SEPTEMBER 27, 2000

Erica: Bianca, wait.
Bianca: What?
Erica: Well, the airline said that they're going to call you just as soon as they find your luggage.
Bianca: Mom, they said that to make us go away.
Jack: Now, well, don't you worry. I'll stay on top of them.
Bianca: Uncle Jack, I was bringing back everything important with me from Seattle -- all of the photo albums, all of the letters that Daddy wrote me when I was in the hospital and when I was at camp --
Erica: Honey, it's ok, Sweetheart.
Bianca: It's not ok. I should have never checked those things.
Erica: Honey, you would have no way of knowing that they were going to --
Bianca: No, but I could've been a little less stupid about something so important.
Erica: Bianca, would you like dinner? I can order something for all of us.

Bianca: Mom, no, I'm not hungry. Erica: Oh. This is not good.
Jack: Yeah, well, I wouldn't worry about it for tonight.
Erica: Jack, Bianca is battling her anorexia every single day. Now, if she says she can't or she won't eat, then --
Jack: Yeah, I know that, but we just buried my brother, Erica. I'm not feeling much like food myself. Hey, I'm sorry. It's been a hard day.
Erica: Well, I'm going to go check on her.
Jack: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. She just went upstairs. Give her a little breathing room, huh?
Erica: Are you saying that I'm smothering her?
Jack: No, I'm saying that when a teenager leaves the room the way your teenager just left this room that maybe running after her is not the best idea in the world, that's all. Just give her a little space.
Erica: You mean space from me, don't you?
Jack: Erica, you're not going to be the first one that Bianca runs to every time. She's growing up. She's becoming independent. You just need to back off a little bit.
Erica: Jack, that's ridiculous. I can't back off. I mean, I'm --
Jack: Don't take it --
Leo: Hi.
Erica: Oh. Hi, Leo.
Leo: I didn't think you guys would be back yet.
Erica: No reason to stay in Seattle.
Leo: How's Bianca?
Jack: Well, she's really struggling, Leo, frankly.
Leo: Is she upstairs?
Jack: Yeah.
Erica: Yes.
Leo: Could I go up and talk to her for a minute?
Erica: Oh, Leo, I don't think she's going to let you in her room. I mean, she just doesn't want to see anyone right now --

Bianca: Leo.
Leo: Hey.

Alex: Oh, I love it here. It's so peaceful.
Dimitri: Yeah, it is. I used to imagine it when I was held captive at Bryn Wydd.
Alex: I was thinking earlier about when we were in London, you know, and we'd just got married. And you called Edmund to say you had a surprise for him -- me.
Dimitri: I remember. Edmund and I had never been closer.
Alex: I hate this. I'm the reason that you two are so at odds with each other. I hate it.
Dimitri: Alex, Alex, Alex, it was Edmund's choice that we stay on at Wildwind. He's trying. We have to give him time to accept us, time to heal.
Alex: You think he will? I don't know.
Dimitri: What?
Alex: I wasn't going to tell you this.

Edmund: What's the crisis, Brooke? I'm trying to close the November issue. I get this message you want to meet me here.
Brooke: When was the last time you ate something that didn't come in a wrapper?
Edmund: I appreciate your concern, ok? Really, I got a lot of work to do at "Tempo," so --
Brooke: Edmund, sit down and have something to eat.
Edmund: You know how many hours I've spent wasting time with the distributor trying to clean up the mess from last issue's magazine?
Brooke: Stop.
Edmund: I've got more --
Brooke: Stop. I read the newspaper. I know about Blanca's party. It must have been terrible for you.
Edmund: I didn't sign up for analysis tonight, ok? I got to go back to work.
Brooke: You think I don't know what you're going through, do you? You lost two people that you loved, and now you want to shut me out. You don't have to do that. Let me help you.

Ryan: Mr. And Mrs. Greenlee, may I have a word, please?
Woodruff: We're having dinner here.
Ryan: Yeah, I can see that. I don't mean to interrupt, but I really need to speak about this now before any more time passes.
Millicent: What on earth? Woody? Does this involve our granddaughter? I thought we made it perfectly clear that Greenlee was not in your league, Mr. Lavery.
Ryan: Uh -- your husband invested in my company. This is purely business. I would like to pay him back.
Greenlee: Grandmother, Granddaddy, do not believe a word out of Ryan's mouth.
Ryan: Greenlee, Greenlee -- don't jump into --
Greenlee: He's the one that borrowed $3 million from Wade Randall, ok? I had nothing to do with it.
Woodruff: Wade Randall?
Ryan: Do you ever think before you speak, Greenlee, ever?
Woodruff: I -- I told you I was being harassed by Wade Randall. You said you didn't know him. He's been telling my secretary he and I were already in business together. I thought he was a crackpot.
Millicent: I read about a Wade Randall this morning in the newspapers. He was arrested. He's involved with the underworld, isn't he? Did you speak to this man, Greenlee?
Greenlee: Grandmother, I swear --
Woodruff: Greenlee, good God in heaven. You -- you got yourself mixed up with a loan shark. Did you connect this family to the mob?

Jake: I could leave the door open if you want, Gillian.
Gillian: No, no, no. No, it's fine. The whole house smells like sugar and vanilla.
Jake: Yeah. Yeah, Mom likes to bake when she's happy.
Gillian: Yeah. I've never seen her so happy. All she really wanted was for you to come home. Your Mom and Dad love you very much. Who gave you this card?
Jake: Oh, this is from the nurses up on the sixth floor.
Gillian: Oh.
Jake: Have a look at it.
Gillian: Ok. Sure.

Gillian's voice: I have to meet Jake at his parents' house.
Ryan: I thought Joe wanted to keep him at the hospital. You see, this is what -- this is what I was afraid of. He wants to take you home.
Gillian: No, it's not like that.
Ryan: What's it like, Gillian?
Gillian: I'm not going to spend the night there. I'm just going to -- I agreed to meet Jake there so I can finally have some time alone with him, so I can tell him that I want a divorce, tonight.
Ryan: Are you sure?
Gillian: Yes.
Ryan: Ok. Well, then, I will meet you at the Turret after you tell him. Look, I know how tough this is. I really do. But it's all going to work out.

Jake: You know, my dad once gave me some advice that I try not to forget.
Gillian: What is that?
Jake: Never look back. But, Gillian, when you messed up as badly as I did, makes it pretty hard.
Gillian: Jake --
Jake: Gillian, I blew it. I never should've left you.
Gillian: Jake, please don't do this. You didn't blow anything. When you found out that Colby wasn't your child, you felt betrayed. Who wouldn't have?
Jake: No, no. I rushed you into marrying me, Gillian, so I could give Colby two parents.
Gillian: No. We -- I made my own decision. We decided together that we wanted to get married and raise a little girl. Don't rewrite history.
Jake: I'm not rewriting history. I made one mistake after another. Remember when I found the house? I went out and bought the house the day that I saw it and I didn't even ask you if you liked it. I treated you like an afterthought. You know, what I should've done was I should've asked my wife whether or not she wanted to live right next to her in-laws.
Gillian: But you -- you did ask me. We did talk about it, and, Jake, that was a beautiful house. And your reason for wanting to live there, that was a beautiful reason, too.
Jake: No, it wasn't, Gillian. I did it without consulting you. And that's not a partnership. My back is killing me. Can we sit down?
Jake: I did a lot of thinking when I was away, and I've thought about my mistakes. This time I want to do things right. But I need you to tell me the truth. Can you do that?
Gillian: Yes.
Jake: I know what I want, and I want you, Gillian. And I need you. But I need you to tell me if that's what you want, too.

Greenlee: Wait. What did Ryan say?
Ryan: Nothing -- about Wade or about you.
Greenlee: Oh.
Millicent: Greenlee Smythe, what on earth have you done?
Greenlee: I can explain.
Miicent: I don't see how.
Greenlee: Granddaddy, help me out here.
Woodruff: With what?
Ryan: I'm sure you read the papers, so you know that I've been charged with embezzlement. I borrowed money from to fund this rescue mission you've probably heard about. The important part is I planned to return the money as soon as I got back to the United States.
Greenlee: He's lying about everything.
Woodruff: Would somebody please just tell me what the devil Wade Randall has to do with this?
Ryan: Greenlee went to him for a loan to repay the money that I borrowed. I obviously did not know about that, and she didn't realize that I intended to pay the money back when I got back.
Greenlee: It's really not that simple. I --
Millicent: You took money from a loan shark?
Woodruff: Good God, girl. Why didn't you come to me first?
Greenlee: I did.
Woodruff: Yeah, but you didn't tell me that your backup was a loan shark.
Greenlee: I had to do it. I didn't have a choice.
Millicent: Had to do what, Greenlee? Risk everything your grandfather's worked for? For what?
Greenlee: For Ryan. I loved him, and I would do anything for him. But I was a total fool.

Edmund: Alex and I were going to spend the rest of our lives together, and then everything changed. And it stinks. And there's nothing you can do about it. Ok?
Brooke: I've known you for a long time, Edmund. I knew you when you first came to this town and you had a chip on your shoulder the size of this table.
Edmund: Your point, Brooke?
Brooke: You came here for a story, for another Pulitzer.
Edmund: Will Cortlandt's murder.
Brooke: And you wrote the story, and you packed your bag, and you were ready to leave, and then you found out about your biological father.
Edmund: That was a fun day.
Brooke: And you stayed because of Dimitri.
Edmund: He was my brother. What was I supposed to do?
Brooke: He still is your brother. But you couldn't accept it for the longest time. I remember. I remember. You hated him with everything in you.
Edmund: Where are you going with this, Brooke?
Brooke: I haven't seen the look on your face like that since then. This has brought everything up, hasn't it? You feel the way you did then, when you hated your brother so --

[Edmund squeezes glass in his hand - it breaks and cuts his hand]

[Brooke gasps]

Brooke: Oh, my -- oh, my God.

Alex: I was talking to one of the caretakers, and he said that the plaque in the mausoleum, the one with your name on it, had been forcibly removed from the wall.
Dimitri: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now, Alex, I -- I can't believe that you think Edmund could hate me enough to do what you just said.
Alex: All right. Then you can just keep going around saying that he's healing and that he is coping. He's not. You're in as much denial as he is. What happened that day when I walked into the living room and you were gasping for breath? And don't say that you were having a coughing fit.
Dimitri: Alex --
Alex: What happened?
Dimitri: A slight misunderstanding.
Alex: You had a fight.
Dimitri: Yes. Yes. It's over. We moved on. It was a brother thing. Alex, will you let this go now?
Alex: I don't know. Will Edmund?

Bianca: What is this?
Leo: Apparently it's casserole. Opal dropped it off.
Jack: What, you got one of Opal's casseroles there? You know, those things are world-famous. You should really give it a try.
Bianca: I'll eat more later.
Leo: Why don't we go for a walk or something?
Erica: Oh, I thought that we were going to stay in tonight. Maybe see a movie?
Bianca: Maybe later, Mom. I would like to go for a walk with Leo now. You ready?
Leo: Right behind you.
Jack: See you later.

Erica: Well, I suppose I should be grateful that she turns to Leo for comfort.
Jack: Well, I certainly wouldn't take it to heart if I were you. I just think she's having a really rough time. And god knows she's at a rather difficult age.
Erica: Jack, she's closing down. I mean, the more I reach out to her, she just -- she just shuts down.
Jack: Honey, I don't think that's going to be forever. I think she's just having it really rough right now.
Erica: She sat next to Barbara at the funeral.
Jack: Yeah. I knew that bothered you.
Erica: It didn't bother you?
Jack: Erica, Barbara was married to her father and, for all intents and purposes, was raising Bianca. I know you like to pretend that that's not true, but it's a fact. Frankly, I was proud of Bianca. I thought it was very gracious the way she was there for Barbara that way.
Erica: Yeah, well, Bianca barely tolerates Barbara.
Jack: Erica, that's just not true. She pretends. She pretends to barely tolerate Barbara for your sake.
Erica: What in the world are you talking about? Why would Bianca do that?
Jack: Because she loves you and because she wants you to love her more than anything else in the world.
Erica: Well, that's all I do.
Jack: But at what price?
Erica: Excuse me?
Jack: Does Bianca have to love you the way you expect her to, or is she allowed to think and act for herself?

Leo: I'm sorry I said there were coyotes on the road. I was -- I was only kidding.
Bianca: Forget about the walk. I just needed to get out of there.
Leo: Got it. So, how was it?
Bianca: How was what?
Leo: The service. Was it ok?
Bianca: It was my father's funeral, Leo.
Leo: I know. I'm sorry.
Bianca: I just kept thinking about the last time I saw my dad and what he said to me.
Leo: What was that?
Bianca: He knew that I was -- that I wasn't happy, and he said that he had always felt so close to me and now that I was growing up he didn't want that to change.
Leo: Yeah.
Bianca: He wanted me to talk to him and -- and tell him whatever --
Leo: Whatever what?
Bianca: He wanted me to tell him what was wrong, and I didn't. I couldn't. And now I really want to and I'll never get the chance.
Leo: It's all right. It's going to be all right.

Ryan: Greenlee is mad at me now, Sir, but at the time I believe she was just trying to help me out. Although it was a bad idea, I think her heart probably was in --
Greenlee: You just shut up about my heart, you lousy son of a --
Millicent: Greenlee! You could have been hurt. You could have been killed.

[Telephone rings]

Ryan: Excuse me.

Millicent: I am deeply, deeply disappointed in you.
Greenlee: I know, and I don't blame you, but it's over now and I'm ok.
Millicent: And the family's good name?
Greenlee: We're fine. Right, Gramps? We're ok. You guys, please, it's over. Ryan -- that's over, too. I finally get it. He's not interested, and I don't care. And this whole Wade thing is kind of over, and -- Grandmother, wait.
Millicent: Wait for what? For you to grow up? For you to change? What's become of the fine young woman that I hoped you'd be? I'm afraid it's just too late.
Greenlee: Too late? Too late for what?
Millicent: For you, my dear.
Greenlee: Wait. Wait. Are you throwing me out?
Millicent: You need to go back and live with your parents in San Diego. What else can your grandfather and I do for you?
Greenlee: You can't send me back to them. I'm an adult.
Millicent: And your sole means of support is your grandfather and I. And that's finished as of now. I'm ready to go, Woody. I'll deal with you privately.
Woodruff: I'll settle up.

Greenlee: Granddaddy, please, help me. You're the only one who ever has.
Woodruff: This time I can't. You went too far, Greenlee. How could you do this to us?

Ryan: Where'd they go?
Greenlee: You bastard. Do you have any idea what you've done to me?

Gillian: What do I want? Jake, what do you mean, what do I want? I want -- I want us all to be happy. You and me --
Jake: And Ryan?
Jake: Gillian, when I left you, I never expected you to stop living your life. I never told you what I'd decided or how long I was going to be gone. So what else were you supposed to do?
Gillian: My God, Jake. Don't make excuses for me.
Jake: I'm not. I'm trying to face the facts here. You and Ryan were married, and there was probably -- in fact, I know that there are still feelings between you.
Gillian: Jake, look, I don't want to hurt you.
Jake: Just as there's still feelings between you and me. You know, before it all went so wrong, it was so right. I had tunnel vision. I made a lot of decisions without consulting you. But I knew you love me. And I felt it every time you looked at me.
Gillian: It's just sometimes, Jake, I don't know what to say.
Jake: I know. You don't have to say anything. Sometimes it's better if you don't say anything.
Gillian: But I have to. I -- I -- I have -- I have to say --
Jake: I haven't been sleeping too well lately, so I'm going to make it more comfortable for you and put you down in the guest room. What?
Gillian: I need -- I just -- I just need a minute.
Jake: Gillian -- I'm not going anywhere, so you can take all the time you want.

Dimitri: Hey, Alex, what are you so worried about?
Alex: Are you serious?
Dimitri: Edmund let off some steam. It is over with.
Alex: Well, not for me. Oh, I shouldn't be talking about him with you. I loved him.
Dimitri: I know that you loved him.
Alex: He was very good to me. And I believed him when he said that I was the first woman since Maria that he could --
Dimitri: Alex -- if you want to leave Wildwind, we can go. We can go back to England. We can go to an island in the South Seas. It doesn't matter. I want you with me, and I want you to be at peace. I love you, and I refuse to feel guilty that I do.

Leo: I never knew my father. But from what I've heard, I probably wouldn't have liked him much. I just wish that I could've known him just -- just a little. It sounds like you feel like you have some unfinished business with your father, Bianca. It also sounds like he was crazy about you.
Bianca: I don't think that there was anything I couldn't have told him that would've made him turn away from me. We were going to drive to Seattle together and do a road trip, and I was finally going to tell him. I was finally going to just be me.
Leo: What are you talking about, Bianca?
Bianca: Forget it.
Leo: Forget what?
Bianca: Exactly.
Leo: Bianca, if there's something you needed to tell your dad, maybe you n tell your mom instead.
Bianca: That can't happen, Leo.
Leo: Why? Are you afraid of your mother?

Erica: No, don't stop now, Jack. Why don't you tell me exactly what it is you think that I expect my daughter to be?
Jack: I tell you what. Why don't we just drop this? I'm not questioning your parenting skills.
Erica: Oh, aren't you?
Erica: I'm on edge, Jack. I'm sorry.
Jack: Me, too.
Erica: I'm so worried about Bianca. I've been trying to get her to open up ever since she came home a month ago, but she won't share anything with me, Jack. I mean, nothing at all. My daughter is slipping away from me, Jack, and I don't know what to do because I don't really know who she is.
Jack: You know, honey, at the risk of being obvious, you're Erica Kane. You're one of the most famous women in this country. It can't be easy being your daughter -- your 16-year-old daughter. I mean, you do get that, right?
Erica: Jack, I want her to make her own way. What, you don't think I do? You think I don't?
Jack: I just think sometimes you don't see what's going on. Kind of a forest for the trees kind of a thing.
Erica: Jack, you know, my child has lived 3,000 miles away from me for years now, and I really try to squeeze in all the parenting I possibly can, but the truth is it just goes so far.
Jack: I know that.
Erica: And every time we've been on the phone, every phone conversation we've ever had, I mean, I tell her I love her. I tell her that I would do anything for her. I tell her that all the time. And you know something? I think that it was better then than it is now. And believe me, it was a struggle for me. It killed me every day I didn't see her. But now that I have her here, now, I mean, it's almost worse because she won't let me anywhere near her. I mean, not really, Jack. And you know what that means?
Jack: That you need to give her more time?
Erica: It means that I love her but she doesn't want me to.
Jack: Oh, no. No, Erica. No, that is just not true.
Erica: Then why won't she let me be her mother? What is it that she doesn't want me to see?

Bianca: I'm not afraid of my mother, Leo.
Leo: Well, I am. She is scary.
Bianca: She's actually not scary at all. She's basically a big mush. She just doesn't let anybody know it. My grandma knew it. Not too many other people. Do you know that my grandfather ditched my grandma when Mom was just a little kid? I think she's still a wreck about that somewhere inside her. I really do. I don't know what's worse -- losing a father who never cared about you to begin with or losing one who really did.
Leo: Your mother is going to take very good care of you. You have to know that.
Bianca: But what is it going to be like with me living here full-time? Whenever I would come visit, it was like going to a theme park or something. Since my mom and dad divorced, I haven't spent more than a month at a time with her. What is going to happen when I'm here full-time, forever?
Leo: The usual stuff, I guess.
Bianca: But she doesn't know who I am. And when she finds out, what if she doesn't like it or me?
Leo: Bianca, if you haven't noticed, your mother adores you. I don't think that "what if she doesn't like me?" Comes into play here you're her crowning achievement. Don't you see that?
Bianca: I don't want to be my mother's achievement, Leo. I just want to be me.

Ryan: You better just forget about that "do you know what you've done to me?" Thing after what you've pulled, Greenlee.
Greenlee: You mean like fund your entire company? You'd have nothing without me.
Ryan: You know what? You're right. And you want to know what else? I would be so much better off. What?
Greenlee: I've -- I've lost everything because of you.
Ryan: No, Greenlee, no. You just didn't get your way.
Greenlee: Oh, but you did. You had an affair with Gillian behind Jake's back, and now he's thanking you for rescuing him. You steal money from your own company, and I pay for what you did. It's not fair.
Ryan: You finished?
Greenlee: No. We're not finished.
Ryan: Yes, we are, Greenlee. We're finished. Do you understand that? Do you need me to spell it out? Dead.

Brooke: How's your hand?
Edmund: Fine. Fine. I'm going back to work.
Brooke: Would you go to the emergency room?
Edmund: It's nothing, Brooke, really.
Brooke: Edmund, you squeezed a glass of scotch in half and cut your hand talking about your brother, so don't tell me that you're fine.
Edmund: What do you want from -- what do you want from me? What do you want me to do? You want me to bray, you want me to wail, you want me to curse the gods? That's my brother's style, ok? My brother is alive. He's back with his wife. I have a job. My children are healthy. There's nothing else to report.
Brooke: You're all living in that same house. That has to be impossible with Alex there. I'm surprised that she --
Edmund: I don't want to hear about Alex.
Brooke: I'm not saying anything bad about Alex --
Edmund: Brooke, drop it. She's not to blame.
Brooke: Well, then, who is?

Joe: Where's Jake?
Gillian: He went upstairs. He's tired. He's not sleeping well, he said.
Joe: Gillian, he needs you now more than he ever has.
Gillian: Joe, is there something you're not telling me about Jake's condition? Jake told you not to tell me, didn't he?
Joe: It's not my place.
Gillian: My God, Joe, I need to know. I need to know if Jake's going to be ok.
Joe: Jake is my son. It just would be inappropriate for me to tell you. You must ask him.
Gillian: No, Joe, I'm going to ask you. I need to know. I need to know if he's going to have some chronic problem, some back problem or mobility problem. If there's something wrong, you have to tell me.
Joe: Well, it's --
Gillian: I have to know. Please, Joe. Please tell me.
Joe: Well, it's not any of those things. I don't know how I got myself into this. All right. Because of his injury, Jake may experience some loss of sexual function. I'm not the one who should be telling you this, but I'm afraid he's convinced himself the problem is going to resolve itself and simply go away. Actually, when I saw you here alone, I thought you and Jake had discussed it upstairs.
Gillian: No. No, we talked, but we never discussed that.
Joe: Well, look, Sweetheart, Jake will be telling you in his own time, but it may upset him if he learns that I told you first. So perhaps it would be better if he didn't know that you and I had talked.

Jack: You know, I think you're misinterpreting what Bianca wants from you. I think that, if anything, she needs you more than ever now. And, frankly, I think that scares her.
Erica: Why?
Jack: I think maybe she's afraid that if she gets as close to you as she was to Travis that maybe you'll be next and she just doesn't want to go through that kind of pain again.
Erica: So she just cuts me out altogether and doesn't even treat me like her mother? I -- and that solves everything?
Jack: No. No. It doesn't solve anything.

Jack: Hi.
Bianca: Hi.
Leo: Hey.
Erica: How was your walk?
Bianca: We didn't go.
Erica: Oh. Listen, your Uncle Jack and I were talking, and we'd really like to take you out to breakfast tomorrow morning before we enroll you in school.
Bianca: What?
Erica: Well, just as a sort of -- I don't know -- a prelude to --
Bianca: No, wait, back up. Enroll me in school? What school?
Erica: Well, Pine Valley High. Same school I went to.
Bianca: I have plans tomorrow.
Erica: Plans?
Bianca: Yes, Dimitri's taking me riding. We talked about it on the phone last night.
Erica: Oh. Well, Dimitri probably didn't realize tomorrow's a school day.
Bianca: So? I never planned to go to school tomorrow.
Erica: Really? Well, that's a very interesting concept. When were you planning on sharing that with me?
Jack: You know, why don't we wait a couple days and do it then --
Bianca: No, Uncle Jack, I'm not going to change my mind in a few days. I've decided something about school.
Leo: Oh, boy.
Bianca: I really don't want you to fight me on this one, Mom. I'm dropping out.

Dimitri: Alex, maybe we should rethink renewing our wedding vows.
Alex: You don't want to?
Dimitri: No, no, I didn't mean that. I -- maybe we could find a more private way or let it go until all of us are less --
Alex: Raw?
Dimitri: Yeah.
Alex: I think we'll just make a date that's open-ended. It's better for the children. They're so small, and this is too confusing for them.
Dimitri: I want you to know something. I want you to believe in this. I know that one day we will be a united family, and I mean every last one of us.

Brooke: Edmund, you blame someone for all of this? I hope it's Charlotte. I hope that's the one you blame -- and everyone who's been connected to her. Edmund --
Edmund: I blame Dimitri.
Brooke: Do you hear what you're saying?
Edmund: I wish he'd stayed dead.

Jake's voice: I know what I want, and I want you, Gillian. I need you. But I need you to tell me if that's what you want, too.

Joe's voice: Gillian, he needs you now more than he ever has.

Gillian: What am I going to do?


Hayley: You've really gone and done it this time.

Erica: I think I have a way to handle this without going for each others' throats.

Mateo: Put your hands together for BBMak.

Singer: I will stand up for you no matter what you're going through

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