SEPTEMBER 10, 1999

Mateo: You're serious? You, Uncle Pork Chop, are going to help me to get back in there to talk to Hayley?
Trevor: Yeah.
Mateo: Oh. Oh, boy.
Trevor: That's what you want, isn't it?
Mateo: Yeah, it's what I want. It's just I'm not used to someone being on my side.
Trevor: Well, I'm not exactly jumping into your corner. I'm on Hayley's side, and she can throw you back to the curbside for all I care -- once you give her your best pitch. Because you two have got to hash this out face-to-face.
Mateo: This whole thing's so messed up. I can't even talk to her. I have to sneak in there. I can't see her. You know, I can't tell her how I feel. You know what the worst thing is? She's in really bad shape, and I'm responsible.
Trevor: Yeah, she is in bad --
Mateo: You saw her, right?
Trevor: Yeah.
Mateo: And what Adam's doing -- it's not helping her.
Trevor: That's why I'm getting involved. Adam is smothering her, and while he's doing that, he's torpedoing any chance you guys have of getting back together.

Adam: Hello, sweetheart. Oh, this has gotten cold. Let me get you some more.
Hayley: Oh, no, no, no. Really, Dad, I don't want any. Thanks.
Adam: Well, if you want anything, the entire staff has been told to satisfy your every whim.
Hayley: Really? Then maybe you could instruct Winifred not to sneak up behind me anymore and ask me how I'm doing because I don't think my nerves can take much more.
Adam: Oh. Well, she means well. It's that loudmouth Trevor's visit that got you upset again. I should never have let him in.
Hayley: Stop. Uncle Trevor loves me.
Adam: Well, I love you more. I love you more than anyone else on the face of this earth. You believe that, don't you? Sweetheart, you trust me. You just relax and let us pamper you. All right? Don't bother to think about anything or anyone who's ever hurt you deeply.
Hayley: Yeah. What's the point, I guess.
Adam: You're my little girl. No one has the right to lie to you or mistreat you in any way.

Liza: Adam?
Adam: Hmm?
Liza: Would you feel Colby? I think that she's feverish. I think we have to cancel our dinner plans.
Adam: Really?
Liza: Yeah. Yeah.
Adam: Come here, sweetie. Oh, she's colder than Hayley's tea.
Liza: Really? You think? You think?
Adam: I think.
Liza: What do you think?
Hayley: The same. 98.6, Give or take a point.
Liza: Really?
Adam: Have you noticed how you -- how Colby always feels feverish to you just before we go out for an evening?
Liza: No. No, no, no. This is completely different. We are leaving her for the first time with a brand-new nay.
Adam: Who's got references as long as your arm. And there are those Nanny Cams all over the place.
Liza: You know what? And if I ever saw anything awful, I don't even -- I can't even tell you what would happen --
Adam: Just calm down. Calm down. Calm -- look at Colby. Hi. Now, she is saying she wants us to go out and have a nice dinner together. Isn't she? Hayley? You can tell. Look at her.
Hayley: Actually, I think she's saying, "I'm going to have a good time with my big sister tonight!" Yes! Yes, you are! I have to hold her. Can I hold her?
Liza: Oh, yes.
Hayley: Oh, thank you. Are we going to have fun? Are we going to have a good time? I think we are! We're going to sing and play and dance! Yes, we are. Oh, sweet Colby. Hey, you know what would have been really neat? If I could have given you a niece or a nephew to play with. Someone as beautiful as you, with your same gorgeous eyes. Yeah. There.

Vanessa: Thank you, Dennis. Dennis: You're very welcome, Mrs. Cortlandt.
Vanessa: Oh.
David: Dining alone, Vanessa?
Vanessa: Obviously not. But it's all right. You may run along now, dear.
David: Hmm. That's too bad. I thought you had already been dumped for another aging socialite with expensive tastes.
Vanessa: David, darling, nothing you could say would ever diminish my love for you.
David: Oh, no. Don't tell me. That smile. The copious amounts of French perfume. Hmm. You're in seductive mode, mother. Who's your victim tonight?
Palmer's son?
Vanessa: Don't be jealous, darling. There's plenty of room here for another darling boy.

Palmer: Oh, good evening. Good evening. Vanessa, I would like you to meet my son, Peter. Peter, this is Vanessa.
Petey: I'm very glad to make your acquaintance.
Vanessa: Oh. Likewise, I'm sure. Peter, you are so much more handsome than I imagined you would be. I'm sure we're going to be friends for a very long time. Oh, I think he likes me.
Palmer: Well, how could he help it?
David: Oh, brother.
Vanessa: "Brother"? That's right. This is your new brother.
Petey: Are you really my brother, like Tad and Adrian?
David: Well, not quite, Peter. But I am your stepbrother, and I think that's really great.
Palmer: Oh, David. I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight.
Vanessa: He was just leaving.
Palmer: No, no, no. You mustn't. Why don't you stay and have a family dinner with us? There's no reason why we can't be one great big happy family, is there, David?

Edmund: Tell me. Is there a treatment that can save Dimitri, or isn't there? Alex: It can't really be called a treatment. Not yet. It's highly experimental.
Edmund: Meaning what?
Alex: This technique's reversed the course of other diseases similar to Dimitri's, but it's never been used in a case like his. Whether or not it will work is pure speculation.
Edmund: Ok. Ok, it's a long shot. But it's something.
Alex: I don't want this to raise your hopes in any way.
Edmund: Alex -- Alex, if this is a possible cure to save my brother's life, you got to tell me about it now. Are you talking about stem cell therapy.
Alex: Yes.
Edmund: That's the blood taken from the umbilical cord just after childbirth.
Alex: The cells from that blood can be used to treat illnesses that were thought otherwise incurable. I mean, it's fascinating. It's brilliant. But I have to stress that --
Edmund: I know, I know. It's never been used in an illness like Dimitri's.
Alex: The science is there. It should work. But we can't be sure.
Edmund: You've tried everything else.
Alex: Mm-hmm. Including a volatile experimental drug.
Edmund: And there was only some improvement.
Alex: In my opinion, I think that's just temporary.
Edmund: Well, then why don't you try the stem cell therapy? What's the risk?
Alex: Well --
Edmund: Alex -- Alex, my brother is lying in a hospital bed. He's using every ounce of his life fighting to try to stay strong for us so that we don't suffer. But he's dying. And you know it. Slowly but surely, he is slipping away from us. But as long as he's alive, there's a chance, right? I mean, how can you not take this chance? How can you not risk -- I mean, what is the risk when he's facing certain death?
Alex: The therapy -- it could fail outright, and then Dimitri could die. But worse than that, I think --
Edmund: Alex, what is worse than that?
Alex: It could prolong his life without actually improving it. I mean, what kind of existence is that for him, being confined to a hospital bed? He won't be well enough to go out and ride his horse or play with Maddie or -- just do the things he loves to do. And really, I mean, who are we to make that choice for him?

David: And what do you think of Palmer's charming invitation, mother?
Vanessa: Lovely idea. It's just a shame that you already have plans.
David: Oh, yes, but still -- oh, one great big happy family. Now, that is a temptation that's very difficult to resist. I'm sure that Palmer would love to hear all about your unique parenting tips, especially now that you're going to be stepmother to his son. Like the time that I had the mumps and you were hosting that party for Ari Onassis. Do you remember the unique way that you solved that problem? And I'm still here to tell the tale.
Vanessa: Palmer, I was hoping that this would be just Peteys night, though.
Dennis: Dr. Hayward, your table will be ready shortly. Would you care to wait at the bar?
David: Yes. All right. Why not? Another night, Dad.
Palmer: Yes, I think it would be best. Ahem.

Vanessa: Thank you, darling. Well, that settles it. He needs more fiber in his diet. Look, Petey, I have ordered your very favorite. Chocolate milk, with refills.
Palmer: Well, a toast. To the two people I love most in the world -- my son, Peter, and my beautiful bride. Here we go.

Hayley: You know what, Miss Colby? Even if you don't have a niece or a nephew, you still got me. Yes, you do. You still got me.
Liza: Well, you know what? I'm not giving up hope. You might still have a niece or nephew with Mateo's big, brown eyes.
Adam: Do you hear that noise? That's my stomach growling.
Liza: Oh, yeah. A hungry Adam is a grumpy Adam. I'm ready, and I know that Colby is being left in capable hands.
Adam: Of course she is. Of course she is. We got -- the nannies have all the phone numbers, so let's go.
Liza: Oh, wait a minute. I didn't educate you on Colby's bedtime ritual. We read her stories every night.
Hayley: Really? You read to her already? She's so little.
Liza: Oh, she loves it. I'll have to show you where the books are.
Hayley: Ok.
Adam: Just go right ahead, and don't hurry, because I'm just going to starve quietly right here by myself.
Liza: Oh, shut up. Have a cracker.
Give her to your father, and I'll show you were they are. You know, Colby will let you know when she wants you to turn the page.
Hayley: How does she do that?
Liza: Well, she starts to eat the book.

Adam: "Give her to your father, Hayley." Well. Hayley is not my only child. I happen to be your father, too. Don't I? Your one and only father. Hmm. It's odd, isn't it, how nobody else seems to realize that when it's so obvious to you and me. Well, Hayley is my child, Skye is my child, and you are my child. That's our secret right now. One of these days, everybody's going to know that you are a true Chandler and you belong to me.

Mateo: You know what? To Adam Chandler, love is like -- you know, to love someone is treating them like some prized possession. He's got her locked up in at house like a prisoner.
Trevor: Yeah. Tighter than Tilly's girdle.
Mateo: So you think you can get me in?
Trevor: Yeah. I can have blueprints of Adam Chandler's mansion in about 20 minutes. He's so hot about his security system, but being a mercenary, there's other ways to skin the cat.
Mateo: Whoa, wait, wait. You're not talking about breaking in there, are you?
Trevor: Well, what do you think I'm talking about? "Beam me up, Scotty"?
Mateo: I can't do illegal. Come on.
Trevor: You're saying that Hayley is the most important thing to you in your life, and you're afraid to risk a little jail time?
Mateo: I'm not afraid of anything, first of all. But if Adam finds us, if he catches us, I'm worse off than I began. He's got more ammunition against me. There's no way Hayley's going to trust me anymore. You're a lawyer. Let's do legal. Think of something that -- I don't know --
Trevor: You're saying she's in lockup. I could call Derek and start talking about kidnapping.
Mateo: Kidnapping. Yeah. That'll go over very well. She'll deny it and she'll never trust me ever again.
Trevor: Uh-huh.
Mateo: I just need a few hours alone with her without Adam's interference, without Ryan's interference, you know, just to tell her this whole Raquel thing was bogus, because -- who knows? Maybe I'll even tell her that I'll do anything to make it up for her.
Trevor: So.
Mateo: Blueprints.
Trevor: Blueprints.
Mateo: Yeah. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I got a better idea.

Peter: And the capital of North Dakota is -- Bismarck. And the capital of South Dakota is -- is -- Pierre.
Palmer: Bravo. Bravo, my boy.
Vanessa: Oh, there's only one word for this -- "genius." Peter, you're an absolute genius.
Palmer: Well, we're having such a fine time, I have good news for both of you. I talked to the judge, and I got permission for us to have another visit just like this next week.
Vanessa: Really?
Palmer: Yes.
Vanessa: Lovely!
Palmer: And we are in luck, because you know what's in town next week? Hmm? Hmm?
Vanessa: Uh-uh.
Palmer: The circus. Oh.
Vanessa: Oh. We are going to have such a wonderful time. Did you hear that? Oh.
Dennis: Pardon me. Mr. Cortlandt, you were expecting a phone call from Tokyo?
Palmer: Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Vanessa: Nothing serious?
Palmer: No, no. It's just a follow-up. I won't be long. You be a good boy.

Vanessa: Don't stare, dear. It's very rude. What is it?
Petey: You're pretty.
Vanessa: Oh. Well, that's very sweet of you. You know, I knew the moment we met that I would get along with you. Oh, Pete-- oh, my goodness! Oh, look what you've -- for a very smart boy, that was a very stupid thing to do. Peter, you're going to have to learn to be much less clumsy, darling. Otherwise no one will ever, ever, ever like you. Look, this is absolutely ruined. I can't possibly like you as much as I did before. Oh --
David: Petey. Did you happen to notice that dessert tray over there? That's pretty cool, huh? Listen, why don't you go over there and pick yourself out a nice big dessert, ok? Anything that you want. Go ahead. Can you keep an eye on him, please?
Dennis: Yes, doctor.
David: Thank you. Well, mother. Looks like you have him right where you want him.
Vanessa: David, I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about.
David: He thinks you're beautiful and sweet-smelling, and he's trying so hard to please you. But he never will, and he won't even know why.
Vanessa: Isn't your table ready yet?
David: Though I do believe in time he will come to realize that you are a cold and selfish woman, that you have a heart of stone. It's a good thing he happens to have a real mother. He has Opal to offset your poison.
Vanessa: Oh, Opal, Opal, Opal. He can have her. And she can have him.
David: He has something else. Something that you just gave him.
Vanessa: What?
David: A stepbrother who's going to look after him. Don't go messing up this boy, mother, or you will regret it.

Edmund: You know he can't make decisions about his treatment right now. Alex, ever since you've come into town, you've said that all you've done is follow Dimitri's wishes.
Alex: Well, this isn't an easy matter, and I haven't discussed it with him.
Edmund: I think it'll be easier for him than we're making it. I mean, think about it. If there was the slimmest chance of a full recovery, don't you think he would jump at it? I mean, come on. That's the Dimitri you and I both know.
Alex: I'd do anything to have my husband back. But you're forgetting that I'm a doctor, and I understand the pitfalls ahead of us.
Edmund: Ok. What are they?
Alex: Well, in my opinion, I think it would be cruel to raise Dimitri's hopes when there may not be time. His strength is ebbing so fast, and it could be very difficult to find a compatible donor.
Edmund: A compatible donor?
Alex: Yes. Edmund: That's our first order of business.
Alex: Where are you going?

Eugenia: Forgive me. Forgive me. I listened to your conversation.
Alex: Oh, good. Because I need your advice. He doesn't fully understand the situation ahead of us.
Eugenia: I'm afraid I don't either. But as someone who's managed to outlive almost everyone I've ever loved, I can say this -- if there's anything, if there's anything at all that you can do to save Dimitri, I beg you to consider it.
Alex: I am. I --
Eugenia: Please, please. I'm not trying to minimize a very, very difficult decision. I know the decision is yours. You are his wife. But before you make that decision, I think -- yes, there's something I should tell you about Edmund and about -- and about Dimitri.

Mateo: She has Adam and Ryan influencing the way Hayley thinks, and -- if she didn't have that, our problems would be solved now. And, Stuart, you know that we belong together, right? I mean, that's why I wanted to talk to you, because I know you can help me out. I need you to help me get into Adam's house tonight so I can have a one-on-one with Hayley. Will you help me out?
Stuart: No.
Mateo: No?
Stuart: No. Look, it just -- it hurts me like heck that you and Hayley are having problems now. And I know that talking it out is the right thing to do, but Hayley told me that she has to be alone now to make some decisions about her life.
Mateo: Well, how can she make the right decisions if she's got the wrong facts? She thinks I slept with Raquel.
Stuart: She's very convinced of that.
Mateo: Well, I --
Stuart: She must have some reason.
Mateo: Yes, I just wanted her to be jealous. That's it. I didn't want her to think I slept with her. I didn't sleep with her. I swear to you.
Stuart: You're swearing to me? Now, you're swearing to me --
Mateo: Yes.
Stuart: That you did not have sex with Raquel?
Mateo: You have my word.
Stuart: Ok. I believe you.
Mateo: Thank you. So you'll help me?
Stuart: Yeah.
Mateo: Yeah?
Stuart: Yeah.
Trevor: You can get us in the house?
Stuart: Well, I think so. I think Adam and Liza are out tonight. Marian told me.
Trevor: That doesn't mean the house is empty, though.
Stuart: Well, no. But if Adam's gone, it's a good start.
Trevor: What about the guards around the house? Has he posted guards?
Stuart: I don't know. I didn't know about guards around the house. But if -- if there are, then we'll -- we'll work it out somehow. We'll think of something.
Mateo: I can't thank you enough, Stuart.
Stuart: Don't thank me. It's got nothing to do with thanking me. Just get to Hayley and tell her that you love her. And make her believe you.
Mateo: Ok.
Stuart: Come on.

Eugenia: I said that Dimitri and Edmund were -- were raised together. Well --
Alex: Thank you.
Eugenia: That's not strictly true. Yes, Dimitri was raised here in this house in comfort as Hugo's son and heir, but Edmund was raised as the caretaker's son in the gatehouse. Actually, I discovered that he had been physically abused by his stepfather.
Alex: Oh, no. That's awful.
Eugenia: Yes. Of course, Dimitri, as soon as he found out, did everything he could about it. He didn't know in the beginning. And that explains why Dimitri would never -- he would never hurt Edmund again. Edmund would do everything in his power to be sure that Dimitri was saved.
Alex: That explains so much. It certainly is a complex relationship. Eugenia, all I want is to be true to my husband.
Eugenia: Oh, but you have. You have. Dimitri will understand why you told Edmund and why Edmund told Gillian and me. You have help now. You can rely on us. And rely on Edmund to do everything -- everything to save our lovely, our dearest Dimitri.

David: Care to join me, Edmund?
Edmund: I found my brother.
David: I'm very pleased.
Edmund: Hold this. You're going to need it. Dimitri's alive.

Vanessa: Well, Petey, we're going to have so much fun next week. Now, what's your favorite part of the circus?
Petey: The elephants.
Vanessa: Oh! Mine, too.
Palmer: Shall we?
Vanessa: Ah.
Palmer: Come on.
Vanessa: Oh, Adam, Liza.
Liza: Hello. Oh, Vanessa, I'm sorry. Congratulations are in order.
Vanessa: Oh, I'm afraid you've got your etiquette reversed. One never congratulates the bride, only the groom.
Liza: Well, I wouldn't do that. Good luck, Palmer.

Dennis: Right this way.
Liza: Thank you.
Adam: That was a good one.
Liza: Thank you.
Adam: Of course, you've had a lot of practice browbeating me all the way over here.
Liza: I can't believe you would say that. Besides, you deserved it. Having Winifred guard Hayley while we're gone.
Adam: You're the one who insisted I get rid of all of the security around the estate.
Liza: Would you listen to yourself? You're hopeless.
Adam: What's wrong with a man wanting to protect his daughter from a man who's hurt her very deeply?
Liza: What's wrong is it's not going to work. The more you pull Hayley and Mateo apart, the more they're going to bounce back together. Which is probably how it should be, anyway.

Stuart: Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Trevor: No guards outside.
Stuart: Looks like everybody that's here has turned in.
Mateo: So I guess Hayley's in her bedroom then.
Stuart: Ok, yeah. I'll stay down here as a lookout. You go on up and see her.
Mateo: Ok.
Trevor: Hey, wait, wait a second. I think I should go up first, warn her. Because if you just show up, she could freak out.
Mateo: Ok.
Stuart: We don't want her freaking out.
Mateo: No.
Stuart: Go. Go.
Winifred: Who's down there? Hello? I'm coming down, and I am armed!
Stuart: The secret passage -- it's this way. Ok, go right up the second floor to her bedroom. Close it. Close it.
Winifred: Ok, mister, this is your last chance to get out of here with -- Mr. -- Mr. Chandler? Oh. Oh, thank goodness it's you.

David: So now you trust Alex? You no longer think that she poisoned your brother?
Edmund: It was an experimental drug, and it prolonged his life, but we don't know how long that will continue.
David: Ok, so Alex is his doctor. Why do you need me?
Edmund: She doesn't know I'm here.
David: Hmm. Then maybe you don't trust her so much after all.
Edmund: Are you completely incapable of compassion?
David: What do you want from me, Edmund?
Edmund: Are you familiar with stem cell therapy?
David: Of course I am. But surely you're not hoping that that's going to save Dimitri? Is that what Alex is pushing?
Edmund: She thinks it's possible. That's why I need your help.

Liza: Thank you.
Waiter: You're welcome. Liza: I'm freezing. I should have brought a shawl or something.
Adam: Well, I'll get you a sweater.
Liza: Oh, no, no, no. There's none in the car.
Adam: Well, then I'll go home and get you a sweater.
Liza: You're going to go home and get me a sweater?
Adam: Well, of course I would. You're cold. I'll be back in 15 minutes.
Liza: You're going to check on Hayley, aren't you?
Adam: Well, uh, yes.
Liza: Mm-hmm.
Adam: All right, fine. I'll stay.
Liza: No, no, no. You're very attractive when you're monomaniacal.
Adam: Thank you. I'll be back before the hors d'oeuvres.
Liza: Oh, don't forget my sweater.
Adam: Of course not.

Winifred: What are you doing back here so early, Mr. Chandler? You're supposed to be having dinner with Mrs. Chandler.
Stuart: Oh, I --
Winifred: Did you think that I would not follow through on the instructions that you gave me for Hayley?
Stuart: Instructions.
Winifred: No one tried to see her, and if someone had tried to see her, I wouldn't have let them in. You can trust me on that.
[Stuart pretends to be Adam]

Stuart: Oh, well, of course I trust you, Winifred. It's just that I was called back here on business. That's it. And, well, I just might as well relieve you of your responsibilities. I can take care of Hayley.
Winifred: Oh, well, are you sure?
Stuart: Oh, sure. Of course I can. You just take the rest of the evening off.
Winifred: Well, it's kind of late.
Stuart: Nonsense. It's not late. How about a late movie? There's -- oh, there's a terrific movie down on the -- I don't know anything about movies. I work 18 hours a day. I can't have time to go to movies. It's impossible. But I'm sure you can find one that you like. Here. Let me treat you. Just --
Winifred: Thank you, Mr. Chandler. I'll go.

Stuart: Ha-ha, yes. Ha.

[Hayley gasps]

Hayley: Uncle Trevor, what are y -- you could have given me a heart attack.
Trevor: I'm sorry, Tink. I didn't mean to scare you, ok?
Hayley: What are you doing here?
Trevor: Well, I had to come. I brought somebody to see you.
Hayley: Uncle Trevor, no. No. How could you do this?
Trevor: Well, I could because every time I hashed it out, I realized it's what you really want, right?
Hayley: Stop telling me what I want. I told you what I want, which is to be left alone.
Trevor: Man, oh, man. Tink, you keep telling me you don't want to grow up to be like your mother, and what I'm seeing here is classic Arlene. You're wallowing in your own self-pity. You're holding on to every hurt that's been done to you. Now, I'm not saying that the hurt hasn't been done to you, but it's time to let it go. You got to deal with it. You got to talk to Mateo now.
Hayley: No, Uncle Trevor. No.
Mateo: Hayley. Don't say no.

David: You're right. It's true. There are indications that it could work. It's just --
Edmund: Stem cell therapy's never been used for this illness yet.
David: That's right. But if Dimitri's as sick as you say he is, then why not give it a shot?
Edmund: I agree. But Alex thinks that it might prolong his life. He may be alive, but permanently incapacitated.
David: And you're willing to take that chance?
Edmund: It's the only chance I possibly can take. And we're running out of time. I need a compatible donor. Now, if Dimitri's too weak, then the procedure just won't work. So I have to find --
David: There's Liza Colby. Now, isn't that fortuitous?
David: I happen to know that Liza made arrangements to have her daughter's stem cells stored when baby Colby was born. Now, assuming that they're compatible with Dimitri --
Edmund: Would she give her permission?
David: Well, you would have to get permission from both parents -- Liza and Adam.
Edmund: You mean Jake.
David: Oh, yes. What was I thinking? Liza and Jake martin. That's right.
Edmund: Would this harmful to Colby in any way?
David: Oh, no. Not at all. I mean, it's just a matter of genetic testing of Colby's stored blood cells.
Edmund: I'll ask her.
David: Good.

Trevor: Ok, kids. I got every confidence in you. You just got to start talking. You're not going to settle everything at the first sitting, but you just got to start, and you'll work your way back, ok?
Hayley: You had no right to do this. I'm not ready for this.
Trevor: Hey, what's done is done. No time like the present, right? And Stuart and I will make sure you guys have time for a good long jaw.
Hayley: Uncle Trevor.
Trevor: You keep your mind open.

Adam: Jumping Judas! Stuart, what are you -- my heart!
Stuart: Adam. Hello.
Adam: What are you doing standing there in the dark?
Stuart: We look just alike. I mean, we're both wearing blue jackets and -- how about that?
Adam: Stuart, are you up to something?
Stuart: Oh, the -- well, the plan was for me to use the satellite dish, and it --
Adam: "The plan." What plan?
Stuart: Oh, darn.
Adam: Stuart. We both know you're incapable of lying. I want the truth. I want it now.
Stuart: Well, the truth is I was talking about this wonderful, great new movie that I wanted to see. That's it. And I think I can just make it.

Trevor: Hey, hey, hey. Mission accomplished.
Adam: Trevor.
Trevor: Stuart.

Stuart: Come on, Mateo.

[Telephone rings]

Stuart: Pick up. Pick up, pick up, pick up. Pick up, Mateo. Come on. Come on. What are you doing up there?

[Telephone rings]
[Turns ringer off]

Hayley: Look, Mateo --
Mateo: Listen, I know we have a lot to say to each other. I guess I should start by saying the most important thing is that no matter what happened, I love you.

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