee: Am I ever going to come first with you?
Leo: Greenlee, you're not being fair. You are my number one always. This is a photo shoot. And for once in my life, I'm going to have a paycheck.
Greenlee: I don't see why.
Leo: I told you -- when we get our new place, which we will, I want to be able to pay half the rent. In order to do that, I have to uphold my agreement with Enchantment.

Erica: Bianca, how could you go without me when I'm supervising this entire project? And how could I ever forgive myself if I let you go and something happened to you?
Bianca: Mom, what could happen?
Erica: In New York? Bianca, you've been living in Seattle. You don't even know New York. Honey, think what you're asking me.
Bianca: Ok, Mom, I know -- I know it's a big deal. But so is young Enchantment. Mom, I really love you, but part of the reason that Laura's pictures turned out better is because you and your whole crew weren't there.
Erica: Do I make you feel that self-conscious?
Bianca: Well, yeah. When you're watching every move my eyebrow makes --
Erica: Oh, Honey, come on. You don't have to put that kind of pressure on yourself, Sweetheart.
Bianca: Mom, if I'm going to give you what you want, what the campaign needs, then I need to do it my way.
Erica: I don't see what Laura has to do with this.
Bianca: She doesn't make a big deal out of the whole thing.
Erica: Honey, going on a photo shoot in New York is not the same as grabbing some shots around Pine Valley.
Bianca: I know. I can handle that, Mom. And Leo has been to New York a million times. And Laura grew up there.
Mom, Ms. Young Enchantment is supposed to have confidence and independence. How can I do that if you keep me chained to the front porch till I'm 18?
Erica: Oh, don't be so dramatic.
Bianca: Mom, ok -- please.
Erica: Let me talk to Leo.

Greenlee: Difficult? What are you talking about? We had --
Erica: Leo. Leo. I'm thinking about allowing you to look after Bianca in New York. But first of all I have to be sure that you understand what you're taking on.
Leo: I'm going to guard her with my life, I promise.
Erica: But you'll be responsible for two young women in New York City. And you'll have to pay special attention to Bianca.
Leo: Of course.
Greenlee: Well, that's ok, Erica. I can take care of myself.
Erica: I was talking about Bianca and Laura.
Greenlee: She's going?
Erica: Leo, come inside. We have a lot to discuss if I'm going to agree to this plan.

Bianca: Ow -- my arm.
Greenlee: Sorry, Binkie. Guess I'm a little tense. But then again, you have everything to do with that, don't you?
Bianca: What do you want from me, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Oh, I'm so glad you asked. I know how much you can't wait to go skirt-chasing in the big city, but your plan is cramping my life. Understand? Kill the trip.

Jake: I think I could use some distance from you.
Gillian: I understand.
Jake: So, I mean, it's not going to be easy running into you all the time here.
Gillian: Well, yeah, for both of us, so I came here to resign.
Jake: Resign?
Gillian: Mm-hmm. It's not fair to you, and I can just go volunteer somewhere else.
Jake: Are you sure that's what you want?
Gillian: Mm-hmm.
Jake: All right, all right. Well, I contacted a divorce lawyer to push this thing through as quickly as possible, so, I mean, I know that you want this resolved, so --
Gillian: Yeah.

[Pager beeps]

Jake: Ok, I got to run.
Gillian: I was just looking for you. Is this a bad time?
Ruth: Well, I'm just -- I'm getting ready to pass out medications. Come on. We can sit down for a minute.
Gillian: Uh -- well, first, about Thanksgiving --
Ruth: I'm afraid that we were all in a bit of shock when you stopped by and also very sad to have learned that you and Jake were ending things.
Gillian: Well, I shouldn't have come at all.
Ruth: You did.
Gillian: Ruth --
Ruth: Let me just say one thing, ok? You know, my son loved you as much as a man could ever love a woman. I just wish that you could have found the strength to admit that you could never feel that same way. You never could have returned his love.
Gillian: I tried to.
Ruth: Well, when you start your new life with Ryan, try to remember at a part of Jake will always love you and please respect that.
Gillian: I will. I -- I don't think I'm going to be volunteering here anymore.
Ruth: Well, that's probably going to be for the best, you know? I'll take care of the paperwork for you.
Gillian: Thanks.
Ruth, you have a great son.
Ruth: Well, someday Jake will find a girl who will love him the way he deserves to be loved. I'm sorry it couldn't have been you. You take care.
Gillian: You, too.
Ruth: Thanks.
Gillian: And I'm really sorry for all the pain I caused your family.

Man: Dr. Martin?
Jake: Yeah?
Man: I just picked these up.
Jake: Oh, hey, great, great. That was fast. Anyone else seen these results?
Man: No, I did everything quietly.
Jake: Thanks. You're a good man.

Ruth: Gillian just left. Are you all right?
Jake: Mom, everything's just fine and I'm going to live through this, so don't worry about me, ok?
Ruth: Are those your test results?
Jake: No, no, everything's ok. I'm doing a little detective work. Pretty sure that somebody put something in the food or drink at Ryan's party that affected everyone.
Ruth: Now, Honey, you know that your father ran tests on everybody who came in here that night, and everything came up negative.
Jake: Yeah, I know, I know. But I don't buy those results, so I did a workup on myself.
Ruth: Well, that sounds very intriguing.
Jake: Mm-hmm.
Ruth: You're going to have to tell me all about it tonight.
Jake: And I will. I will. Whoops -- excuse me.
Ruth: I've got to get my work done.
Jake: Ok, I'm going to see you back at the house.
Ruth: Ok, Darling.
Jake: Thanks, Mom.

Jake: That's right.

Tad: Listen to me, David. I don't want you anywhere near my wife for any reason. Now, get out of here. David: You have no idea what I was trying to do.

[Monitor beeps rapidly]

Tad: Get the hell out of here!

[Dixie moans]

David: Out of my way.
Tad: What is it? What's wrong with her?
David: Her heart rate's jumping. We're looking at arrhythmia. Nurse, get in here right away. Bring 150 milligrams of Amiodarone. Excuse me. Dixie, I'm right here, ok? I know what you're scared, but we've been through this before. We're going to get through it again, ok?
Tad: Baby, I love you.
David: Tad, get away from the bed, please. Where is she? Nurse! Thank you.
David: All right, just keep breathing deeply, Dixie. That's right. Good. Just keep doing that. It's ok, Dixie. Listen to me. I've just given you something that's going to stabilize your heart rate, ok? You're going to be fine, I promise you. It's ok.

[Monitor beeps rapidly]

David: Dixie, look at me. I'm going to try to coach you through a certain type of meditation, ok?
Tad: Is this for real?
David: Don't distract her, Tad.
Dixie: I'm not very good at meditation.
David: This is just a basic relaxation technique, ok?
Tad: I'm sorry, Honey.
David: It's all right, Tad. As I told you, you had no idea what I was trying to do. Dixie, I want you to inhale deeply, ok? Go ahead. Deeply. That's right. Now exhale. Good. Very good. All right, now what I want you to do is I want you to concentrate, ok? And I want you to count every breath while you visualize your heart. Breathe in. Right. That's good.

[Monitor beeping slows]

David: You're breathing steadily, a lot more so now. That's good, ok? Now I want you to feel your heart respond. Good.

Hayley: How could you possibly understand how I feel, Ryan? You've never tried to kill someone.
Ryan: Because I know what it's like to have a mother who tries to eat her young, Hayley. It's not about the abuse. It's about what to do with all the hate.
Hayley: Oh, well, I found a way to channel mine. I mean, I tried to kill my mother.
Ryan: But you didn't.
Hayley: No, I didn't. For some reason, the universe gave me a second chance. But what scares me to death is how easily I turned strangling my mother into a solution. You know, and I thought I was doing pretty good up until now.
Ryan: You were, you were, you were. You've been fighting for your life since Arlene came to town. You should just be happy that she's gone.
Hayley: How can I be? I mean, she called my father and she told him that she was leaving town for good and she was never coming back. But it's not living with her now that bothers me. It's like living with myself. How do I live with myself now?
Ryan: Just focus on Mateo. Focus on the life that you two are trying to build. I mean, Mateo lives to love you.
Hayley: Well, the feeling's mutual.
Ryan: Yeah. We both came into this world through some pretty rotten people -- people that didn't know how to love us, didn't know how to love themselves. But we found real love -- you with Mateo and me with Gillian. All right? We've learned how to trust.
Hayley: What do I do with all this rage?
Ryan: You let it disappear with Arlene. You're free. You're free to be happy. You're free to be whatever you want to be.
Hayley: We both are.
Ryan: Yeah. It's about time.

Erica: So I told you about my friend, Paney Wilson --
Leo: Right. Upper East Side across from the park. She's going to be your eyes and ears to the ground. All non life-threatening emergencies go through her.
Erica: And avoid any questionable areas.
Leo: Right -- Central Park at night and the club scene, like you said.
Erica: Don't mock my concern, Leo.
Leo: I'm not, I'm not. I'm not even going to let Bianca out of the limousine.
Erica: You're not convincing me, Leo.
Leo: Erica, I am going to be like a secret service agent -- always close enough to take a bullet, I promise.

Greenlee: I don't want Leo leaving town today. He's going apartment hunting with me.
Bianca: Don't you think that's up to him?
Greenlee: Oh, don't be all coy. One word from the little lesbian lost in the woods, and he starts feeling like a boy scout ready to do his next good deed. That whole dynamic isn't working for me.
Bianca: I can't believe he ever agreed to move in with you.
Greenlee: Believe it, ok? We're a unit.
Bianca: Do you think that he would feel the same way about you if he knew what you were really capable of?
Greenlee: He's not going to find out. I bet you couldn't go to New York for this little sleepover so you could blab about what you think you saw at Ryan's party.
Bianca: Can we just get real? We both know that you shoved Laura overboard.
Greenlee: Hmm, that's an interesting story. You could never prove it. My story, on the other hand, would be more like a tragedy and a scandal to some people, especially your mother.
Bianca: Why do you want to hurt my mother?
Greenlee: Oh, please, don't get all selfless.
Bianca: Just because you hate your mother.
Greenlee: Do you like being in the closet, Ms. Young Enchantment? Isn't it all nice and cozy? If you want to stay there, you'd better keep your mouth shut.

Erica: What are you two doing out here in the cold?
Greenlee: Having a friendly chat.
Erica: Bianca, would you come in, please? Where are you going?
Leo: Well, I was going to take --
Greenlee and I had sort of plans, I guess.
Erica: Go home, Greenlee, will you, please? Leo can't come out and play. We have business to discuss.

Greenlee: Unbelievable. This is not possible!

Marcus: It's a new shirt.

[Girls laugh]

Marcus: No, stop it. I have a present --
Laura: That lying creep.
Marcus: Let me give you something. Here, wait, it's in my locker, actually. Let me get it. It's very nice.
Laura: Hey, Marcus.
Marcus: What's up?
Heather: Oh, joy. It's Laura again.
Laura: Actually, I'm glad we're all here. Maybe you can straighten out something for me, Marcus. If you have the time. I know you probably don't --

Bianca: What's Laura doing with those guys?
Leo: I don't know it looks like she's itching for a fight.

Laura: Ok, well, I was wondering -- I heard that you and Bianca Montgomery -- you never hooked up, is that right?
Marcus: Well, who told you that?
Laura: Oh, your cheering squad here.
Shannon: We didn't say that.
Mindy: Just the opposite.
Laura: Which proves my point.
Heather: What point?
Laura: You never got anywhere near Bianca. That's why you had to spread all these skanky lies about her. You felt like a fool, so you had to diss her. What'd you call her, superslut? All to cover up the fact that she didn't want to get anywhere near you.
Marcus: Yeah? Well, I think Bianca was totally into me, and I think I can prove it.
Laura: Oh, yeah? You prove to me that she'd spend time on a moron like you, I'll prove you wouldn't even be interested since you like flying solo.
Marcus: Who are you calling moron, and what are you talking about?
Laura: Guys' locker room? The shower? I got pictures of you that would be perfect for that underground web site.
Marcus: No way. There is no way you got into the guys' locker room.
Laura: Oh, yeah? I'm training to be an investigative reporter. Getting in was no problem. But those pictures I took of you -- whoo. You should watch what you do when you think you're alone.
Marcus: You know I didn't do anything. Hey, she is lying.
Heather: Ewww.
Laura: Yeah, looks like it's time for a little spin control.
Marcus: You know, Laura, that was cold. I'm never going to live that down.
Laura: Well, think of how Bianca feels.
Marcus: Well, I can fix that.
Laura: Good.

Bianca: That was so awesome.
Laura: I can't believe you guys are here.
Bianca: We heard every word.
Laura: Bianca, don't let them bother you.
Bianca: Not with you in my corner.
Laura: Well, I made it all up.
Leo: Hey, that was one very nice con.
Bianca: I so owe you.
Leo: You're already paying her back. What are you talking about?
Laura: What do you mean?
Bianca: Well, we showed your pictures to my mom, and she loved them, she wants to use them.
Laura: She will?
Bianca: Uh-huh. She wants to hire you tomorrow to do a photo shoot.
Laura: What photo shoot? When?
Leo: Today after school and tomorrow if you're available.
Laura: Am I. Wait -- where are we going to go -- the lake or the park?
Bianca: Actually, New York City.
Laura: Get out.
Leo: Mm-hmm.
Laura: Wait, but I have to clear it with my mom.
Leo: Yeah, like she's going to say no. Come on.

[Telephone rings]

Leo: Oh. Hold on, ladies. I got a phone call. Hello?
Greenlee: Leo, it's me. He's gone. I've looked everywhere, and I can't find him.
Leo: Slow down, slow down.
Greenlee: Don't patronize me.
Leo: I'm not patronizing you, Greenlee. Just --
Greenlee: Leo, please, I'll die if I can't find him. I need to see you right away. [Greenlee cries]

I want to concentrate on my life and my future with Mateo, but I can't.
Ryan: Why? Why, Hayley? Arlene is out of your life. You're free to be happy, you're free to be -- you're free to be whatever you want to be.
Hayley: It's not that simple, Ryan.
Ryan: Yes, it is. Trust me, it's that simple.

Ryan: Hey, listen, listen, how'd it go? How'd it go?
Gillian: It was hard. I saw Jake and his mother, and I decided to resign from the volunteer group at the hospital. I know that seeing Jake and his family must be very difficult for you.
Gillian: Yeah. Well, I cried all the way over here. You know, the martins are such good people, and poor Jake has to put his whole life back together again.
Hayley: Well, you did the right thing, Gillian. You followed your heart. You belong with Ryan.
Ryan: And I'm never letting go. From now on it's just me, Gillian, and How about that?
Hayley: Speaking of which, how is the stock market these days?
Ryan: Well, there's still a buzz about the IPO despite the bad publicity from the party.
Hayley: Well, some functions are just cursed with bad karma, I suppose.
Gillian: Yeah, there was definitely something weird in the universe that night.
Hayley: Tell me about it.

Joe: You had me paged?
Jake: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I knew it, dad. I was right. Have a look at this.
Joe: What is this anomaly in the blood?
Jake: It's just what I thought. It's Libidozone, the experimental impotence drug. You see, only traces remain, which means that I ingested this about 48 hours ago.
Joe: That's about the time of Ryan's party.
Jake: See, there's no question that I was drugged.
Joe: Well, you probably weren't the only one. Here I was hoping it was a simple case of food poisoning, but -- how about the blood work on the other patients I saw that night? They turned out negative.
Jake: Well, I can't explain that, but anyone who had ingested that drug that night, their levels should have been right there in that lab work.
Joe: But they weren't, and why is that?
Jake: That's right.
Joe: Oh, excuse me. Dr. Hayward. Can I have a word with you?

Leo: Whoa, whoa -- Greenlee, calm down, calm down. Tell me who's missing.
Greenlee: Happy. Somehow he got out of the house and he disappeared.
Leo: Ok, ok, don't panic. Don't panic. I'll be right there.

Laura: It's down, like, the lower east side.
Leo: Girls, I got to get going. Greenlee's in the middle of another crisis. We might have to postpone the trip to NYC for a little bit.
Bianca: What? No way.
Leo: Just for a few hours. That's it.
Bianca: Leo, I want to get out of this building and away from these creeps.
Leo: I'm sorry, Bianca, but I have to --
Bianca: Ok, ok, never mind. Look, I'm going to take the first train to Penn Station, and I'll hook up with you guys later.
Leo: Are you nuts? Your mother would shoot me in the kneecaps if she knew that I let you go there alone.
Bianca: Leo, I don't have much time. If you don't want to drive me to the train station, fine. I will find another way to get there. You know I have to.
Leo: All right, all right.
Laura: Well, listen, I got to get to my last class, but, Leo, you'll call me and tell me where to meet at?
Leo: Yeah.
Laura: Ok.
Leo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you know how much you're risking here, Bianca. Plus you're skipping school.
Bianca: Ok. Just drive, Leo, please. And cover with my mom.
Leo: All right.
Bianca: See you later.

Erica: Laura.
Laura: Miss Kane.
Erica: Hi.
Laura, I wanted to say that your pictures were very promising.
Laura: Well, I'm glad you liked them.
Erica: Yes. Well, you still need years of work, but they're really right on track and Enchantment is interested in having you work on this campaign.
Laura: Bianca told me, and thank you so much for that opportunity.
Erica: You're welcome. Are you ready for New York? I'm having a limo pick everybody up here right after school.
Laura: Oh, really? Well, no one told me.
Erica: Well, yes. And I brought this outfit for Bianca to wear in one of the shots. Where is Bianca?
Laura: Well -- you know what? I don't know. We don't have the same classes, but I'll take the clothes for her.
Erica: Ok. I just really wanted to wish her good luck, you know, in person. Well, which class is she in? Do you know that?
Laura: Uh -- sorry, no. I don't want to be late.

Shannon: Miss Kane?
Erica: Yes?
Shannon: Hi.
Erica: Hi.
Shannon: I don't normally do this, but I really respect you and everything you've ever done, and I really hate to see someone lying to you.
Erica: Lying to me? Who was lying to me?
Shannon: Laura. She knew where Bianca was.
Erica: Well, why would she lie to me?
Shannon: Because Bianca's not in school. She took off for the train station. I'm pretty sure she's going to New York alone.

Tad: I'm sorry. I didn't know. I guess I was over the top.
Dixie: Yeah, you were a little over the top. But I know it's because you love me, ok?
Tad: Baby, you don't know. I love you so much. You're my life.
Dixie: I know, I know. And you're my life, too, ok? Hey, listen to me. My heart's having problems again, ok? And Dr. Hayward is the best cardiologist in the world. So you have to trust him, please.
Tad: Ok. Ok.
Dixie: Ok, would you trust me, too? Have faith in us and everything we stand for?
Tad: I do. I will.

David: What can I do for you, Joe?
Joe: How's Dixie?
David: She's doing fine now, but she wasn't when Tad came in and upset her.
Jake: What the hell are you talking about?
David: He came in when I was trying to teach Dixie a relaxation technique. He immediately jumped to conclusions. I had to medicate her again, Joe, which is something I definitely didn't want to do. Joe: Because of the risk of prolonged arrhythmia?
David: Exactly. I don't want her overmedicated. She needs a calm environment, not accusations about me trying to get a little on the side.
Jake: You know what? You are unbelievable, Hayward. Get the hell out of here before I knock your teeth out.
David: Oh, that's great, Jake. More threats. When are you going to start acting like a professional?

Jake: You know, I hate him on Dixie's case.
Joe: I know, I know, I know. We both do. We both do. But let's face it. He's the best there is at what he does. And if he says that Tad upset Dixie with his outburst, we've got to talk to Tad. And that means both of us. We agreed?
Jake: All right, it's agreed I'm going to talk to Tad, all right?
Joe: Ok. In the meanwhile, you've got your work cut out for you in finally figuring out what's going on with those things. I mean, if you were drugged, we want to know who it is that's behind it. And I certainly would like to know how they managed to get their hands on so much of that drug. Do you have any idea?
Jake: I have someone in mind. But I'd rather not say until I'm sure.

Ryan: Wait, wait, hold on, hold on. Wait, wait, wait. This is my big toast. Let me turn it up.
Gillian: You ham.


Ryan: Oh, look at you. Look at you. Look how beautiful you are. Of course you're always beautiful. You've been beautiful since -- since the day I met you.


Hayley: I need you to help me find my mom.

David: What would you do if Tad ever slipped again?

Liza: What did you do?

Erica: Are you coming, Jack?
Jack: Where are we going?
Erica: New York.

Girl: Bianca.
Bianca: Sarah.

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