OCTOBER 4, 2000

Gillian: Ryan, you don't understand.
Ryan: You were supposed to tell Jake that you're leaving him. I was here waiting for you.
Gillian: Oh -- no, this is not what you think, ok? You don't understand this.
Ryan: All right, well, you chose to be with Jake. You spent the night with him. What exactly do I not understand, Gillian?
Gillian: I haven't reunited with Jake.
Ryan: You haven't reunited -- so, what does that mean, that you didn't sleep with him last night?
Gillian: Ryan, Jake needed me last night. His injury hasn't healed yet. How could I just walk out on him if he's hurting so much?
Ryan: His father is a doctor. His mother is a nurse.
Gillian: He's my husband, Ryan.
Ryan: He's your husband.
Gillian: Damn it, can't you just please try to understand?
Ryan: Gillian, I have done nothing but understand.
Gillian: I've been trying to tell Jake.
Ryan: But you haven't, have you? You haven't told him yet.
Gillian: I couldn't, Ryan.
Ryan: So -- then please answer the question. Gillian, did you sleep with him last night? Did you make love with him?

Woodruff: I haven't seen a place this seedy since I was in the service.
Leo: That's why I called. I don't like Greenlee living here, but she insists that she'd rather be living here than in San Diego with her parents.
Woodruff: Oh, it's a bluff. She won't last a week in this dive.
Leo: No, no, no. She's determined. And you know Greenlee when she sets her mind to something.
Woodruff: Well, maybe this will teach her a lesson. Greenlee always takes a lot for granted, you know. Especially her grandmother and me.
Leo: Yeah, well, Greenlee may need a crash course in reality, Mr. Greenlee, but this place is a little bit too real. Not to mention dangerous.
Woodruff: Dangerous -- no. Cheap and tacky, maybe, but not dangerous.
Leo: You'd be surprised.

Woman: Hi, guys. Want to party?
Woodruff: Oh -- no. No. No, thanks.
Woman: Oh, come on, Big Daddy. I got a room right over there.
Woodruff: Young lady, how old are you?
Woman: Oh, relax, Tiger. I'm legal.
Leo: We're not interested, all right?
Woman: Your loss.

Woodruff: Does the hotel manager know what's going on here?
Leo: You kidding me? He's probably in on it.

Man: Donations for wine research.
Woodruff: Oh, no, no -- do you know which room is hers?
Leo: Look, beat it, all right? It's right over this way, Sir.
Man: You look like a gentleman. Too good for your rude boyfriend.
Woodruff: He is not my boyfriend.
Man: Whatever. I -- you know, I never saw a thing, pal.
Woodruff: Here, here. Go. There, just -- just leave us.

Woman: Hey, man, you need a fix? You need a fix? I got it. I got reds, I got whites, I got blues, reefer -- I'm real patriotic.
Woodruff: Get lost.

Greenlee: Leo.
Leo: Greenlee --
Greenlee: What are you doing here?
Leo: There's somebody here to see you, Honey.

[Greenlee gasps]

Greenlee: Gramps. Hi. I didn't expect you to come here.
Woodruff: Can I come in?
Greenlee: Well, now's not a good time. Why did you bring him here?
Leo: He was worried, Greenlee. Wanted to see you.
Greenlee: I'm fine. I don't need anyone's help.
Woodruff: My God -- what have we done to you?

Hayley: Hi. Hi.
Adam: Oh, hi.
Hayley: Just me.
Adam: Yeah.
Hayley: You were expecting somebody else?
Adam: No, no, no, not really. Come in, come in.
Hayley: Not even Liza?
Adam: Did you see her?
Hayley: No, no. Just a wild hunch.
Adam: Well, you know, the gardeners said they saw Liza and Colby on the grounds this morning, and I was hoping maybe they'd drop by.
Hayley: Dad, I don't think Liza's going to be dropping by anytime soon. I mean, not until you straighten out this mess you've made of your life.
Adam: I am trying --
Hayley: Trying isn't good enough. It's reality time. Your alcoholic wife is carrying your child. Doesn't get any more real than this.
Adam: This wasn't supposed to happen. I married Arlene to keep people away from me. Getting pregnant wasn't part of the deal.
Hayley: Dad, you did know that was a possibility, right?
Adam: I made a mistake.
Hayley: I'm not blaming you.
Adam: Stuart was dead. I thought that I was responsible for it.
Hayley: I understand that. If you were in your right mind, you wouldn't have married her in the first place.
Adam: So you're not here to say "I told you so"?
Hayley: No.
Adam: Good.
Hayley: I'm here because I have a solution.
Adam: You do?
Hayley: Yes. Dad -- Mateo and I want to adopt this baby.

Brooke: Officer. Collins, I realize that you're upset at losing custody of your son.
Hank: Upset?
Brooke: But you know better than anyone you cannot come into my home and threaten me.
Hank: Did I threaten you? Maybe I was driving by and I saw that your window was broken into and I came inside to investigate.
Brooke: You cut your hand on the window?
Hank: Huh. What do you know? You better hope I don't sue you.
Brooke: Look, I'm going to go in the kitchen and give you a couple of minutes to collect yourself d go. If you do that, if you leave now, I'll forget that this happened. I don't even care about the window.
Hank: You're doing me favors now after you take my kid, huh? I guess you got away with killing a man so you figure you can get away with kidnapping my son.
Brooke: Your son wasn't taken from you. He was removed from your custody by a court order.
Hank: Yeah. I had a great chance in that court. You and your friend the Rev. Freeman, huh, you had the judge in your pocket.
Brooke: You brought this on yourself.
Hank: Shut up. You don't know me.
Brooke: I know that you physically abused your son.
Hank: Where do you get off judging me, huh? You're in my court now. I'm the judge, and you're going to pay.
Hank: How do you think it felt to have my son taken away, huh? I'm already on suspension. What was I supposed to tell my boss?
Brooke: Maybe you should've thought of that before you beat up your son.
Hank: Still all high and mighty, aren't you? Do you know what it's like to raise a boy, huh? To keep him on the straight and narrow? To make a man out of him?
Brooke: I have a son.
Hank: So, what, now you're telling me that you can be a better father than me? Huh? Or that your friend the Reverend would make a better father than me? Don't make me laugh.
Brooke: It's not what I'm saying. That is your twisted logic. You just want to blame me. You want to blame the court. You want to blame somebody. You're the one who's to blame. Your son is afraid of you.
Hank: You turned him against me.
Brooke: I had nothing to do with it. It was your fist that did the talking.
Hank: Shut up! Just shut up.
Hank: I guess you know what it's like to have a kid taken away from you, huh? Your daughter was killed a little while ago, wasn't she?
Brooke: How dare you compare the two.
Hank: Yeah, right. I remember the case. It was a drunk driver, wasn't it?
Brooke: Get out.
Hank: Yeah, the guy was on the force, right? Cop was on the sauce. What was his name? Josh. Yeah, that's right. Waleski. I got a thing with names. Josh Waleski --
Brooke: Get out!
Hank: A police officer kills your daughter. What a coincidence. I guess you could say that the law took away your kid, too, huh?
Brooke: You sick bastard.

Jake: Hi.
Liza: Hi.
Jake: Hi -- wow, you look wonderful. Come on in.
Liza: Wow, so do you, considering --
Jake: Oh, thank you, thank you. What is this vision?
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Jake: My goodness, I barely recognize her.
Liza: Give Jake a hug. Jake: She has grown up so much.
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Jake: Oh, my.
Liza: I was so glad you called. I wanted to bring Colby over for a visit, but I wanted to give you some time, you know, so you could settle in.
Jake: Yeah, yeah. Well, thanks, thanks. And thanks for coming by, Liza. I really needed to see Colby.
Liza: I'm happy you wanted to see her.
Jake: Is she walking?
Liza: Oh, are you kidding? Put her down. Prepare to be amazed.
Jake: Really?
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Jake: Ok. Let's give it a try.
Liza: Go on. Show him how you walk around like a little --
Jake: Just look at her. Look at her.
Liza: Come here.
Jake: Look at -- she --
Liza: Come here to me.
Jake: I can't get over this. She's actually -- she's beautiful, Liza.
Liza: Yeah, she is.
Jake: She is so beautiful. Does she still remember me?
Liza: Are you kidding? Let's not give her an opportunity to forget you. How are you doing? How's your back?
Jake: Well, let's just say I'm not going to be playing hoops anytime soon, but -- Liza, there was nerve damage. So I just have to take it easy and let it heal and repair itself, that kind of thing.
Liza: Will it?
Jake: Yeah, yeah, I sure hope so. So, what about you? I understand that you've been through quite a bit.
Liza: Well, life's never dull with Adam Chandler in it.

[Colby fusses]

Liza: What, baby?
Jake: Oh, my. Is he? Still in it?
Liza: Well, I don't exactly know for sure. Will you -- will you be working at the hospital when you -- you know, when you heal and you're up and at 'em?
Jake: Yeah -- oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, Dad said I can come by whenever I want, you know.
Liza: Well, we missed you.
Jake: I was gone a very long time. Life just kind of went on without me.
Liza: Are you talking about Gillian?

Gillian Ryan, please, please, don't push this.
Ryan: Then why don't you just answer the question, Gillian?
Gillian: Jake was in a horrible place last night. It wasn't the right time to ask him for a divorce.
Ryan: So you thought that by sleeping with him it would make him feel better?
Gillian: Ryan, it wasn't planned.
Ryan: So you did. You slept with him.
Gillian: No, not like that.
Ryan: Not like that? "Not like that" what? You didn't have sex with him?
Gillian: No, we didn't.
Ryan: Ok, but -- you still -- you didn't tell him that you want to leave him.
Gillian: No.
Ryan: Why not, Gillian? Why not? I mean, what are you -- what is Jake thinking? I mean, you won't make love with him, right? This is what's happening, right?
Gillian: Ryan, please, please, I don't want to talk about this.
Ryan: You can talk to me, Gillian. We love each other --
Gillian: Ryan, just please let it go, ok? Just let it go.
Ryan: If you're asking me to let you go, Gillian, I'm sorry, I just can't do that. I just --
Gillian: You're going to have to let it go, Ryan. Ok? There are complications.
Ryan: Complications -- with what? With what? With his injury? Oh, my God. Jake can't make love.

Adam: But you're young and healthy you and Mateo can have children of your own.
Hayley: And we will.
Adam: But you want to adopt Arlene's baby?
Hayley: Dad, I don't think any child should grow up the way I did. What Mateo and I can provide is a stable and warm, affectionate household. We will love this baby with all our hearts.
Adam: You're serious about this.
Hayley: Yes. We've talked about it. This is something we want to do.
Adam: Mateo wants to adopt a child of mine?
Hayley: It was his idea. On one condition -- we will not be glorified babysitters. We want full custody. You and Arlene will have to relinquish all claims and parental rights.
Adam: I don't know -- to sign away a child of mine? I -- I --
Hayley: Dad? Think about this. You were ready to let Arlene walk out the door with the baby, never to be seen from again.
Adam: I was hysterical. You made me see that I could never do that.
Hayley: Her drinking problem is not going to go away.
Adam: Once Liza and I are back together, we can raise this child along with Colby. We'll be a real family.
Hayley: And if that's not what Liza wants?
Adam: She will.
Hayley: I'm not so sure about that, Dad. That's a lot to ask for Liza. I mean, having Arlene's child -- you are this close to getting her back. That baby will just push her away. Is that a gamble you're willing to take?

Woodruff: What happened to your eye?
Greenlee: Oh, oh, this? Oh, it's nothing. I was just next door helping out a friend. She got into a dispute with her pimp -- uh, manager.
Woodruff: That's it. You're leaving.
Greenlee: And going where?
Woodruff: Anywhere but --
Greenlee: Not back to California.
Woodruff: Well, anywhere but here.
Greenlee: Well, here is all I can afford.
Woodruff: Look, it's -- it's disgraceful. It's dangerous. Those -- those people are lewd.
Leo: That's exactly what I've been trying to tell her, Mr. Greenlee. Come on, Honey, please -- please, just listen to your grandfather.
Greenlee: Oh, you know what? You guys are just being snobs. The people here are just colorful. This place isn't so bad -- when the toilet isn't leaking.
Woodruff: You're out of here.
Greenlee: And where am I supposed to go? Gram won't let me move back in with you. And I swear, I'm not going back to California.
Woodruff: All right. All right. I'll help you out one more time. I'll arrange for you to have a room at the Valley Inn and a small stipend to meet your living expenses.
Greenlee: Thanks, Grandpa!
Woodruff: I could never forgive myself if something happened to you because you're -- you're just as stubborn as I am. All right, now, start packing. I want you out of here pronto.
Greenlee: I will. And thank you, Gramps. I swear, I won't say anything.
Woodruff: You better not, or I'll be in the room next to yours. All right, will you stay here, make sure she gets out safely?
Leo: Oh, yeah, absolutely, sir. Of course.
Greenlee: Thank you, Son. Thank you. You're a good friend.
Leo: My pleasure.

Greenlee: That was awesome! Where did you get those colorful people?
Leo: Drama students at PVU. Struggling actors. Figured they could use a few extra bucks.
Greenlee: Oh, may they all become famous and win an Oscar. I can't believe you did this for me. You know what? Gramps is right. You're the best friend I ever had.

Ryan: I'm right, aren't I? Jake --
Gillian: Ryan, please don't tell anybody. Jake wouldn't want anybody to know. He almost didn't even want to tell me.
Ryan: Oh, my God. So, what, the gunshot -- the bullet --
Gillian: There was damage to the nerves in his spine, and we don't know yet how permanent this will be. Do you understand? Do you understand why I couldn't leave him last night?
Ryan: Gillian, what did he say?
Gillian: He said that he -- he loves me too much to stand in the way of my happiness.
Ryan: Well, then, it's over. Gillian, he's released you.

Hank: So, whatever happened to this guy, Officer Josh?
Brooke: He was put away.
Hank: Good old Statesville prison. So, did it make you sleep any better knowing that the guy that killed your daughter was safely behind bars and that justice was served? Or do you still wish him dead?
Brooke: What do you want from me?
Hank: I want my kid back. And I want you to go and tell the judge that you were wrong about me. Got that? Dead wrong. Oh!
Hank: Come here.
Eliot: Brooke! Brooke!
Brooke: Eliot -- oh, my -- stop!
Brooke: Eliot, Eliot --
Brooke: Eliot, Eliot -- don't. Don't.

Eliot: Brooke, are you ok?

Adam: Honey, I think you're underestimating Liza's ability to handle a difficult situation.
Hayley: Oh. Well, what was Liza's reaction when you told her Arlene was pregnant?
Adam: Well, I didn't have a chance to prepare her. She heard in the worst possible way.
Hayley: So, in other words, she was furious.
Adam: Yes. But once she's had a chance to get used to it and -- and adjust to the idea, I'm sure she'll be able to accept this baby as her own.
Hayley: Liza's a wonderful mother and a very caring person, but accepting this baby will be a constant reminder to her of your relationship with Arlene, a woman she loathes! I know what that can do to you. It can tear you apart.
Adam: But you and Mateo worked it out with Raquel.
Hayley: Raquel isn't a hopeless alcoholic.
Adam: What -- what if you and Mateo raised the baby for a while but didn't adopt him -- or it -- and so Liza and I could get used to the idea?
Hayley: Well, that sounds perfectly healthy. No, Dad, we either take full custody at the beginning or not at all.
Adam: Well, if you and Mateo adopt this child, this -- your brother or sister -- where does that leave me?
Hayley: You would have to be satisfied being the baby's grandfather.

Jake: So, Liza, I left the country and I walked out on Gillian without saying good-bye.
Liza: Well, you needed time to think.
Jake: And I don't blame her for whatever happened while I was away.
Liza: But you're back. You start over.
Jake: So you're saying I should just pretend it didn't happen?

[Colby fusses]

Jake: I wish I could. Hey --
Liza: Gillian cares for you, Jake.
Jake: Yeah. She's an amazing woman.
Liza: You still love her, don't you?
Jake: More than ever.
Liza: And have you told her that?
Jake: She knows.

Gillian: Jake was in so much pain last night. I could see it in his eyes. But he's too proud, you see, and that's why he pushed me away because -- because he's ashamed and he doesn't want me to pity him.
Ryan: Do you pity him?
Gillian: No, no. I could never do that.
Ryan: Well, then, listen to him. Please, Gillian, listen to him. He knows what he's talking about. He's letting you go with his eyes wide open. Gillian, please, this is our chance. We've got to take this chance.
Gillian: Well, what about Jake, then?
Ryan: I feel horrible for Jake and I pray for a full recovery, of course, but you can't feel responsible. Gillian, you can't give up your life -- you can't give up our life together.
Gillian: God, I just -- I wish -- I wish it was as simple as that, Ryan. I made promises to Jake.
Ryan: I understand that, but he's giving you permission to break those promises.
Gillian: I can't, Ryan. I can't. I can't just walk out on him now.

Greenlee: Thank God I won't have to stay in this creepy place another minute. That was so brilliant, using out-of-work actors.
Leo: Yes, well, it was nice to finally be able to use the skills that Vanessa taught me.
Greenlee: You really believe I'm worth all this?
Leo: Greenlee, are we about to have a self-effacing moment?
Greenlee: Ah, serious, Leo. Why did you do this for me?
Leo: High entertainment factor. I don't know. I love a good caper. Well-produced, of course.
Greenlee: That's the only reason?
Leo: Well, isn't that enough? I love helping very rich people spend their money. You saw how relieved and deeply grateful your grandfather was when he left here. And plus I get to keep eating for free on your credit line at the Valley Inn.
Greenlee: That's not it. Stop talking like a con artist.
Leo: Well, at least you see me as an artist now. That's progress, right?
Greenlee: I see you as --
Leo: You see me as what, Greenlee?
Greenlee: A true friend.
Leo: Ah, yes, well, we did agree to keep it at that, didn't we? Keeps everything much less messy, right?
Greenlee: What did you think I was going to say?
Leo: Oh, I don't know -- that I was devilishly clever with boyish charm, with the cunning of a much older and wiser scoundrel? You know, my mother always said that mooching was a lost skill that takes great finesse and years and years of practice.
Greenlee: Like you care what Vanessa thinks. You didn't do this to show off.
Leo: I didn't?
Greenlee: No. After everything I've done to you, why did you pull out the stops for me again?
Leo: You're habit-forming, Greenlee.
Greenlee: Leo!
Leo: Friends go the distance for friends, right?
Greenlee: I wouldn't know. You're the only real friend that I've ever had. Most girls hate me on sight because I'm much more attractive than they'd ever hope to be.
Leo: Oh, poor Greenlee. I suppose having all that money is a terrible liability also, right?
Greenlee: It is! Ah! Can't you be serious for just one minute?
Leo: I am being serious. I have been serious for weeks. But you've been too busy flirting with disaster to even notice.
Greenlee: Oh. You told me to stay away from Wade, and I didn't listen. You told me to give up on Ryan, and I didn't listen. You could've bailed on me, and you would've had good reason.
Leo: I couldn't let you leave Pine Valley. Yeah, I -- you're right -- you can be a royal pain in the butt sometimes, but -- I don't know -- I guess I'm getting used to it. I just couldn't see myself living here without you.

Singer: I'm living lost inside of you that's exactly where I want to be hmm
Girl, finally I'm lost you give meaning to my life it's the way you've always loved me and when I look into your eyes I see the man I really want to be
living lost inside a dream a dream that just came true I'm living lost inside of you
'cause when I look into your eyes I see the man I really want to be
living lost inside a dream a dream that just came true I'm living lost inside of you living lost inside a dream a dream that just came true
I'm living lost inside of you

Ryan: So you can't walk out on a man that walked out on you, a man that knowingly put himself in the middle of a war zone?
Gillian: So I should just turn my back on him, Ryan? I can't do that.
Ryan: But you can turn your back on me?
Gillian: I'm not turning my back on you. I just want us to start off on a fresh step so that we don't feel like we crushed Jake to be together.
Ryan: Gillian, you're still talking like this is your fault. It's not your fault.
Gillian: Ryan, I don't expect any of this to make any sense to you. I'm just telling you that I can't walk out on Jake now because -- because for the rest of my life, I'll -- I'm --
Ryan: Ok, ok, listen -- what happens if you do help him through this, if you do help him through his difficulty? What then? What, are you going to all of a sudden say that your work is done, see you later, have a nice life? Are you going to feel any better about this then?
Gillian: I don't know.
Ryan: Well, then, please -- please, Gillian, stop it now. Stop it, please. Open your eyes and realize -- realize what you're doing before it's too late.

Eliot: Did he hurt you?
Brooke: He scared me.
Eliot: But there was blood.
Brooke: He cut his -- his hand on the window. Are you all right?
Eliot: I'm ok, I'm ok. I'm more worried about you. How long ago did he get here?
Brooke: Seems like he's been here forever. Thank God you got here when you did.
Eliot: Brooke, shh -- come on, it's ok. It's ok. Look, I come over here to talk to you about something. It can wait.

[Hank applauds]

Hank: Nice show, Rev! You know, you almost had me believing in that man of God stuff.
Eliot: Shut your filthy mouth.
Hank: Or what, you going to shut it for me?
Brooke: I'm calling the police.
Eliot: There's no need.
Hank: What, old home week been canceled?
Brooke: You're a dangerous man, you know that? You should be in jail.
Hank: What, you lock up my -- you steal my kid, and now you want to lock me up, too?
Brooke: You need help.
Hank: No, I think it's you that needs help. And don't expect it from this guy here, the good and pious Rev. Freeman.
Eliot: Give it a rest.
Hank: Or what, huh? You took your best shot. Well, here I am. Too bad.
Brooke: You know what? You are not fit to be a father, and you're not fit to be a police officer, either.
Hank: Oh, you mean like your friend Rev. Freeman here? Is he fit to be a police officer?
Brooke: What is he talking about?
Eliot: Ignore him.
Hank: For God's sakes, lady, wake up. Your boyfriend ain't who he pretends to be. You know, you get a new face, pretty white collar, a nice new hairdo, but it still doesn't change what's on the inside. You'll be that till the day you die -- a murderer.

Adam: I know you'd like an answer right away, but this is a difficult question.
Hayley: No, take all the time you need.
Adam: I don't think time is going to make any difference. It's one thing to have a child out there somewhere in the world that you never see and never touch. But to have one that you see every day and know that you can't be a part of that child's life -- that's what I was preparing to do with Colby, and it was killing me. That's why I was drinking so much.
Hayley: Dad, I understand. I understand that kind of pain. I understand the need to disconnect your soul from the sadness in your life. That's why I'm doing this. I'm not trying to give you more grief. I'm just trying to bring us all a little happiness.
Adam: Maybe I'm not as worthy of being a parent any more than Arlene is.
Hayley: Dad, you've been to hell and back. Don't you think it's time that you have a little happiness in your life? I want that for you. Uncle Stuart wants that for you. Don't you want that?
Adam: Yeah.
Hayley: What would bring you happiness? What is the one thing you want more than anything else?
Adam: Oh, well, that's easy. I want Liza and Colby back in my life.
Hayley: Well, now, what's the one obstacle standing in your way? Dad, I'm not -- I'm not asking you to give the baby to strangers. I -- Mateo and I -- well, we've been wanting a baby for just the longest time. And we'll be good parents, I promise.
Adam: I have no doubt about that.
Hayley: Then let us do this. Not just for you or for us. Let us do this for the baby.
Adam: All right. If it means getting Liza and Colby back in my life, I'll be a grandfather to Arlene's baby.

Liza: Oh, I'm so sorry for the mess. We seem to travel en masse these days.
Jake: Liza, don't worry. I think it's safe to say that this living room has seen much worse.
Liza: Oh.
Jake: And thanks. I'm really, really glad that the two of you stopped by to see me today.
Liza: Oh. Well, Colby had a wonderful time. Look at her. She's relaxed. She's tired.
Jake: Yeah, well, I'm relaxed. It's great holding her.
Liza: Yeah.
Jake: Yeah. And you -- I mean, I can't even get over how you keep up with all of this.
Liza: Oh, well, it's toddler aerobics. You know, you --
Jake: Oh, really?
Liza: Yes, you think she's done some damage here? You should see her at WRCW. She can demolish my office in no time. So if you're watching TV this afternoon, everything goes to black, you know it's not your reception.

[Jake laughs]

Liza: Come here, Pumpkin.
Jake: Here, Mom. Here, Mom.
Liza: Hi, Baby.
Jake: It felt really good holding her.
Liza: Yeah.
Jake: Thank you for letting her back into my life.
Liza: You will always be in Colby's life. We wouldn't have it any other way. Don't be a stranger, ok?
Jake: Thanks. All right. Thanks for coming by.
Liza: You got it.
Jake: Bye.
Liza: You say bye-bye? You say bye-bye? Bye. Going bye-bye.

Gillian: Ryan, I've told you what the problem is, and I'm asking you again -- please trust me.
Ryan: You're asking me to live without you.
Gillian: Just for a while.
Ryan: You don't know that, Gillian.
Gillian: Ryan, I know that I love you.
Ryan: But you're still going to be with Jake. And when I think of the two of you together --
Gillian: Ryan -- Ryan --

Brooke: Please tell me what he's talking about.
Hank: You really want to know?
Eliot shut up. Brooke, I have been wanting to tell you this ever since I came to town, but I didn't think that I had the right. But after what you said to me at the courtroom --
Hank: Tell her, Freeman. Tell her who you really are.
Brooke: What is he saying?
Hank: Go ahead. Tell her your name.

Eliot: Josh. Josh Waleski. I am -- I am the man who killed your daughter.


Eliot: I'm calling you about Brooke. She's in bad shape right now. She needs you.

Leo: You don't want me to leave here. I know you don't.

Hayley: You give up custody of that baby.

Liza: I'm working. No, I can't do this.
Adam: We've already wasted enough time. Come here.

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