OCTOBER 15, 1999

Ryan: Any word on Junior?
Mateo: No, I haven't heard anything. I actually just found out he was missing myself. You know, Adrian came by the club and told me.
Ryan: So you part of the search?
Mateo: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I will be. I just wanted to swing by and make sure everyone was all right.
Hayley: We're hanging in and just saying our prayers for Junior.
Mateo: Yeah. If you need anything, you know -- you can add my prayers to yours. Call me.
Hayley: Will you excuse me for a minute? Mateo? Don't go.

Scott: Look, I'll fax you over his photo and my direct line, ok? Just if anything clicks, please get a hold of me, ok? Thank you. Hello. Sorry to keep you on hold. Yeah. No, no, he goes by "Junior." Well, could you get the university security to do another sweep? I don't know, check the dorms or something. Yeah. You got the fax? Ok, cool. Well, if you find him, please, just -- he's been having a tough time. Take it easy on him, all right? Thank you.
Greenlee: Scott. Did they find your cousin?
Scott: Nope. Greenlee: I heard the buzz in the newsroom. It's horrible, that poor little guy out there all alone. Your Uncle Adam must be frantic.
Scott: Yeah, it's -- it's been a real tough night for everyone, especially Tad and Dixie.
Greenlee: Did you get any sleep? I figured no. Gran always says, "When the going gets rough, bring out refreshments." Here's your caffeine and some blueberry bagels from Orville's.
Scott: You bring me food, I give you what? What do you want from me, Greens?
Greenlee: Nothing. Well, that's not exactly true. I want to help you, Scott, however I can. If you'll let me.

Derek: My men have looked all around the boathouse. They've checked the boat. There's nothing.
Adam: You've looked everywhere and you fo
und no trace of him? Tad: Excuse me, sir? What -- what's going on? What is all this? Are you keeping people in or out?
Officer: Yeah, lt. Frye is who you want.
Dixie: I'm the missing boy's mother.
Officer: Sorry, ma'am.
Dixie: What's that supposed to mean? "I'm sorry" -- what's he mean by that?
Tad: I don't know. There's Derek.
Dixie: Derek? Did you find Junior? We came as soon as Adam called, but he wouldn't tell me anything over the phone. So what's going on? Where's Junior?
Derek: We searched the area around the boathouse --
Dixie: You're not answering my question. Where's my son?
Adam: Derek, let me. Let me. Dixie --
Dixie: What? Adam, come on. Would you tell me, please? I'm getting a little nervous here, ok? Just -- ok, just tell me Junior's safe.
Adam: Dixie, I've been talking to Derek. His -- his men need to check into one more thing.
Dixie: Adam, where is my son? Where is Junior?
Adam: Well, we don't know. It's -- it's about the boat.
Tad: What boat?
Adam: There is a rowboat -- an old rowboat that was tied here for a long time. They noticed it's gone. Just an oar floating around in the water. And they've looked and found the boat. It's out in the middle of the lake. It's capsized. They want to check into that.
Dixie: Adam, where is Junior?
Adam: They have absolutely no proof. It's pure theory and speculation at this point. They don't know. They -- they think -- they think possibly -- possibly -- Junior took the boat out.
Derek: Dixie, we want to drag the lake.
Dixie: You want drag the lake? Why?
Tad: Honey --
Dixie: No, I'm -- what, you think that he went out in that boat and drowned? That's -- that couldn't happen. That's not possible. He wouldn't do that. He knows better than that.
Adam: I didn't want to believe it, either.
Dixie: But you do. You think our son is drowned at the bottom of the lake.
Liza: Well, you know how Junior always liked to borrow a boat and go out on the lake.
Dixie: But he just -- he just wouldn't do that. He knows better than that. He wouldn't go without permission. Ok, look, even if he went out on the boat, he's a very strong swimmer.
Adam: Dixie, my men have combed the area. There is no sign of Junior anywhere between here and Wildwind estate.
Derek: And my people have come up with nothing except the overturned boat. The wood was rotting. It should have been scrapped a long time ago.
Adam: We don't know anything yet. And we won't know anything until Derek and his men go out there.
Dixie: I'm sorry, this is not happening. My son's life just doesn't end like this. I mean, he has debate on Tuesday. He has to mow the lawn this weekend -- he promised to. And just last week, he left a sign up in the kitchen that he and Jamie were going to the market, you know, and that they would be back at 5:00. And he was back at 5:00 Like he said. He said he'd back. He'd be back!
Tad: Dixie, sweetheart --
Dixie: You know, this is all your fault. You drove him away from us, from his family, who love him -- from me and Tad and Jamie. And now he is out there somewhere, god knows where, facing all sorts of dangers because you drove him away from home. It is a miracle that he's managed to live as long as he had with you for a father because you are the worst father that ever lived! But he will survive. He has a strong will to survive, and you can't beat it out of him. So go ahead and drag the lake if you want to. You won't find my son.
Junior: Mom? Are you ok?
Dixie: Baby -- oh, baby, baby, baby. Oh, God. Oh, sweetie.

Scott: Look, your sympathy is not going to find Junior, ok?
Greenlee: I don't do sympathy. It's passive and so not my nature. But I know what it's like to feel lost, like there's no one you can turn to. I mean, maybe that's how your cousin feels. You, too, maybe -- a little around the edges.
Scott: Well, all I can do is focus on what has to get done.
Greenlee: Make a list and give me half. I can make phone calls.
Scott: What, are you going to recruit your social contacts to pull a dragnet on the town?
Greenlee: Have beemers, will travel.
Scott: I don't think the cops need interference from the babe squad. But thanks. And forget me being a jerk, ok?
Greenlee: You're spooked. I understand.
Scott: Yeah, my Uncle Adam wants to call out the national guard to look for Junior.
Greenlee: Wow. I thought they only did that in the movies.
Scott: Nope. My uncle has a wonderful way of getting things done, which has its definite downside. Look, I have a real full day here, and Ryan has this tape he wants me to edit.
Greenlee: I can do video.
Scott: Yeah, video sexcapades.
Greenlee: I made the tape, but you kept it by your VCR. Now you're roomie's seen you and me in all of our X-rated glory, even though it was meant for your eyes only.
Scott: How did you know that Ryan saw the video?
Greenlee: I stopped by the loft. He said Becca put the wrong tape in the VCR. And saw us making love. I guess she was pretty upset.
Scott: I don't want to talk about Becca with you.
Greenlee: In other words, she was beyond upset. Ryan's a male of the species. He understands primitive urges, but Becca's got that backwater innocent thing going. I mean, watching barnyard critters is so "Bambi." But seeing two adults give in to animal lust just because it feels good -- and it did feel good, right?
Scott: I hate that you made that video. And I hate that Becca saw it, so just drop it, ok? But are you serious about helping me edit this tape?
Greenlee: Sure, as long as my face isn't on the cutting room floor.
Scott: No. It's an audition tape that Ryan wants to make for Hayley, only she doesn't know about it.

Mateo: What's up?
Hayley: I just wanted to make sure that you're ok.
Mateo: Yeah. You know, I -- I -- I came down here -- you know, I flew over here just on instinct. I didn't think that -- you know, I heard your brother was missing. We have to find him, so I thought you and me could --
Hayley: Not me and Ryan.
Mateo: You know, this is about Junior. I know how it feels. When Max was lost last winter, you know, in that snowstorm -- you don't want to think the worst, but your brain just takes you there.
Hayley: I know.
Mateo: And I know you love Junior.
Hayley: He's my baby brother, and he's lost and he's all alone out there and he's hurting.
Mateo: Yeah. You know, for what it's worth, I'll -- I'll be anything right now that -- that you need me to be. So name it.
Mateo: So you know where to reach me if you need me, right? Just --
Hayley: Thank you for coming by --
Mateo: Yeah.
Hayley: And for caring.

Ryan: They found him!
Janet: I'm so glad you called.
Hayley: They found Junior?
Ryan: Yes!
Janet: Hayley will be so happy to hear that.
Hayley: Are you serious? He's ok?
Ryan: Yes, not a scratch on him.
Hayley: Oh, thank God!
Janet: Liza, here's Hayley. Here.
Hayley: Thank you. Hi.
Janet: Look, I'm going to go tell the girls that Junior's ok.
Mateo: Yeah.
Janet: Will you stick around for a minute?
Mateo: Yeah, sure.
Hayley: Junior's really all right?
Liza: Yeah. He's pretty tired and he's shaken up, but physically he's fine.
Hayley: Oh. Adam must be over the moon. Can I talk to him?
Liza: Well, maybe I could call you later. He's going to wait and be with Junior.
Hayley: Liza, you sound funny. Is there something you're not saying?
Liza: I just don't think that the worst is over yet.
Hayley: Oh. Well, no doubt. I mean, Adam has a lot to answer for.
Liza: Yeah. I just wanted to call you and tell you that the search is off and Junior's fine, and I know that Adam and Dixie are grateful for your prayers and for going out there and doing everything you could -- all of you.
Hayley: Oh, yeah. Well, send everybody my love, and give Junior a giant hug from me, ok? Bye.
Mateo: Good news.
Hayley: The best.
Mateo: I'm glad everything worked out.
Ryan: Yeah, me, too. Well, now that this crisis is over, I should probably get to work.
Hayley: Yeah. Listen, thank you for all your help and everything.
Ryan: Thank whoever's upstairs listening. I'll call you later.
Hayley: Ok.
Ryan: See you.
Hayley: I think I'm going to head to a meeting, commune with my higher power.
Mateo: Ok.
Hayley: Thank you for everything.
Mateo: I didn't do anything.
Hayley: Yes, you did.

Janet: Amanda was so happy.
Mateo: I bet.
Janet: Wish I had a way to make everybody happy. So, how do you like your bad news? Straight or on the rocks?

Dixie: Oh, my boy. My boy.
Junior: Mom.
Dixie: Are you all right?
Junior: Yeah, I'm fine.
Dixie: I'll be the judge of that. Let me see. You're dirty and you look tired, but that's nothing that a bath and a good night's sleep won't cure.
Tad: He's fine. Can I get a hug, too? Huh? Congratulations, kiddo. You scared the hell out of us.
Junior: Sorry.
Tad: Yeah. You should be. Gray hair is no good on a talk show host.
Liza: Junior, I'm glad you're safe. I'm glad you're ok.
Junior: Me, too.
Derek: Well, that makes it unanimous.
Junior: Wow. You guys had the cops looking for me?
Tad: Are you kidding? Derek even put out an APB.
Dixie: We were up all night looking for you.
Tad: Jamie told us about the mausoleum. But by the time we got there, you were gone.
Dixie: And we found an overturned boat out in the lake. Adam thought you had drowned.
Junior: Like I'm dumb enough to go in that leaky old tub.
Dixie: Well, I didn't believe it. I didn't believe it for a minute.

Adam: Son?
Dixie: Don't you touch him.
Adam: I would like to hold my son, if that's not too much to ask.
Adam: Son, I read your note. And I realize that I was wrong trying to get you to go away to boarding school. Will you please forgive me?
Junior: Is this a trick?
Adam: No, it's not a trick. I'm truly and deeply sorry for making you feel that you had no choice, that I scared you.
Junior: You're not mad?
Adam: No. No, I'm ashamed of myself for making you run away. Will you please forgive me? Son, I love you very much. All I want is what's --

Liza: Adam.
Liza: He's been through so much. And you got what you wanted. He's home safe. He's -- he's home. Let that be enough just for now.
Adam: You saw that, didn't you? You saw he doesn't want me. He's -- they're right. He's afraid of me.
Liza: He's just been through so much.
Adam: But I reached out to hold him, and he flinched. It's as if I'd raised my hand against him. As if I'd ever raise my hand against him.
Liza: Oh, honey. Just let it go. This time just -- just let it go.

Tad: Derek, thank you.
Derek: Oh, Tad.
Tad: Thanks a lot.
Derek: Just glad it was a false alarm. Junior. You know, running away from home used to be as American as apple pie. But it's a different world out there these days. You know what I mean? You scared the people that love you, and they're just lucky they got you back. So for me -- for Lt. Derek -- do me a favor. Don't pull another stunt like this, ok?
Junior: I won't.
Derek: All right, my man. Put her there. All right. Why don't you guys go home and get some sleep.
Dixie: Ok.
Tad: Good idea.
Dixie: Thanks, Derek. Thanks a lot.
Derek: See you later.

Tad: So, my friend, you want to bring us up to speed as to why you left that mausoleum?
Dixie: Yeah. We found your backpack and a whole bunch of your stuff.
Tad: Yeah, it looked like you'd lit out of there as if you had the devil himself on your tail.
Dixie: Were you afraid Adam was going to find you?
Junior: No. Dad didn't scare me away. It was Ray Gardner.

Mateo: More bad news?
Janet: Afraid so.
Mateo: Junior's safe. Can't we just live off that for five minutes, please?
Janet: Ok. I can catch up with you later at S.O.S.
Mateo: It's about business?
Janet: It's about your life.
Mateo: Well, my business is my life these days, Janet.
Janet: How sad does that make you?
Mateo: You know, when you tear off a Band-Aid, faster is better than slow.
Janet: Ok, here goes. Do you still love Hayley?
Mateo: Yeah.
Janet: She still loves you deep down inside. You know that.
Mateo: Yeah.
Janet: But you're still going to buy her out of the club.
Mateo: It's what she wants. She wants to prove that she can make it on her own.
Janet: And you want to help her do that. But can you live with it?
Mateo: You know, every time that I wanted to do something, she went along with it, even if it meant putting her dreams on hold. So if this straightens out her life -- yeah, I can live with it.
Janet: Well, here's the bad news. I looked at your books from a dollars-and-cents standpoint. You can't afford to buy Hayley out.
Mateo: Janet, I already went to the bank. They won't give me a loan.
Janet: There are other options.
Mateo: I'm all ears.
Janet: Lower you debt. Put Raquel's condo on the market.
Mateo: No, no, no, no. I bought that place so that my son can be close to me.
Janet: I understand. But you can't afford to pay a mortgage on a second home no one lives in.
Mateo: So let me get this straight. If I want to buy Hayley out, I got to sell the home I bought for my son.
Janet: Those are the hard, cold facts.
Mateo: You know, it just seems like everything that matters to me -- I'm losing all that. Ok. I'll sell the condo. I'll do it.
Janet: Are you sure?
Mateo: Yeah. Yeah, I got to do what I got to do, right?

Scott: Wow. I'm really impressed. Hayley's good.
Greenlee: Oh, you're even better. Scott Chandler meets MTV. Maybe your future's in television.
Ryan: Hey. Great news, guys. Cross Junior off the missing persons list. He's found --
Scott: What?
Greenlee: That's great.
Ryan: And safe.
Greenlee: That's great.
Scott: Where was he?
Ryan: I don't know the details. I just know that he's ok.
Scott: Oh.
Ryan: So what are you guys doing?
Scott: Uh -- we just finished editing Hayley's tape. That's --
Greenlee: It's hot.
Ryan: Fast worker.
Scott: Yeah. Would you like a preview?
Ryan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great.
Scott: Ta-da.
Scott: So, is that pretty close to what you wanted, or --
Ryan: That is exactly what I wanted. You are a genius, man. Thank you.
Scott: Well, Greenlee rates some applause.
Greenlee: You can say you knew me when.
Scott: Hey, we already got a dub made, so I hope Hayley likes it.
Ryan: Do me a favor. Take this to Liza's office ASAP.
Scott: Before Hayley gets a chance to see it?
Ryan: Just trust me. Liza's office, ok?
Greenlee: Hey. Thanks for letting me be a part of the creative process. And I'm thrilled about Junior.
Ryan: All right, man. Let's check out this thing from the beginning.
Scott: Hey.
Ryan: What are you doing? Scott: Saving you from yourself. This taps not going to play, man.
Ryan: Well, what do you mean it's not going to play? The clip I saw was perfect. Hayley was sensational. It's everything Liza wants.
Scott: Yeah, but you're not filling in the dots. Look -- ok, Liza's producing a show on style, right? But she wants an experienced VJ.
Ryan: Scott, Hayley's a natural. Did you see her? The camera loves her, man. She's perfect for the job.
Scott: So you're going to put together this tape and show it to Liza, just without Hayley's ok, right?
Ryan: Hayley's going to -- Hayley will get the job, Liza will fall in love with the tape, and the rest is history.
Scott: Ok. Well, before Hayley lays down her prints in Grumman's Chinese, just fill in a couple blanks for me. Does Hayley want the job?
Ryan: She doesn't know what she wants because she doesn't know how good she is yet.
Scott: Well, ok. Look, this tape was made at a children's slumber party, right? She was on because she didn't know she was on. Look, what happens if we put her in front of a three-camera setup with the red lights flashing and she freezes? We're going to be left with 23 minutes of flat airtime and a wigged-out host.
Ryan: Ok, whoa. Slow down a minute. You got Hayley's career faded out and we haven't even gotten to preproduction yet.
Scott: No. I'm just running down worst-case scenarios, ok? Look, if Hayley freaks, there you got one problem. But if Liza loves the tape and Hayley walks out, you got two problems and both of them are blond. Look, if you show Liza this tape without Hayley's permission --
Ryan: What? Houston, I got a problem?
Scott: You got 10 seconds to duck and hide because, if I know my cousin, she's going to go ballistic.
Ryan: I know. But some chances are worth taking. And Hayley's one of them.

Max's voice: Hi, daddy. Will you tuck me into bed?

Singers: Close your eyes have no fear the monster's gone he's on the run and your daddy's here beautiful, beautiful, beautiful beautiful boy

Tina: Knock, knock.
Mateo: Hey, Tina.
Tina: This is still ok, right? Me staying here?
Mateo: Here, let me help you.
Tina: It took me a while to finish up at S.O.S., And --
Mateo: No, it's fine. Come on in.
Tina: Can you give me a hand with Phyllis?
Mateo: Yeah, sure.
Tina: I need to get her ready for Halloween at S.O.S.
Mateo: Oh -- she's heavy.
Tina: The people on the bus gave me such a look.
Mateo: You think it was the wig, maybe?
Tina: It looks better on Phyllis, I know. Oh, gosh. Wow. This place is great.
Mateo: You like it?
Tina: Jeez, this is like the Taj Mahal compared to my rented room.
Mateo: Don't get too attached to it because as soon as I get a realtor, it's going up for sale.
Tina: Why? I thought it belonged to your ex-wife.
Mateo: No, no. It's mine. I bought it to be close to my son.
Tina: Oh. Is this your son's?
Mateo: Yeah, yeah. He used to leave them at my doorstep. When I'd come home from work, they'd be there. I got a bunch on my refrigerator. Yeah.
Tina: So why are you selling the place? Oh, he's not coming back?
Mateo: Well, he is going to come back. He's just not going to live here. And, you know, Hayley --
Tina: Your partner -- the ex-wife who's not really your ex?
Mateo: Right. She wants me to buy her out of the club, so I need the cash. I need to sell the place.
Tina: Because your other ex moved to Texas with your boy.
Mateo: Yeah.
Tina: Well. It seems like your exes are moving on with their lives.
Mateo: Yeah. They are.
Tina: So are you the one that got away or the one that got left behind?

Tad: Look, Junior -- son -- I'm telling you, you did not see Ray Gardner You couldn't have. He's dead.
Junior: But I did see him. I fell asleep in the mausoleum, and I started hearing some really creepy noises. And there he was, standing right in front of me.
Dixie: Honey, you had a bad dream. You fell asleep.
Tad: It was a bad dream. That's all it was -- a nightmare. A nightmare that I passed down to you and Jamie. And I'm sorry. I should never have said anything about Ray Gardner But he -- he's not there. He's just -- he can't hurt you, Junior. He can't hurt anybody. He's gone.
Junior: I saw him. And it wasn't a bad dream. It was real. Ray Gardner was there.
And he said, "I'm your daddy." Wouldn't take no for an answer, either. I was so scared. He said, "I'm your daddy, and I'm going to get you."
Tad: Hey. Look at me. I give you my word, on my life, that I will never, ever let Ray Gardner or anyone like him hurt you. I will do whatever I have to to keep you safe. I promise. Ok?
Liza: [To Adam] Later. Not now.
Tad: Nothing's going to hurt you. Not while I'm around.

Dixie: Come on, my loves. Let's go home, ok?
Tad: Yeah.

Mateo: You know, it's time that I move on, too. You know, kick-start my life.
Tina: Hey, starting over can be a downer or a real high --
Mateo: Yep.
Tina: Depending on how you look at it. You know, sometimes a bad break is not a bad thing. You know, my landlady actually did me a humongous favor.
Mateo: By kicking you out?
Tina: Yeah. God, that place was not me. And although I tried to dress it up, it never would be.
Mateo: Hmm.
Tina: You know, I hung red scarf over the lamps for atmosphere and papered the walls with Mes Amis.
Mateo: Very nice.
Tina: Thanks. No matter how many times I played my c.d.'s, I wasn't livin' la vida loca . Sometimes you need life to give you a little shove.
Mateo: Yeah? How about a big kick in the teeth?
Tina: Like this time I worked at this oyster bar. The manager kept hitting on me. So one day I just stood ere and said, "This job shucks!" Thank you.
Mateo: What happened?
Tina: The whole restaurant burst into applause, and a woman ended up offering me a job with great perks like self-respect.
Mateo: No, you see, so you make landing on your feet sound so easy.
Tina: Well, it just takes a little practice. And one thing that I've learned during my stay on this planet is you have to be open to the possibilities, or else.
Mateo: Or else what?
Tina: Or else you have nothing to talk about when you land in the old folks' home.
Mateo: So you mean this condo is like a chapter in my book of life, right?
Tina: Why not?
Mateo: "Why not." Why not? You're right. I have to take inventory of my life.
Tina: Mm-hmm. Well, you know, when you add everything up, you may be richer than you thought.
Mateo: Maybe. Can you tell me one thing? Why do you have volume Z of the encyclopedia? I don't see anything else -- just volume Z
Tina: Because the wind may blow and send me somewhere exotic, like Zacatecas or Zuma Beach. Or Zimbabwe.
Mateo: Zimbabwe. You're right. You're right. Anything's possible.

Ryan: Look, Hayley's more than paid her dues. It's about time that life started breaking her way.
Scott: Says you.
Ryan: I see her for what she is -- bright, savvy, funny, energetic. Her TV Q'S off the charts, man.
Scott: Did she ever say she wants to be on TV?
Ryan: That doesn't mean it can't happen.
Scott: Who died and made you her agent?
Ryan: Look, I don't get anything out of this except for satisfaction. I want you to look at something. Look at her face.

[Tape turns on]

Ryan: Look. She owns the screen.
Ryan: This is a side of Hayley that she doesn't even know exists, man. This is her reward for all the crud that she's had to put up with in her life. The door is wide open, and all she's got to do is walk through.
Hayley: What the hell is that?

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