NOVEMBER 7, 2000

Tad: I got to get my ears checked. I could swear you just told me that you kissed David Hayward back. What the hell are you saying to me?
Dixie: Honey, I love you. You know that.
Tad: Don't get me wrong -- I mean, look, are you just saying this to me because you don't want me to go over to the hospital and put him in it?
Dixie: No, I'm not just saying that.
Tad: What?
Dixie: It just happened so fast, Tad. I just can't explain it, ok? He walked in here --
Tad: What do you mean he walked in here? He walked in and this just happened, right? So you were dressed like that?
Dixie: I thought it was you. I heard a noise and I came out to see what it was and David was standing in the living room.
Tad: So he broke in?
Dixie: No, he didn't break in. I think you must have left the door open when you went to see Liza, ok?
Tad: What, and that's an invitation? Is the man stalking you? What the hell's --
Dixie: No, no.
Tad: What's wrong with him? Look, I told him to his face, ok? I told him in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away from you. Now, obviously he took that as some kind of dare. Baby, I'm not going to do anything stupid, I promise you, ok? Just tell me the truth. He forced you, didn't he?
Dixie: No, no. No, he didn't force me. God, Tad, I let him. Just listen to me, ok? I'm not lying and I'm not saying this to protect David. He just kissed me and I responded.
Tad: To what?
Dixie: It -- it was nothing, ok? I just -- I never should've let it happen. I should've stopped him before he even came near me. But it was just a kiss, ok? That's all it was.
Tad: "That's all"? "That's all"? Who are you? And what exactly has been going on behind my back?
Dixie: Nothing, nothing, I swear!
Tad: You call this nothing, sweetheart? This is something, trust me. I don't -- I mean, I would die for you. I'd do anything for you. This is how -- this is how easily you turn away from everything we have, from everything we worked for?
Dixie: Oh, Tad, no, no.
Tad: Well, I don't understand!
Tad: How could you do it?

Vanessa's voice: Why would Dixie be attracted to a man who provoked a brawl with her beloved husband and brother-in-law? Sometimes I wonder what you're using for a brain. David: I can handle those Martins.

Dimitri: Hey, you.
Gillian: Hey. You look too good to be sick.
Dimitri: Yeah, well, I haven't seen you in ages. Give me a kiss. And I am fine. We're just going into David's for a checkup.
Gillian: Oh, good.
Alex: Do you want to go on in, see if he's there?
Dimitri: Yeah, yeah. Now, don't you be a stranger at Wildwind now that you're staying with the Martins.
Gillian: No, I won't, I promise you.
Dimitri: Promise?
Gillian: I promise.
Dimitri: See you later.
Gillian: Bye.

Alex: So things are good, then?
Gillian: Yeah, things have been wonderful. Jake and I found each other all over again. I mean, who would've thought.
Alex: What, that you could forget about Ryan so easily?
Gillian: Alex, nothing about it has been easy, but things are different now.
Alex: You see him at all?
Gillian: Ryan?
Alex: Mm-hmm.
Gillian: Well, not intentionally. I did see him with another woman and that freaked me out a little bit -- but I have no right to feel that. You know, I'm with Jake and he's the most loving man.
Alex: Do you still love Ryan as much as you used to?
Gillian: Ryan made it very clear where we stand. What we had is over.
Alex: You're not answering the question.

Jake: Hey, Sweetheart.
Gillian: Hey, hey, hey. Out of the ER already?
Jake: Well, actually, I have an emergency meeting. I've been summoned by Dr. Hayward. So I've decided to see what he wants.
Alex: What's he up to now?
Jake: Well, he has filed a complaint against me with the hospital review board. I would imagine it's about that.
Alex: He's done what?
Gillian: It's -- that horrible man. It's because of that fight, isn't it?
Jake: Well, I suppose. He thinks he's going to get my license. I don't want you to worry about it. He's not going to get that or anything else of mine.

Adam: Well, did you manage it?
Ryan: Adam, can you clear your schedule for tomorrow?
Adam: I can do whatever I want.
Ryan: Good. Because I have you booked on The Fidelity, the most beautiful yacht on the Atlantic Coast.
Adam: You did arrange it?
Ryan: You and Liza will have every luxury. Prepare to regain what you used to have.
Adam: You can deliver that, too?
Ryan: can give you everything you need to make your desires a reality, Adam.

[Telephone rings]

Adam: I'm expecting an important call.
Ryan: Yeah, sure. Can I turn on the TV and check out what the market's doing?
Adam: It's election day. The market's not doing a damn thing, but help yourself.

[TV plays]

Ryan: Yeah, Barry. Listen, I want you to have someone guard Hayley for me. Well, just shut up and I'll tell you. I want you to keep Arlene away from her. I don't care how. Just if Arlene shows up, send Arlene to me. No, you don't want to know.

> Reporter: You may remember our interview earlier today with newsmaker Dr. Jake Martin. He's back in the headlines after his daring rescue of refugee children in Chechnya last summer, this time for delivering a baby in an abandoned cabin in the woods of Pine Valley.

Ryan: Oh, perfect.

> Jake: Well, fortunately, it wasn't a complicated birth, so there was never any real danger to the mother or the infant. But I have to tell you it would not have gone so smoothly without my wife's help. She was incredible and a huge support to the mother all throughout the birth.
Reporter: I understand this emergency has prompted you to start a new program to help teenage mothers?
Jake: Yes, it certainly has. This young woman --

[Ryan turns TV off]

Adam: Oh, ooh, Ryan, Ryan. What's the use of getting angry when you can get even?

Dixie: Look, I know that this is so shameful, and I don't mean to minimize it, really I don't, but it was just one moment, ok, one mistake. I didn't get carried away. I stopped it, I swear. I just wasn't able to prevent the very thing that I didn't want. I -- I don't know what I'm saying.
Tad: Makes two of us.
Dixie: Could you just please know that all I want to do is just to forget this and I just want you to forget it, too?
Tad: Whoa, whoa, hang on just a second. You want me to forget that you just finished kissing another man while you were dressed like that? No, wait, it's better than that, it's better than that even, ok? You want me to just forget the fact that you finished making out with David Hayward while you were dressed like that in our home. Ok, fine, piece of cake, Dixie. Tell me how I'm supposed to do that. You want me to -- you want me to just fix a couple Martinis, we could turn on Peter Jennings? We can act normal, like nothing -- like nothing's going on.
Dixie: Stop.
Tad: As if anything could feel normal right no
Dixie: Stop, ok? I know you're hurt. I know you're upset -- and you have every right to be -- and I wish that I could all make it go away right now, but I can't. But please, while you're thinking about this, don't turn this into some sort of defining moment of our marriage, for God's sake.
Tad: Is this payback for my defining moment with Liza?
Dixie: Oh, God, Tad, don't.
Tad: It's a rational question, trust me. Because the look on your face is probably exactly the look I had on my face when I asked you to forget that I slept with her.
Dixie: It is not the same. It is not the same, and you know it. You had an affair with her. We lost each other because of it. This is nothing. And don't -- please don't think that I mean by nothing that I mean that it's not important, because of course it's important. I mean that it's nothing because nothing is going to come of it, ok? I swear to you. And I swear to you it is not payback for that moment that you had with Liza, either.
Tad: What would you think if it were me?
Dixie: I don't know, Tad, what I'd think of you if it were you. It just happened.
Tad: No, it didn't! It didn't just happen! Nothing like this ever just happens, Dixie! It's been coming for a long time! I told you it was coming! Remember? I begged you for months not to work for that snake, ok, and you wouldn't hear of it. So is this why?
Dixie: Tad --
Tad: Answer the question. Just tell me the truth. Are you attracted to David Hayward and you wanted to work for him because you thought that was the only way you could be near him?

Leo: Bianca! Binks, you here?
Greenlee: You here, you here, you here? No one here but us rabbits.
Leo: Damn it. Where the hell did she go with that creep?
Greenlee: Hmm, Marcus, the teenage Romeo, was one cute creep of a soccer captain, I must say, even if he was annoying. If I was Bianca, I'd -- scratch that. If I was a girl like Bianca, I'd be way more into the captain of the girls' field hockey team.
Leo: Greenlee, you don't get it. She could be seriously out of her depth right now.
Greenlee: I'd say that's a constant.
Leo: Just -- psst -- be quiet. I need to think about where Bianca is right now.
Greenlee: Why don't you start with that ladies' bar? She was way gay there before we showed up.
Leo: Tonight. She's with Marcus, you clown.
Greenlee: Don't call me names, Leo.
Leo: Well, don't make light of this, Greenlee. She just lost her father -- who as far as I could tell was the only person she let herself rely on. She's scared, she's vulnerable. And she might be trying to make a point to herself in a totally wrong way tonight.
Greenlee: What, you mean like have sex with the guy? Man, if she tells him first, he might really --
Leo: What? What?
Greenlee: Like it. Rope in that imagination, Leo. Bianca's on a date. She's a teenager. Teenagers mess around. It won't kill her if she kisses a boy, will it? What if she actually likes it?
Leo: Oh, yeah, get it. She'll be cured, right?
Greenlee: Not cured, but if the kid's any good, she --
Leo: You know, sometimes talking to you is like talking to this walking, talking caricature of a human being.
Greenlee: You are being so mean to me.
Leo: And you aren't understanding why I'm so worried.
Greenlee: Come on, Leo, if Bianca can hold her own in a gay bar, she can handle the soccer captain under the bleachers.
Leo: High school kids really do that? Wow. I missed more than I realized.
Greenlee: Well, we could fix that. Want to pretend? I can be the cheerleader and you can be the foreign exchange student who can't speak a word of English. Leo, what are you doing?
Leo: Come on, Bianca, answer.

[Telephone rings]

Marcus: You going to get that?
Bianca: Um -- no. Hey, Marcus, do you have anything left in your flask?
Marcus: Oh, yeah sure.


Bianca: Thanks.

[Bianca coughs]

Marcus: You all right? You ok? Here.
Bianca: Yeah.
[Telephone rings]

Bianca: Know what?


Bianca: So we won't be interrupted.
Marcus: Oh. You don't want to talk to anyone?
Bianca: Not even you.
Marcus: That was weird.
Bianca: Why?
Marcus: I mean, look, I don't know what your story is.
Bianca: What story?
Marcus: I wanted to hook up the first time I saw you.
Bianca: You did?
Marcus: Yeah. And you dissed me, like, three times before tonight.
Bianca: Yeah, I know. I was -- shy or something. I thought guys liked that.
Marcus: I guess. But you're Erica Kane's daughter, you know? I mean --
Bianca: Is that why you wanted to hook up with me -- so that you could brag to all your buddies that you made it with Erica Kane's kid?
Marcus: I have an older sister, ok? She made me promise never to talk about my dates. I don't report back to the guys, all right? I liked you before I even knew who your mother was. Look, you don't have to be Erica Kane's daughter with me.
Bianca: But I am her daughter. That's exactly who I am, ok?

Ryan: I don't have to get even with anybody, Adam. Jake wants to make his mark in Pine Valley. I would like to own it. Different agendas.
Adam: No, no, you can't own it. I do.
Ryan: True. Well, maybe I can be the Adam Chandler of the new millennium.
Adam: I'm not ready to retire just yet. And I don't think you're just quite ready to fill my imported Italian loafers, if you get my drift.
Ryan: Yes, I do. How about you teach me?
Adam: Teach you to take over my territory?
Ryan: Teach me how to be exactly like you.
Adam: I'd think long and hard before I committed to that one, buddy.
Ryan: I have.
Adam: All right. For starters, I'm smart and I had a compulsion.
Ryan: And what was that?
Adam: Beat Pete Cooney at any cost.
Ryan: Pete Cooney?
Adam: Palmer Cortlandt.
Ryan: Really?
Adam: Yeah, really. I would've died if I couldn't beat him. He was the gas in my engine for years. Still is on certain days. Keeps me fresh. You have that same chemistry, you know, with Jake Martin.
Ryan: Like I said, Adam, I don't really need to beat Jake at anything. He's a doctor. I'm --
Adam: You're an idiot.
Ryan: Excuse me?
Adam: Don't be an ass, Lavery. You're never going to get anywhere in this world unless you crush Jake Martin first.

Gillian: Jake, I'm going to come with you to this meeting.
Jake: With David? Why?
Gillian: Because I love you and I want to be there to see what that horrible man has dreamt up to torment us with.
Jake: You know, I really like this mother lion side of you.
Gillian: Good.
Joe: Son.
Jake: Hey, Dad. Thought you were at a staff meeting.
Joe: Well, I was, but I received an urgent request from David Hayward. You too?
Jake: You know, this ought to be good.
Joe: Huh?
Jake: Yeah.

Dimitri: David, is my wife's smile a decent clue?
David: You can stop taking the Prion medication immediately, Dimitri. Your test results couldn't be more favorable.
Alex: So good.
Dimitri: Yes.
David: Congratulations.
Dimitri: Well, thank you, David. Without your persistence, I wouldn't be here.
Alex: You were very daring in your treatment. I'll be forever grateful to you.
Dimitri: We both will be.
Alex: Yeah.

[Knock on door]

Dimitri: Ah, another patient. We should be --
David: No, no, please. I'd like you to stay for this. Yes, come on in. Thank you for coming. I asked Dimitri and Alex to stay, if that's all right. I believe that what I have to say also concerns the Andrassy Foundation.
Jake: All right, well, what is it you want us to hear?
David: An apology.

Dixie: I love you. I love only you. You are my husband. You are my life. I would never, ever betray you, ok? We have been through too much for me to even think about doing that. I don't want David. I just want you, ok? Please believe me. Please believe in us enough to know that that's true.
Tad: I want to believe it.
Dixie: Well, then, just believe it.
Tad: You kissed him.
Dixie: It was one moment! And I'll regret it for the rest of my life. But don't be threatened by it, ok? Don't go down that road. This isn't about us.
Tad: We, who is it about?
Dixie: You know, I wish I didn't even tell you. But I did. I told you because I don't want this to be some dirty secret that I share with David. Then it'll take on more meaning, it'll become more important than it actually is. I told you so that we could face it, that we can deal with it, and then move on. Just tell me that we can do that, ok? Tell me that you can forgive me.

Greenlee: Since when are you not in the mood?
Leo: I can't stop thinking about Bianca.
Greenlee: Good thing I know what that means. Leo, let it go.
Leo: I can't. I was really abrupt with her and I think that's why she left with that idiot Marcus.
Greenlee: Please. Aren't you giving yourself a little too much credit?
Leo: I cut her off, Greenlee. I told her I didn't have any answers for her.
Greenlee: You told her right.
Leo: It was stupid. She's vulnerable.
Greenlee: I know. You told me. Look, you're not responsible for the fallout from the "I Was a Teenage Lesbian chronicles," ok? If she's having sexual ambivalence issues, let her work it out like the rest of America and get a shrink -- or not work it out and just be out. You know?
Leo: It's not that simple. She's a kid. She's got huge feelings and an even huger secret. I should've been a lot more caring.
Greenlee: Are you having, like, baby sister envy or something? This isn't your job.
Leo: Why is it so hard for you to understand that I actually care about Bianca?
Greenlee: It's not. But a 16-year-old lesbian wasn't the obstacle I thought I was going to have to face to get you in bed tonight.
Leo: You are impossible, you know that?
Greenlee: No, I'm impossibly into you and I want to be alone with you. Is that so terrible?
Leo: No.
Greenlee: I mean, didn't we kind of make a pact about putting each other first?
Leo: Yes, but I didn't mean that we'd do it at the expense of somebody in trouble, Greenlee.
Greenlee: What if Bianca is in exactly the kind of trouble she wants to be in tonight? Just because she told you she was gay, you're going to be the gay police and make sure she doesn't go kissing on any fellows?
Leo: I'm going to try her on her cell phone.
Greenlee: Fine. Whatever blows up your balloon. Make passionate love to me, rescue 16-year-old lesbian from the arms of a high school Romeo.
Leo: Come on, Greenlee. Damn it.

Marcus: Hey.

[Bianca giggles]

Marcus: You got tense.
Bianca: Did I?
Marcus: Totally. Usually after that much to drink --
Bianca: I'm sorry. I didn't get tense, ok? I didn't get tense. We'll try again, ok?
Marcus: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Are you --
Bianca: What?
Marcus: A virgin?
Bianca: Oh. Uh -- not exactly. Why, are you?
Marcus: You're kidding, right?
Bianca: Well, I wasn't, but ok.
Marcus: What do you mean, not exactly? You're either a virgin or you're not. It's pretty black and white, don't you think?
Bianca: It depends.
Marcus: Depends? Depends on what?

[Bianca groans]

Marcus: Don't be embarrassed. It'll be ok. We'll go slow. And I -- I know what feels good and I know what I'm doing. Now, is there anything special you like? I watch a lot of X-rated movies and --

Tad: I want to forget. I really do. Unfortunately, I've got this image burning a hole through the middle of my brain of that skunk David Hayward standing in the middle of my living room, where I play with my kids, in a house I call my home, where I live with the woman I call my wife, who is standing in the middle of the living room kissing another man. I would stop it if I could, Honey, but I'm sorry, it's -- it's on a continuous loop. Maybe I'm a masochist. I don't know. I just feel like such a jerk. It's not like I didn't see this thing coming, you know? I told you over and over again. He's been staring at you like you were some kind of snack for weeks. The real kicker is I -- I thought we were doing great. I never once worried about you in any of it. You know, I trusted you.
Dixie: You can trust me, Tad, always. You can trust me.
Tad: Is there something I'm not giving you that you want?
Dixie: No.
Tad: You can tell me. I mean, is there some need that I'm not fulfilling?
Dixie: No, no, you're everything that I want. Please don't go down that road. You're everything that I need. I love only you. Please, please believe that. Honey, I don't know what I would do without you. Don't you know that? Don't you know me?

David: I'm sure the last thing you all expected me to say was that I'm sorry.
Jake: You've got that right.
David: Well, I am, deeply. I haven't been a very good partner to you, Alex, and that's not fair to you or to the foundation. Now, that is definitely going to change. But what I did to you, Jake, is worst of all, and I'm very sorry for what I've done and for all the trouble that I've caused you.
Jake: Is that why you filed a complaint against me?
David: That's why I've retracted it. I filed it in the heat of the moment and it was wrong, so I took it back, and I'm hoping to repair the damage.
Jake: It's really too bad that all this regret didn't surface, Dr. Hayward, when you threw the young pregnant teen out onto the street claiming to uphold hospital policy.
David: You're right. And all I can say in my defense is that I'm tired and that I've been pushing myself way too hard these days in my work. I haven't been feeling well lately and I'm really not functioning at the level that I need to succeed. So I've decided that I should take somewhat of a vacation.
Joe: Good idea, David.
David: Thank you for understanding, Joe. I'll make sure that all my patients are covered. So, Jake, can we put this behind us?
Jake: Not in my lifetime.

Ryan: Adam, crushing people really doesn't appeal to me.
Adam: Well, you'd better make an exception in Jake Martin's case. The drive to succeed has to come from your greatest passion. And I've watched you for a long time. I think your greatest passion is obviously Gillian.
Ryan: I really don't want to talk about Gillian.
Adam: Well, you stay on that path and you'll never succeed. The power behind your feelings for Gillian is what's going to make you a winner.
Ryan: How?
Adam: How? You wanted to kill Jake Martin when you just saw him in that little human-interest story a while ago, didn't you -- the local hero, didn't you? Well, unfortunately, killing him won't access your power. But blowing him out of the water will.
Ryan: What are you talking about here, Adam?
Adam: I'm talking about Jake Martin has the notoriety and he has the girl. Is that the rep you want next to your name out there -- loser?
Ryan: I am not going to lose to Jake Martin or anybody else. Do you got that, Adam?

[Bianca laughs]

Marcus: What is so funny?
Bianca: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I -- I can't explain, Marcus.
Marcus: You're whacked.
Bianca: You crack me up.
Marcus: You're whacked. The girls were right about you. You know, you're weird. You picked the right Halloween costume. You're an alien. You don't fit in anywhere.
Bianca: I -- I have to go.
Marcus: You can't walk.
Bianca: I'm fine.
Marcus: You're drunk.
Bianca: I'm fine.
Marcus: No, I will take you. I'll drive you.
Bianca: Don't touch me.
Marcus: Oh, what the hell.

Leo: You ok?
Bianca: Oh, Leo, I'm really, really glad to see you.
Marcus: Yeah, me, too. Look, she's all yours. She's twisted.
Leo: Dude, you are lucky to even know her.
Marcus: Whatever.

[Bianca groans]

Leo: Binks, you sure you're all right?

Bianca: No. Leo: Did he hurt you?
Bianca: No, no, no. I just -- I feel really sick, Leo.
Leo: Whoa.
Bianca: I know, I know I know.
Leo: How drunk are you?
Bianca: How many of you want to know?
Leo: Uh-oh.
Bianca: Oh, God. Oh, Leo, I think I'm going to barf. Oh, God!
Leo: I hate this part.

Adam: Well, well. Nothing like a little backbone to spice up the day.
Ryan: Why are you doing this to me, Adam?
Adam: Because I hate mediocrity. If you want to get back at Jake Martin and take back what is rightfully yours, you're going to need a plan.
Ryan: I -- I have a plan.
Adam: Really?
Ryan: But I need you to agree to something first. Now, can you have this incredible dream with Liza on the yacht in the middle of the biggest, most amazing party you have ever seen?
Adam: Perhaps.
Ryan: Good.
Adam: I assume you'll need to get Gillian and Jake Martin on that yacht. How do you propose to do that?
Ryan: You underestimate me, Adam. If you are as impressed as I expect you're going to be with my plan, then we'll talk about some investment opportunities that I'm going to put on the table.
Adam: All right.

Stuart: Oh.
Adam: Ah, Stuart. Ryan was just leaving.
Ryan: Hey, Stuart. Excellent evening, isn't it?
Stuart: Hmm.
Adam: What?

Stuart: Adam, what did you do to Ryan?

David: I don't know what more I can say, Jake. I regret what I did and --
Jake: And you make this public apology and you think that's going to take care of it? You claim that you're tired and you're overworked, and that gives you an excuse to run over me and everyone else in your path?
Dimitri: Could I throw in my two cents here? David has saved the lives of countless patients. Now he's admitting that he was out of line. Can't the benefit of the doubt come into play here?
Gillian: Dimitri, the man may be a genius, but he always has another agenda. And what he did to Jake was inexcusable.
Joe: All right, please, everybody. I think there's no secret that David and Jake don't care for each other very much, but I think David's apology is a start to, at the very least, a working civility. And I need that civility from both of you because you're both important members of the medical team here.
Dimitri: And it's not only the patients that will lose if you guys don't straighten out this rift. The Andrassy Foundation will suffer. We're just beginning to establish a solid reputation. If we have to move it or lose David, it's going to suffer.
Joe: I don't think that need happen.
Jake: And I don't think this man's contributions add up to his lousy behavior and his bad attitude. And that's where I stand.
Joe: Jake, who threw the first punch?
Gillian: It wasn't like that, Joe.
Jake: Yes, I threw the first punch.
Joe: Then I think it's very generous of David to drop charges. So, this whole incident is officially in the past. Am I understood?

Tad: You are everything in the world to me. And if we're in trouble, if we're having some kind of trouble, if you're having some kind of trouble with us, honey, you got to tell me now.
Dixie: There's no trouble. You and the kids -- you're all I need. That's why I told you about David, ok, and how weird it all was -- because I didn't want there to be this secret. That's why I told you.
Tad: Ok.
Dixie: Ok?
Tad: Yeah, ok. It was just one disgusting kiss, that's all. I mean, it's not the end of the world. You're sure it'll never happen again, and, you know, there's nothing else I need to worry about, is there? Dixie?
Dixie: One other time. There was one other kiss.

[Tad runs out of the house]

Dixie: Tad -- Tad --

Leo: Go slow. That's it, that's it.
Bianca: Oh. All I want to do is lie down.
Leo: You'll be able to do that in a minute. Now, just -- or now. Ok.
Bianca: Oh. When I lie down, everything starts spinning.
Leo: Still?
Bianca: Uh-huh. Oh, God. Oh, I'm a mess, Leo. Mess, mess, mess.
Leo: Bianca, what did Marcus do to you besides fill you full of booze?
Bianca: Rum. He carries a flask. Did you know that?
Leo: No, I didn't. But what did he do to you, I mean?
Bianca: I don't know. His usual moves, I guess. I don't really want to talk about it, ok?
Leo: Sure. That's fine. I just want you to drink a couple glasses of water first.
Bianca: Oh, no, I can't, I can't, Leo. I'm not --
Leo: You're going to feel much worse tomorrow if you don't, trust me.
Bianca: I do. You and my daddy. Oh, God. Daddy would hate to see me like this.
Leo: Yeah, which is why you're going to bed right after the water.
Bianca: Ok.
Leo: Ok, come on. Come on.
Bianca: Ok.
Leo: Upstairs. Let's go upstairs.

Erica: Don't move. Don't you dare take one more step.

Adam: Stuart, I didn't do anything to Ryan Lavery. He's just trying to decide whether he's ready to go out and conquer the world. Just as I did at his age.
Stuart: Oh, Adam.
Adam: What?
Stuart: I hope that's not true.

Joe: Let me encourage you to take all the time you need, David.
David: Thank you, Joe. I appreciate that. And I also appreciate you playing peacemaker today. I know that wasn't too easy for you.
Joe: No, no, it wasn't. And I hope I won't be asked to do it again.
Alex: So, you're going to continue working here at the hospital but you're not going to take any patients. Is that right?
David: Yeah, yeah. What I want to do is just keep bankers' hours for a while and work on my research. It'll be like being on a vacation.
Alex: You're not still involved with that medication for sexual dysfunction, are you?
David: Libidozone?
Alex: Yeah. I don't want any foundation funds going towards that drug trial.
David: Alex, I would never do anything that would jeopardize the foundation. You have to believe that.
Alex: All right. Yeah. Well, I wish you -- I wish you luck and I hope you get the rest you need. And thank you.

Dimitri: And that's the good news, right up to the minute.
Alex: Oh, did you tell them?
Dimitri: Yeah, I did.
Gillian: That's great. I'm so happy for you.
Alex: You know, Jake, David did change Dimitri's outcome. He does have his strengths -- considerable strengths.
Dimitri: And I want you to show up at Wildwind more often than not.
Gillian: Yes, yes, yes. We will, we will, I promise.
Dimitri: All right. Jake.
Jake: Congrats on a good bill of health.
Dimitri: Thank you.
Jake: Happy for you.
Alex: Bye.
Jake: Good seeing you both.
Gillian: Bye.

Jake: Gillian, I swear, this Hayward -- he lands on both feet. The guy comes across looking like a hero.
Gillian: I know, I know. He's up to something, but what? Jake: Well, whatever it is, I want to tell you --

Ryan: Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt.
Gillian: Hey, Ryan.
Ryan: Listen, your secretary told me where I could find you, Jake. I -- I need to talk to you about something, something we both care a lot about. You got a minute?

David's voice: I didn't come here to wreck your marriage. I meant what I said before. I'd die before I hurt you.

Tad's voice: I told him, Dixie. I told him. I told him right to his face in no uncertain terms to stay the hell away from you.

Dixie: My God. Tad's going to kill him.

Tad: Sorry I don't have an appointment. I was hoping you could squeeze me in.


Erica: I know exactly what happened between you and your girlfriend.

Gillian: You said you and I were over, and now you come up with this scheme?

Liza: You wanted David, and I think you still do.

David: She was no victim. She desired me as much as I desired her.

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