SEPTEMBER 15, 2000

David: That was something.
Erica: Something.
David: Haven't felt anything like that since --
Erica: Yeah, since --
David: Since the last time we almost killed each other and made love instead.
Erica: Well, after all, lack of passion was never our problem.
David: But don't you think that what we do have -- being able to make each other feel this way -- is worth holding on to?
Erica: David, I refuse to have a relationship that's based on animal lust. No, I won't do it.
David: Erica, animal lust is not all we have. But since we do have it, we should at least cherish it, enjoy it, build on it. Wait a minute. Hey. We just made maybe the most intense, pleasurable sex it's possible to have. Admit it. You were right there with me.
Erica: I don't deny it. I don't want to think about it, and I don't want to explain it. I just know that I have to have it again.
David: Let's go.

[Knock on door]

Dixie: David, are you in there?
David: She's getting her keys.

Dimitri: I just had the funniest memory.
Alex: What?
Dimitri: Well, when we were apart, I couldn't stop thinking about you, I'd let my imagination soar with thoughts about you. And damn if the craziest little thing didn't keep coming up.
Alex: Oh, steady --
Dimitri: No, no, no, the Sunday "Times" crossword puzzles that we used to hack to death.
Alex: Oh, my goodness, you're horrible at those.
Dimitri: Not in my fantasy. I was very good.
Alex: Oh, you were?
Dimitri: Uh-huh. I remember how real it got. Then I'd have to pull back and remember it was a fantasy. So now I have the urge to --
Alex: You know, I feel I have to say that when I look at you, part of me kind of -- I --
Dimitri: Hmm?
Alex: I almost can't believe you're here, and --
Dimitri: Does that mean we can play the Sunday crossword puzzles together again?
Alex: Yes.
Dimitri: Hmm? Hmm?
Alex: I'm just saying that I don't believe you're here.
Dimitri: I'm here. I'm here.

Greenlee: What do you want?
Wade: I'm angry with you.
Greenlee: Why are you angry?
Wade: I thought I could trust you, and you called the police on me.
Greenlee: But I didn't. I didn't call the police, I swear.
Wade: It's just not that convincing. Perhaps it's that getup.
Greenlee: The police came to question me, but I didn't tell them anything. I mean, why should I? We have a business arrangement, and we're going to conclude it very soon, and then we won't have anything to do with each other.
Wade: That's a succinct little summary, but I wouldn't describe it as accurate. My take on our future -- well, it's quite different.
Greenlee: Why? What are you going to do?
Wade: Under the circumstances, I can't quite confide in you. I'm sure you understand.
Greenlee: Wade, please don't hurt my grandfather.
Wade: Greenlee, you will have forgotten about your grandfather long before you ever forget about me. Don't you ever cross me again, do you understand? I will know about it.

[Car doors close]

Wade: I advise you -- don't tell anyone about this little chat. It will go much better for you.

Leo: Well, we got, like, three to four of them done.
Bianca: Yeah, I guess. Greenlee, didn't I tell you not to touch my mother's things? I can't believe you did it anyway.
Leo: My God, Greenlee, what happened?

Ryan: You look kind of tired.
Gillian: Oh -- you know, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters right now is Jake. He's in so much pain, I could see it in his face last night.
Ryan: Listen, don't do this to yourself. Don't make this harder than it has to be, ok?
Gillian: I have no idea what I'm going to say to him.
Ryan: You're not going to say anything to him. It's not the right time right now, Princess.
Gillian: No, no. Ryan, I've been thinking about it all last night, and I have to tell Jake the truth. He deserves to know.
Ryan: You're going to tell him the -- tell him about us, now?
Gillian: Yeah. As soon as he's strong enough, I'm going to tell him because he would want to know.

Gillian: I was here last night.
Jake: I know. I could tell.
Gillian: How are you feeling?
Jake: There's a little residual tenderness, but that's normal post-op.
Gillian: It means you're in pain.
Jake: It means I'm healing. If I didn't feel anything, it'd be much worse.
Gillian: I see.
Jake: So, my vitals are strong, so -- I'm going to be all right. It's really ok if you want to smile.
Gillian: Jake, I don't even know where to begin to tell you what I'm feeling right now. The way you jumped in front of me and Ryan when that gunman started shooting, we -- we'd be dead if it weren't for you.
Jake: So, how's Ryan?
Gillian: What do you mean?
Jake: He took out a sniper. Killing a man -- it's very traumatic.
Gillian: Yeah. Yeah, for all of us.
Jake: I want you to tell him that I appreciate what he did. He saved your life.
Gillian: I knew you were a good man, but I had no idea how great.
Jake: Yeah, sure.

[Jake groans]

Gillian: Jake, are you ok?
Jake: No, I'm ok.
Gillian: I'm going to -- I should leave.
Jake: No, I'm ok. You stay right here. Want you to stay right here. Just like this. Just -- just stay with me for a while, ok? There's a lot that we have to cover. Right? You stay right here.

Greenlee: Nothing happened. I was just here all alone, and I panicked.
Leo: You, scared?
Greenlee: For my grandfather. He hasn't been well, and I feel so badly for him. I don't want anything to happen to him.
Bianca: I'd still like to know why you put on my mother's clothes after I told you you couldn't, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I don't know why. I haven't been myself lately.
Bianca: Actually, I'd say you were pretty much exactly yourself.
Greenlee: Ok, I'm sorry. I'll take them off.
Leo: So, go, take them off. You and I, we have to get ready for the party. Go, Greenlee.
Greenlee: I'm going.
Leo: And don't forget to grab magazines or food or dirty laundry or whatever because you're going back in the laundry room as soon we leave --
Greenlee: No, no, no, no, no. I can't stay here alone!
Leo: What is up with you?
Greenlee: Don't! Don't -- don't go out there.
Leo: Why, Greenlee? What -- is somebody here?
Bianca: Oh, my God, is that man here? Wade Randall?
Greenlee: He showed up just before you left.
Bianca: Oh, my God. In my Mom's house?
Leo: Ok, he's gone. I'm calling he cops.
Greenlee: No, no! No, no, no, you can't tell them. You can't tell anyone. He knows we called the police, and he's very angry.
Leo: Did he threaten you?
Greenlee: What do you think? Of course he threatened me.
Leo: How? What did he say exactly?
Greenlee: I'm not sure. Just that he knows -- he knows exactly what I'm doing.
Leo: All right. Here's the plan.

Dixie: Listen, I am so, so sorry. I just happen to have Adam's lab results, and the attending physician just wants you to just take a quick once-over.
David: Oh, yeah, right. Great, great. Thanks. Thanks, Dixie. Do you have his --is X-rays? Oh, no, that's ok. Look, that's -- you know, I think I know where I put them. You know, but what I do need -- if you could dig up his initial blood work for me, ok?
Dixie: Yeah.
David: I think they're somewhere in here, unfortunately.
Dixie: Sure. Yeah, I'll do that.
David: Good. That's great.

Erica: I just came by to tell David about Stuart coming back to us.
Dixie: Oh.
Erica: And, well, I mean, I just thought that one local resurrections plenty, but then when I found -- well, I hope this isn't too much for you -- did you know that Dimitri is alive?
Dixie: Oh, yes, I know. It's so wonderful, isn't it? I'm so glad that you finally know the truth.
Erica: Finally -- what?
Dixie: Well, every time you came over here and Dimitri was inside getting treated, I just felt so terrible having to --
Erica: Dimitri was treated here? By David?
Dixie: Oh. Uh -- uh -- oh, ok, look. I think these are the lab results. David -- oh, hi. Are you done with these?
David: Yes --
Dixie: I'm going to take them back.
David: Yes, I am. Thank you, Dixie.
Dixie: Ok. Sorry again. Bye.

David: Ok. What?
Erica: How long have you known that Dimitri was alive?
David: Forget it, Erica. We've already had our daily argument about Dimitri Marick. I refuse to fight with you about him ever again.
Erica: Oh, well, that's where you are so completely wrong. I came in here, and I told you that Dimitri was alive. And you -- you kept quiet. And then we argued about Dimitri and you kept quiet. And we just made love, and you didn't tell me about Dimitri!
David: I couldn't tell you about Dimitri. He was my patient.
Erica: Oh yes! Oh, and that's why your trusty assistant knew all about it.
David: Don't. Don't even go there.
Erica: Don't you get it? Don't you see the injustice here? Don't you see the sheer cruelty of not telling me the news? Me -- the most important woman in his life!
David: You are not the most important woman in Dimitri's life!
Erica: I certainly am!
David: He's married, Erica! And even Alex, his own wife, didn't know until recently.
Erica: You could never, ever accept what was between Dimitri and me, not ever. It was eating you up alive all the time, knowing that Dimitri was the love of my life!
David: Oh, here we go again, all right? That fantasy world that you live in is impenetrable! I must be jealous, right? It can't possibly be that I'm constrained by medical ethics!
Erica: You don't have any ethics! Oh, you're a doctor, but to you that means you can just do anything and say anything you want to hurt anybody you want!
David: Erica, Erica -- let's not do this, ok? If we're ever going to have a relationship with each other, we have to learn to trust one another!
Erica: Me have a relationship with you? No, I'm sorry, that is a product of your fantasy, Doctor.
David: All right, fine, fine. You know something? You're absolutely right. I mean, even the best sex in the world isn't worth this!
Erica: What happened here this afternoon was a mistake. It was a complete mistake. And as for being the best sex in the world -- that is your opinion.
David: Oh, no, you don't. You listen to me. Obviously we don't have a future, but I'm not letting you out of this office until you admit that it doesn't get any better than what we just shared. Can you honestly, honestly say that that's not true?
Erica: Look, I don't have time for this. You're going to have to go and get your ego reassured somewhere else, doctor. Tonight is my daughter's party, and I came by because I was going to ask you to go with me. I was going to ask you to be there with me. But you know what? I'd rather go alone. Does that answer your question?

Dixie: Me and my big mouth, huh?

Leo: I shouldn't have called Derek Frye. I guess I underestimated how nasty Wade Randall can be. But as soon as we get you out of town, I'm going to figure out some way to take care of Wade.
Greenlee: Leo, I don't want you getting hurt because of me.
Leo: I won't. I'll be smart. Now, come on, let's get moving. Bianca: I suppose you two have forgotten about my little get-together tonight?
Leo: Oh, your party. No, wait, this is good, this is good. We can still do it. I'll still be your escort, and we can sneak Greenlee out right as the party's winding down.
Greenlee: Well, what do I do till then?
Leo: You're coming with us.
Greenlee: No, I can't because wade said he'd know exactly what I'm doing.
Leo: You'll be safer there than here. It'll be harder for Wade to kill you in a crowd.
Greenlee: That's not funny.
Leo: Call your maid and have her send over some clothes. We'll leave from here.
Greenlee: Ok, Leo, whatever you say. Oh, God, I just realized how much trouble I'm in. My maid couldn't accessorize to save her life.
Leo: Just go.

Leo: I'm sorry about this mess.
Bianca: Ah, whatever. It's ok. I'd just as soon get iced by a mobster than go to this party anyway. But can you imagine how my mother will react if she ever finds out about this whole mess?
Leo: Don't worry about Erica. She'll never find out, I promise. No. Let's go get ready and make ourselves irresistible for tonight.
Bianca: Right.
Leo: After tonight, the party will be history and your mother will never bother you again.
Bianca: That's a parallel universe I wish I lived in.

Jake: Look at you. You're so beautiful.
Gillian: You probably shouldn't be talking so much.
Jake: I have to. There's something I need to tell you.
Gillian: Jake --
Jake: Please, Gillian. All the time I was in Chechnya, I thought of you back home and I felt ashamed of myself.
Gillian: Jake, you were risking your life every day.
Jake: Yeah, once I got there, I didn't have much choice. I just did what I had to do. Just like my dad would have done, or Tad, or a lot of people.
Gillian: Those children are alive because of you, because of what you did.
Jake: No, because of what you did, Gillian. That's what I'm trying to tell you. I made you come into a war zone looking for me, and I put you in danger.
Gillian: No, Jake, no. That's not it.
Jake: Yeah, it is. Since I left you, I've seen such tragedy. I've seen people deal with pain and loss that I could never imagine. And it made me see that why I left Pine Valley to begin with -- the hurt I felt, the sense of betrayal -- it was just about pride. And all I was thinking of was myself instead of how I was hurting you.
Gillian: No, Jake, don't say that. I hurt you terribly.
Jake: It was a lot of people who kept the truth from me about who Colby's father was. And I took it out on you and I walked out on our marriage. And I gave up what we had. And I'm ashamed for that. And I apologize for that.
Gillian: Jake, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Jake: I should have loved you more, Gillian. I should have loved you as much as you love me.
Gillian: No. No --
Jake: Yeah. I put you at risk. I risked your life. And if anything had happened to you, Gillian, I never would have forgiven myself. And I jumped in front of that sniper because I couldn't do anything else. I did what I had to do for everything that you've done for me.

Dimitri: Come on. Got it.
Alex: Can you just look here, see if it's neat and tidy?
Dimitri: Look where? Look where?
Alex: Right back here.
Dimitri: Right there? Right here?
Alex: Mm-hmm.
Dimitri: Looks perfect. Perfect. Wife.
Alex: Hmm, husband.
Dimitri: Love you.
Alex: I love you, too.
Dimitri: Remember when we used to talk about taking that trip back to Hungary, to my home in Vadsel?
Alex: There's nothing to stop us going.
Dimitri: Absolutely nothing. But if we do go, we're going to have to get at least six back issues of the Sunday crossword puzzles to take with us if I had the urge.

[Knock on door]

Alex: Oh. Who's that?
Edmund: Hello, Alex. You ready to go to Blanca's party?
Dimitri: Well, this is a surprise, Edmund.
Edmund: Yeah, it is. Bianca invited me to the party, too.
Alex: Yes. We know.
Edmund: And I know that the circumstances have changed, but, you know, I'm not just going to lock myself up in a room and ponder my awareness.
Dimitri: Are you saying that you expect Alex to go with you to the party?
Edmund: I expect the three of us to go together.
Dimitri: Oh, I see. You think it's a good idea?
Edmund: Word is out, Dimitri, that you're back among the land of the living, so everybody's going to be watching us very closely.
Dimitri: And you want them to have the magnified view.
Edmund: No, I want to avoid being the stuff of gossip.
Dimitri: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I guess it is wise to complicate matters with the three of us going. Sure. I understand.
Edmund: Whatever the three of us go through, I don't want everyone debating how we're doing. And most of all, I don't want my children hurt. So we're going to present a united front to the world, even if it's a lie.

Gillian: Jake, you had every reason to be angry and hurt at my lies and nothing to feel ashamed of -- nothing. Please believe me.
Jake: I need you to forgive me.
Gillian: Jake --
Jake: Not just for risking your life -- listen to me -- but for walking out on our marriage and throwing away what we had.
Gillian: Jake, I don't have to forgive you for anything.
Jake: Yes. I want you to. Please.
Gillian: All right, Jake. I forgive you. You know, you're in a lot of pain. I'm going to get a nurse.
Jake: No, no, no. Not yet. Not yet. I don't want you to be afraid when you see me in pain because it's normal. I know it looks a little scary, but it's ok. I'm going to be all right. I'm going to survive this.
Gillian: Thank God.
Jake: You know, when I look in your eyes, I just -- I imagine what it's going to be like when we get back home. And it's -- it's like we can just pick up right where we left off. But I know that's not possible, right?
Gillian: I know that, too, Jake.
Jake: Before, our life was just about getting custody of Colby. And then I left and walked out on our marriage. And I need you to give me the chance to prove to you how much I love you. If you could just do that for me, Gillian, it's going to be all right. But I need for you to do that for me. Can you do that?

[Door opens and closes]

Erica: Oh. Who is that beauty in my living room? Bianca, you look absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart. Oh. Just a minute. Wait. Now you look gorgeous. Oh, honey. Well, if I'm going to be put to shame by a younger, more beautiful woman, I'm so glad it's you.
Bianca: Mom, I'll never be as beautiful as you.
Erica: Oh, Honey. Look, I'm so sorry that I'm late. I just had a very -- well, a very traumatic afternoon. But this is your night, so I'm just going to put all that behind me.
Bianca: Mom, there's something that -- that I have to tell you.
Erica: You do right now, Honey? I mean, I'm really running behind schedule.
Bianca: Mom, I really hope you don't mind, but I invited somebody else to my party.
Erica: Oh, fine. I want to meet all your friends, Sweetheart. Bianca: No, Mom, I invited Dad.
Erica: You invited Travis? Bianca, why would you do that to me?

Alex: Do you think this is a good idea? I mean, if you really want to go to the party, Dimitri and I will stay here.
Edmund: I don't give a damn about the party. And I told you what I want. People are going to talk about us, no matter what we do. What's happened here is too deliciously bizarre for them not to.
Alex: Yeah. Yeah, it really is. I'm sorry.
Edmund: It's not your fault. We're going to get through this. You know? Someday we're going to laugh about it, but right now I don't want to talk about -- ahem -- what we're doing or how other people talk about it. You know? "Poor Edmund. Gained a brother, lost a fiancée." So I think we should all just do this together, all right? And get it over with and let people stare. Ok? We'll just act as if we're together.
Alex: Yes. We should go together and get this over with.

Bianca: I didn't do anything to you. I thought you said that this was my party.
Erica: Of course it's your party, Sweetheart. And if you -- if you want to invite your father to your party, well, then, of course you may. I mean, what I want doesn't matter.
Bianca: He was going to be in DC anyway for a meeting. I -- I figured that was so close. And so I asked him if he wanted to come, and he said he couldn't think of anything better.
Erica: Oh. Well, then, it's a fait accompli, isn't it? Ok. Well, I'm sure you two will have a wonderful time together. Uh -- that unbearable wife of his isn't going to be here, too, is she?
Bianca: No, she's not, and she's not un-- Barbara is home in Seattle.
Erica: Well, good. That's something, then. Listen to me, Bianca. I have already put in a lot of time and effort to try to make this party a success, you know? And tonight is going to be extra stressful for me while I try to make sure that everything runs very smoothly. So I really would prefer not to have to speak to her.
Bianca: Mom, I really don't see why having Dad there would cause you any more stress.
Erica: Oh.
Bianca: I mean, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to. He has plenty of friends in Pine Valley.
Erica: Look, Bianca, I already said that it's fine. You know, I'm sure that your father being here with you, that will be wonderful for you. It's just -- I guess I wasn't as enthusiastic as I should be because I really have had this really dreadful day. But never mind. Bianca: You know, I just figured if there was press there, Daddy would know how to handle it. He could help me cope with it.
Erica: Bianca, I -- I explicitly told you that there would be no press at this party. Now, if you can't believe me when I tell you something, then how can we --

Leo: Put on your sunglasses, ladies. I'm looking good. Wow. You sure do clean up good, Bianca.
Bianca: Likewise.

Leo: You're not going to be going dressed like that, are you, Erica?
Erica: No, Leo, of course not. Of course not. I'm not dressed yet. I've just had a really wretched day.
Leo: Well, chop-chop.
Erica: Never mind.
Leo: Chop-chop. You can't be fashionably late to your own party. Well, maybe you can.
Erica: No, of course not. I'm the hostess. Oh, Leo. I hope I don't have to tell you this, but I expect you to be on your best behavior. I am, after all, entrusting my daughter to you.
Leo: I understand.
Erica: Well, I hope so. I mean, being the escort of the guest of honor means that you need to be attentive but not too possessive. I mean, but you certainly need to be there if Bianca needs to be rescued.
Leo: I'll be a regular St. Bernard -- minus the brandy.
Erica: I don't have to worry about that. I trust my daughter implicitly.
Leo: Oh, Erica -- there was something I was going to ask you. Uh --

[Doorbell rings]

Leo: Oh, well. Must not be too important.
Erica: All right. Yes?
Greenlee: Good evening, Erica. I'm so looking forward to the party.
Leo: Well, if it isn't bachelorette number two.
Greenlee: Oh! Everyone is looking so divine.

Erica: Leo? What is Greenlee doing here?
Leo: Greenlee couldn't find a date to the party. It's kind of a mercy date.
Erica: What have I just been telling you?
Leo: Don't worry. There's -- there's -- I can be more than enough for two dates.
Erica: I doubt it.

Leo: Chop-chop, ladies. Bene, bene. Andiamo. Ragazze. You better hurry up, Erica. There isn't going to be enough Beluga left.

[Door closes]

Erica: I don't believe this. And what is the point of being the perfect mother when no one else cooperates?

[Erica sighs]

Gillian: Jake -- I know as much as we care for each other, you're right. We can't just pick up where we left.

[Jake groans]

Gillian: Your pain is getting worse.
Jake: No, no. I'm ok, I'm ok. I love you, Gillian. I love you. And thank you for giving me a chance to prove it. Thank you.
Gillian: Jake, you --

[Jake groans]

Gillian: You need some help.
Jake: No, no, I can handle it.
Gillian: Your pain is getting worse.
Jake: I can handle it. Oh! Oh. Oh!
Joe: What happened?
Gillian: He's in agony. Just give him something, please.
Joe: All right. Ok.

Dimitri: I think it's time to get going.
Alex: Oh, yes.
Edmund: I'll be just a second. I got to do --

Edmund's voice: Alex, will you marry me?
Alex: Yes, Edmund, I'll marry you.

Edmund: How am I going to stop loving you?

David: Why does it always end like this, Dixie, with shouting matches and hurt feelings on both sides?
Dixie: I don't know. I think I've depleted my entire arsenal of advice with you.
David: Yeah. Obviously it's not taking. And meanwhile I get to sit through and watch you and Tad work through your rough spot in New York.
Dixie: Oh, don't even go there. That was so embarrassing, the way I reacted and just ran out of there. It was so dumb.
David: Are you kidding? If anyone had seen what you did, they would have done the same thing.
Dixie: All we did that night was hold our tongues and resist all impulse to yell and scream. That was it.
David: What if the person that you're with deserves to be yelled at for being so pigheaded and self-involved?
Dixie: Well, you know what my mama used to say? She used to say that you hate most in others what you see in yourself.
David: Gee. I feel like I've just been insulted.

[Dixie laughs]

Dixie: I hope you solve your problems.
David: You going?
Dixie: Yeah.
David: Well, good night.
Dixie: Good night. I got to go home to Tad.
David: Yeah.
David: I would never yell at someone like you, Dixie.

Erica: Oh, I'm absolutely looking forward to hearing O-Town. I hear they're one of the most popular bands around. Oh, and Ashley -- Ashley is definitely sure that he needs to me a big deal over my daughter? Oh, good. Oh, she's going to love it. Ok, bye. Ok.

[Doorbell rings]

Erica: Oh, what now? Oh, Jack, hi.
Jack: Hello, Erica. I wanted to catch Bianca before the party so I could give her this little gift I brought her to commemorate the evening.
Erica: Oh, Jack, that's so sweet.
Jack: Yeah, huh?
Erica: But I'm sorry. You're too late. She's already left with her date and his other date.
Jack: I'm sorry?
Erica: Exactly. Well, you don't want to know about it, believe me. It's way too upsetting. Especially after the ghastly day I had today. Well, never mind.
Jack: Ok.
Erica: Well, suffice it to say, I told my date that I no longer needed his help.
Jack: I see. Well, Erica, I guess I'll see you later at the party, then.
Erica: Oh, Jack, wait.
Jack: What?
Erica: That reprehensible Brooke is not waiting in the car for you, is she?
Jack: No. No, she's not.
Erica: Oh, well, good. Then you don't have a date for tonight?
Jack: Oh, I have a feeling I'm about to.
Erica: Oh, you were always so quick.

[Jack laughs]

Erica: Something I like about you.
Jack: Oh, thank you very much. You know, you're not dressed for this shindig at all.
Erica: No, I'm not. But if you wait here, I'll be down in a minute.
Jack: Oh, sure you will. Where do you keep your copy of "War and Peace"?
Erica: You're so funny.
Jack: Yes. Yeah.

Greenlee: The busboy's looking at me funny. He could be one of Wade's men.
Leo: Would you chill out, Greenlee? That's Jean-Paul. I've seen him here every day since I first came to town.

[Bianca hyperventilates]

Leo: Hey, whoa, whoa, are you all right?
Bianca: I -- I don't think I can do this. I -- I think that if I don't get out of here right now, I'm going to throw up.

[Jake gasps]

Ryan: So, what did you tell him?


Ryan: Are you falling in love with him?

Leo: What exactly do you expect me to do if Wade shows up?
Greenlee: Save my butt.

Erica: Fresh from their series "Making the Band," please help me welcome O-Town.

Band member: May I have this dance with you?

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