Tad: Honey, come on, is that a weapon in your hand or you happy to see me?
Dixie: Are you out of your mind?
Tad: I'm sorry, ok? I apologize. Honestly, I didn't intentionally mean to jump out of the plane.
Dixie: Oh, of course not. You were just standing in a plane with the door open and a parachute wrapped around your body.
Tad: I was standing in the plane with the door open and a parachute because you were there and I was trying to prove a point.
Dixie: You were trying to scare the life out of me. You know, for a man who is so concerned about his wife's health, you have a very funny way of showing it.
Tad: That's not fair.
Dixie: No, it's not fair for you to jump out of a plane, Tad. I felt so helpless. I just had to stand there and watch you fall and pray that the parachute would open before you hit the ground. Do you know how terrified I felt?
Tad: Yes. Absolutely. That's the point I was trying to make. Because from the moment you told me you were pregnant, that's exactly the way I felt.
Dixie: Oh, you cannot compare the two situations.
Tad: You don't think so? Honey, come on, you want to talk about intentionally risking your life? You had four doctors tell you over and over again any sign of back pain could mean kidney failure -- not good for a person with a history of heart disease.
Dixie: Are you finished?
Tad: No. You promised Hayward, you gave him your word that you would tell him the minute you felt any discomfort. So what did you do? You kept quiet and you intentionally hid your symptoms.
Dixie: I had some twinges that I thought would pass. You deliberately put yourself in danger.
Tad: You hoped they would pass. Honey, that's like rolling a couple of dice. At least the odds were that my parachute was going to open. And I was prepared to do whatever it took to make you see what you were doing. And if that included hitting the silk, you know what? I would have done it gladly. I got to admit, you know, once we were up there, I had some second thoughts. Didn't necessarily like the idea of putting my life on the line -- unlike some people I know. The idea of leaving you and the boys alone is not a happy one.
Dixie: But you jumped.
Tad: No, honey, I fell. You're the one that wants to jump. You still do. But you getting pregnant again is just like me jumping out of a plane. It's worse. I had a parachute.

[Doorbell rings]

Adam: Wini--
Trevor: Hey!
Adam: Oh, Trevor.
Trevor: Bonjour, Monsieur Adam. How are you? Kisses, kisses, kisses. You don't mind if I come in, do you?
Adam: No, course not. I thought you were in Paris. How was your trip?
Trevor: Yeah, it was great, great. Janet and I had a great time. Saw Tim. That was good. We missed Amanda, so we came home.
Adam: Good. It's always good to be home.
Trevor: Speaking of daughters, yours left ours and is camping here?
Adam: Yes, so to speak. She's asleep right now, though. So I'll tell her you stopped by.
Trevor: Yeah, I talked to Winifred a couple of times. She said she was indisposed, she was tied up. I hope it ain't ropes.
Adam: She's been sleeping a good deal.
Trevor: Yeah, I heard about that little thing at the hospital, so that's why I'm concerned. I want to talk to her. So which wing is she in? East? West? North? South?
Adam: She doesn't need to be disturbed right now.
Trevor: I'm not talking about disturbing her. I'm just doing a little checking up.
Adam: That's quite unnecessary. I have everything under control.
Trevor: Yeah, I'll bet you do. Well, I'll just sit here and enjoy myself until I get a chance to talk to her.
Adam: Trevor, I will tell her you came by when she wakes up.
Trevor: All I want to do is talk to her. Don't mind me. Just go about your business. I'll just sit here and wait.
Adam: Well, I can't very well go about my business with you sitting in the middle of my living room sofa. Must I have you removed?
Trevor: Well, that's really up to you, isn't it? You want to try?
Adam: Yes. As a matter of fact I would love --

[Pounding on door]

Ryan: What do you want?
Mateo: Some answers. Can I come in? Thank you.
Ryan: What makes you think I have answers for you?
Mateo: I saw Gillian at the hospital.
Ryan: Oh.
Mateo: Yeah. She's through helping me get back together with Hayley.
Ryan: Yeah?
Mateo: Mm-hmm. Matter of fact, she was pretty upset. She told me how the whole thing was a waste of my time, that if I was smart, I'd get on with my life. Do you have any idea why she'd say something like that?
Ryan: Should I?
Mateo: I think so.
Ryan: Well, you're wrong.
Mateo: Maybe Gillian thinks you've decided to go after Hayley.
Ryan: I have no idea what Gillian thinks.
Mateo: All right, why don't you tell me what you think? You going to go for it or not?

[Dimitri groans]

Alex: We should take this carefully.
Edmund: Yeah. Ok.
Alex: Ok, Dimitri. Edmund's going to listen to you. He wants you to be comfortable, so we're going to stay here and continue with the treatment. And then when you're all better, we'll talk about it then, ok?
Dimitri: You -- you stay here?
Alex: We'll stay here.
Dimitri: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah. We'll stay here. I want Edmund to visit you. As a kindness to him. He needs to see you. Ok, sweetie? I got some more photos of Maddie. See? Look how big she's getting.
Dimitri: She --
Alex: Mm-hmm.

[Dimitri groans]

Dimitri: Maddie.
Alex: When she's bigger, we're going to teach her how to ride.
Dimitri: Yeah.
Alex: When you're all better.
Dimitri: Yeah, ride Max. Max.
Alex: We're going to teach her how to ride Max.

Alex: Dimitri should sleep for a while now. You all right?
Edmund: Yeah. Ahem. He -- he's just always been larger than life, you know, and now he looks --
Alex: This has been a big shock for you.
Edmund: Yeah. Why is he like that -- one moment violent, and the next he's barely coherent?
Alex: Well, I tried to explain that the disease has had some debilitating effects, and between that and the treatment, his behavior can be somewhat erratic.
Edmund: How have you handled this alone?
Alex: Oh. I had Dr. Silbert to help me.
Edmund: That's not what I mean.
Alex: I know what you mean. I didn't really have a choice.
Edmund: You could have told me.
Alex: No, I couldn't. I gave him my word, and my husband has to be able to trust me.
Edmund: He loves you very much.
Alex: And I love him.
Edmund: My brother's alive. Your husband is alive. I got to call Peg. She'll get in touch with Joe Martin, figure out the arrangements that we need.
Alex: What arrangements?
Edmund: For Wildwind. We're going to take him home.
Alex: He doesn't want to go home. He doesn't want to be seen by anyone. Can't you think about him? Imagine how he'll feel seeing the looks on your faces. You might think that you're being compassionate, but all he's going to see is pity. And he loves you so much. He couldn't bear to put you through that kind of pain. More to the point, he couldn't bear to put himself through it. Alex: He is such a proud man you know that. His pride is about all he has left. Please, can't you just let him keep it?
Edmund: All right. You do whatever you have to do to stabilize him, and he'll stay here -- for now. But after that, he's coming home, where people and family love him.
Alex: All right. All right. Thank you.
Edmund: Ok. Now, I got to tell some people, ok?
Alex: Oh, just leave it.
Edmund: Please, please. Alex, this is family. These people are suffering. They're in agony. I can't just sit by and watch them do this for no reason. No reason. And besides, he needs their prayers. We all do.
Edmund: Please.
Alex: All right. All right, we'll tell them.

Gillian: You had me worried, Grandmama, taking to your room the way you did.
Eugenia: Even though I've lived a long time and seen many of my loved ones go, it didn't make it any easier coping with Dimitri's loss. Thank you.
Gillian: I miss him so much. You know, I still sometimes pick up the phone and I start to call him. He just always made my enormous problems seem bite-size, and he never judged.
Eugenia: You know something? He always loved that you looked up to him for his sage advice. He was honored that you trusted him.
Gillian: Really? I did. I could always count on Dimitri to know my heart.
Eugenia: Even -- well, even when it came to Ryan?
Gillian: Yeah. I guess so. I mean, you, too, but, you know, it was just nice having a man's point of view.
Eugenia: Ah, indeed. Do you feel in need of any advice now?
Gillian: No. No. I'm taking a break from men at the moment.
Eugenia: Really? I thought that you and Ryan were working things out. I mean, after the memorial, you were so close.
Gillian: Yeah, he was very nice to me, and, you know, I'll always be grateful for that, but then he admitted that he had feelings for another woman.
Eugenia: Oh, no. Oh, no. You know, I really thought that you two were destined for each other. I'm so sorry.
Gillian: I feel like I woke up. And I finally realized that, you know, Ryan can't love me the way I want to be loved or the way I deserve to be loved.
Eugenia: That's wonderful. Do you realize what you said? I remember conversations in this very room where you thought that you were not capable of love.
Gillian: And you told me I was.
Eugenia: You are. Present tense. You know, you were once the most awful, selfish, egocentric brat. And you've become a loving, warm, loving woman -- the woman I always knew that you were. And perhaps Ryan brought that out in you.
Gillian: And then he just threw it away. He didn't want me anymore.
Eugenia: No, no, no, no, darling. He couldn't accept it. That's very different. Oh, believe me, someday a man will come along who can accept it. You will love -- oh, yes, you will -- and you will be loved. Believe me.
Gillian: Oh, Grandmama.

Mateo: Admit it. Just tell me. I'm a big boy. I can take it. Do you have feelings for her or not?
Ryan: What difference does it make what I feel or don't feel?
Mateo: Why can't you just be honest? Just be honest.
Ryan: Because it doesn't matter, man. Once again, you don't get it. The only thing that does matter is what Hayley feels, what she wants. And from what I can see, it's you.

Trevor: Tink, I've been trying to call you all day.
Hayley: You're kidding. I never got any messages.
Adam: Uh, Winifred picked up the messages, sweetheart, while you were sleeping. She -- she knew you needed your rest. I'll have her give them to you.
Trevor: Yeah, you do that. Why don't you and I head out to McKay's, grab a cup of Joe, and catch up on things?
Ad: She's not up to an excursion to town, Trevor.
Trevor: Well, she's perfectly able to answer the question herself. Aren't you, Tink?
Adam: I just meant that --
Hayley: No, Dad, do you mind if I talk to Uncle Trevor in private?
Adam: No, no, of course not, sweetheart. I'll be in my study
if you need me. Trevor: Au revoir, pops! So, Tink, what's got you in this nut house now, huh?
Hayley: Long story. Trevor: Well, I got time. Talk to me. Tell me.
Hayley: Mateo slept with Raquel.
Trevor: What? Where did you hear that?
Hayley: Raquel told me the next morning.
Trevor: And you -- and case closed?
Hayley: Why do you think she would lie about a thing like that?
Trevor: Well, I could think of about a million reasons. I guess my question is, why would she tell you? Hayley: I think she wanted to warn me what Mateo was really like, how he used her to get back at me.
Trevor: What a good pal. And you bought it, hook, line, and sinker?
Hayley: You know, at first I didn't, Uncle Trevor. But then I just -- I got to thinking. I don't know who Mateo is anymore.
Trevor: Well, you know Mateo better than you know Raquel, and you know Raquel will do anything when her back is up against the wall. She'll send her kid out of town, she'll -- she'll make up that story about the kid being lost in a blizzard so she can blame you. And this is the woman whose word you so readily will accept?
Hayley: He came to her, Uncle Trevor. She didn't go to him. He came to her.
Trevor: Ok. Now, what does Mateo say about this?
Hayley: He says she's lying.
Trevor: Well, I'm sorry, Tink. I'm with Mateo on this one.
Hayley: Oh, really? Mr. "Kissing a man is the same as if I had slept with him"? Even after Mateo poured a glass of vodka and threw it at my face, you told me that I should get over myself, go and talk to him, be more understanding. Where's my understanding?
Trevor: Tink, listen to me, you are first with me -- first, last, and always -- but I know that Mateo loves you and you love Mateo. This idea of Mateo sleeping with Raquel -- it just doesn't strike 12:00.
Hayley: Yeah, well, I don't know what to think anymore.
Trevor: Well, that's because you're thinking too much. You got to go with your gut. It's always worked with you in the past.
Hayley: If my gut's talking to me, I really can't hear it right now. I can't hear anything.
Trevor: Well, of course. You've got too many voices in your head, namely Adam's. Moving in with the old master puppeteer was a big mistake. Now, why don't you just come home with us, ok?
Hayley: No way. I feel safe here. I feel protected here.
Trevor: I see. From whom? Mateo? Tink, I love you and I want what's best for you.
Hayley: Yeah, well, maybe that's just not in my cards -- you know, 2.5 Kids and the white picket fence and living happily ever after with the man of my dreams.
Trevor: What's this talk?
You sound like your mother.
Hayley: Yeah.

Mateo: She -- she told you that? That she wanted to be with me?
Ryan: She didn't need to tell me that. She wouldn't be so torn up if she didn't care about you.
Mateo: But she didn't exactly say it?
Ryan: Why you being such an idiot about this? It's always been you, Mateo -- always -- ever since I've known Hayley. You're the only man she's ever loved. You're the only man she's ever wanted. Of course, I have no idea why. You lie to her, you push her away, you take her for granted. Now you cheat on her.
Mateo: I didn't sleep with Raquel.
Ryan: Well, Raquel says you did.
Mateo: She lied.
Ryan: When Hayley and I told you there was nothing going on between us, did you believe us?
Mateo: No.
Ryan: No.
Mateo: Ok. So if there's nothing going on between y guys and Hayley still loves me, she wants me, why did you stop me from seeing her at the hospital? Why did you stop me from talking to her at Adam's?
Ryan: Because she's better off without you right now.
Mateo: Meaning she's better off with you?

Dixie: No, thank you, Stuart, he's fine. No, you don't have to bring over any soup. That's very sweet of you, though. I will. Ok, bye-bye, honey.
That was Stuart and Marian. They were concerned.
Tad: Well, at least you could honestly say that I'm fine.
Dixie: And you couldn't where I was concerned?
Tad: No.
Dixie: Tad, I didn't voluntarily risk my life. I had some twinges. I thought they would pass.
Tad: Ok. Let's say, just for the moment, that somehow you were able to forget all of the warnings given you by the medical profession, ok, that you didn't connect the dots between twinges and total disaster. I feel like you lied to me.
Dixie: I -- I didn't lie to you.
Tad: Dixie, I've got it on tape. Honey, you grimaced your way through an entire back rub. What do you call that? Tell -- no, no, no, tell the truth. Come on. If you're not going to be honest with me, please be honest with yourself.
Dixie: I am! I just feel like you're taking everything I'm saying and twisting it around and making it much worse than it really is.
Tad: I'm not. I give you my word, I'm not. And if you don't understand that, we've got a real problem on our hands -- one that's not going to go away. We don't figure this one out, it's just going to come around to kick us in the back of the head over and over again. This is turning into some kind of contest of wills. We've been down that road before. Do you really want to do it again?

Eugenia: It was lovely of you to bring the tea. It's wonderful.
Gillian: Oh, well, do you want some more?

[Door closes]

Eugenia: No, thank you, darling.
Gillian: Oh, who's here?
Eugenia: Edmund. Alexandra. How nice to see you.
Edmund: Hello, Eugenia.
Eugenia: Hello.
Edmund: Gillian, I'm glad you're here. I, uh, have some news, and I'm glad you're sitting down.
Eugenia: I hope it's not bad news.
Edmund: No. It's the most wonderful news I can possibly think of.
Gillian: So go on! Tell us. Don't keep us waiting.
Edmund: Ahem. Well, I just got back from Seaview hospital with Alexandra, and if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. But it's true.
Eugenia: What is true?
Edmund: Dimitri. He's alive.
Eugenia: I can't breathe.
Gillian: Grandmama?
Alex: Do you have any pain?
Eugenia: Of course I don't have any pain.
Alex: Then you're just hyperventilating put your hands over your nose and your mouth and try and breathe normally. Breathe. Good.
Gillian: Edmund, how can -- how can this be possible?
Edmund: Alexandra made a promise to Dimitri.
Gillian: So you've known all along?
Alex: Remember that promise I told you about? Dimitri made me swear not to tell anyone, including Edmund. I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I really had no choice.
Edmund: Dimitri insisted. Living with this secret's been a real burden on Alexandra.
Gillian: So then it's true. He's alive! Dimitri is alive!
Eugenia: He's alive! When can we go to him? When can we go to him?
Alex: I'm sorry, you can't.

Trevor: Hey -- I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean that. You're not your mother.
Hayley: Yeah, maybe it's my legacy or her curse.
Trevor: Well, there ain't no such thing as curses, Tink.
Hayley: Oh, no?
Trevor: No. And you have become 10 times the woman that your mother ever was. And it wasn't because of you that this thing is messed up with Mateo. It's because of Mateo not telling the truth about Raquel. That's what started this -- this whole mess. It's not a curse. You're not your mother.
Hayley: We're both alcoholics.
Trevor: And you both got blond hair and love pistachio ice cream. It doesn't mean you're going to live her life. Unless you keep talking this way. Is that what you want?
Hayley: No. No. You know, I thought I could break away from all that. You know, I tried to get away and be better and do better.
Trevor: And you succeeded.
Hayley: Oh, yeah?
Trevor: Yeah.
Hayley: Why did I kiss Ryan? I love Mateo, and I still found myself in the arms of some other guy.
Trevor: That's because you're human. We all do things that boggle our senses. You didn't sleep with the guy.
Hayley: Yeah, well, Mateo thinks I did. And he was ready to forgive me for that because I guess he thinks that by sleeping with Raquel, he cancels out me sleeping with Ryan. Except I didn't do that.
Trevor: And neither did Mateo sleep with Raquel. That's a bunch of garbage that she's spreading.
Hayley: Yeah, I don't -- you know what? I don't even care if it is. I don't -- I don't care about any of this anymore.
Trevor: You don't mean that.
Hayley: You know what? I do mean that. Because even if I could talk to Mateo, I wouldn't know what to say to him. We don't speak the same language anymore.
Trevor: So I'll translate. Hear the guy out. Give him a chance to explain himself.
Hayley: Already did. Was the same old same old.
Trevor: It's time, Tink. You got to give it time.
Hayley: I'm out of time. I don't care what he has to say. I don't want to hear from him. I don't want to hear from anybody. Except for Ryan and you -- and that's only if you don't push Mateo at me.
Trevor: Ryan? Ryan?
Hayley: You can say whatever you want, but, in spite of everything, Ryan has been the one who has been there for me. He found me when I passed out at your house and he stayed with me the whole time I was at the hospital. And from what I understand, he kept Mateo away from me.
Trevor: And Ryan's the one that's keeping Mateo away from you now. You got all these guys keeping Mateo at bay.
Hayley: That is fine by me.
Trevor: Tink, have you been to a meeting lately? You want to find a meeting and I'll take you?
Hayley: No, I'm -- I'm really not up for a room full of people just yet.
Trevor: You sure? Ok, then. Tink, you know I'm there for you 100% of the time. You can call me anytime, day or night, and I'll be there for you. We could talk, do whatever.
Trevor: Talk to you soon?

Ryan: Think whatever you want to think, Mateo.
Mateo: Thank you. I will. By the way, just so you know, I'm not giving up on Hayley.
Ryan: Well, if you really cared about her the way you say you care about her, you'd leave her alone.
Mateo: No way.
Ryan: You're only making things worse, man. She needs to be alone right now. She needs to get settled. She's really shook up. She needs to feel normal for a couple of days before she takes something else on.
Mateo: She needs to be alone? Would this exile include you? I didn't think so. You do yourself a favor and stay out of my way.

Dixie: Look, this is not a contest of wills, Tad, ok? This is a difference of opinion. You know, this is not a betrayal on my part. Just -- can you have a little faith? I understand that this is hard for you, but you don't have to put our entire marriage at risk.
Tad: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't get me wrong. Look, I'm not -- I don't feel like you betrayed me. Honey, I know who I'm dealing with. I mean, if you were crossing the street with junior, right, and a car came around the corner out of control, you had a split second to react, you'd throw him out of the way, probably let the car hit you in the process, right?
Dixie: Well -- yes. Yes, I would put my child's life before my own, of course. Anybody would do that. Why? This is a hypothetical question, isn't it?
Tad: No, no, baby, it's not a hypothetical question. It's a pattern. It's you. It's who you are. Because from the moment you realized that you were pregnant, our little girl was so real to you, you were willing to put her life before your own. That was your decision.
Dixie: Well, all right, yes. Yes, my children come first. I mean, that's who I am. Don't expect me to change. I'm not going to change.
Tad: Baby, I don't want you to change. That's your heart. That's the woman I fell in love with -- an amazing person, an incredible mother. I'm not asking you to change. I am begging you not to put yourself in that position again.
Dixie: So that's it. You want me to give up my dream of us having a child.
Tad: I'm sorry. I know how badly you want this.
Dixie: No, you don't, obviously, or you -- or you wouldn't ask me that question.
Tad: Honey? Do you honestly think I want to see the light go out in your eyes? You think I don't know how excited you were, how happy you were before we lost the baby? I was willing to try again until I saw the videotape.
Dixie: So it's my fault? Because I covered up the symptoms? Honey, you're right. I covered them up. I -- I just ignored the twinges because I didn't want to believe that anything was wrong. I just -- I just wanted to have the baby. I just wanted them to pass. And they did, and I'm so sorry.
Tad: The important thing is that you're all right.
Dixie: No, the important thing is that you don't trust me anymore. But I swear -- I swear if we could just -- just keep trying to have a baby, I wouldn't take any chances with my body. I promise you. Just please don't give up on us and the idea of us having a baby together.
Tad: You're going to get yourself all wound up. It's not like we don't have a little time.
Dixie: So we could still think about it, right?
Tad: Yeah. We can think about it. Let's just do it later, ok? Can we just put the idea of having another baby on hold for a while? Can you do that? For me?

Adam: I didn't hear Trevor leave. How long ago did he go?
Hayley: I don't know. A while.
Adam: You should have called me, sweetheart. I was trying to give you two your space. How is everything? Ok?
Hayley: It's just hard, you know, having to explain myself all the time.
Adam: I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let Trevor see you.
Hayley: Oh, it's not his fault. I was glad to see him. I just wasn't prepared for him to wave the Hayley and Mateo hope flag again.
Adam: If he had seen how Mateo's visit upset you, he wouldn't be so quick to interfere.
Hayley: Well, he meant well.
Adam: Well, the road to hell --
Hayley: Maybe there is a way for Mateo and I to -- I don't know -- talk our way through this in time.
Adam: Hayley? Hayley, you need to make yourself strong. I mean that. As long as you're under my roof, no one is going to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do, including me. And Mateo Santos isn't going to come anywhere near you.

Trevor: Hey, Mateo. How you doing?
Mateo: I've been better.
Trevor: I understand there's been a couple of developments while I was away.
Mateo: Listen, if you're here to lecture me or read me the riot act, just save it, all right?
Trevor: Just got one question. Did you sleep with Raquel?
Mateo: No. Trevor, you know me better than that. Come on. Raquel lied. I swear!
Trevor: That's what I thought.
Mateo: You believe me?
Trevor: Yeah, and I told Hayley she should
believe you, too. Mateo: You did?
Trevor: Yeah.
Mateo: You saw her?
Trevor: Yeah, I just saw her just now.
Mateo: How's she doing?
Trevor: She's a mess. She looks terrible. She's holed up in at mansion like the O.K. Corral. It's like she's afraid to leave.
Mateo: You know Adam. He's doing a number on her. You know, if I could just talk to her, just -- just talk to her f a little bit, you know, convince her that --
Trevor: Convince her of what?
Mateo: That I was wrong, that we belong together. You know, I -- I don't know. I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her, Trevor. I -- I got to find a way to get her back.
Trevor: I think I got that way.

Alex: Dimitri's condition is extremely tenuous and wee at a critical point in his treatment, so he cannot have any visitors. I'm sorry.
Gillian: But Edmund got to see him.
Alex: It really wasn't the right thing to do.
Edmund: In all fairness, I insisted. She was against it, and Dimitri grew disturbed.
Gillian: But why?
Edmund: He doesn't want us to see him this way.
Gillian: Which way?
Alex: He's not how you remember him, Gillian.
Eugenia: Yes, but we're his family. We love him.
Alex: I realize this must be very difficult for you. Perhaps when he turns a corner --
Gillian: You mean if, don't you? That's what you're saying, right? He -- Dimitri may be alive, but he might as well be dead.

Dixie: The boys were so excited. You know, they felt like a baby would be the link, you know, that would make us all like a real family.
Tad: I know. But we don't need a link. We're already a family.
Dixie: I know. It just -- it just would have been so nice.
Tad: So what are you saying
Dixie: I'm saying that you're right. I would have put -- I would have saved the baby before I saved myself.
Tad: I know. I know who I'm dealing with.
Dixie: Let me finish. If something had happened to me, the thought of you and Junior and Jamie being left behind -- you guys all come first with me, too, you know. And I never should have done anything that made you feel as if you didn't. I -- I hope that we can have a baby, Tad, someday when my -- when my body, you know, can carry a child to tm healthily. But for right now, for you, I'll -- I'll let it go. Ok?

Mateo: You know a way I can -- I can get back with Hayley? How?
Trevor: Whoa. Slow down, slow down. I just raised the starter's gun and you're crossing the finish line. You need to hash this out face to face.
Mateo: Well, I know that, but that's not going to happen any time soon. I'm here, she's there.
Trevor: Well, is tonight soon enough? Because in T-minus a couple of hours, we're heading to Chandler mansion and you and I, we're going in.

Alex: We're doing everything we can for Dimitri.
Eugenia: What are his chances of survival?
Alex: I honestly -- I can't answer that.
Eugenia: I can't bear this, I can't bear this, I can't bear this.
Edmund: Ok, this is a lot to handle. Gillian? Gillian, would you take Eugenia upstairs? Just try to get some rest lie down, and we'll talk later, ok?
Eugenia: Fine.
Gillian: Let's go.
Eugenia: I'll go to my room.

Alex: This is why I didn't want to tell them.
Edmund: Hey, they're not upset because you told them he's alive. They're upset because he may still die. Come on, Alex, I mean, there's got to be something, anything. He can beat this. Is there anything at all?
Alex: There is one thing. It's highly experimental, though.
Edmund: A cure? A possible cure?
Alex: Perhaps. There are so many variables, though.
Edmund: Whoa, what you waiting for? Well, then do it. Alex, ok, we're talking about my brother's life at stake. Just what the hell are you waiting for?

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