SEPTEMBER 22, 2000

Arlene: I've got something for you, sir. For your pain.
Adam: No, Arlene, don't. No, don't bother. It's over.
Arlene: Yeah, I know it's over -- your suffering, my fear of losing you. I can't wait to get you back home so you'll be your strong, gorgeous self again.
Adam: No, I mean our charade of a marriage is over.
Arlene: Oh, Adam, come on.
Adam: This unfortunate chapter in our life is done.
Arlene: Adam, I don't think you should talk. Bup-bup-bup --
Adam: I want you out of my life.
Arlene: Bup-bup-bup-bup --
Adam: Arlene --
Arlene: Bup, bup --
Adam: The -- the simple fact is I can't stand the sight of you. I want you to take the $500,000 I offered you and get out of my life.
Arlene: You think you can just give me money and I'll walk away?
Adam: I know you can make it hard for me. But you won't. You're going to take the high road for once in your life.
Arlene: For once in my life. Well, I -- I brought Stuart back to you.
Adam: You had him locked in the attic.
Arlene: And I could have left him there, but I let him go because I wanted you to know that your brother was alive.
Adam: You knew he was alive for months. You didn't tell any of us.
Arlene: Well, Stuart was happy in Nevada. He didn't remember his past at all.
Adam: Because you ran over him with your car.
Arlene: Well, I didn't know what I was doing. I was drunk.
Adam: Yes!
Arlene: Look, I didn't -- Adam -- I did the right thing in the end. I brought Stuart back to you.
Adam: I want you to go away. Just go away.
Arlene: Look, I know -- I know that you think getting together with me was some sick, disgusting mistake. I know that. But I don't feel the same way. I mean, these past few months, they were -- they were great for me. And it's not just because of the money. I mean, sure, it was nice to have a roof over my head and not to have to feel like I had to -- well, that I had to be nice to somebody for the next meal. I mean, it was because you felt that you needed me.
Adam: I needed you because I wanted people to think I was a lost cause.
Arlene: I -- I don't care. I just don't care. When I had you in my arms, it's like we felt alive again. And you can deny it all you want, but we were a great team.
Adam: No, no, no, I'm -- I'm not going to argue with you, Arlene. If you agree to the annulment, I'll give you the half a million. I'll hold my half of the bargain up.
Arlene: The only bargain that I remember is "till death do us part." And the only way I'm going to leave this marriage is with feet first.

Marian: Well, he seems a lot stronger, darling.
Liza: Hmm. He's bucking orders from the doctor.
Marian: Liza, maybe you should go back in.
Liza: No. We've said everything we need to say to each other.
Marian: Well, then you've got time to rebuild your life together. But, my darling, you've got one great big, fat problem. He's married to somebody else.
Liza: Mother, I am not worried about Arlene. I think that her days in Pine Valley are numbered, if I have to put her on the bus myself.
Marian: Why don't you let me take care of her, darling? I'd love to get rid of her.
Liza: Mother, please don't go overboard.
Marian: Look, after what she did to Stuart, a one-way bus ticket out of town just doesn't seem ugly enough to me, Liza. I would like that woman to go through something slow and excruciating.

Liza: Hey.
Marian: Hi, Tad.
Liza: What's up?
Tad: Well, I should ask you. Adam's requested to see me. How is he?
Liza: He's better. You should look for yourself.
Tad: Why is Arlene dressed like a doctor?
Liza: What? Oh -- she's relentless.
Marian: And you still think I'm going overboard?
Liza: Oh. Did you say slow and excruciating?
Marian: That's right, darling, I did.
Liza: Mother, how brave are you?

Gillian: Ryan, pick up. Please pick up the phone.

Ryan's voice: Please leave your message and I'll call you back right away.

Gillian: You're not calling me back. Why aren't you picking up your messages? Hey.
Jake: Hey.
Gillian: How did the tests go?
Jake: Great, great. The swelling around my spine has gone down, and --
Gillian: That's wonderful. It's progress, right?
Jake: Yep.
Nurse: And we will start physical therapy.
Jake: Only you won't be here because you're going to be out shopping and taking advantage of being in Germany.
Gillian: Oh, no. No, no, my place is here, Jake.
Jake: Don't you think my wife could use a little R&R?
Nurse: Well, if I had to choose between shopping in Bremen or staying with my husband the hero, I would choose the hero.
Gillian: You see? No contest.
Jake: I think I'm going to stay in a chair for a while. I'll be ok.
Nurse: All right. Be back in a bit.
Jake: Thank you. You know, I just wish everybody would cool it with this hero bit. You know, it's getting old really fast.
Gillian: But it's true, Jake. You are a hero -- the way you risked your life to save all those people.
Jake: Gillian, once I got there, what else could I do?
Gillian: Yeah, but you made the decision to go to Chechnya, and that was a very selfless thing to do.
Jake: Well, no, it wasn't. I mean, that's just it. I went to Chechnya so I could do something that mattered, so I would feel that I mattered. Only thing was, once I was there, I was being as selfish as Adam Chandler and just as manipulative. I was trying to impress you.
Gillian: Jake, I don't care what you say. To me, you'll always be a hero.
Jake: I'd be happier just being your husband.

Ryan: You set me up? You're the reason I'm in here? Why?
Greenlee: You left me to take care of your damn company, but you left me a little short. Three million short.
Ryan: That was none of your business, Greenlee. I had everything under control.
Greenlee: You don't steal money from your own company, Ryan. That's usually frowned upon in financial circles.
Ryan: What did you do, Greenlee?
Greenlee: I had to cover your behind, but I ended up in deep trouble. My life was threatened. My grandfather's life was threatened. And then the police dragged me in here accusing -- accusing me of laundering mob money. Well, I'll be damned if I take the fall for you, Ryan.
Ryan: Wait, just -- just slow down for a second here. What the hell are you talking about?
Greenlee: Focus, Ryan! While I was helping you, risking my life, you were carrying on with your Hungarian whore. Oh, yes, I know. Your secret's out.

Adam: $500,000 is a lot of money.
Arlene: Why can't you believe that I don't give a damn about the money? Look, I could've left Stuart in that attic and you would've died. I would've inherited billions of dollars. I don't want to be your widow. I want to be your wife. Just give me a chance.
Adam: Stuart thinks I should forgive everything you've done.
Arlene: That's right.
Adam: I will forgive you -- if we part amicably. If you want a fight, you're going to get one.
Arlene: All right, well, then bring it on, baby. If all you're going to give me is cash, then I'm going to make sure I get every cent that is coming to me. Get ready for the ugliest divorce this country's ever seen.

Arlene: Would you just get out of here? I am talking to my husband.
Liza: Arlene, Adam isn't well.
Arlene: Shut up.
Tad: Shut up? You've got a lot of nerve talking like that, especially coming here dressed like that.
Arlene: Who the hell do you think you are?
Liza: You know what? You're right. Just leave Arlene alone.
Arlene: So, what, you're going to take my side now, Liza?
Liza: You know, Arlene, I just know that this isn't easy.
Arlene: I don't need your pity.
Liza: I'm not pitying you, all right? I talked with Stuart, and Stuart convinced me I should be a little more gracious to you, a little more grateful to you.
Arlene: Stuart thinks that I shouldn't be blamed for what I did because --
Liza: Yes, because you did the right thing in the end. You came through for Adam.
Arlene: And I saved his life.
Liza: Yes. You did. Thank you.
Arlene: You're welcome. See? Stuart and Liza both think I'm not a terrible person.
Liza: You know, he needs his rest. And so do you.
Arlene: Yeah, well, I'm a little tired. I've been up since the building collapsed.
Liza: I can take you home.
Arlene: No, I'll stay here.
Liza: Ok. I mean, you're not going to get anything done tonight, and I would think that you'd be hungry. Lucretia could make you something hot, and it's not hospital food.
Arlene: Yeah, I am hungry.
Liza: Let's go, then. Adam will be here tomorrow.
Arlene: You're being a little too nice to me, Liza.
Liza: Look, Arlene, it's time to set the animosity aside. I think we should greet Stuart back into our family. We should all try to be a little bit more like him.
Arlene: I'll be back tomorrow, Adam. Tad, don't stay too long. He needs his rest.

Adam: My God, what is Liza going to do to her?
Tad: I have no idea. But if I were Arlene, I'd leave a trail of bread crumbs and start praying now.

Jake: Gillian, if I wanted to be a hero, I would've gone to work in the inner city or some underprivileged area back home. I would've tried to help people without calling attention to myself. Instead, I went and jumped right into the line of fire.
Gillian: Why are you being so hard on yourself, Jake?
Jake: Because when I went to Chechnya, I was afraid. I was terrified that I wasn't going to see you or my family again, and I wanted out of there quick.
Gillian: But you stayed.
Jake: Because of the kids. They needed me. They were in desperate need.
Gillian: And in danger.
Jake: You remember the little girl Paullina that I told you about?
Gillian: Mm-hmm.
Jake: She reminded me so much of Colby. And I had to leave Colby behind. But I was not going to leave that little girl behind, not after everything she had gone through.
Gillian: You loved Colby so much, and you lost her. That was just such a brave thing you did, Jake -- the way you gave her up.
Jake: Well, what choice did I have? You know, I don't think it was so brave. It was the hand that life had dealt me. But I have learned that I do have choices that I can make. And I'm ready to start making the right ones.

Ryan: All I want from you are straight answers, Greenlee. Either you give them to me or you just get out!
Greenlee: All right. What do you want to know?
Ryan: I want to know what the hell the mob has to do with why I'm in here.
Greenlee: Mr. Midori found t that you took $3 million from He was going to have you arrested, so I had to cover it quickly. I went to this man, Wade Randall.
Ryan: A gangster?
Greenlee: Oh, he was more than happy to give me the cash. But then, afterward, he wanted me to hook him up with my grandfather's company.
Ryan: Money laundering.
Greenlee: I tried to hold him off, but then he got real ugly.
Ryan: Why did -- Greenlee, I -- I had it under control. I knew what I was doing, ok? I could have taken care of this without anybody knowing about it. And the loft was smashed to bits. This wade whatever-his-name-is must've sent some goons over there with baseball bats.
Greenlee: It was an ax. I did it, Ryan.
Ryan: What? You? You trashed my apartment? My God, Greenlee, why?
Greenlee: I was angry at you, Ryan, for embezzling that money, for taking such a terrible risk, for running off with Gillian, using our company to plan a future with her.
Ryan: My company! belongs to me, not us. Ok? It's mine.
Greenlee: As you never cease to point out to me.
Ryan: But you just don't seem to get it, Greenlee. Why did I keep you around?
Greenlee: Maybe because I was your cover so you could carry on with Gillian while her husband is in a war zone.
Ryan: I just should've let you go from day one. And when Midori insisted that I hire you back right after I let you go, I should've just ignored him.
Greenlee: Why do you think Midori wanted me on board?
Ryan: What, you think it's because of your brilliant resume, your entrepreneurial skills?
Greenlee: All right, Ryan, you're so smart. What other reason could there have been?
Ryan: Well, we know it had nothing to do with you. Obviously it was for your grandfather's name.
Greenlee: Well, you're close. But Midori doesn't need me to get my grandfather's name. He can see it every week on his paycheck.
Ryan: What are you saying?
Greenlee: Well, maybe after you've been here five, 10 years, you'll figure it out.
Ryan: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Midori works for your grandfather? So -- so the money to start my company came --
Greenlee: Not your company, Ryan. My company. Your dream was bought and paid for by Greenlee money.
Ryan: I created It was my idea.
Greenlee: That's all it would be, too, if I hadn't pried a few million dollars from my grandfather. Why else do you think someone would bankroll someone like you?
Ryan: You tried to buy me. You didn't want to own the company. You wanted to own me.
Greenlee: I believed in you. I loved you.
Ryan: Well, then you didn't get your money's worth, did you, because I never loved you, Greenlee, and I never said that I loved you.
Greenlee: No, no. It's always been Gillian. You even go halfway around the world on some rescue mission.
Ryan: I said leave her out this.
Greenlee: You dropped into a war zone to find your girlfriend's husband. Why? To ask for her hand in marriage? That's it, isn't it? You wanted a clear conscience. Save Jake's life and steal his wife.
Ryan: This has nothing to do with you, Greenlee.
Greenlee: But I don't get it, Ryan. When you were married to each other, Gillian made your life a living hell. And now she's Saint Gillian, Patron Saint of Goulash.
Ryan: Greenlee, shut up! I don't even want -- I don't even want you to say her name.
Greenlee: You talk about her the way I used to talk about you, but she's nothing. She cheated on her husband.
Ryan: You don't know anything about Gillian or what she's like.
Greenlee: What is she like?
Ryan: She's the opposite of you, Greenlee. To think that you stole her diary to try and imitate her? That's a joke. She's tender. She's generous. She makes me -- she makes me a better person, Greenlee. That's why I would travel halfway around the world for her.
Greenlee: It's too bad you're in there and she's -- where is she, Ryan? Huh? With her husband? I mean, it's all over town about the brave Dr. Jake Martin, orphan rescuer.
Ryan: I'm going to get out of this, Greenlee. I'm going to get these ridiculous charges dropped, and all this is just going to go away.
Greenlee: Don't count on it. And don't count on Gillian to give up on her honest-to-God hero for a jailed loser like you.
Ryan: Gillian loves me, Greenlee. She would never turn her back on me.

Jake: You know you've changed -- I mean, since the last time I saw you in Pine Valley. There was something fragile about you. I mean, to me there was. And I felt this need to protect you.
Gillian: I've always felt safe with you.
Jake: And now you're -- I don't know -- you're more sure of yourself. You're confident and -- you know what it is? You remind me of your grandmother.

[Gillian laughs]

Jake: Yep.
Gillian: I wish. I mean, she has derived so much strength from everything she's lived through.
Jake: Well, I can understand that because I, too, have survived something very tough. And I want to show you how I can use that strength to pull out of it.
Gillian: What are you doing, Jake?
Jake: I'm ready to take a walk, and I want you to help me. Come on.

Arlene: Ow. Just please let go. I want to go to my own room.
Marian: Oh, but, darling, this is your new room.
Arlene: Ah!
Arlene: Now, what about that little thing you were saying about how we all have to think about each other and be more like Stuart?
Marian: You're going to be exactly like Stuart was for a few days, Arlene.
Liza: Locked in the attic. Only by two people who could really care less whether you live or die.
Arlene: Let me out of --
Liza: No! All in good time.
Arlene: I was stupid to go with you.
Liza: Actually, you were a little stupid because you were angry and you were frustrated. You were very vulnerable. You were actually an easy target.
Marian: Just like Stuart was when you mowed him down.
Liza: And Adam when he thought Stuart was dead. You know, you hit all your targets, Arlene, and you almost had the prize. You actually could be sitting on billions. But you choked. Look where you are now.
Arlene: Ok, so you locked me up so I can see the errors of my ways. How long this going to be, hmm? A day? Two? You can't do this to me. People will miss me. They'll start looking for me.
Liza: Really? And who would that be? Adam? Hayley?
Marian: It's no use, Arlene. Nobody cares what happens to you. We can do whatever we want to you.
Arlene: Help! Help!
Marian: No use, Arlene. Stuart and I screamed our lungs out.
Liza: In the attic, they can't hear you scream. You know what? You should conserve your energy. You're going to need it in the morning.
Arlene: Why? What's going to happen in the morning?
Liza: You'll see. Marian: In the meantime, I would find something to cover myself up with and a safe place to sit, Arlene, because this attic is just riddled with rats.
Arlene: Rats?
Marian: That's right. Great big rats. But I'm sure you're going to feel right at home.
Arlene: You know what? You can't scare me. I can take whatever you dish out.
Liza: Really?
Arlene: Uh-huh.
Liza: Can you?
Arlene: Wait. Wait. Liza! Liza! Let me out of here! Liza!

Adam: Thanks for waiting.
Tad: How could I leave? You haven't told me why you wanted to see me
Adam; I wanted to know what you're planning.
Tad: What I'm planning?
Adam: Mm-hmm. How you're going to punish me for my crimes.
Tad: You're going to have to talk to the board about that. After all, the building's completely totaled. And then again, there's the DA He's probably going to want to file charges against you for everything including terrorism.
Adam: All right, all right. I'm not worried about the DA or the board. I'm worried about you. You have been my enemy.
Tad: I have no need to go after you.
Adam: That'll be a first.
Tad: Maybe. But it's high time I started thinking about Junior and my wife. I should have listened to her from the very start. She's been right all along. There's nothing I could possibly do to you that you haven't done to yourself.
Adam: Touché. So I'm being granted a reprieve?
Tad: Oh, I didn't say that. You may not be doing any jail time, but from where I'm standing, it looks like you've completely destroyed your life. I mean, it looks like there's nothing left. I'm sorry. I probably enjoyed saying that a little too much.
Adam: No, be my guest.
Tad: No. Liza might have been stringing Arlene along just now, but there's one thing she said that's absolutely the truth. It's a miracle that Stuart's alive. And after everything that's happened, I think we should all try to be a little more like him.
Adam: By God, that's just what I need. That's the only way I'm going to survive this. I know you're not going to believe it, but I regret everything I've done and I want to apologize to you.
Tad: Well, if that's it, then consider it done. If you'll excuse me, I should be going.
Adam: Wait, wait, wait. I'm not just apologizing for all my acts of violence. For months I've been undermining your work at Chandler Enterprises.
Tad: Oh, jinkies, really?
Adam: Really. Out of spite. Out of envy. But it didn't work. You're doing a terrific job. Profits are high. Morale is high. I acknowledge that. It's Liza's master stroke to have brought you in as a partner.
Tad: Well, that's a once-in-a-lifetime compliment. It's interesting hearing those words coming out of your mouth.
Adam: Good, because here's what I'm thinking. After I've come back, I want you to stay on.
Tad: You want me to stay on?
Adam: Yes. Yes, I will make sure that your position in the company is secure.
Tad: Oh, oh, Adam, that is just really generous of you, but -- probably the trauma you've been through. But you seem to be forgetting one thing -- the board ousted you months ago. I'm in, you are out, and that's all.

Greenlee: Stay in your dream world, Ryan.
Ryan: I'm going to get out of this, Greenlee, and I'm going to undo everything you've done.
Greenlee: Even if you do beat this rap, there's always Wade Randall. He's a very scary man, and I'm going to make sure he comes after you.
Ryan: What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?
Greenlee: We created something together. was our company, yours and mine, and I loved it. But I guess it didn't mean that much to you.
Ryan: What, are you kidding me?
Greenlee: You plundered it all for Gillian's sake, and you left me to clean up the mess. You turned your back on everything that we made together, and that's why I can never forgive you.
Ryan: And what exactly does the company mean to you, Greenlee? You smashed the office with an ax, you smashed it to bits, all because your feelings were hurt? That's who you are, Greenlee, and this precious love that you have for me -- if I was foolish enough to have loved you back, you would destroyed me too.
Greenlee: No. No, no, no, no, Ryan. I loved you more than anything in the world. I wish you could know how much. Now I guess you never will.

[Key turns in lock]

Arlene: Winifred? Winifred, please let me out of here.
Liza: No, no, not Winifred. Just us. We decided to take pity on you and bring you a little soup, hot from the kitchen. A little book. A little "Jane Eyre."
Marian: Yes, and I brought you a box of rat poison, see?
Arlene: Oh, would you -- I don't need you two.
Liza: Really? We thought you might be cold and hungry and prey to rodents.
Marian: I'd take what's offered if I were you, Arlene.
Liza: You know, I think you're going to like that book, especially that part about the crazy wife who's locked in the attic and burns to death.
Marian: Liza, don't give away the ending.
Arlene: Hey -- leave it and go.
Liza: You know, I think I'd rather be poisoned to death, but -- anyway, if we don't see you, good luck.
Arlene: Wait. Wait a minute. Don't see me? I mean, are you planning on going somewhere?
Liza: No. No, we're not going anywhere.
Marian: Don't tell her anything, darling.
Arlene: Wait. What are you two planning?
Marian: You'll find out soon enough, Arlene. Soon enough. Liza, is everything set?
Liza: Yeah. You know, it was good that we had that 20,000 in the safe.
Marian: 20,000?
Liza: Yeah.
Marian: That's pricey.
Liza: 20,000 Just for the kidnapping. And the rest --
Arlene: Wait, wait, what?
Liza: The rest was more.
Arlene: Wait. What are you talking about -- kidnapping and "the rest"? I mean, what are -- what are you planning?
Marian: Look, the less she knows, the better, Liza.
Arlene: The less I know about what?
Liza: Well, actually, it might be more fun if she knows, Mama.
Marian: You know, darling, you're right.
Liza: You see, before the sun comes up, you are going to have a special visitor. A man from Singapore.
Arlene: Singapore?
Marian: That's right, where they cane people for the slightest crime, Arlene.
Liza: Your crime is not going to be slight. You are going to be convicted of drug smuggling and sentenced to 30 years hard labor.
Arlene: That's impossible.
Liza: It is?
Arlene: Mm-hmm.
Liza: You know, I would've thought so. But I was amazed. Chandler Enterprises has so much influence, Adam could get an annulment from you and never have to lay eyes on you ever again.
Arlene: Yeah, well, it won't work. You -- you can't get rid of me that easily.
Marian: Darling, she's right. It won't work. It's too risky.
Arlene: Yeah, listen to your mother.
Marian: Why don't you just terminate her here.
Arlene: What?
Marian: Or should I say exterminate her here.
Liza: You want me to kill her?
Arlene: What are you talking about?
Marian: Well, it's the safest thing for all of us. Then we can just rest easy, darling.
Liza: Mama, I don't want to be the one to kill her. I mean, she's a human being.
Marian: Darling, there's absolutely nothing human about Arlene.
Liza: All right, what do you want? You want to be dead before sunup or 30 years hard labor?
Arlene: You're playing with my head, and I'm letting you. I mean, who do you think I am? What, I was going to beg for your forgiveness and then take the next bus out of town?
Liza: She's too smart for us, Mama.
Marian: Oh, I think you're right, Darling.
Arlene: Ok, good. So I'm going to eat this hot soup that you've brought me, and then I'm going to go to sleep. Get this away from me.
Marian: Oh, be careful, Arlene, it's open. Oh, and I do hope none of it spilled into your soup -- by accident, of course.
Arlene: Who do you think you're dealing with? Ladies, I hate to disappoint you, but I'm going to call your bluff.

Ryan: So why'd you come here today, Greenlee? To hurt me? Tell me about your grandfather's money? Well, you've done that, so you can go now.
Greenlee: That's not the reason.
Ryan: Well, then, why? Why? Because of you, I'm behind bars. What'd you think -- all of a sudden I would suddenly realize that I love you?
Greenlee: I know better than that. I guess I wanted to hear you say that you were sorry.
Ryan: You want an apology from me? You want me to tell you that I'm sorry after you've lied to me over and over again? You've tried to ruin me. You've tried to ruin This was the best idea that I've ever had, Greenlee! This was the only chance of making something for myself. What was it to you? What? A game? Control? Just a chance to lie at my expense? You went and begged your grandfather for millions
Greenlee: No, that's not true.
Ryan: And now you want an apology from me. Are you insane? You have no idea -- no idea how human beings are supposed to communicate to each other, do you?
Greenlee: I loved this whole thing, Ryan, every minute of it, and so did you.
Ryan: Not anymore.
Greenlee, I am sorry this ever happened. I'm sorry I ever met you. I want you out of my life. I never want to see you again. Get out.

Gillian: Jake, listen. Why don't you rest now. We can try again tomorrow after physical therapy.
Jake: No. No, no, no, no. I want you to do this with me because I want to do it this time, all right, and I need you to help me. Come on. One more time. I'm going to do it. I just got to look right in your eyes and I'm going to center myself on you.
Gillian: Jake, you're standing!

Adam: Tad, I don't want to replace you or Liza. I want to work with you.
Tad: How much concrete landed on your head?
Adam: No, hear me out. Tad, I love the business. I want to get back into it. I promise you, there are going to be no dirty tricks, no manipulation. I just -- I want people to know that I'm an honest man running an honest business.
Tad: You want to do this for Liza.
Adam: Yes. I love her, and I think I could be good for her now -- and Colby and Junior and Hayley. So, please, I'm asking you, go to the board. Ask them if they'll reinstate me as part of a triumvirate. We'll start over. It will benefit a lot of people if we do.
Tad: Mostly you. I'll get back to you, Adam.
Adam: You'll get back to me? Who the hell do you -- I guess I don't have any cards to play anymore and -- fine, good. If you'll do that, if you'll get back to me.
Tad: I will.

Liza: You said you wanted to get some sleep, so maybe that would be a good idea.
Arlene: So I'll be all fresh for Singapore Sam in the morning? Right. Well, good night, ladies. By the time you come up again, I'll be long gone.
Marian: It says on this box the rat poison is fast-acting and expect immediate results. That's right, Arlene. I think you're going to be long gone sooner than you think.
Liza: Mother, you didn't.
Marian: Well, of course I did, Liza. It's the only way. And her remains will be quite easy to dispose of.
Arlene: You two just never give up, do you?
Liza: Mama, Mama, rat poisoning is painful. It's excruciating.
Marian: I know, darling. So I think we'd better get out of here because it's not going to be a very pretty thing to watch. And I really, truly hope it's not too painful for you, Arlene.
Liza: I'm really sorry.

Arlene: Poison, huh. Oh, come on, Arlene. Ok, why do I feel so dizzy?

[Arlene gasps]

Arlene: Oh -- oh, my -- I've been poisoned.

[Arlene moans]

Greenlee: I gave you everything, and you blew it! You were too stupid to know what you had in me. I should apologize to myself for wasting a year of my life on you.
Ryan: Well, you just wasted another two minutes since I told you to get out.
Greenlee: You'll regret this. And when you find yourself picking up trash by the side of the road, you'll realize what you threw away. Then you'll apologize to me. You will beg me to let you apologize to me. And I'll tell you to rot in hell.

Gillian: Jake, you're walking. Let me go call Joe.
Jake: No, no, no, no, no. I want you to stay right here. I just want this moment to be ours. Stay here. Please?

Ryan: Gillian.


Adam: What have you done to Arlene?

Leo: Why can't you just forget that Ryan Lavery exists?
Greenlee: How am I supposed to forget him?

Joe: You're worried.
Jake: You bet I am.

Ryan: Have you changed how you feel about us?

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