SEPTEMBER 17, 1999

Gillian: This is so cruel. Dimitri's alive. We got him back, and now we may lose him.
Alex: Oh, don't say that, love.
Gillian: I want to see him. He needs our prayers and our love now.
Alex: What he needs is a miracle.
Gillian: I mean, if this whole procedure can save his life, what are we wasting time for?
Edmund: Alex is just as anxious as you are, Gillian. But she can't move forward until we find out if Colby's stem cells are compatible.
Gillian: I'm sorry. It's just, you know, I have hope. I just -- I want Dimitri back the way he was.
Alex: That's what we all want.

David: Hey. Messages.
David: You look delicious.
Erica: I missed you, too.
David: Was your trip a success?
Erica: Runaway.
David: When did you get back?
Erica: I just stopped at home to shower and change.
David: And rush right over to surprise me. I'm flattered.
Erica: David, the reason I'm here is --
David: We'll get into that upstairs. I love undressing you with my eyes, but my hands want equal time.
Erica: You're shameless.
David: No. Shameless would be me grabbing you right here in this lobby and kissing you full on the mouth.
Erica: Well, I guess the press would be wild.
David: Let's start a riot.

Palmer: Erica. I hope I haven't kept you waiting.
Erica: No, of course not, Palmer, not at all. I'm just so grateful that you were able to be available, you know, to mix a little business and pleasure on such short notice.
Palmer: There's always room in my schedule for dinner with a beautiful woman.
David: Which explains why my mother isn't present.
Palmer: Oh, David. Good evening.
David: Dad. And where is the new Mrs. Cortlandt? Don't tell me the honeymoon's already over.
Palmer: Oh, Vanessa spent the afternoon in New York shopping.
David: You set her loose on Fifth Avenue? If there's anything my mother loves more than herself, it's jewelry. She can fill Ali Baba's cave with one swipe of your platinum card.

Vanessa: Oh, dear, Erica, Palmer, darling, David. My three favorite people in the world -- what a treat.

Raquel: Hayley, I have to talk to you.
Hayley: Sorry, Raquel. Find yourself another dump site.
Raquel: Look, you need to hear this.
Hayley: And you need to take your hands off me and get out of my face immediately.
Raquel: Just give me five minutes, and I'll be out of your life forever.
Ryan: Whatever you've got to say, she's not interested.
Raquel: Believe it or not, this was not my idea.
Ryan: Well, then who put you up to it?
Hayley: Mateo? What's going on? What is all this?
Raquel: How do you do it, Hayley? How do you get men -- good men -- to turn their lives inside out for you?
Hayley: Now what are you talking about?
Raquel: Mateo showed up at my parents' ranch in Texas. He asked -- no, no, no -- he ordered me to fly back with him and talk to you. When I refused, he threatened to take my son away from me.
Hayley: Why would you threaten to take Max away from his mother?
Mateo: Because I won't let my son be raised by a liar.

Alex: Oh, thank you.
Gillian: You know, Dimitri reminds me of the rocks at Stonehenge. Nothing would knock them down.
Edmund: Nothing has. Not for long.
Gillian: I should be thankful that he's alive.
Edmund: I have a theory about my brother, Gillian. You want to hear it? I think that Dimitri has cheated death more times than a cat has lives. And I think he washes up on the shores of hell. The devil throws him back because he doesn't want the competition.
Eugenia: Dimitri, Prince of Darkness. Oh, yes. He'd like that.
Gillian: Grandmama.
Eugenia: And what are we all gaping at?
Edmund: Eugenia, shouldn't you be home in bed?
Eugenia: Oh, yes, in a darkened room with my smelling salts like some sort of Victorian ninny.
Alex: Well, I, for one, am very glad that you're here.
Eugenia: Well, please remember that I once took a Nazi out in 20 paces. We Andrassys do not -- all right, how is he?
Alex: His condition has deteriorated.
Eugenia: Go on.
Alex: He's still in a coma. He's unresponsive. As far as we can tell, he's pain-free. And of course we're taking every measure we can to make sure he's comfortable.
Gillian: But this whole procedure -- that'll get him out of his coma, right?
Eugenia: Yes, that is something we can hang onto, isn't it?
Gillian: I mean -- Jake Martin said that we could use his baby's stem cells for this whole procedure.
Alex: Even if the treatment is successful, there's no guarantee he'll make a full recovery. You do understand that, don't you?
Eugenia: Well, we owe -- we owe Dr. Martin a debt of gratitude, and our gratitude to you is immeasurable.
Gillian: Thanks to Jake and Alex, I'm sure Dimitri will recover.
Alex: My father used to say that faith can move mountains. And I'll do anything I can to bring him back to you the way you remember him, but he may be already beyond my reach.
Eugenia: Please -- please don't hang crepe before the funeral. Dimitri's a Magyar. Magyars are warriors. They're fighters. That little scar over his lip -- he got that defending a lady's honor.
Edmund: I -- it's funny. He told me he cut it shaving.
Eugenia: Well, he didn't want to bore you with tales of his battle scars. Well, that day, he had a little problem with a rapier, but he won. That's the stuff he's made of.

[Pager beeps]

Alex: Oh. Excuse me.
Alex: Hello. Dr. Devane. Yeah. Yes. Thank you. Colby's cells are compatible. We're going to proceed with the treatment.
Gillian: That's great.

Palmer: Vanessa, I -- I just assumed that you were dining in New York.
David: Well, it looks like the Soup Nazi sent her packing -- with some lovely parting gifts, I might add.
Vanessa: A few trinkets, yes.
David: Come on, Vanessa. You know how paste makes you break out in hives.
Vanessa: Oh, David, you do love to exaggerate, don't you, darling? But I always do recover, don't I? Why aren't you off transplanting something?
David: Well, as a matter of fact, you're next on my lt. A Hollywood agent's heart just became available. Slightly larger than yours, but if I break a few ribs --
Palmer: David, I think that's quite enough.
David: Yes, more than enough. I have a stack of medical journals upstairs waiting for me. Good night, all.

Palmer: Erica, I'll see if our table's ready.
Erica: Great.
Vanessa: Erica, I do hope David wasn't being a nuisance.
Erica: Not at all.
Vanessa: Oh, good. Good. You see, I wouldn't really put it past him to try to trade in on your celebrity, you know, to further his own career.
Erica: Well, now, I seem to recall that you're the one who tried to exploit my fame, my friendship.
Vanessa: Erica, please, how many times do I have to tell you? I was writing a tribute.
Erica: You were writing filth. I know that and you know that. Actually, Palmer knows that.
Vanessa: Well -- you didn't.
Erica: You doubt me? Ask him.
Palmer: Erica, the table's ready. Shall we?
Vanessa: Give me just a moment to put these things away, and I'll be glad to join you.
Erica: Oh, I'm sorry, Vanessa. I can't ask you to do that. Palmer and I have a lot of business to talk about, don't we?
Palmer: Yes, we have, well, a lot of catching up to do. You'll understand if we don't ask you to join us.
Vanessa: Of course. Actually, what I really need is a long soak in a big bubble tub. So I'll see you later, darling.
Erica: Yes. You go soak.

Mateo: You got something to say to Hayley. Say it.
Raquel: She doesn't want to hear it.
Ryan: This is --
Hayley: This is an ambush is what this is. Ok? I came here to chill out and do some shopping, not have a confrontation with my ex and his ex.
Ryan: Ok. Come on, let's get out of here.
Mateo: Listen. Listen -- if you just hear her out. I know it feels like we're ganging up on you, but just hear her out.
Hayley: Have you been following me?
Mateo: No. I called the house. Liza told me you were here. I came straight from the airport.
Ryan: Hayley, you don't have to do this if you don't want to.
Hayley: Ok. Moment of truth time. Lay it on me.
Raquel: I never slept with Mateo. We never made love. Nothing happened. Happy?
Hayley: Happy? Mateo went all the way to Texas and forcibly dragged you back and threatened to take away your child, and we all know that you'd do anything to hold on to Max.
Raquel: There was a time when I'd do anything to hold on to Mateo, and that's why I lied. But this is God's truth. Nothing happened. He never laid a hand on me. I swear to that on the Holy Bible. And if that's not good enough for you, I'd swear to it on my son's life.

Erica: Palmer.
Palmer: Hmm?
Erica: I met a crony of yours at Netcom -- Kenneth Bingham.
Palmer: Oh, yes, Kenny. Kenny -- delightful chap. He's still living San Francisco?
Erica: Yes. Yes, with a huge corporate spread. And he has proposed a business venture to me, which I'd really very much like to go over with you before I proceed any further.
Palmer: Well, he's a very savvy entrepreneur. He's a trusted friend. I think he's a good ally.
Erica: Ah, well, he spoke very highly of you, too.
Palmer: Do you want me to look over the proposal?
Erica: Oh, Palmer, yes. I would so appreciate that. I really would. I mean, that is, if --
Palmer: Yeah? If what?
Erica: Oh, nothing. Well, I was about to say something unkind about your judgment.
Palmer: What?
Erica: Well, it's about Vanessa. I mean, Palmer, you've married a viper, and you treat her like royalty. The opera, ballet. When your wife's not out looting a jewelry store, you know that you're just sending her everywhere she wants to go in the whole world, first-class, just on a whim.
Palmer: Well, why not? I mean, she enjoys it and she seems to be accustomed to it.
Erica: Oh, yes. She's become very accustomed to your generous nature.
Palmer: Well, I -- I'm having more fun than she is. I mean, I just love spoiling Vanessa.
Erica: Well, very soon, you're going to be filing for bankruptcy, Palmer. I certainly hope that you had her sign a prenup.
Palmer: In triplicate.
Erica: Well, good. That could be very useful, unless she finds a way to snake around it.
Palmer: Erica, my dear, I know perfectly well that Vanessa is just as devoted to my checkbook as she is to me.
Erica: Don't take this personally, Palmer, but Vanessa doesn't love you.
Palmer: Uh-uh. I don't love her. We make no bones about that. You know that. But we just enjoy each other's company. I mean, she makes me laugh. And I must say I like being seen with a beautiful, sophisticated woman on my arm.
Erica: But she's going to do a lot more than make you laugh, Palmer. She's going to make you pay.
Palmer: Well, I don't mind as long as I get my money's worth. Hell, you know, it's kind of kick being a sugar daddy at my age.
Erica: Oh, Palmer. But what about when the novelty wears off?
Palmer: Well, we'll just go our separate ways. She'll have her treasure-trove of jewels, and, me, I'll have my fortune intact. And in the meanwhile, I'll just keep my eyes and my wallet open.
Erica: Well, just so that you never trust her.
Palmer: I can handle Vanessa. It's her son, David, that I don't trust.

Eugenia: No, thank you, darling. Alex attending Dimitri personally -- God, that must be so difficult.
Edmund: Well, she has help -- Dr. Silbert.
Gillian: I trust Alex. Dimitri's in good hands.
Eugenia: How soon do you think we'll be able to take him home?
Edmund: Well, we've set up a complete facility in the west wing, and every inch is hospital code. Just -- we'll bring him home as soon as he's stabilized and it's safe for him to travel.
Eugenia: What is it, Edmund?
Edmund: I was just thinking about Maria when she would come home from work. I could tell just from looking in her eyes whether she had saved a patient or lost one.
Alex: Dimitri's in recovery. The procedure went well. No complications.
Gillian: Is he conscious?
Alex: No.
Eugenia: Well, how soon will we know if the procedure's successful?
Alex: Well, if his condition improves, then there may be some sign of it tonight.
Gillian: So soon? Oh. I can't wait for him to open his eyes. Do I look ok?
Alex: You look lovely. You both should go see him now. He's still unresponsive, but he'll know you're there.
Gillian: Is it ok to talk to him and to touch him?
Alex: Yeah. Hold his hand and talk to him about everything you did today. Tell him all the things you didn't get a chance to say. Tell him how much you love him. And he'll hear you. The nurse will see you.
Edmund: You were telling them to say good-bye.
Alex: Was it that obvious?
Edmund: You have my wife's eyes.

Ryan so now you're saying it never happened. You never slept with Mateo.
Mateo: She made the whole thing up.
Hayley: Why? You lied, and you smashed my face in it. Do you hate me that much?
Raquel: You had everything I ever wanted, and you threw it all away.
Hayley: So you torture me as payback?
Raquel: Don't talk to me about torture. You and Mateo crushed every hope that I had. He put you in my place. Do you know how much that hurt me?
Hayley: Yes. Thanks to you, I do, because I was married to Mateo once, and we were in love until you showed up. But you couldn't respect that.
Raquel: Look, I had Max to think about.
Hayley: Don't you blame this on Max.
Raquel: I blame Mateo. The night we danced at S.O.S., You held me so tight, I could hardly breathe. But only when Hayley was watching.
Hayley: You know what? This is more of the same, and I've had enough.
Raquel: Look, you want to know what really happened after that? Mateo took me home. I hoped that he'd look at me the way he looked at you -- that he'd want me like he used to -- and I kissed him, but he didn't kiss me back. He didn't want me, so I lied. But not to get back at you, Hayley. I wanted him to be alone, like I am. But I never thought that you'd believe my lie.
Hayley: Oh, yes, you did, or you wouldn't even have bothered.
Raquel: If you believed in Mateo the way a woman should believe in her man, you would have never taken my word over his.
Hayley: Oh, so now this is my fault?
Ryan: What do you say, Hayley? You about ready? Had enough of this? Let's get out of here.
Raquel: And you -- you should have believed Hayley when she said kissing Ryan didn't mean anything. But you both chose the wrong sides. You both believed the worst about each other. Sad for you, not for me. And you can have your love because I want something better for Max and for me. So I'm going back home to Texas to be with people who won't use me in their dirty little battles. To think I used to envy you.

Mateo: Why don't you leave?
Ryan: What if I don't? Are you going to threaten me, too?

Edmund: I appreciate you letting Eugenia and Gillian see Dimitri.
Alex: Well, it was a simple request, if it brings him some comfort.
Edmund: You don't sound so sure.
Alex: Oh, I'm not sure of anything, except I didn't keep Dimitri's promise. He wanted to be remembered as he was in life, not like this.
Edmund: Most people don't get to choose how they'll be remembered. Typical of my brother to think that he could.
Alex: Tell me something, anything -- what you remember most about him.
Edmund: He's not dead yet. I'm sorry. Hey, Alex, I'm sorry. That was stupid. You want a memory? I'll give you a memory. You want the best one? When we were trapped in the aqueduct, my brother bullied me into saving my life. He got me so angry at him that I had to live just so I could just break his neck. He gave me the gift of hate and it saved my life.
Alex: So much for greeting card sentiment.
Edmund: Oh, no, not with the Marick brothers. No way. No, just give us our reality straight up. That's how we like it, no softening blows.
Alex: Good.
Edmund: Is that what you're doing now?
Alex: If you're asking me whether I think he's going to live -- are you?
Edmund: You don't seem to be holding out a lot of hope.
Alex: I don't know. I wish I could. I wish I was more sure of this treatment, but -- where's the quality of life if he's going to spend the rest of his days bedridden? That's what he was most afraid of.
Edmund: You gave an oath to save lives.
Alex: First, do no harm. I'm afraid that by administering this treatment I may well have done my husband more harm than good. Oh, it's just so complicated. I mean, I love him as his wife, and I have to treat him as a professional. If I lose him, I lose him twice.
Edmund: You regret taking him on as a patient?
Alex: Might as well ask me if I regret ever falling in love with him. Which no, never. What I regret is his insidious, merciless disease. Oh, I hate death! I hate it. It's a cheat, and it loves no one.
Edmund: Alex, for what it's worth, my brother is lucky to have you as his wife.

Gillian: I'm going to take Grandmama home.
Edmund: Yeah.
Eugenia: We'll be close to the phone.
Edmund: That's good. That's a good idea. You do that, ok?
Alex: I'll ring if there's any change, ok?
Edmund: Ok.

Edmund: Listen, I'm going to sit with Dimitri, unless you'd rather.
Alex: No, go. It's fine.
Edmund: You know, Alex, this might be a good time for you to get some sleep.
Alex: Yeah. Yeah, I will later.
Edmund: Alex, you look like hell.
Alex: Thanks.
Edmund: Get some rest.
Alex: Ok. Yes, doctor.

Erica: The great and powerful Palmer Cortlandt worried about David Hayward?
Palmer: The man is a menace.
Erica: The man is a doctor.
Palmer: He nearly destroyed your life.
Erica: Well, better men have tried. I ate them for breakfast.
Palmer: Yes, I know. But you have noticed how shabbily he treats his mother?
Erica: Oh, well, his mother, she brought that on herself. I mean, she has the maternal instincts of a reptile.
Palmer: No parent is perfect, no matter how hard they try.
Erica: Yes, but she didn't even come close, Palmer. And she never really tried.
Palmer: David is an adult. He's grown up. I mean, this need to harass his mother, it's just juvenile.
Erica: No, I understand perfectly.
Palmer: Why are you defending a man who nearly destroyed your life?
Erica: And then saved it? I'm not defending David Hayward. I just think that what you said just now is true. You know, there are two sides to every story.
Palmer: Hmm. Well, I'm married to Vanessa, but that doesn't mean I have to tolerate his inexcusable rudeness.
Erica: Palmer, what are you going to do? You going to throw him over your knee and spank him?
Palmer: Well, I could -- I could harass him somewhat.
Erica: You know something, Palmer? I was really wondering why you and Vanessa don't get a place of your own. I mean, the Valley Inn is very nice. It's just that you're so used to very palatial surroundings, you know. And with David's room right down the hall --
Palmer: How do you know where David's room is?
Erica: Well, because -- because you've been complaining about him all the time.
Palmer: Oh, yes. Vanessa and I will move eventually. But you know, Pine Valley, very small town. He moves in the same social circles.
Erica: Well, you're not thinking of leaving town, are you?
Palmer: Oh, no. No, no, no. But I could have David transferred to another medical facility, preferably overseas.
Erica: Well, Palmer, that seems a little drastic, doesn't it?
Palmer: Erica, dear, drastic is what I do best.
Erica: But David Hayward is a really highly regarded doctor. I mean, I think the board would fight very hard to keep him.
Palmer: The board could be swayed.
Erica: Palmer, I think that it would look very odd for a man of your stature to be throwing his weight around over something so inconsequential. And what would you tell the board anyway? Would you tell them that you want them to dismiss him because he irritates your wife? Or is it more personal?
Palmer: What are you getting at?
Erica: Just that -- I mean, I certainly could never imagine this powerhouse Palmer Cortlandt being threatened by David Hayward. But you know how some tongues in this town wag, how some people are -- Enid Nelson, the newspaper. I mean, they may wonder what Palmer Cortlandt is afraid of.

Mateo: No, no threats. I just want you gone so I can talk to Hayley. Ryan so you can mess with her head some more, pour another shot?
Mateo: Just leave. Just go.
Ryan: Yeah. I'm here with Hayley. Hayley, you want me to go?
Hayley: No, I don't. Boy, when you clear the air, you really do it large. I'm glad you didn't sleep with Raquel.
Mateo: So you believe me?
Hayley: Yes.
Mateo: So I guess it changes everything, doesn't it?
Hayley: Does it? I don't know. I guess I should feel something -- relief? Gratitude?
Mateo: I think so. I told the truth. I went all the way to Texas. I would have gone anywhere to straighten this mess out.
Hayley: I know that. I believe you. I was wrong to believe Raquel. I was foolish. I should have known better. Just like you should have known there was nothing between me and Ryan. You want the worst to be over, but the worst isn't over, not until you apologize to both of us.
Mateo: Listen, I told you, whatever you guys did, whatever happened between you guys is forgotten, forgiven.
Ryan: Wow. Big man, forgiving Hayley for something that never happened.
Mateo: Why are you still talking? Why are you still here?
Ryan: He waved a shot of alcohol in front of your face. He called you a liar. He called you a cheater. "Bang! You're dead." You remember that? Now he wants to forgive you.
Mateo: You're acting like this is your fight. This isn't your fight.
Ryan: What?
Mateo: This isn't your fight.
Ryan: Look at you. I've been fighting guys like you my whole life, guys that kick people when they're down, hit people below the belt. Hayley deserves better than that.
Mateo: You mean she deserves you.
Ryan: I didn't say that.
Mateo: You didn't have to say it. I'm so tired of you coming between us. Ryan: You know what, man? You're doing a real good job of doing that yourself. Mateo: You want me to apologize to this? You want me to apologize to him, this user? This crutch? Just like your booze. Do your 12 steps. Step number one -- lose the crutch. Come home with me. Ryan: You say the word Hayley, I'll take you away from this. I'll take you out of here.

Erica: Well, dinner was lovely, Palmer. Thank you.
Palmer: I hope I didn't put a damper on things by bringing up David.
Erica: David Hayward?
Palmer: Uh-huh.
Erica: No, not at all. No, I just don't think he's worth the effort to run him out of town.
Palmer: Well, perhaps not.
Erica: Oh, I know not.
Palmer: Still, I just can't tolerate his harassment of his mother. It's degrading.
Erica: Well, maybe I can figure out a way to torture David Hayward.
Palmer: You'd do that for me?
Erica: Well, I still haven't forgiven you for marrying that Medusa, but in the name of friendship -- sure, let me toy with the idea I'm sure I can come up with some clever way to make David Hayward… squirm.
Palmer: You are a woman after my own heart. Can I give you a ride home?
Erica: Oh, no, thank you. I have my own car.
Palmer: All right. You drive safely.
Erica: Thank you. You, too.
Palmer: All right.

David: No, no, don't put me on hold. I just want to find out if Colby Martin's stem cells are viable to treat the patient at Seaview. They are? Excellent. Thank you.

David: Hey, didn't Palmer feed you?
Erica: Uh-uh. Not what I was craving. That was a very close call downstairs, you know? But I don't think Palmer suspects anything.
David: Neither does Vanessa. I think power shopping weakens her radar.
Erica: Well, Palmer certainly hasn't mellowed a bit. I mean, he wanted to run you out of town on a rail. But I managed to convince him otherwise.
David: Your powers of persuasion are legendary.
Erica: Well, I promised Palmer that I would figure out some way to make David squirm.
David: I give you permission to begin right now.
Erica: Don't you want to hear every rotten thing he said about you?
David: No. Some things are better left to the imagination.
Erica: Well, I want you to know that I agreed with every rotten thing he said about you.
David: You didn't defend my honor?
Erica: Let Palmer suspect anything going on between us? I think it's much better this way. Don't you?
David: Oh, I think this way is perfect.

[Knock on door]

Vanessa: David, it's your mother. I insist you drop whatever you're doing and open this door.

Hayley: Mateo's right. We need to talk alone.
Ryan: You sure?
Hayley: Mm-hmm. I'll be ok. I promise. Don't worry.
Ryan: Just call me if you need me.
Mateo: I don't even know where to start.
Hayley: Me, neither.
Mateo: At least we're alone now. Nothing, no one to get in between us.
Hayley: Only the past.
Mateo: Yeah, well, I say we forget the past. Where do we go from here?

Alex: Ah!
Edmund: Alex? Alex, you all right? What's wrong?
Alex: Oh, such a horrible dream. What time is it? Is Dimitri all right?
Edmund: He's fine. He's ok. He's all right.
Alex: Oh, dear. Oh, that was horrible. I was -- I was swimming in the ocean. It was night. It was freezing cold. I was looking for Dimitri. I couldn't see him, but I just had this feeling that he was below the surface. So I dove down. But it was so dark, I couldn't see anything. He was there. He was within my reach. And I couldn't save him. Isn't that ironic? And I couldn't breathe. And I was just trying to swim to the surface. The currents kept pulling me down. Oh, horrible.
Edmund: Alex, it was just a dream.
Alex: Yeah.
Edmund: Just a dream, that's all.
Alex: I know. I'm sorry.
Edmund: Don't be. It just proves that you're human and scared just like the rest of us.
Alex: Yeah, I am scared.

Dr. Silbert: Mr. Grey, Dr. Devane? I've just come from Mr. Marick's room. There's been a change.

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