OCTOBER 12, 2000

Tad: Seriously, it'll be fantastic. All I'm saying is we should start out with a really, really delicious brunch and then see where that takes us.
Dixie: And all I'm saying is all I have time for is a quick bite --
Tad: No. No, no, no --
Dixie: And then I have to go back to work.
Tad: No, no, no quick bite. No good that is, Sweetheart. Look, I'm beginning to think you didn't miss me at all --
Dixie: I missed you, Yoda. I did. I missed you very, very much. It's just that I have a lot of work back at the office. And, besides, what's David going to say if he comes back from surgery and I'm not there?
Tad: Like I care. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, David can, you know, answer his own -- that's where you think he is -- in surgery?
Dixie: Yes, that's where he always is when he doesn't check in.
Tad: Yeah, well, not today, all right, because it seems to me he's busy schmoozing his girlfriend over there.
Dixie: Ex-girlfriend.
Tad: You sure about that?

David: The answer is the War of 1812.
Erica: What?
David: That's the answer to the question Blanca's being asked right now in her history class.
Erica: Oh. Well, it's her first day of school. I'm very concerned about how she's doing. I'm sorry. Was it that obvious?
David: Nah. Come on. You give 200% to whatever you take on, Erica. Right now it's Blanca's welfare.
Erica: "Right now"? For the rest of her life.
David: Blanca's very lucky. No one will possibly love her or care for her more than you do. Well, maybe not for the rest of her life. I'm sure when the time comes they'll be lining up around the block.
Erica: I'm sure they will. Well, I'm sure that you have to rush off to the hospital.
David: No. No, not today. I can stay as long as you want.
Erica: Well, I can't stay. I'm meeting Opal. Thank you, though, for being so supportive and helpful and convincing Bianca about school this morning.
David: I really didn't do anything, Erica. Blanca's very smart.
Erica: Yes, she is. And very soon everyone in pine valley's going to know it. Well, Opal is waiting.
David: Erica?
Erica: Yes?
David: Don't go.
Erica: Why should I stay?
David: Because I want you to. Erica, there's something that I need to tell you.

Bianca: You know, this is really amazing. I can't believe that I'm supposed to be stuck at school right now and instead I'm at the mall, totally free. I love it!
Rain: You're not going to wimp out, are you?
Bianca: No. Who needs homework and teachers and tests?
Rain: Exactly. I mean, who needs to hear about the crusades or the depression? This is real life.
Bianca: Right. Real life.
Rain: I'll give you a course in street arts. Look, you can check people out and get to know just how to read them, which is, like, exactly what you need if you want to be an actress or a painter or a writer.
Bianca: I really have no clue what I want to do.
Rain: Well, even if you totally sell out and start to, like, sell real estate, you need to know when people are full of it.
Bianca: Right. Cool. So, what do we do all day?
Rain: First we're going to score enough cash to check in the new Tom Cruise and treat ourselves to an extra-large nacho combo. Let me hear you say "please" with your hand out.
Bianca: We're going to panhandle?
Rain: Not if you look like that. You're way too Winona Ryder.
Bianca: Oh. I am?
Rain: Totally. Here. Put this on. Ahem.
Bianca: I -- I still don't really feel ready for this.
Rain: Oh, you're not. You're going to watch me a while. Just keep a lookout
for the rent-a-cops. Bianca: Ok.

Rain: Excuse me, Ma'am. I lost my wallet. Do you have a dollar so I could call my mom?
Woman: Just a second.
Rain: Thank you so much.

Edmund: Here you go.
Brooke: What happened?
Edmund: Oh, it's nothing. I just overdid it at the gym and a punching bag, you know.
Brooke: Did you have it X-rayed?
Edmund: I'm fine, Brooke. It's nothing. I don't want a lecture.
Brooke: Don't worry. I think taking your anger out on an inanimate object is not a bad idea.
Edmund: Hey.
Brooke: I just made a spectacle of myself at the community center.
Edmund: Eliot?
Brooke: I can't help it. I hate him. He's a coward. He comes here, and he turns my life upside down, and then he runs. I am going to make sure that he faces his responsibilities.
Edmund: What do you mean? How?
Brooke: Because he's -- he's planning to leave. He intends to leave. And I'm going to make sure that he doesn't.
Edmund: There's nothing you can do. Just let it go.
Brooke: Why should it be so easy for him?
Edmund: Maybe it's not, all right? But you still can't stop him from leaving.
Brooke: If he goes, what do I have? He took Laura away. What am I left with except my anger?

[Greenlee and Leo groan]

[Elevator music plays]

Greenlee: Don't give up!
Leo: Ow!
Greenlee: You're not trying hard enough!
Leo: I damn near blew my anatomy, Greenlee.
[Greenlee picks up the elevator phone]

Greenlee: Dead. Dead.
Leo: It was dead two minutes ago.
Greenlee: Well, it's still dead. Help! Help!
Leo: Would you --
Greenlee: Help!
Leo: Stop it! Quiet! Please, shut up. Obviously nobody's going to hear you.
Greenlee: Well, where is everybody? We have to get out of here, damn it.
Leo: Look at this.
Greenlee: What?
Leo: The ceiling panel.
Greenlee: Oh, my God. You can see the elevator shaft.
Leo: We can climb the cable out of here, just like they do in the movies.
Greenlee: All right, all right, let's just do it. Let's do it. We can get ahead of Wade. Go, go, go, go. Come on, come on. Good, good, good, good, good, good, good. Come on, go. Go, go, go. Keep going, keep going, keep going. Keep going. What's the problem? Come on! Leo -- what? What? What? You can't wimp out on me.
Leo: It's the cable, Greenlee.
Greenlee: What?
Leo: I saw it. That's why they -- that's why they closed the elevator. It's worse than the janitor said. The cable is shredded. We're literally hanging on by a few wires.

[Greenlee screams]

Leo: Shh, shh, shh. Stop. Not a move. Not a move. This cable will snap. Do you hear me?
Greenlee: It can't be as bad as that.
Leo: Shh! Shut up. Now, look, we have to be quiet and hold tight. The crew will be here in just a minute. Sit.
Greenlee: Ok. Ok. Yeah, we can do this.
Leo: That's better. Be all right.
Greenlee: I don't think I can take another second.
Leo: Please don't tell me you're claustrophobic.
Greenlee: It's that damned music -- it's making me nuts!
Leo: Yeah, well, ignore it.
Greenlee: Ignore it, right. Right, right. Right, ignore it.

[Greenlee screams]

Leo: Shh, shh, shh.
Leo: Did it work? You still freaking out?
Greenlee: I'd really love to kiss you, Leo, but -- but I really hate that music.

[Greenlee screams]

[Music stops]

Greenlee: This is it. This is it. We're going down, and I don't want to die.
Leo: At least the music stopped.
Greenlee: You're right. You're right. It did. Thank you, God.
Leo: At least our last moments will be peaceful, right?
Greenlee: Are you saying you think we're going to die on this elevator?
Leo: No, I was just trying to be funny.
Greenlee: Huh.
Leo: Come on, Greenlee. We've gotten out of tighter spots than this before. Come on, baby.
Greenlee: We have? Which?
Leo: Like when I saved you from certain ravishment from the pool boy. I got stabbed and lost pints of blood, remember?
Greenlee: Well, you didn't, but you did save me and you never let me forget it. Thank you, Leo, again.
Leo: Anytime.
Greenlee: But you're not going to be able to save me this time. We're just sitting here waiting to fall into the abyss.
Leo: It's seven or eight floors -- if there's a basement. Come on.
Greenlee: Do you think it'll happen like they say -- that our whole sad and misspent lives will flash before our eyes?
Leo: Come on, Greenlee. Our lives weren't sad or misspent. Come on, we're being entirely too hard on ourselves.
Greenlee: We are
Leo: Absolutely. Absolutely. I once volunteered at a soup kitchen.
Greenlee: But don't you wish you'd done some things differently?
Leo: Yeah. I wish I'd known my father. That's probably what I regret the most. You know, I wonder if we would've liked each other. How about you? What's your -- what's your biggest regret?
Greenlee: I always wanted a dog. My parents never let me have one. They thought I was incapable of caring for it. I guess my parents never really cared about me that much. I wish that maybe --
Leo: I had a dog. Name was Siegfried. He could actually tell the difference --
Greenlee: Could you just let me finish my regret before we go back to you?
Leo: I sort of interrupted you on purpose, Greenlee. You know, if I live and you die, I don't want to remember you sniveling about how your parents never loved you. Come on.
Greenlee: You're right. Thank you.
Leo: It's ok.
Greenlee: Yeah. Leo?
Leo: Yeah?
Greenlee: How would you remember me? If I died and you didn't, what would you think about me? And you can skip the beautiful and sexy part because that's a given and we don't have time. But what I really want to know is do you think I would have amounted to anything?
Leo: Greenlee, yes. Absolutely. You have it in you to be a remarkable person. You can make a difference in the world. All you need is somebody to bring it out in you. Like me, for instance.
Greenlee: You really mean that?
Leo: Yeah.
Greenlee: You're not just saying that because our lives are literally hanging by a thread?
Leo: Look at me in the eyes.
Greenlee: We really do understand each other, don't we, Leo?
Leo: There isn't anybody that I would rather die with.

David: We had a fight right before you left for Travis' funeral.
Erica: Yes, about Dimitri and the fact that you had withheld the information that he's alive. You certainly don't want to revisit that theme right now, do you?
David: No. But you were angry with me. And when Travis died, I wasn't sure that my sympathies would be accepted.
Erica: Of course they would.
David: Well, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I know that this is a loss not only to Bianca but also to you.
Erica: Thank you. At one point, Travis was very important in my life. But so much animosity had formed between us, and I do regret that we never got a chance to work through that.
David: It is very sad when things are left unsaid.
Erica: Well, luckily for us, you and I have said everything there is to say to each other and then some.
David: Have we really, Erica?
Erica: You're not serious?
David: No matter what happens to us, there's always something there that never disappears. And I can feel it right now.

Tad: He's playing hooky. Why can't you? No, seriously, you know what this seems like? Do you know what this seems like to me? Just when you get a husband who is advanced enough, you know, who's smart enough to prefer spending time with his incredibly fine wife rather than working, you know, I show up for the party and you don't appreciate it. What is that?
Dixie: You're right. You know, when you're right, you're right. Let's do it. Let's spend the morning together, ok?
Tad: Oh, baby. That's my girl. I love you. Let's make it a whole day. I got a great idea. No, wait, listen --
Dixie: Tad --
Tad: Wait. This is good, this is good. Let's rent the honeymoon suite. We're here.
Dixie: The honeymoon suite?
Tad: You know you want to. Come on, baby. It's got the oversized tub, right? Champagne, Jacuzzi, mirrors over the bed.
Dixie: Let's do it.
Tad: I love you. And I'm going to love you so much. You just wait right here. I'm going to go -- I'm going to get the key, ok? Don't move.
Dixie: I'm starving. What about brunch?
Tad: What about it? You know, we'll order room service. Have you seen yourself lately? I'm going to get busy.

Ricky: Ahem. Everybody's talking about you. Is it true?
Eliot: Yes, it's true.
Ricky: You got drunk and you ran over a kid and you were a cop, just like my old man?
Eliot: Yes.
Ricky: You went off on my dad for hitting me, and you are no better than he was. At least he never killed anybody.
Eliot: I fought with your dad because he was hurting you. I never said that I was better than him. As a matter of fact, I'm not. I'm holding a special service today to say good-bye to everyone, and then I will be leaving. You don't have to think about me anymore.
Ricky: But what am I going to do when you take off?
Eliot: You don't need me. You're living with Brooke now. Ricky, you're going to have the chance to experience Brooke's love. Take hold of that chance and make sure you know how blessed you are. Being loved by Brooke, I can -- I can tell you is a wonderful thing.

Brooke: No comment. There's nothing I can tell you about Rev. Freeman. I can't believe this.

Edmund: What, that the media's all over the story of Eliot's past?
Brooke: No, it's not that. I just found out that he's giving his final service at the good shepherd church today. He -- he really is running.
Edmund: Brooke, listen to me. He did his time, ok? He's free to go wherever he wants. Now, why do you even want him to stay?
Brooke: I want him to pay for what he did.
Edmund: He did in prison, according to the law.
Brooke: Is that any comfort to me? He comes here and he tears my heart out. How can I watch him leave and go on and start another life as if nothing had ever happened? You think that's justice?
Edmund: No. No, it's not. But this is not going to help you, you know. It's just going to keep the pain alive even longer.
Brooke: The pain is never, ever going to go away. But I can make sure that his never does, either.
Edmund: Brooke, what are you thinking about?
Brooke: I know what I'm going to do.
Edmund: Whatever you're doing, I'm doing it with you.

David: You can't deny the fact that our hearts beat faster when we're together.
Erica: But we're not together anymore, David. We were smart enough to end our relationship. Let's keep it that way.
David: Really? And were we smart when we made love on the desk in my office? We're not through yet, Erica, and you know it.
Erica: I have come to the conclusion that you are very bad for me, David, and that taking up with you again would be very dangerous for me.
David: And that's bad?
Era: Unfortunately, your timing is wrong. I have my daughter to think about. She is very vulnerable right now, and she needs me. But I thank you. I thank you very much for being so supportive this morning. It was very nice to have backup.
David: Sure.
Erica: Bye, David.
David: Bye.

Rain: Excuse me, ma'am, do you have a dollar so I can call home? Thank you.
Bianca: Wow. I can't believe it. Does it work every time?
Rain: Sure. You kidding? All those ladies go away feeling lucky. They're saying to themselves, like, "at least I know where my daughter is." Of course, God only knows where their daughters really are. So, you ready to solo?
Bianca: Oh -- I don't know. It's not like I'm scared or anything. It's just that --
Rain: Yeah, I get it. It's going to take a little longer for you. Look, first thing you got to do is forget you're Erica Kane's kid.

Woman: I thought you looked familiar. I'm Erica Kane's biggest fan. I clip everything, and I saw your picture in the paper.
Bianca: Yeah, right, like I'm Erica Kane's daughter. You know, she's telling me that all the time, like I'm some kind of clone or something. Would you stop saying that?
Rain: Yeah, she's Erica Kane's daughter, and my name's Chelsea. Vote for my mom if you're in New York.
Woman: Sorry. I guess the joke's on me.
Rain: Yeah. Come on.

Leo: I can't stand this. I can't just sit here and wait for this cable to snap.
Greenlee: What are you going to do?
Leo: I don't know. But I'll be back.

[Elevator creaks]

Greenlee: Leo -- Leo, careful. Leo --

Greenlee: Watch out.
Leo: Just hang in there, Greenlee.
Greenlee: You ok?

Dixie: David, hi.
David: Early lunch date?
Dixie: Yes, with Tad. If that's ok?
David: Well, I was hoping that we'd be able to finish that NIH grant application today.
Dixie: Oh. I'm -- I thought that was due next week.
David: I'm going to be very busy in the next few days, so if I don't do it now it's not going to get done.
Dixie: I'm sorry. I guess I forgot. I really thought that it was due at the end of next week.
David: No. Sorry. I guess your husband's going to have to take a rain check.
Tad: Au contraire, your MD-ness, because the weatherman just told me that the sun's going to be shining nice and brightly for Tad and Dixie's day off.
Dixie: Honey --
David: Actually, no. Dixie forgot that we have a deadline.
Tad: Well, like I said, it's just going to have to wait.
Dixie: Tad.
David: I'm sorry to inform you of this, Tad, but the foundation doesn't wait because you want to take your wife out to lunch.
Tad: The foundation can just take a couple aspirin and call us in the morning.
David: You obviously don't appreciate the importance that Dixie holds for the foundation.
Tad: Would you just knock it off. I don't know who you think you're fooling because it's obvious to me that whatever you do for a living wasn't important enough to keep you from fondling Erica all morning.
David: Whatever I do is irrelevant. It's the middle of the work day, and Dixie works for me.
Tad: Oh, yeah, so you get to keep her, right? Well, let's just be honest here, Doc, ok? What really happened? Erica tell you that she was too busy to play with you and now you're feeling a little lonely?

Erica: Oh, Opal!
Opal: Oh --
Erica and Opal: I'm sorry I'm late! You just got here, too?
Opal: Oh, I took the morning off at the Glamorama, but I just couldn't get away. The place was packed.
Erica: Oh.
Opal: I guess I'm just a victim of my own success, huh?
Erica: Well, then, you'll just take it out on your gold card right now.
Opal: Yes, you bet your granny's fanny I will. Now, where should we -- well, of course. What a silly question.
Erica and Opal: Shoes.
Opal: Yeah.
Erica: Oh, but, Opal, wait a minute. You know, the main reason for my being here at the mall is to buy Bianca a whole new fall wardrobe.
Opal: Well, yeah, but how can we do that? She isn't here.
Erica: Oh, well, I know her taste. I mean, if I like it, I know that Bianca will like -- I'm doing it again, aren't I, Opal?
Opal: Hmm. I got a news flash. The days of mother/daughter dressing for you and Bianca are over. She is 16. She is her own person now.
Erica: I know that. I keep hearing that everywhere, especially from Bianca. And I am trying very hard to be fair to her.
Opal: Well, trying too hard is what I would guess. Come here. You'd better sit down a minute. Now, you know that the most important ingredient for a good mama is love -- lots and lots of love. Now, you got that in spades.
Erica: Yes, I do. That's true, Opal. I certainly have a lot of love. I love Bianca more than anything in the world. And when she had that crisis with anorexia, I would have done anything for her to get better. Nothing else mattered than to see her well again. And I would have gladly given my own life for hers in a second.
Opal: I know that, Honey. And you know something? Bianca knows that, too.
Erica: You know, when she got well, you know I only wanted to please her. I lived to please her, you know. I would jump on a plane to take her from Seattle, whisk her to a premiere in Hollywood or a spa or horseback riding camp -- I mean, whatever -- whatever made her happy. And it was so wonderful to see her so full of life, and we had so much fun together. But now that she's well, Opal, I just -- I can't seem to do anything right.
Opal: Well, Honey, you are a full-time mama now. You know, it can't be just all fun and games. There's the day-to-day.
Erica: I realize that.
Opal: Do you? You came here to, what, buy her a whole new truckload of stuff?
Erica: Opal, I know that we can't be girlfriends. I mean, I realize that, you know, we're going to clash from time to time. I know my mother and I did. But what really drives me up a wall is that Bianca says I don't have a clue.
Opal: Well, what is the fight about?
Erica: It's just not that simple. I mean, we don't fight about curfews or long phone calls or anything. I -- I think something's missing between us, something basic.
Opal: Like what?
Erica: I wish I knew.

Eliot: Go, then, to live and enjoy the peace of the Lord.
Congregation: Praise be to God.
Eliot: Brothers and sisters, before you go, can I speak with everyone for just a few minutes? I -- I'm sure that everyone here has been hearing some sort of rumors about me, and, well, if you haven't, I'm sure you'll be reading about me in the newspapers soon enough. I -- I don't want to make excuses for myself. I would just like to let you know what the facts are. I committed a crime.

[Eliot pauses when he sees Brooke and Edmund come into the church]

Eliot: As a result of my actions, a little girl died.
Eliot: She died. A precious little girl is no longer with us because of my -- my reckless, criminal actions. No matter what I do with the rest of my days, there is no way that I can bring that life back or the future that died with her. I went to prison, and I served my term for vehicular manslaughter. It was there that I found my calling to the lord. But my sins didn't end when I was ordained or when I left Statesville Prison.
Brooke: I don't care if you are repentant. You -- you are the man who killed my daughter! I don't forgive you! I couldn't forgive you if I wanted to, and I don't!
Eliot: Please, for your own sake --
Brooke: I hope you agonize over what you did for the rest of your life!

Eliot: No. I haven't paid for my sins. You're right, Brooke. I am leaving you with an open wound that I caused. If I run away now, I'm a coward.

David: Well, I don't know why I should be surprised. You've always told me that your family comes first with you. I just didn't realize that when I excuse you from work it's to have fun with Tad.
Dixie: Just -- David. Come on. I always get my work done, don't I? I've never disappointed you, have I?
David: No, certainly not.
Dixie: Ok. Well, then, that grant will be on your desk first thing Monday morning, unless you really want to do it now, and then let's go.
David: No. By all means, spend the day with your husband.

Tad: I'm sorry, ok? Forgive me. It's just he -- he does it to me, you know? You're not going to hold this against me for the whole day, are you?
Dixie: No, you're right. You're absolutely right. You know, he didn't get what he wanted with Erica, so he decided to try and ruin our day.
Tad: Yeah. What a Shmen.
Dixie: He's a brat. He's not used to this, you know. He usually gets what he wants.
Tad: Yeah, well, I'll tell you what. Let's -- let's not talk about David anymore because you know what?
Dixie: What?
Tad: We have the key to the honeymoon suite for as long as we want it.
Dixie: Baby, you got what I want. You know what I'm saying?
Tad: Come on.
[Dixie laughs]

Erica: Opal, I just feel that she's withholding something from me, something -- something important.
Opal: Well, Honey, she's going to keep secrets. She's a teenager. Don't take that personally.
Erica: Yeah, but what if it is something really important, I mean, something that I should be helping her with or advising her on?
Opal: Erica, I just want to tell you, you are so close now that you're suffocating her. I mean, the poor thing has only been living with you for, what, a very short time. And then her daddy up and dies on her. She's trying to build a whole new life here in pine valley. That's a lot. Just let her be, Honey. You two will settle in to your -- some kind of a normal routine, and then you'll start to get clues as to what she's all about.
Erica: Well, I do have a clue.
Opal: Oh, yeah?
Erica: I think that something happened to her when she was in rehab, that she met someone who broke her heart.
Opal: Oh. Oh, first case of a romance gone south. Boy, I know that one can hurt like the dickens. But, you know, it is part of being 16.
Erica: But, Opal, the thing is that it's not the same as when we were 16. I mean, now the world is really dangerous for kids out there. I mean, what if -- what if some boy really hurt her and she feels she can't tell me? And what if she doesn't think enough of me to even allow me to put my arms around her and hold her and comfort her?
Opal: Erica, Erica, Honey -- don't do this to yourself. I won't let you. The world has always been dangerous, and mamas have always feared the worst. It's part of the job. But you've got to remember, Erica, that Bianca is a good kid. And if she's in any real trouble, you'll know about it.
Erica: Well, I think that's true, but --
Opal: Yeah. I mean, didn't the two of you have it out about whether she was going to go back to school, and didn't she see the light in the end?
Erica: That's true, she did.
Opal: Mm-hmm, yeah.
Erica: She did finally see that it was the best thing for her to finish high school, and that was a really important step for Bianca.
Opal: See? Now you're talking like a proud mama.
Erica: I am proud of her. I am so proud of her. And I am going to buy her a whole new fall wardrobe.
Opal: I knew you'd find a reason.
Erica: No, no, I really mean it. We actually saw a jacket together in a magazine. Well, she picked it out. She just loved it. And I think I know we can get it right over there. It's very Winona Ryder.
Opal: Oh, yeah? Well, then, let's go hunt it down.

Rain: Toys.
Bianca: Ok. How do I look? I want to see you in yours. Awesome.
Rain: This good?
Bianca: Very cool.

[Elevator creaks]

Greenlee: Easy, easy, easy.
Leo: Hold me, hold me.
Greenlee: Ok.
Leo: All right. All right, all right, all right. Ok. There's a ladder fastened to the wall up there. You can reach it by climbing the rope.
Greenlee: My least favorite thing in gym class.
Leo: Greenlee, you weren't facing death or dismemberment then, ok?
Greenlee: No, just utter humiliation. Ok, ok, ok, I'll just do it. I'll do my best.
Leo: Ok. Now go. I'll give you a boost.
Greenlee: I don't want to leave you behind.
Leo: Come on. I know. We don't have time for this. Please. The cable's about to snap. Please.
Greenlee: We have to get through this, Leo, because --
Leo: Exactly, exactly. Ok? Let's do it one after the other. One after the other one. Come on.
Greenlee: Ok.
Leo: Go.
Greenlee: Ok.
Leo: Go, go, go.
Greenlee: All right, you got me?
Leo: Yep, yep, I got you.

[Greenlee groans]

Greenlee: Leo. Leo.

Eliot: I realize now that I have to take responsibility for my actions. And maybe in doing that it will help others to heal. I'll be here Sunday morning. I hope to see some of you to share in the blessings and the responsibilities that the good lord has given us all. Thank you.

Ricky: I'm glad you're staying.

Edmund: You all right, Brooke?
Brooke: I'm ok. I need to pick up Jamie and then make sure Ricky's ok.
Edmund: Call me if you need me, ok?
Brooke: I don't know what I need anymore.

Rain: See? Isn't this much better than being locked up in a classroom, inhaling chalk dust?
Bianca: Way better.

Opal: I think we did very well.

Bianca: Come on, come on.
Rain: What? What is it?
Bianca: Look. It's my mother.

Leo: Greenlee, are you at the ladder?
Greenlee: Yes, I'm on the ladder!
Leo: All right, all right. Hold on tight. I'm on my way up.
Greenlee: I am.

[Elevator creaks]

Greenlee: Leo -- Leo, hurry up. The cable's snapping. Leo!


Rain: My friend and I are collecting money for the runaways at the community center.

Greenlee: Leo's in there. Didn't you get him out?
Fireman: We're working as fast as we can.

Dimitri: I love you, always.

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